Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1456: It is me, not me.

1456: It is me, not me.

"Who am I?" Ling Lan looked up at the sky, and the eye-catching daylight made her blink a little, "I don't know."

"No matter what exists, there is an cause and effect." Li Yuyu is faint.

"Before, I am me, the consequences, I am still me. Now, I am not me." Ling Lan looks at Li Yuyu, his eyes are very sharp, "You said, who should I be?"

This series of me is not me, let Li Yuyu listen to some clouds in the fog, he frowned slightly, seriously thinking.

"Tired, I want to go back to rest." Ling Lan turned to look at the low tide Han Zunya, faint smile, "Trouble you."

"Oh, oh, nothing, nothing." Han Zunya woke up and didn't dare to speak. He pushed Linglan back to the ward.

Li Xiaoyu, who was caught in the meditation, waved his mouth and moved, but eventually did not say anything, but followed Han Ling’s body and went back with Ling Lan.

"嘀铃铃..." Suddenly a piece of music came from Li Yuyu’s pocket.

Li Yuyu woke up and saw that there was no one around him. His face was stunned. He reached for a glimpse of his pocket and took out a cell phone and listened to it subconsciously.

"Well... Which one? Brother, is there something?" Li Yuyu, who was in the state of the gods, heard the familiar voice, and suddenly his spirit rose, his expression stretched instantly, and his eyebrows had a smile.

"Grandpa let me go home? No interest." Li Yuyu's expression was cold, but the next second was mild. "Brother, how old are you?"

"It's okay, when I have time, I will come over and help you check it out." Li Yuyu said seriously. "If you feel any discomfort, you must contact me."

"Ah? I just thought about something, so I am a bit out of shape." The person on the other side of the phone seems to have discovered the situation when Li Yuyu started to swim. "In fact, nothing happened, that is, something has bothered me."

"Well, it has something to do with medicine, but it may not matter. It's a's not clear." Li Yuyu didn't know how to explain it to the other side of the phone.

"I don't want to tell you about my brother... This is a good thing, okay, brother, I want to know, I will tell you." The other person seems to be a little unhappy, Li Yuyu can only surrender, 1510 The land told the other party what happened here.

"Yes, that girl, her condition is the same as yours, but she is more serious than you. She is almost on the death line every day..." Li Yuyu looked a little stunned, and that was left because of this, his brother The reason why the body can show good condition for five years is because he has Ling Lan, a living experiment, to remove the failed treatment plan and leave it effective.

There is no permanent trauma left after the failure plan, there is no sequelae caused by the failure of the drug, his brother's situation is getting better and better, and Ling Lan, although he let the other person survive, can also let her suffer from death every day. Li Yuyu does not know, is this a favor or a hatred for her?

“Talk to her?” The suggestion on the phone seemed to make Li Yuyu somewhat unexpected. “No, why do you want to say something about you?”

"Equivalent exchange?" Li Yuyu looked a little puzzled. "My motive? Really so untrustworthy?... But your business, Grandpa is not allowed to leak."

Suddenly Li Yuyu laughed: "Brother, or you understand me. Brother, you are right, between people, you should be honest."

"However, did her parents and brothers tell her all about it?"

"Can all say, can she afford it?"

"Well, brother, you convinced me. I will talk to her seriously, I hope I can give you an answer," he said. "Li Yuyu sighed." Otherwise, I will really sleep. "

Li Yuyu came to Linglan's ward and knocked on the door, which opened the door.

Ling Lan was half lying in bed, Han Zengya and the tide were sitting on both sides, chatting with her, seeing him coming in, the atmosphere of the original heat, suddenly cooled down.

What should have been seen to him was a welcoming sight, and it turned out to be a bit cold.

This is his nurse, who should have been advancing and retreating with him, so he was unknowingly stole by the girl. At this time, he is already their class enemy.

"I want to talk to you." Li Yuyu took a deep breath and said slowly.

"What are you talking about?" Ling Lan raised his eyebrows.

"Talk about why I am here, talk about why you are here." Li Yuyu said a pun.

Ling Lan smiled and nodded. Li Yuyu had a lot of questions about her, and she did the same.

"Five years ago, I happened to come here to exchange and study. At that time, I was talking to the chief physician here about all kinds of incurable diseases. I happened to talk about your illness..." Li Yuyu fell into a memory. "I am very familiar with the condition of the disease." ""

There is a hint of pain in Li Yuyu's face. Ling Lan slightly hangs his eyes. It seems that this world perfectly replicates all of her partners. Li Lanfeng, oh, it should be Li is also this world, then It will be a perfect explanation, why Li Yuyu will save her.

"So, I am an experimental product." Ling Lan slightly inferred to understand his role in this world.

Ling Lan’s words made Li Yuyu look at her with amazement. He just said the beginning, and the other party guessed the truth.

"He is your most important person." Ling Lan is not surprised. In the future, Li Lanfeng can lie to Li Yuyu to make a horse for him. Li Lanfeng of this world also has this ability.

Li Yuyu slowly packed up his shocked heart. He was still somewhat uncertain about his brother’s decision to let him talk openly and honestly. Now he is completely convinced.

In fact, he has always been embarrassed about Ling Lan, and now he has said it, and the burden in his heart has also been put down.

"Yeah, he is my most important person. It is important that even if I research a few effective treatment options, I will not dare to use it because I am not 100% sure." Li Yuyu looked at Ling Lan seriously and continued. "On that day, you suddenly became sick, coming too fierce, and even no heartbeat and breathing. The nurse rushed to the director's side to report... I also had reason to go to the scene to treat myself. At that time, I just wanted to confirm this. In the world, is there still the same case with him?"

"You found it." Ling Lan knew what would happen later. Li Yuyu would never give up such a perfect experimental product. It was definitely a slap in the face, and she pulled her back from the ghost gate.

"I don't shoot, that day, you really died." Li Yuyu said seriously.

"Well, I understand." Ling Lan replied. Otherwise, she will not cross the future world, find her love and affectionate love... Hey, love is lined up first, there will always be. Ling Lan cheered herself, she did not believe that she could not get a wife.

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