Crimson Comes

Chapter 46: Demon Command

Wei Wei frowned, rushed forward with a vigorous step, and smashed a pistol at her head.

She didn't shoot immediately because she hadn't been warned according to the sheriff's rules.

Besides, even if she doesn't shoot, she will die soon, and she just needs to figure out her purpose at this moment.


But just as Wei Wei rushed forward, countless papers suddenly flew around.

The densely packed white paper with distorted symbols on it actually seemed to have life. It suddenly flew up and filled the room. The distorted characters on it seemed to have life, changing in Wei Wei's eyes, forming strips Chains are intertwined in the room.

Wei Wei stepped forward, but his back touched the wall, and the distance from the **** the hospital bed was getting farther and farther.

There was a clatter of papers all around, and all the spaces began to be upside down, twisted, and confused.

Knowledge Demon System: Chains of Ignorance.

Form chains of unknown puzzles to bind the opponent, blocking and distorting the opponent's actions.

If the other party can't solve the answer, they can't break through this obstacle.

To put it simply, if you are bound by chains, you can't solve this problem if you don't know how to do it.

The weakness of this ability is that the person who sets up the knowledge cage cannot set up difficult problems that he does not understand.

The scary thing is that even if it was a problem in middle school, many people couldn't solve it...


Wei Wei didn't try to undo the chain, but just looked through the pages of white paper flying in the air, and looked at the little girl lying on the hospital bed. She caught herself with one look, then continued to turn her head to write and draw frantically.

The blue veins on her head and the bulging eyes that don't look like a living person show that her life has reached its limit.

But she still didn't stop.

It seems that there is only one thing in sight.

And the symbols written by her are producing an unusually crazy power, which has an impact on the entire scrap iron city. Wanton rummaging.

Holding the gun in his hand, Wei Wei still didn't mention it, only doubts in his heart.

What exactly is she doing?

Forcibly suppressing the desire in his heart, he listened carefully.

Around, there are papers flying in the air everywhere. They almost take up all of Wei Wei's vision and brain. One after another twisted symbols are dancing and changing on the paper, and they seem to outline one after another. Questions, these questions are connected with each other, forming new questions, they seem to be cheering and jumping, trying their best to squeeze into Wei Wei's brain.

Trapped in the chains of ignorance, the longer the time, the more knowledge will be polluted.

In the end, you will either get your head broken and become an idiot, or you will be captured by the knowledge demon and become its believers.

But Wei Wei did not reject these distorted symbols and questions, and let them flood into his mind.

Subtle questions and conjectures hit Wei Wei's mind like a tide, enough to contaminate any human brain.

But Wei Wei didn't.

Compared to the crazy ravings that I hear every night, the impact of this level of questioning is still weak.

Even when facing the upper totem of the death system, he can stay awake.

Because his demonic power is too active, to an astonishingly high level, it does not allow other demonic powers to occupy space, so Wei Wei allows these suspicions and symbols to enter his brain and filter information from it.

In the knowledge cage, there are all characters drawn by the girl, which contain all her chaotic spirit and memories.

Characteristics of the Knowledge Demon System.

They have the ability to devour, inspect, and even search other people's memories, but they are also undefended.

So, when Wei Wei let the chaotic power around him flood into his mind, scene after scene appeared like overlapping projections.

A failed father, a wise daughter.

The girl came from a very bad background. Her mother was tired of her father who didn’t seek to make progress. She left in the middle of the night. Her father, as always, was a good gambler, a good drinker, and came home drunk every day. I'll take a gig or two.

But no one thought that such a smart girl would appear in such a family.

She studies very well. No one in the class wears tattered clothes like her every day, and sometimes even wears her father's double-sized rubber shoes to class. No one is like her, who is often hungry. A few bucks for books keep dragging on.

But no one's grades can match her. She always scores a lot more than others.

The teacher liked her, and the classmates began to feel a sense of awe and respect in the mockery of her.

My father was also moved. He found that his daughter was really smart and learned so well.

So he even prepared to change his mind and work hard to take care of his daughter.

For example, when gambling, he would deliberately leave some money for breakfast for his daughter.

When I was working odd jobs, I also remembered to bring back to my daughter the old homework and instruction books used by the employer's children.

With this fearless dedication, he devoted all his energy to taking care of his daughter and cultivating her to become a talent.

He kept ordering his daughter to study, and he didn't even need her to help him cook and do laundry.

He even gave the girl the first toy in her life: a small lantern carved from a rotten pumpkin.

The girl is very obedient and her grades have been very good until the day of the entrance exam.

Everyone said that girls will definitely be admitted to key middle schools, and even get scholarships, in addition to tuition fees, there will be surplus.

My father also believed that he even bought a bottle of good wine in advance to celebrate in the evening.

But in the end, the development of things was unexpected. The girl fainted in the examination room, and there was only a vague mess of garbled characters on the examination paper.

My father was disappointed, thinking that his years of hard work had been in vain.

The girl hugged her knees in the bedroom and wept silently, listening to her drunken father scolding her unconscionable mother outside, slapping herself, saying that she was destined to stay at the bottom forever, saying that girls, like herself, were doomed There will be no profit.

He smashed the jack-o-lantern, saying it was all because she was having fun.

She tore up her homework and tutorial book, saying that all her hard work was in vain.

He looked at his daughter angrily and disappointedly, why can't you work harder?

At this time, a nun found her father. She said that she was a gospel teacher in a key middle school. They heard about the little girl and thought that a good seed like her should not lose her chance to enter the middle school because of one failure. .

So, they sent a condolence payment and brought a question for the girl to solve.

And promised: As long as the girl can solve this problem, not only can she go to middle school, but also a big bonus.

Father was overjoyed.

Do a question.

He couldn't read the crooked symbols on the piece of paper, but he knew that his daughter was very smart and could do the questions best.

So he agreed.

Those people not only gave the daughter a chance, but also sent her to the hospital to supplement the nutrient solution. Among them, it is said that there are some ingredients of "smart medicine", and the man also "unselfishly" let go of all the work at hand and stay in the hospital. Here, take care of my daughter.

Encourage your daughter.

The daughter's performance was also very good. On the first day, she said that she could not understand the question.

The next day, she said she could understand.

On the third day, she said she had found an idea.

On the fourth day, she said the process went smoothly.

On the fifth day, she said that she suddenly found this question difficult, and she felt so tired...

Father told her over and over again, why are you tired?

It's just doing the problem, use your brain, is it more tiring than moving bricks on the construction site?

Is it more tiring than me being scolded next to people while carrying hundreds of kilograms of cement up the stairs?

How well are you now...

Eating nutritious meals with chicken legs, eating fruits that we could not afford before, and living in such a good ward.

You said you were tired?

So on the sixth day, the girl firmly told her father that she must work hard today to solve this problem...

She was really about to solve it, countless thoughts flooded into her mind, and she almost saw hope.

At this moment, she doesn't want to be disturbed, she just wants to solve this problem and overcome all the difficulties in the problem, because her father said that this is the last hope, so she can't be distracted, can't bow her head to any problem, just finish it this problem.




Wei Wei's pupils were slightly scarlet power bloomed, and the sharp air machine instantly tore all the paper around.

Pages of twisted and powerless white papers fell in the ward.

He has already figured out the whole story, so he doesn't need to continue listening to the useless babble.

On that piece of paper, it was not a test question, but a sentence:

Demon Command.

The girl has been bewitched by the devil.

She thought she was doing a question, but she was executing a demonic order.

In the process of answering the question in her mind, she has already begun to affect the entire scrap iron city through demon orders.

She was immersed in the answer to this question, and her spiritual power had penetrated into the city. She thinks that she is overcoming difficulties one after another, but she is overcoming the brains of the residents of the scrap iron city. From the beginning one or two, she found a few ideas for solving the problem, and then gradually expanded, went deep into the maze, and gradually built a huge demon force field with the advantages of the beginning.

She thought she was looking for the answer to this question, but in fact, she was looking for an answer in the minds of the entire city residents.

She is searching the memories of the whole city.

But, what is the answer she is looking for?

Or in other words, what is this demon command trying to find through her?



Wei Wei also understood the truth. When bloodshots appeared in his eyes, the little girl who was so weak on the hospital bed seemed to have only one breath left, and suddenly raised her head, her eyes passed through the calculation paper that was falling from the sky, dumbfounded. He saw Wei Wei's body.

She seemed to have just woken up from a dream, with an expression on her face whether she was surprised or blank:

"Got you……"

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