Create a Fantasy World

Chapter 341 The X-Men Appear

Anyway, being idle is idle. Before creating the Marvel world, I neglected the X-Men.

Now simply use it and restore it directly.

He first built X Academy with building blocks, and then became the bald professor, who continued to create his life in a wheelchair.

Good partners around, such as Beast, Cyclops, and Magneto who didn't turn his back at the beginning!

Created together.

Everyone is a group of people with special abilities, but they are not very popular in the human world and live their lives hiding in ivory towers.

Following the outbreak of a crisis, witnessing the distrust of human beings in themselves, they are decisively divided into two factions.

Magneto took Mystique and his gang to an island to start a new life.

Since then the mutants have been divided into two factions.

Some live in isolation and fight on their own, while others try to integrate into the upper echelons of Hope Country and work hard to be watchdogs.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the world crisis broke out, and they became the target of public criticism.

When the Avengers war spread, a man named Logan appeared.

He is Wolverine, and he is also the man who decides the future situation.

Under his influence, the students in the X-Men want to go out to see the outside world and join the big team to protect the earth.

Unexpectedly, some people are still reluctant.

A certain mad scientist created sentry robots in an attempt to capture these mutants for his own use.

Fights broke out like crazy, and eventually Magneto's Brotherhood joined in the feud.

In the endless battles, everyone finds that they will not die, but will become a pile of building blocks, and they need someone to help repair them before they can return to their original state.

Things just got ridiculous.

Some people didn't know what was going on and thought they were cursed.

Magneto vowed to find out the truth, and finally found Iron Man, saying that you are disobedient, and I will shoot you.

After all, Lao Wan is his natural enemy, Iron Man is helpless, and goes out to negotiate with the scientist.

Unexpectedly, the other party even joined forces with Thanos' subordinates, planning to make a comeback.

A new Infinity War broke out again.

Someone took advantage and wanted to grab the six gems and take everything back.

Everyone has to work hard to find a way to end everything.

When Ji Dong saw this, he thought it was fun.

Wolverine and Quicksilver are his key training targets.

The first meeting between the two was also very interesting.

Imagine two LEGO figures playing together, and then Quicksilver shows off his magic speed.

How amazing will Wolverine's shocked look be?

However, some things are more exaggerated than expected.

The bald-headed professor Wen Qing fell ill, saying that he should take the overall situation into consideration and not challenge mad scientists.

This is tantamount to fighting with people with hands tied.

Wolverine couldn't understand it at all, and wished he could give Professor a hammer to wake him up.

Raytheon led the team over and said that we could help as a middleman to resolve the dispute.

Then fight the Sentinels and unleash the Destroyer armor.

Because they are the Nordic gods, their abilities cannot be imitated, which hurt the Sentinels very much.

Mad scientist, says I'm stuck, can anyone help?

Under the chaos, a new crisis finally emerged.

Thanos' hands are down.

I also brought some new friends to do things together.

This time, Thanos invited Darkseid to be his partner.

The first to bear the brunt, apart from the Five Stars, is Steppenwolf.

The two teamed up to destroy this group of superheroes, and the scene was quite spectacular.

As a party involved, how could Lin Yi stand by and watch.

Actually, the other party can ask for cheating, so of course it is also possible here.

Decisively began to create Zhenglian, and integrated the DC universe view into it.

A new setting, started.

First up is Batman.

This time, the LEGO version is younger and darker, and will not be middle-aged and lifeless like in the movie.

Of course, Ji Dong also arranged for him a better armor, equipped with a brand new tank, to go on a rampage.

A miniature chariot, showing off in the world of Lego, is also interesting.

Ji Dong is like a player who is engrossed, staring at every change in the world, becoming more and more fascinated.

And the appearance of Batman also brought different changes to the battle situation. Some people didn't believe that this big bat could do anything at all.

The X-Men even reminded him not to come if he is not a mutant.

"Brothers, don't you look down on people too much?"

Bruce smiled evilly, not paying attention at all.

With his strength, he can't do anything, how can he care about your feelings.

The Batmobile attacked forcefully, and soon found out the secrets of Steppenwolf and others.

Another mother box crisis.

At this time, Superman and the others have to come.

Backup came later.

It was Wonder Woman who came first, but she was quite handsome as a Lego brick.

Looking at the enemy in front of him, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Hey, is this our enemy? It's really interesting! Batman, what are you waiting for? Do you want to form a group with us and then go big?"

"That's enough, Diana. You go on the road, and I'll place the order. Whoever comes over here, support the mid laner!"

Batman made a decision angrily, and then a lightning-like red shadow flew towards him.

It was Wally the Flash.

"Haha, here I come! Leave it to me!"

The young man arrived in time and quickly integrated into the battle.

Things got out of hand.

Looking at the sudden chaos of Zhenglian, the X-Men expressed their incomprehension.

Haven't you come out yet? Why come here to make trouble.

It's unreasonable.

After some questioning, he felt a new crisis.

This time, it was a big boss who arrived.

Thanos came first.

"It's so boring! The world is going to be normal again, you superheroes, can't you worry less?"

"Enough! The world is controlled by you, and that's the end!"

Batman demurred.

He thought that this group of people were all wolfish ambitions, and he couldn't cooperate with them at all.

I didn't expect you to be such a Batman, and the others all gave their thumbs up to express their admiration.

But the problem is not here.

The world views are overlapping again, will it trigger a new crisis?

Anyone curious? This thing has to collapse again!

No no no!

Lin Yi, as the boss behind the scenes, watched the whole process.

If it doesn't work, I'll resort to the ultimate trick.

Just send them all back home.

Everything can return to the original state.

This is also his purpose.

Life is full of surprises.

Seeing this, Thanos had no choice but to do it himself.

Showing off the Infinity Gauntlet, he began to make crazy moves.

Inevitably, the previous battle had to be repeated.

Anyway, that's how it is, you come and go, and everything changes.

In the end, justice will prevail.

Thanos who took the initiative to send him to death even moved Ji Dong a little.

Otherwise, I will give you a chance to fulfill your wish.

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