Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 283 Strengthening the Black Widow

Aiwen didn't expect the Black Widow to agree under such harsh conditions. They all felt that they were a little too much, but now it was impossible to repent. After thinking about it, he took out a few things from his carry-on package and put them on the table. \u00261t;/p\u003e

First, there was a bottle of medicine machine, and Ai Wen handed it to the Black Widow and said: "This is the second-generation serum I made, which I developed 70 years ago. It was originally prepared for the Red Skull, but unfortunately he was unlucky." , I couldn’t use it, the first-level serum is the one injected by Captain America and Red Skull, it can strengthen the human body to the limit, and the second-generation serum I made is to break this limit.”\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Break the limit!" The black widow looked at the small bottle in her hand, with a look of shock on her face. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Since Dr. Erskine was assassinated by Hydra, the production method of human serum has disappeared. Many people have been researching high-grade serum, but the products produced are all failures, which instead lead to the appearance of some extremely dangerous guys. , Hulk, Green Goblin, Dr. Lizard, etc., but now Ivan has come up with the second-generation super serum, and it was made 70 years ago. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"That's right, it is to break the limit of the human body. You should have realized that after injecting the serum, your physical fitness will be enhanced, but apart from the effect of exercising for a while at the beginning, no matter how hard you try after that, you will not be able to improve. You can It is said that it has been finalized, almost finalized, and after you inject the second-generation serum, your physical fitness will be enhanced again, but the enhancement is not much, and the most important thing is next, probably within one or two years. In the period of rapid growth of your strength, as for how far you can reach, it depends on your own hard work."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Since you have even produced the second-generation serum, the first-generation serum used by Captain America must not be difficult for you. I wonder if it is possible..."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Don't think about it, I won't make the first-generation serum anymore." Ivan has already guessed what the Black Widow said next and directly vetoed it. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The black widow also found that she was a little anxious just now, but there is no way, who made the super serum so important, and continued to persuade: "I can buy it from you on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., and even if you are willing to come up with the method of making the super serum , SHIELD will agree no matter what conditions are put forward."\u00261t;/p\u003e

Evan smiled wryly,

After all, Black Widow is still an agent. In this case, the first thing that comes to mind is the significance of the super serum to S.H.I.E.L.D., "Even if I give you the method of making the serum, it's useless, because the most critical material is gone." \u00261t;/p\u003e

"If you run out of materials, you can collect them again. With the ability of S.H.I.E.L.D., as long as they are available on Earth..." \u00261t;/p\u003e

"But what if there is no such thing on Earth?" Ivan interrupted the Black Widow very politely, "Haven't you ever wondered why no one can replicate the miracle of Dr. Erskine, seventy years ago and seventy years later? There is such a huge gap in technological level, but why everyone was crushed by Dr. Erskine's IQ seventy years ago is not because they are not good enough, but because they do not lack key materials, a material that is very scarce in the universe, ancient times The bones of the gods and the key materials used in the super serum are extracted from the bones, and Dr. Erskine took some with him when he escaped from Hydra, so he can create the super serum and Captain America."\u00261t; /p\u003e

"This... so it's like this. Have everyone been deceived by Dr. Erskine?" The black widow was somewhat disappointed. She admired Dr. Erskine very much, but now it seemed that this admiration had to be discounted. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"It's not a deception. Dr. Erskine just made the right choice. He chose the most suitable person to become a superhero and create Captain America. This is his greatest contribution." \u00261t;/p\u003e

Aiwen didn't want to continue to dwell on these issues, and gave the second item to the Black Widow, but it was a silver mask. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"The ever-changing mask looks like a mask, but it is actually composed of countless nano-robots. After wearing it on the face, it will be integrated into your skin and head, and some nano-robots carrying chips will be integrated into your brain. As soon as you come, you can use conscious control to make your face ever-changing, and your head can also be changed at will, by the way, and this dress is matched with it."\u00261t;/p\u003e

Ai Wen said and handed over a tight black leather jacket, "The same is true for this dress, you can change it as you like, big or small, you can turn it into a windbreaker, or Turn into a bikini, warm in winter and cool in summer, and you can wear it all year round."\u00261t;/p\u003e

The black widow took the clothes and the mask in her hands, looked them over, but didn't put them on immediately, put them away temporarily, and continued to look at Ivan. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Next, Aiwen handed over four discs to the Black Widow, "This is a magnetic levitation disc, which can be used as wheels. They will make you fly as fast as you want. In addition, they can be used as shields and projectile weapons. These two I also added some of your ingredients to the plate, the plasma cutting edge."\u00261t;/p\u003e

Ivan put two of the discs on his hands, and the plasma cutting blade shot out, and cut a metal ornament next to it in half with a wave. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The black widow had seen plasma cutting equipment with her own eyes, but it was the first time she had seen it shrunk down to the size of a disc with a diameter of less than 20 centimeters, and it was so powerful. She couldn't put it down. Awesome scene. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Aiwen's weapon design is naturally inspired by the Shenxing Yujie and Mustard Wujiang in the Neng 6 team, combining the advantages of their two weapons. \u00261t;/p\u003e

In the end, it was a pair of shoes, which looked like ordinary shoes on the surface, but these were a pair of anti-gravity boots, which could be used for flying. \u00261t;/p\u003e


In the morning, the bright sunlight came into An's room through the window. Aiwen lay on the bed, feeling the remaining warmth next to him and the passion with the black widow last night, with a wry smile on his face. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Aiwen didn't expect that his relationship with the black widow would go back to this point. Even he didn't believe how deep his feelings for the black widow were, but he didn't refuse the black widow who came to his door. I don't know how to describe this kind of relationship. It's definitely not right to say it's a former person, a girlfriend, or a lover. The relationship is not so close, and it seems to be a little bit alienated to say it's a woman. \u00261t;/p\u003e

With a click, as the door opened, Tina walked in with a change of clothes. Ivan got up directly, took the clothes and put them on without caring about his naked body. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Is Natasha gone?" Ivan asked casually once he was dressed. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Yes, Miss Natasha has left, but she left her contact information, and let me tell you, if you need, you can contact her at any time."\u00261t;/p\u003e

Tina was a little hesitant to speak, feeling that it was inconvenient for her to say something, but she couldn't help it, and finally gritted her teeth and continued: "Master Aiwen, in fact, you can let her stay, with your strength. You don't need to worry so much." \u00261t;/p\u003e

Tina is very satisfied with Aiwen who has been using the title of young master many years ago to look young. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Ivan grabbed Tina's jade-like little hand and dragged it to her side. Tina didn't resist at all, and was held in Ivan's arms. Ivan put one hand into Tina's skirt and held the firm one on her chest. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Why should she stay? She already has her own life. If she forces him to stay with her, she will no longer be the famous super agent Black Widow. Forcing a person to make changes is no longer herself, but only It makes us both uncomfortable, and I really can't give her too much affection, it's better to continue to maintain this relationship."\u00261t;/p\u003e

Tina's face was flushed at this time, and she murmured in a voice the size of a mosquito: "Master Aiwen is too stingy for his feelings."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Maybe, but it's been like this for so many years, so let's continue, anyway, I never expected to have any vigorous love." \u00261t;/p\u003e

At this time, Aiwen's body temperature gradually rose, and a heat flowed from his chest and abdomen. His desire became more and more intense, and he couldn't bear it any longer. He put Tina on the bed, stretched out his hand to untie her clothes, and soon a The little lamb waiting to be slaughtered appeared lying on the bed, and Ivan didn't care about thinking about other things. He just tore off the clothes he had just put on, and jumped on it. There was a wolf howling on a moonlit night, and the room soon heard a man Severe gasps and moans of women. \u00261t;/p\u003e

For a whole morning, Aiwen and Tina stayed in the room doing their favorite sports, and even forgot breakfast. When people returned to the farm, the artificial intelligence Joe Aiwen reported the situation to Clark, and Clark immediately Guessing what his father and Tina were doing, his face immediately turned black, but he was very sensible and didn't bother, otherwise he would definitely die a miserable death. \u00261t;/p\u003e

It wasn't until noon that Aiwen came out of the room, looking very energetic. As for Tina, who had exhausted all her strength, she was lying on the bed and resting obediently as if she was paralyzed, although her physical fitness was also weak. It's not bad, but it's still very different compared to Aiwen. After being tossed all morning, she almost passed out from exhaustion, and couldn't even eat lunch, so she had to let the intelligent robot send her to the room to feed her. \u00261t;/p\u003e

When Aiwen came to the restaurant, he happened to bump into Clark. When he saw Aiwen coming, Clark showed a gleam of joy, "Father, you came just in time. I need to ask you something."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Why, have you encountered any trouble? I'm afraid there are not many things that you can't solve with your current strength. Didn't you go to Nick Fury to report the battle between the outer space and the parallax monster? Did he give you any problems?" Hearing what Clark said, Ivan became a little curious. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Clark shook his head, "It doesn't matter to Fury this time, it's Diana, to be precise, Diana received the news from her mother that something happened on Paradise Island, and Diana has gone back."\u00261t ;/p\u003e

"Paradise Island? The gathering place of Amazon female warriors? What can happen to them? And why didn't you go back with Diana? Speaking of which, how far have you and Diana developed? Shouldn't you visit your future?" Mother-in-law?" \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Don't make trouble, Dad, I'm telling you something serious." Clark said with a dissatisfied face. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Okay, then go on, what's going on?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"It's like this. When we were reporting the situation to Fury yesterday, Diana suddenly received the news from the other side of Paradise. Paradise Island was attacked by someone. Someone killed more than a dozen Amazon female warriors and took away The mother box they have been guarding, according to the information obtained by downloading, the murderer is Steppenwolf, originally I wanted to go with Diana, but Paradise Island does not allow men to enter, so I had to give up."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Cut, Zeus doesn't know where he died. I'm afraid he's sleeping somewhere now. Why stick to this broken rule?" Aiwen's face was full of disdain, as if he looked down on Zeus and Paradise Island. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Zeus? What does this have to do with him? Could it be that he made the rule that men are not allowed to enter Paradise Island?" \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Otherwise, who else is there? Where do you think heaven is? Why are there only women? And how do they give birth to children?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

Clark was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He really hadn't thought about this question. When Ivan mentioned it today, he had some doubts. Why are there all women on Paradise Island? They always need to reproduce, but there are no men. It is impossible for a woman to give birth to a child by herself. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Heaven has always been isolated from the outside world. Few people can reach there. This is because Zeus set up an enchantment. But as a generation of god kings, how could he do such thankless things for no reason? So he did this because Paradise Island is basically his harem, which means that the Amazon female warriors on the island are all his women, and Zeus certainly doesn't want his women to come into contact with other men."\u00261t;/p\u003e

Clark suddenly became embarrassed, "With so many women, can Zeus be busy? And those female warriors don't have relationships with other men, how do they reproduce? How do they have children?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"It's Zeus's own business whether he is busy or not. If the Amazon female warrior wants to reproduce, she will naturally leave Paradise Island to move around in the nearby waters. When she meets a man who has seen her before, she will go there and spend a beautiful night together. , and then send the man away, so it is definitely a tragedy for a man to meet an Amazon female warrior."\u00261t;/p\u003e

Clark shook his head, and asked with some puzzlement: "It's not a tragedy, is it? Although it was a one-night stand, at least it left a good memory!"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Memories are beautiful, but the price is heavy! Do you think what I mean by leaving, I'm talking about letting them leave this world with good memories. Although Zeus is a big stallion, he will go to the mother when he sees it." , but how can you allow others to accuse your own women, those men will of course be killed, Amazon female warriors must abide by this rule."\u00261t;/p\u003e

[31 Updates fast] Clark almost spit out the glass of milk he drank just now, but I didn’t expect that’s what Ivan meant when he said to leave. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Originally, Clark already hated the rules of this paradise island, but Ivan's next words made Clark even more disgusted. \u00261t;/p\u003e

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