Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1432: One shame is enough.

1432: Shame once is enough.

Baoqi District has been surrounded by groups, and the old man has appeased the panic of the residents in the area.

"Why, will they surround us? We are a protected area here." Countless people can't understand in panic.

In the eyes of the old man, a sorrowful color flashed quickly. In the war zone, where there is a real safe place, the so-called protected area is just a gift when the upper class is in a good mood, and can be overturned anytime and anywhere.

"I will go and find out." The old man appeased these unarmed residents, and the one who was able to fight, was ready to go as soon as he left.

The Baoqi District will never be shackled. If the other party can't accommodate them, even if they die, they should pull a back. The old man’s eyes showed a touch of color.

The situation is very bad, just as the old man expected, the other party knows that Xiao Yan saved some people, and this armored army is coming for this purpose.

"Sorry, we never know these things, and the ones you said are really not in our insurance zone." The old man is not humble.

"In this case, you do not need to exist in the seven districts." The commander of this armored army is undoubtedly extremely cold, and the words determine the fate of tens of thousands of people in the Baoqi District.

"Do you want to violate the wartime regulations? We guarantee the seven districts are agreed by the thirteen masters." The old man was angry.

Even if they guessed what they might have, it really happened, and the old man couldn’t calm down anymore.

"How about that?" The person in charge sneered, and the thirteen masters will punish them for these mediocrity and inferior people who have no role to play. No, even a look at the condemnation is a waste.

"Clean up the insurance seven districts, I see which district dare to take them." The person in charge was cold and authentic.

The slaughter of the Baoqi District is indeed to vent his grievances these days, but at the same time he wants to kill the chickens and monkeys, so that other insurance areas can understand what can and cannot be done.

"Give me a kill!" The person in charge did not give the old man a chance and directly issued the killing order.

"Hey!" A rear of the mech was shot in the cold, and the old man was swallowed by the beam.


Suddenly, several armor were dropped from the sky, and one of the mechs hit the light shield in time to intercept the light beam.

"Daddy, we are here." There was a mellow voice in the mech.

"It’s just right." The old man dropped a sentence and disappeared in the next second. Not long after, there was another mech, which was controlled by the old man.

“Hey?” The person in charge saw the mechs and couldn’t help but wonder.

These mechs are not the armor of the new lord, because their mech style is very old, but they can see that their owners love them very much, and they maintain them like new mechas. He thought that these were new mechs.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly mediocre Bao 7 District actually hides such a group of hackers.

In the eyes of the responsible person, the killing intention is even stronger. He has already completely torn the face with the Baoqi District. Then he does not allow the people in the Baoqi District to survive. Even the most powerful people will die for him here.

"Give me a kill!" Under the order of the person in charge, I saw more than one hundred mechs coming out of the crowd, and they rushed to these mechs.

In terms of quantity, it has reached a two-to-one degree.

Obviously, the other party did not want to have a long-term battle with the old man, they wanted to solve them as soon as possible, and then the entire Baoqi District was leveled.

"Oh..." The mechs are directly connected to each other. Although the number of the old squadrons is less than half of the opponents, the ability to control the mechs is not weak, and even higher than one. There is no way, there are a few, in the case of an enemy two, actually turned against the opponent.

"Damn." After watching the person in charge for a few minutes, he saw that the situation was not as optimistic as he thought, and suddenly he snorted. Then he decisively ordered: "A new brigade will be given to me in three minutes." solved."

"Yes." The captains of the crowds responded with the same voice.

They have not yet decided which team to participate in the war, they heard an impatient voice: "Don't fight with me, this time it is our turn to go to the 21st team."

It turned out to be the captain of the 21st battalion. He didn't get any benefit on the battlefield, let alone build him with great merits. Of course, he didn't want to miss it when he saw such a good opportunity.

The other captains also know that the 21st team is more tragic, and no one is going to compete with each other. The 21st team captains will bring his team into the battlefield with great enthusiasm. This time, the old players will change their opponents from two to three. The situation inside the scene suddenly reversed, and everyone was in danger.

"Daddy..." Sitting in the control cabin of Zhao Jun's armor, he saw the danger of the old man and could not help but scream.

Zhao Jun, they followed a team of armored squads and lurked over them. When they saw a higher level of armor near the edge of the Baoqi District, they dared not approach again and hide it on the spot.

However, the mech has the function of zooming in on the screen, so the old things that happened to them, the doctors see clearly and plainly.

But in this case, the doctor does not dare to plead with Zhao Jun. She is very clear that whoever exposes this time is tantamount to declaring who is dying. She respects the old man, but she cannot let an unrelated person die.

She couldn't do it, so she could only cry silently, tears falling drop by drop. At this time, she hates herself, hates her own weakness, hates her own recklessness, and hates her own stupidity.

"Looking at the death of a loved one, is it very painful?" In the ear, Zhao Jun’s voice is clear, but it is also cold.

"Hate yourself hate yourself stupid, hate yourself reckless?" Zhao Jun said that is her inner feelings, doctors squatting on their thighs, using pain to maintain their calm Dr. Yu knows that once she loses her calmness, she is afraid that she will collapse and will hate everything.

"I hate, hate my key moments, can only hide aside, watching my brother go to desperately ... just to give us a chance to live." Zhao Jun eyes are empty but cold, seems to think of something, " At that time, I told myself that this kind of weakness is only once, the next time, even if it is dead, I will be with them."

"Damn, I don't want to be weak again, even if I am stupid by the boss, saying that I am irrational, I don't care." After Zhao Jun screamed, he controlled the mech as a shell.

At the same time, there are ten mechs behind him.

Zhao Jun’s thoughts and thoughts are also theirs. At the same time, the battle of the sunny day was also a shame in their hearts.

Shame once is enough, no need to come back a second time. This is their Lingtian!

PS: Adjusted state.

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