Crimson Comes

Chapter 68: pure offering

"Are the current demon worshipers so unsatisfactory?"

"I just played for half an hour and I couldn't hold it anymore..."

Wei Wei sat on the clean floor, lit a cigarette and smoked indifferently.

Opposite him, the love demon worshiper who was hanging from the chandelier was motionless, his body... to say, there are still a few places where people can be seen.

...Also, Wei Wei didn't attack so hard, he was still alive.

"Mysterious organization..."

"Seven excellent offerings..."


Sitting across from him, Wei Wei was smoking a cigarette while sorting out the content of the inquiry.

The extraordinary person of the love demon system in front of him is a peripheral member who was absorbed by a mysterious organization three years ago, but their organization is very strange and not active, and they have not let him do anything that would expose him for three years. , and even took the initiative to remove a few guys who couldn't control their desires and used their own demon power to satisfy their desires.

His only responsibility is to start... support after receiving the order.

Twenty days ago, he received an instruction: During this month, he will send some sacrifices regularly.

He had already sent two batches before, but he just picked some homeless or homeless street girls to go there, which is even more difficult to expose. However, the other party has already expressed his dissatisfaction with him and forced the last batch of sacrifices. , which sets strict standards.

Pure souls, ten.

Because this is the last instruction that needs to be executed by himself, he did not refuse.

"I, I can't refuse..."

"You don't even know the mystery and power of our president..."

"I don't believe that there is such a powerful superhuman in this world. He just sat quietly in front of me, and I lost the courage to look up at him. Even if I just glanced secretly in the mirror, I almost got caught. That invisible power burned his eyes, and I can only listen to everything about him. He said that as long as I will abide by the agreement with him, I will be granted freedom and grace..."


This love demon system extraordinary person doesn't even believe that person, thinking that he is the devil himself, or:


This is also the reason why he did everything he could to keep this secret in the first place.

Of course, Wei Wei quickly thought of a way to persuade him.

Obviously, compared to the **** who appeared in front of him three years ago, he was more afraid of this...

...a handsome sheriff.

Wei Wei believed that this person didn't lie, but he didn't care too much either. He only cared about one issue.

"Where did this flesh and blood rose on your wrist come from?"

"Flesh Rose..."

"I don't know what a rose of flesh is, but I have seen similar patterns on the wrists of deacons..."


This love demon superhuman was dying when he answered this question.

He almost tried his best to ask questions: "I don't know if the patterns on the deacons' wrists are the roses of flesh and blood you're looking for, but, but you... Did you find me through this pattern? of?"

"...But, but didn't you all find out?"

"Fuck me... this is a rose!"



At that time, Wei Wei was shocked.

I thought that Ye Feifei, this unreliable person, asked her to look for Rose, but she actually found Rose?

Can't tell the difference between the two flowers?

After thinking about it, he slapped himself and floated away. He actually began to doubt Goddess Feifei...


"An uncontaminated, pure sacrifice..."


Wei Wei asked what he wanted to ask, stood up slowly, and looked at the seven girls wearing black collars in the room.

The guy in front of him is a love demon system, so he has a very high intuition in this regard.

There are originally two criteria for the selection of sacrifices:

The first is the number of sacrifices.

The second point is the quality of the sacrifice.

And this quality is not only reflected in the selection of whether the sacrifices meet their own standards, but also in the "purity" of the sacrifices.

This kind of purity refers to the distracting thoughts in the heart of the sacrifice when the sacrifice is made. The more the sacrifice is forcibly sacrificed, the more pain and struggle in the heart, the more the effect of this sacrifice will be filled with impurities and resentment. , a type that the sacrificed disliked.

The more tame and pure the heart of the sacrifice, the higher the quality of the sacrifice.

This is also the reason why many evil scriptures target infants and children in the selection of sacrifices.

They see it as: lamb.


"That organization's logo is a similar rose pattern?"

Because the photos he took are also graffiti in the style of children's paintings, which is more distorted, and Wang Mo obviously has no energy to try to distinguish these subtleties, so he doesn't even have to take out the photos to let him help identify.

However, I quickly thought of it in my heart: "Is this organization the Rose of Flesh and Blood I'm looking for?"

"What on earth are they doing? They need so many sacrifices?"


Wei Wei slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were firmer than ever before.

And, hidden endless excitement.

No matter what, I have to go over and take a look.

After all, this is the closest news to the Rose of Flesh and Blood that I have heard...

His mood became faintly excited, but he calmed down more.

"Feifei, please come to Room 1805, Unit 3, Building 4, Hua Apartment immediately... The door is locked by a chain, remember to bring pliers... There are seven victims of the love system, the suspect has been shot dead for resisting, and the victim is in Some kind of restricted state..."

"Only one of them hit a big bag on his head, which was done by the suspect..."

"Do a good search of the things here. At least there is a forbidden item in the cabinet. It's a girl in a bathtub."

"It's covered with a black cloth, don't look at her, she has no clothes on, she's very shy..."


Seriously edited the text message and sent it to Ye Feifei, asking her to come over and help clean up the mess.

Then he took out the black pistol and unloaded the loaded bullet.

Replaced with another one.

Green-headed ghost.

Demon Hunter series special high-energy bullet 2 model.

The bullet has been specially magnetized, which can effectively destroy and weaken the magnetic field contained in the individual demons. The effect on the living extraordinary is not obvious. This kind of bullet is specially used to deal with those monsters who have lost their minds after degeneration.

"I...I said everything..."

When he was pointed at the gun, Wang Mo seemed to have noticed it, and said weakly, "Forgive...forgive me..."

Wei Wei looked at him indifferently, suddenly smiled and said, "Don't make trouble."

"It's not your fault that you said it..."



While speaking, a shot hit Wang Mo on the body.

An abnormal current roamed around Wang Mo's body, scorching his skin black with electricity, and he no longer had the handsomeness and grace he had in his lifetime.

Now, he definitely won't have the chance to report himself again.

Of course, the more important reason for doing this is that these torture wounds on his body cannot continue.

Save Feifei from being frightened.

Between a charred corpse and a living human being subjected to torture, Wei Wei chose the better-looking former for Feifei.

This is a tribute to the goddess!

On the other hand, he rubbed his face fiercely, and walked to the cabinet Wang Mo explained with surging excitement.

After rummaging around, I found the black robe and white mask he said, wearing them happily, and looking at the mirror left and right, and then took a handle from the stationery box that Wang Mo put at the door. Car keys with white tape.

Whistling, he walked towards the broken floor-to-ceiling window.

Flesh Rose...



At the same time, on the edge of the scrap iron city, a slum with the weakest spiritual barrier radiation.

Captain Ouyang walked into a mahjong room with a low curtain with a cigar in his mouth.

Uncle Gun next to him carried a shotgun behind his back, and looked around vigilantly. They went straight through the smoky hall. Captain Ouyang resisted the urge to sit down and touch two of them, and walked to the end of a small door dedicated to the God of Wealth, raising his hand lightly. A few taps.

The small door opened a small window, and a hand stretched out and shook it up and down.

"Do what?"

Captain Ouyang was a little surprised and said angrily: "Charge the money first? There was no such rule before."

A woman's voice inside said: "There is no such rule originally, after you reneged on your debt last time."

"What is the default?"

Captain Ouyang said, "I'm just two days late."

The person inside said: "Today?"


Captain Ouyang was silent for a while: "Two days later."

The people inside stopped talking, just swayed their palms up and down, stubbornly refusing to take them back.

Captain Ouyang turned his head and glanced at Uncle Gun Uncle Gun took a breath and took a step back: "Captain, you can't let me be alone..."

Captain Ouyang said solemnly, "This is for the safety of the entire scrap iron city."

Uncle Gun sucked in a breath of cold air, and reluctantly took out a roll of paper money from the inner pocket of his clothes, thought about it before handing it to him, and added, "I'm going back to Miss Lucky to write a bill for reimbursement. , then you must not deny this account."

"Nonsense, when did I do this?"

Captain Ouyang took the banknotes.

Uncle Gun was behind him and said silently, "The day before yesterday..."

The small door finally opened, and inside was a woman in a white short skirt and a mink swaying her waist, and walked to the side while lighting the money. Captain Ouyang glanced at her in admiration from behind, then looked forward. Next to a table lit by a circle of colorful lanterns, sat an old woman covered in darkness, covered with bone beasts and feathers.

"Hello, old sister..."

Captain Ouyang immediately looked away from the plump woman's waist and hips, and warmly opened her arms to greet the old woman.

The old woman looked down at the animal bones on the table, and with her other hand she took out the revolver from under the small table.

Without hesitation, he pointed to Captain Ouyang.

Captain Ouyang didn't even look at it, he let the muzzle of the gun be on his chest, and went up to hug him firmly.

He also tilted his head and kissed the old woman's face with a slap, and said with a smile, "I really want to die, my old sister."

The old woman silently pulled out the gun, stuffed it back under the table, and sighed in a low voice, "Ouyang..."

"Your **** charm is really irresistible..."

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