engage in activities?

Hathaway looked a little dazed and didn't understand.

Lin Tuo ignored her, picked up the crystal ball and went to the study, then turned on the computer, created a new file, thought for a while and began to ponder the copywriting.

The prayer candle was placed next to his hand, yes, he was going to restore this "artifact" with the help of the spirit net.

One billion wishes... This is unimaginably huge for the Moon Clan, but it is not difficult for the Earthlings.

Now any well-known app can easily earn millions of daily users. The earth is full of people, among other things.

"As for the range of signals received by the wishing candle... you can also try to solve it with the help of the evolution sand table."

"Theoretically, as long as it is placed in the study, the earth is within its scope.

But there is a problem that is not clear, that is, whether the wish that is not under the control of the sand table can be counted... It is really hard to say.

But you can experiment, if it fails, you can only try to restore it in the southern continent...but the population there is much smaller..."

Lin Tuo was thinking while operating.

When choosing the earth, what he is looking at is the population base. There are 7 billion people in the world. Even if the difference between day and night regions is taken into account, and non-Internet active people do not participate, it must be a huge number.

He doesn't need a billion people. After all, each person can make multiple wishes, as long as the total reaches one billion.

As for the possible magical effects once activated, the "three keys" can also be used to restrict them.

"But it's not easy to do this, you have to warm up in advance." Thinking, Lin Tuo stopped typing on the keyboard and looked at Hathaway, "Convert this page into data for me."

Hathaway looked at the computer curiously, and then at her, with a strange expression, but still did as required.

After getting the data rune, Lin Tuo put it into the "Xinghai Server", replacing the original "Spirit Net", and activated this machine.

The invisible magic power swayed, and in an instant, familiar icons reappeared on the screens of mobile phones in several areas under the observation range on the earth.

On February 1, the spirit net reappeared.

And as the icon of the crystal ball reappeared, people in several cities also clicked on it and logged into the "Spirit Net".

Some people even joked with the people around them before the page opened, guessing what video was updated.

Some media even tensed their nerves instantly, preparing to quickly watch the new video and write manuscripts.

However, when this group of people flocked to the website with the idea of ​​watching movies, they were surprised to find that there were no new short videos online. Instead, there was a brightly colored event page at the top of the website!

Even the mysterious sentence "Do you want to know the truth of the world" was squeezed out.

"What's this?"

"It looks like some event page."

"Isn't it an updated video?"

In people's suspicious eyes, the most eye-catching position of the spirit net is a row of words:

【Do you yearn for mystery? 】

[Do you have many dreams hidden in your heart? 】

【Are you willing to tell it to your mouth? 】

["I have a dream" event is about to start! 】

[From 17:00 on February 6th to 5:00 on February 7th, at any time, any place, in any language, you can speak your dreams and wishes in a specific format, and there is a certain probability that they will be fulfilled (you can make multiple wishes )]

[Specific format: "Mysterious spirit, listen to my words + specific content\

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