Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 182: :I want to be stronger!

Chapter 182: I want to be stronger!

These behaviors have provoked a strong protest from the pure school of the Scouting Academy. They believe that this practice of the military is obviously a joke about the safety of their students. Although the federal government announced that hypnosis is harmless to the human body, ordinary citizens also believe that it is true. However, the senior tutors in the Scouting Academy are aware that hypnosis is actually a kind of mental attack, which will cause certain defects and loopholes in the psychology of the hypnotized person, which will affect the future development of the children, especially to become a mech. The students of Stars and Stars are even more afraid of mental damage.

The Scouting Center College was originally an excellent student who concentrated on the three levels of the Federation. The children inside could become a good soldier in the future, and it would be a loss for the Federation. Therefore, the pure Scout faction headed by Dean Ye Yifan made the decision to expel the monitoring personnel stationed at the Scout Center College, and they must protect their students. What's more, Ling Xiao's inheritance space has disappeared, and these monitors did not have the need to continue to stay at the Scout Center.

Although some senior officials of the military do not want to give up the inheritance of Ling Xiao, another high-ranking military unit of the Scouting School supports the decision of the Scouting Center College, and the Supreme Marshal also faintly stands at the Scouting Center College. So that they have to agree to withdraw the surveillance troops that have passed down the guardian.

In fact, the Scout Center Academy has so strongly protested the rebound, in large part because the high-level monitoring unit even suspected that Linglan’s head was unreasonably, and asked the hospital to ask Ling Lan, which has kept guarding Ling Lan. The wood water was outraged, and the director of the Scout Center Academy, Ye Yifan, was directly bombed.

You know, Ling Lan has been lying in the recuperation cabin for more than a month. There is no possibility of logging into the virtual world. Before the military can't come up with strong evidence, he even made such a ridiculous request. This makes the Scouting Academy The pure school mentors are extremely angry.

In particular, the hospital found out that posing as a mentor to assassinate Ling Lan was a leak in the monitoring force. After a small team came out, they were replaced by the assassin... The monitoring team did not find any problems for the first time, and was successfully lurked into the Scout Center Academy by the other party and got the chance of assassination.

Because the negligence of the other party has caused serious injuries to their students, do they still want to face up the future of their students? Really when their Scout Center Academy is a Tom cat? How do you bully if you want to bully? When the Scout Center College was angry, it never gave the face of the military again. It directly lost an expulsion notice to the monitoring force. This toughness made the monitoring unit know that things were out of their control. Although they tried to recover, they also It has not helped.

It should be said that the monitoring force has done a big stupid thing. Not only did this proposal make the Scout Center Academy extremely angry. Even inside the military. The top ranks of the Scouting School are very angry, and even the highest marshal of the federation is extremely dissatisfied with them.

In the end, there was no way to recover the monitoring force of this situation, and it was only possible to withdraw from the Scout Center Academy. Ye Yifan also took the opportunity to dismiss the mentor of the non-pure hospital faction in the college, leaving only a small part. There is real kung fu in the hands, but it will not affect the pure tutors of the college. It has survived the turmoil of the college...

Of course, this series of movements, Scout students are not clear, they just feel that some of their familiar tutors have disappeared, and some strange tutors, but because there are new tutors every year, they are not surprised.

However, the disappearance of Lingxiao's heritage space, the military always gives it a final judgment. Finally, the military chose the last possibility, that is, when Ling Xiao set up this inheritance space, he set the final deadline, whether or not anyone got his inheritance, as long as the time is up. The space will be self-destructive.

This inference is reasonable and has been recognized by most high-level officials. Although a very small number of high-level executives always believe that someone has obtained the inheritance of Ling Xiao, they have not discovered it. However, when they knew that the Federal Supreme Marshal had approved the judgment submitted by the military, they knew that the general trend had gone, and they had to regretfully give up the tracing. No one dared to question the Marshal’s decision. As a result, the disappearance of Ling Xiao's inheritance space has ended in such a complete situation, completely becoming a mystery of the military.

The incident of the disappearance of Lingxiao's inheritance space has finally calmed down with the passage of time. Linglan, who has been cultivated for more than a month, is getting better and better. When he knew that Ling Lan could walk out of the nursing cabin, Lan Luofeng decided to pack up the good things and returned to Lingjia Old House three days later.

In the past three days, Lan Luofeng was very busy. She asked the hospital to go through the formalities for the suspension of Ling Lan. This is undoubtedly a violation of the relevant federal regulations. However, in view of the special circumstances that Linglan must be cultivated for physical damage, and Mushui Qing exert pressure on Ye Yifan, the hospital will return to the college on time to complete the final assessment after Linglan three years later, and apply for the commitment of the military academy or other professional colleges. After that, he agreed to Ling Lan’s request to suspend school.

Ling Lan was assassinated during the big fight. After the big fight, he actually spread throughout the college, especially in the seventh grade. When they knew that Ling Lan was successfully attacked the first person in the tenth grade, he was attacked by the enemy. Assassination, if the non-college mentor arrived in time, Ling Lan is likely to be succeeded by the other party. This made all the students in the seventh grade extremely angry, because they knew very well that if Ling Lan first solved the first person in the tenth grade, the final victory of this big fight is probably the tenth grade...

Thinking of this possibility, the seventh grade is even more abhorrent to the hostile countries of the Federation. Especially in Qilong, they even want to find the killer in person and smash him.

Lan Luofeng understands what the truth is, but also knows that this is politics. In order to unite, to stabilize, and to arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the students, some lies must exist, and some truths must be buried. Lan Luofeng did not want to be against the state machine, as long as they can give her a satisfactory explanation, she did not care about these irrelevant things, so she chose to ignore.

Qilong, they are extremely concerned about Ling Lan's body. When Ling Lan was in a coma, he came to visit Ling Lan. He also knew that Ling Lan's body damage was very serious. He had to cultivate at home for a long time and could not continue to attend the Scout Academy. The news made them feel sad, especially Qi Long. After knowing the news, he went to the fighting room to abuse himself. Finally, Han Jijun persuaded him.

But the rest of the Linglan team still feels the difference in Qilong. Although it is as straightforward as it used to be, it seems like there is a volcano inside the body. Although everything looks normal outside, no one knows, he will When did it break out...

Han Jijun’s aligning with this situation is mixed. He is happy that Qilong has become more active and more offensive because of Lan’s boss. He is worried that he will not be able to withstand the pressure he has given himself, and finally collapsed... ...

Han Jijun secretly clenched his fist and told himself that he had to work hard. He will never let Qilong go to collapse. When Qilong is confused, he will give him directions...

When Ling Lan’s decision to confirm the school came, the Qilong team, including Han Zhuang Yaluo, and the members of the original 072 team came, and they came to Linglan for the final farewell.

Everyone came to Linglan in the face of Ling Lan. Ling Lan was sitting in a high-tech automatic wheelchair and resting at the moment. I was very happy to see everyone coming to bid farewell to her.

However, when Ling Lan saw Qi Long's appearance, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and she obviously felt that Qi Long was not right.

"Zilong, come over." Seeing Qilong's appearance, Ling Lan's mood was not good at all, and her cold eyes let Qilong stand in front of her.

Qi Long excitedly walked to Ling Lan, waiting for the boss's instructions, Ling Lan did not say anything, a direct finger shot, an ice ball vigorously hit his forehead, so that Qi Long's head is uncontrollable I leaned back.

Qilong’s painful fangs licked his mouth, his right hand violently held his forehead and yelled, and shouted in his mouth: “Boss, why are you playing me?”

Ling Lan Bing Tan of this grain left in direct Chilon of a deep red mark on his forehead, visible Ling Lan did not hesitate: "see you putting on airs, I was unhappy, especially wanted to hit you."

Qi Long asked inexplicably: "Why is the boss? I am not very good?"

"That's good? What are you doing with this anger?" Ling Lan said coldly, and Qi Lan, who could not vent his anger, completely felt it.

Qi Long was silent, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, his hands were exposed, and even his fingernails left a deep mark on his palm. Does he want to tell the boss of Lan, he hates his incompetence now... If his strength is stronger, Lan boss will not fight alone.

Qi Long understands that even if the big fighters completely block the contact function of the contact, Lan Lan can ignore these rules. He can inform them that Kelan has no choice to inform them when his life is in danger. But fight alone. He knows that this is Ling Lan who does not want to bring the danger to them. On the other hand, he also proves that their strength is really bad, and they can't help Ling Lan...

"啪", an icy stick-shaped weapon hit directly on the back of Qilong’s hand, leaving a red rolling mark: "Why? Self-mutilation? I don't have such a younger brother." A popsicle made into a cold, cold face.

Ling Lan’s words made Qi Long’s mood extremely unfair, and his chest violently fluctuated a few times and rushed out: “Boss, I want to be stronger!”

Ling Lan brows a head: "Why?"

"I don't want to stand behind you, I don't want to see the boss hurt but I can't do anything. It feels very sad..." Qi Long whispered, his fist clenched again and jerked his head loudly: "So, I want Become strong enough! I want to fight alongside the boss, become the boss, your left arm and right arm, the real brother who really lives and lives together..."


First send a chapter, still in the code word... Well, fight for today's three more! Come on! ()

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