Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 186: : Ling Lan is coming back!

Chapter 186: Ling Lan returns!

Lin Zhongqing’s remarks made Xie Yi unable to hold his mouth and said: “I really don’t understand you. In the past three years, I have been practicing the mechs, and I have reached the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. Is it really important for Ling Lan’s instructions?”

When Xie Yi joined the squad, Ling Lan had already left school. He was not sure about Linglan’s lofty status in the squad, and he could not understand why Ling Lan’s goal would be to make the team including the captain. Work hard. The kind of exercise that is obviously abusive, the average person can't hold on, but Qilong insisted on it, and insisted on three years. As if they stopped, they would be swallowed up by the beasts they chased behind.

Of course, Xie Yi has been very miserable in the past three years. His teammates are working like crazy tightening, and they are madly exercising. Although no one forced him to exercise, but the teammates around him are training hard, he does not dare not practice the pressure...

In short, in the past three years, Xie Yi feels that he lives in **** every day, and he has regretted his childhood ignorance on the way. He was fooled into the team... but Xie Yi did not want to be left behind by the players, so he turned out to be I also supported it and achieved results that he could not even think about. After three years, Xie Yi has been fully integrated into the squad. At this time, kick him away, he will also hold Qilong thighs and will not leave.

Xie Yi’s question asked Lin Zhongqing to fall into the memory. He smiled deeper and then nodded to Xie Yi. “Yes, although our team’s nominal captain is Qi Long, our soul captain is Lan. Boss," he reminded, "Xie Yi, you have to remember this, although we all agree with you, but as long as you are not recognized by our Lanzhou one day, you will never belong to the real team of our team."

Xie Yi heard his face suddenly: "Is it going through the Linglan boss?" Three years of working hard with the partners, Xie Yi has long regarded himself as a member of the team.

Luo Lang listened again and snorted again, proudly said: "That is inevitable. Xie Yi. You should be careful, don't always be hippie smile, Lan boss can not be fooled." Luo Lang did not forget to step on Xie Yiyi foot.

"Luo Lang, you have been in contact with Ling Lan boss for so long, you must know the preference of Ling Lan boss, tell me..." Xie Yi seems to forget that he just had a fight with Luo Lang, wrapped around Luo Lang wants to get from his mouth A little Ling Lan's information, so that he can vote for it.

"Lan boss can be fair, don't think about opportunistic..." Although Luo Lang was still cold-spoken, he was obviously relieved.

"No. Absolutely not. How can I be so rogue? I don't want to know more about our Linglan boss. Luo Lang, my good brother, just my brother is not right, don't be angry. Now my brother is in trouble. You have to help your brother..." Xie Yi is who, ah, one person, feels that Luo Lang’s attitude is gentle, and immediately hit the snake on the stick, crying and sorrowing is also a slap and a forgiveness, the thickness of the face makes the other three On the sidelines, I couldn’t help but quietly flashed a few steps, pretending not to know this brazen man.

"Hey, is it a brother now? Just said what I am?" Luo Lang's mouth showed a smile of victory. Tsundere sample makes the other three people flash a distance again. Got it! These two people are really a pair of wonderful people, and they have a temper. The two of them are called a sly, and there is absolutely no such thing as a brother. When the two brothers are good, it is absolutely good to wear a pair of pants.

really. Luo Lang was completely disintegrated under Xie Yi's sugar-coated shells. He began to tell Xie Yi that he believed that Ling Lan's character was doing something for him. However, his words made the three faces around him run out of control again... Is the Lan boss in Luolangkou really their boss? Why can't I contact the boss who they think?

The sun is getting higher, and when a few people are waiting for something, Qi Long suddenly says: "It seems to be coming..."

Several people invariably looked at Qi Long, Han Jijun raised his eyebrows: "Animal?" Qi Long's talent is very strong, and they will always feel the situation around them.

Qi Long nodded, saying that Han Jijun said that it was true that his talented beast sensed the vibration in the air and made him judge that a large fleet was approaching. Today, the tenth grade students who participated in the assessment are in the hospital. Today, the money comes, only Lan’s boss.

Ten minutes later, I saw the end of the sky, and the huge flying team was slowly approaching them. At the beginning of the game are two miniature mechs. At the chest, a fiery phoenix is ​​flying in the sky. Because it belongs to the family totem, there is a circle of black circles outside the flying phoenix.

The color of the circle represents the level of the family, the family level is divided into top level, first level, second level... and so on to seven levels, a total of eight levels. Gold is the highest level, the family is strong, and the family with ancient heritage is eligible to enjoy this color. There are two families in the federal family: the Li family and the Ye family.

There are four major families in the first-class family, and the representative colors are purple. They are the hidden Kanto Muqi, Guwu Beitang, Shenji Zhuge and Baixing Zhou.

The second-class family is obviously much more, representing a bright yellow color. The third-grade family is orange, four-level red, five-level blue, six-level green, seven-level black, and seven is the lowest-level small family, covering almost the entire federation. The average family only has a private **** team. The color that can be used is black.

If Lingjia does not leave the original Ling family, you can have the color of the four-level family... The original Ling family did not modify the totem of the mech, still use the family totem outside the red circle, because the fire phoenix is ​​red, add There is also a burning flame, which will make many people ignore the outer red circle, thinking that it is a flame, so many people look at it at a glance, just see the totem of the fire of the Phoenix fire...

However, the original totem was over after Ling Lan’s thirteen-year-old return to Lingjia’s old house. Lan Luofeng Ling Qin and others feel that it is time to hand over Lingjia to Linglan. Once the owner is officially replaced, the new totem will be replaced with the status of the owner, and Lingjia has already left the Ling family, and then Not qualified to use the red representing the fourth-grade family, plus Ling Lan as the owner does not have any military and social status, so only the lowest level of black circles can be drawn.

Qi Long saw this totem and suddenly excited: "Really the boss!"

Behind the armor, there are three black suspension vehicles that are almost side by side, and behind the suspension vehicle, two micro-machines are followed. This formation is obviously to protect the black suspension in the middle. car. Qilong’s eyes hit the suspension car. In particular, Qi Long, even more intensely clenched his fists, he felt that his palms seemed to be a little damp.

Flying fleets are not flying fast, even slow, and feel like they are waiting. The answer was quickly revealed. The roar of the mech-powered power suddenly sounded in the college. A group of mechs quickly flew out of the college and greeted the flying team. If it is a simple suspension vehicle, the Mechs team will not pay attention to it, but there are four more micro-machines, they can not relax their vigilance.

It seems that the mech team was allowed to fly in, and the flight team began to accelerate to the college gate under the surveillance of the mechs. At the time of arrival, the four micro-machines suddenly suspended in four directions to make a defensive posture, and a suspension vehicle in the middle of them began to fall, slowly sliding to the entrance of the college, and finally stopped at the door. The distance of the meter.

The five people in Qilong just wanted to get close, and a strong sense of crisis hit their hearts. The two miniature mechs near them almost lifted the beam gun at the same time, as long as they continued to step forward, the invisible beam would Pour out.

"Ling Yu, they are my friends!" A cold voice rang from the levitation vehicle, and the two miniature mechs immediately relaxed and retracted their beam guns.

"Really the boss!" The familiar voice made Qilong suddenly jumped up, and it was their boss who came back.

The door of the suspension car was finally opened, and a teenager in a red school uniform bowed his head and walked out of the car. The black military boots, slammed on the solid ground, he stood up straight and looked up to the direction of Qi Long and others.

A few people in Qilong felt that a powerful line of sight swept them, allowing them to involuntarily chest and abdomen and stand up straight.

Seeing the other cold face of the other side, a slight touch of a smile can not be light: "Partners, I am back!"

"Boss..." Qilong several people rushed to the past. Qi Long was the fastest. The first one clung to Ling Lan. His eyes were red and his voice was sobbing: "Boss, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

In the past three He tried hard to practice, that is, he would like to stand on the side of Linglan one day and become a brother who has a courage and a life and death. Now he has waited.

Ling Lan gently patted Qi Long’s back: “Well, I know, so I am here.”

Qi Long was so excited that he was reluctant to let go of Ling Lan. After he hadn’t spoken, he was squeezed out by Luo Lang. Luo Lang hugged Ling Lan and screamed at Ling Lan. , like seeking comfort: "Lan boss, I want to die you."

This action of Luo Lang makes Ling Lan’s forehead directly black. Who is this? When did the team accept girls? She slowly pushed the sticky Lowell away, and after carefully recognizing it, she almost lost her voice and said, "Luo Lang? How did you grow like this?"

Luo Lang is a kid who looks like a girl more than her. Is there any reason for this? The cruel facts deeply hit Linglan's fragile heart, and her heart roared: Hey, sister is a woman, isn't it?


This is the second chapter, pink plus more, the third is still in the code, I do not know if it can be completed before 1 o'clock, continue to cheer! ()

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