Chapter 131 Control Success, Twin Characteristics!.

The mechanism by which the minotaur triggers desertification is the complete dissipation of thinking, which is almost certain.

In the absence of sandification, a certain damage can cause the snake to die completely and render the sandification respawn invalid. To be on the safe side, Chen Yu still plans to continue dragging.

With the failure of self-destruction, the spiritual will of the giant snake received a huge blow, and the breakthrough speed of [Heart Seal] was further accelerated. The process, which would have taken two or three days to complete, was declared successful in just one day.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yu immediately launched a thought bombardment against the Minotaur Giant Snake.

To Chen Yu’s surprise, the thinking interference carried out by relying on [Heart Seal] had little effect.

[Heart Seal] itself has no control effect, it is essentially a bridge connecting two independent minds.

The ability to control [Xinyin] comes from Chen Yu’s thinking interference on the target, replacing a supreme existence in the target’s inherent cognition with himself, so that the target is happy and sincere.

“Human” have a complex mind and are in awe of everything.

Gods, laws, elders, superiors, and even some inexplicable beings can become objects of their awe. After experiencing the baptism of thought bombardment, Chen Yu became the one they feared the most.

In the inherent cognition of the bull-headed giant snake, the concept of “awe” is missing. It fears death, fears the strong, fears hunger and hurt.

But these are not enough to bring it completely into submission.

In desperation, Chen Yu could only rise tall on the ground and instill the concepts of “awe” and “obedience” for the giant snake. This process is a million times more complicated than controlling humans.

The “attached neural network” is the interference of hardware, while the [heart seal] is the interference of software.

In the case of the two-pronged approach, it took Chen Yu another five days to completely control the bullhead giant snake.

At this time, the meat on the body of the minotaur has been almost cut by the lion warriors, and only a thin layer remains on the peritoneum, which makes the minotaur look like a lifeless wreckage.

However, the appearance of the minotaur is not important. Even, it doesn’t matter if it’s alive or dead.

After the control was successful, Chen Yu immediately began to ask the secret of the minotaur through [Heart Seal]. The bull-headed giant snake that worshipped Chen Yu as a god naturally knew everything and said everything.

According to the bullhead giant snake, the sandification resurrection ability that Chen Yu is most concerned about comes from another minotaur, that is, the dark green bullhead giant snake that was killed by Chen Yu before.

The blue bullhead giant snake and the dark green bullhead giant snake are sisters and brothers or mother and son, or some kind of relationship with the rest. Specifically, even the blue minotaur itself does not know.

As soon as it had a memory, it followed the dark green bullhead giant snake. Two giant bull-headed snakes forage together, survive together, and evolve together.

Until one day, the dark green minotaur became a legendary creature.

It acquires the legendary trait that it can form a twin relationship with a creature of its kind.

As long as both parties do not die at the same time, one of the parties will be resurrected next to the other after a certain period of time. In addition, the weaker of the twins will inherit part of the strength of the stronger one.

The twin objects of the dark green bullhead giant snake are naturally the blue bullhead giant snake.

The blue minotaur was originally a long way from the legendary creature, but after twinning with the dark green minotaur, it directly became a legendary creature.

The two minotaurs do not appear at the same time, also because the twin characteristics give them the ability to resurrect.

In order to ensure that at least one of the two parties is alive, while one of them is out and about, the other party stays in a safe area.

If the active party dies, the parent at home completely hides his or her whereabouts until the deceased is resurrected. The dead minotaur will not be resurrected instantly.

The length of resurrection depends on the extent to which the body is destroyed. The higher the degree of physical destruction, the longer it will take to revive.

The destruction here refers to destruction at the cellular level, or being eaten by other organisms. In addition to the death of the giant snake, the part that can be sandified is not destroyed.

For example, the dark green bullhead giant snake that Chen Yu killed first had a very low degree of destruction and was quickly revived. And this bull-headed giant snake, which has been eaten a lot of meat, will be resurrected more slowly.

“So, why are you staring at this place?”

Chen Yu asked,

“You probably don’t have the concept of a nest.”

“The material of help, very rare, there are a lot of it here, we can’t give it up.”

The minotaur replied.

“I’ve heard Aisha say that she killed both of you once in the same day, and then you didn’t show up for seven days?”

Chen Yu continued to ask,

“Is it because of the resurrection time?”

“It’s not.”

The minotaur replied,

“We were all resurrected very quickly.”

“But that little creature is very powerful, and can command a lot of powerful little creatures, we are not opponents.”

“We wanted to wait for them to leave, but they didn’t leave, and we didn’t want to give up.”

“Do you know the location of the other minotaur?”

Chen Yu asked.

“Know, we won’t get too far from here, although we change location after each resurrection, but it’s all nearby.”

The minotaur replied.


CHEN Yu is delighted,

“Take me to find it.”

“Obey – but I can’t act right now.”

The blue minotaur replied,

“I don’t feel my body.”

Chen Yu immediately controlled the attached neural network and handed over the control of his body back to the brain of the blue minotaur.

“Now what?”

“I could feel my body, but I still couldn’t move, my body was damaged too badly 5.5.”

The blue minotaur replied.

“How can you recover from your injuries?”

Chen Yu asked.

“You only need to eat, as long as you make sure you get enough food, you can recover from this injury in about ten days.”

“So, if you die now, how long will it take to be resurrected?”

“Not sure, but it should be around two to three days.”

“Okay, you go eat and quickly recover from your injuries.”

Saying that, Chen Yu directly ordered Aisha in his heart seal to prepare a large amount of food and provide it to the bullhead giant snake.

For Chen Yu’s order, Aisha was a little puzzled, but still prepared food for the bullhead giant snake according to Chen Yu’s request. There was a shortage of prey in the desert, so Aisha immediately sent people to the grassland to mobilize.

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