Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 123: The Beginning of Chaos

There was an ear-piercing friction sound, and the metal gears began to cut the watch, but what happened next surprised Magneto. Three minutes later, the good watch was intact, not even scratched. Magneto was a little suspicious, right? His ability has been weakened.

How did Magneto know that the material used in this watch is made of Zhenjin, and Ivan also left a nanorobot in it, which has a strong self-recovery ability, so how could Magneto be able to cut it off.

"Impossible, I don't believe it, come again." Magneto roared and increased the cutting force.

"Mr. Logan, please ask your friend to stop his behavior immediately, otherwise I will regard him as an enemy and fight back. If necessary, I will carry out the final plan against you." Logan's watch suddenly A girl's crisp voice came out.

Logan and Magneto were taken aback, especially Logan almost jumped up, almost thinking that his watch had become a master. After being stunned for a while, he asked hesitantly: "Are you talking? What are you?"

"I'm not a thing... No, I'm a thing, or it's not right, forget it, I'm the Red Queen, an intelligent program, talking to you through remote communication, you can treat it as a phone, it seems that the future Logan Something happened to Mr., so he forgot about me." The Red Queen replied in a flat voice.

Hearing what Hong Hou said, Logan felt a little relieved, because hearing Hong Hou's tone, he seemed to be very familiar with him and had a good relationship, nodded and said: "Something happened to me in the future, I suffered a severe head injury, So amnesia."

Logan is easy to be fooled, but Magneto is not that simple. He was very wary of this red queen, and said sharply: "Then what is your purpose by Logan's side? Why have you been silent before? Also, your so-called final What's the plan?"

"Sorry, you don't have permission, I refuse to answer your question."

Hearing what Hong Hou said, Magneto's face was a little ugly, and he turned his head to wink at Logan. Logan thought for a while and said, "Answer his question."

"The purpose is naturally to ensure that the secrets in Mr. Logan's brain are not leaked. As for keeping silent, that's because Mr. Logan didn't ask me before. The final plan is very simple, that is, if it is discovered that Logan leaked the secret, I will Straight to your brain."

"What!" Logan suddenly felt bad, at first he thought it was his friend, but unexpectedly, he might kill him at any time.

"Where did I offend you, why did I do this, you actually wanted to kill me, although I don't know how you tricked me into wearing this watch, but leave my body immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Mr Logan,

Please don’t shirk your responsibility. The reason why you wear this watch is because you voluntarily. At that time, you had two choices, either choose to seal the memory, or choose to wear this watch. "

At this time, there was a light ring on the watch, and a beam of light shot out, and some pictures appeared on the plane, it was Logan talking with certain people, but there was no one else in the picture except Logan, and there was no conversation with him The voice and the name of the man were apparently concealed.

As the Red Queen said before, Logan put on the watch voluntarily, and it could even be voluntary. Losing his life is also so willing.

For a moment, Logan himself was also confused. What kind of secrets did he hide that made him make such a choice? Is there anything worth protecting with his own life?

Originally, the most important thing at this time was to find Mystique Revan and change the fate of mutants in the future. Other things should be temporarily put aside, but the old and cunning Magneto soon discovered another doubt.

"No, I'm afraid things are not that simple. Although I don't know what you are and who is behind you, I can be sure that your power is definitely not small. This high-tech watch, this projection technology, It’s not something that Earth’s current technology can do, and since it can talk and project, does it have other functions, such as tracking Logan’s location and eavesdropping on our conversations.”

"Yes, it is indeed possible!" The Red Queen did not hide anything, and admitted directly, "Not only that, in fact, this watch has many other functions, tracking and eavesdropping are just the simplest, for example, it can be used as a weapon attack."

The watch changed for a while, unfolded a small device, and aimed at Wanci to emit a burst of high-frequency infrasound.

Magneto only felt a tingling pain in his ears, followed by a burst of dizziness, numbness all over his body, and he almost couldn't stabilize his body.

In fact, not only Magneto, but also Professor X, who fought against him and went to the front of the plane, was also affected, but it was not that serious, and he was a little dizzy.

"Infrasonic attack, this is the lowest frequency. If it is enhanced, it can directly damage the nervous system of the human body and temporarily paralyze the human body."

The watch returned to its original shape, and there seemed to be nothing unusual on the surface, but under the induction of Magneto, it was discovered that a strange magnetic field fluctuation was emitted from the watch, covering Logan.

"This is a defensive force field that can be used to resist the telepathy of some mutants and prevent the secrets in his brain from being stolen by some guys who like to check other people's penis."

At this time, Professor X also walked over from the front of the plane, and when he heard what Hong Hou said, he suddenly felt heartbroken. Although he could no longer use the ability, he still felt as if it was just to defend himself, but he quickly realized , now is not the time to be entangled in this kind of thing, you have to figure out what's going on in front of you first.

Magneto explained to Professor X for a while, and then continued to listen to the introduction of the Red Queen, "There is one last function, I have told you before, when necessary, I will destroy Mr. Logan's brain, relying on his self-healing Ability, the brain can be restored, it will not die, but the memory of the past will completely disappear, and it will never be found again."

It's amazing! A small watch has such a powerful function. The three people present are not ordinary people. Magneto and Professor X are both figures standing at the top of the world. They are well-informed. They are very sure that This kind of technology has definitely surpassed the earth's technological level for many years, and it is definitely not something that can be manufactured now. As for Logan, don't forget that he is from the future, but even in the future, in the era of rapid technological development, it is also extremely difficult to do so many things with a watch.

"Who are you guys?" Wang Wanke no longer suspects that what the other party can say is false, because with the advanced technology of the other party, if you really want to deal with him, it is very easy.

"It doesn't matter who we are, what is important is that you understand that we have no malicious intentions and will not hinder your actions. You can do whatever you want, and you can even provide some help if necessary. Mr. Logan trusts... ...Well! I mean the former Mr. Logan, not the future Mr. Logan, who trusts my master, and is also my master's friend, as long as it is within my power, I will not refuse."

The three of Logan looked at each other, and finally nodded in agreement. In fact, they have no other choice now. They sat on the plane thinking about each other, and calmed down for a while. The most important thing now is to find Mystique and stop them. Her assassination of the little devil Trask changed the tragic fate of mutants in the future, and the rest will be discussed later.

Aiwen has been watching the situation on Luo Luo's side until they finally reached an agreement with each other. Then he was relieved and ordered Red Queen to mobilize more resources to analyze the power of time and space on Logan, hoping to find out the mystery , even Jo Al joined in, and the two intelligent systems cooperated with each other, greatly increasing the efficiency of analyzing data.

According to the time and place provided by Logan, Professor X and the others arrived in time to prevent Mystique from assassinating the little devil. Colonel Stryker, who had suffered countless injuries, recalled his tragic experience, and his emotions exploded, falling to the ground in pain and screaming.

However, this was a long-awaited opportunity for Aiwen, and a rapid alarm sounded from the computer, "Alarm, an abnormality occurred on the experimental body Luo Genjin, and a severe time-space fluctuation was detected, immediately strengthen the analysis."

After becoming popular, Joe Ivan controlled his own program to run at high speed at the same time, and Aiwen also let go of the limitations of his brain, analyzing an abnormal fluctuation on Logan's body, and countless characters on the computer changed and flickered continuously. Ai Wen also worked hard once.

On the other side, Logan's problem has not been resolved, and Magneto has turned his back on it again, and wants to shoot and kill Mystique.

Because in Magneto's view, Mystique is a lunatic, a factor of anxiety. Even if Mystique is stopped now, who knows if she will go crazy again in the future.

And according to what Logan said, the sentinel robots that will slaughter all mutants in the future are made based on the genes of Mystique. It is safest to kill her to ensure that her genes will not fall into the hands of the enemy. of.

Although at the critical moment, the beast threw Magneto down, I am Magneto, and I still shot with my supernatural power, but the bullet lost its aim and hit Mystique's leg, and Magneto continued to chase.

When Mystique was injured, no one noticed a red light flashing from a women's watch on her wrist.

Far away in a mutant base in England, the Red Devil Torrent, the White Queen, and the Angel were chatting. The Red Devil suddenly felt a vibration in his watch. When he looked up, his expression changed drastically. He sat up from the chair suddenly, "No Good! Raven is in danger, let's go."

The three White Queens beside the Red Devil stood up at the same time, their clothes changed for a while, covering their entire bodies, covered with layers of scales, if Logan was here, he would have noticed this form It looks very much like the sentinel robot that destroys mutants in the future, but it is smaller.

The three white queens were naturally wearing the mutant battle suits made by Aiwen. Xiao specially ordered a few sets for them. On the one hand, they can enhance their strength and on the other hand, they can hide their identities.

The three of them stretched out their hands to press the Red Devil at the same time. The Red Devil did not hesitate at all, and immediately activated his ability to teleport towards Mystique.

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