Create a Fantasy World

Chapter 286 Form My Alliance

"I was tired of being a killer and always wanted to get rid of the organization. But I knew the opportunity was rare, so when Reigns rose, I knew the opportunity was coming.

You can join me and we'll take down the Court of Owls, and Roman! "

Rose's proposal was heart-warming, but Nightwing couldn't trust him.

"I still can't believe you, sir. There are too many doubts about what you say. But, I will prove it one by one."

Ye Yi made a decision to take Rose away first, and contact Kuaishou's whereabouts by the way.

Although he was rescued by Batman, he had to be sent back to Green Arrow to be criticized.

In a short time, I'm afraid I won't be able to come out and join forces with myself.

Ye Yi needed help, so he could only find a way by himself.

But he really couldn't find any manpower he could use?

In the temporarily requisitioned warehouse, he dug out the computer to search for information, but Ye Yi still found nothing.

"You are worrying, who can help you? I can give you some clues, do you know how many newcomers are active in Gotham?"

These words aroused the interest of Ye Yi, a newcomer active in Gotham.

Besides me, who else can I have?

However, Ross has revealed several names.

"Robin, Batman's assistant, became the mysterious Nightwing on his own, of course.

The Flash who has just become famous has a little nephew named Wally West, nicknamed Flash Kid, have you heard of it?

There's also Wonder Woman's niece, Wonder Girl, also from the Amazons.

And a girl with mysterious powers, a superpower named Xinghuo.

In addition to the Kuaishou dispatched before, these are young heroes who are not inferior to you.

Can you go and find out? "

Kid Lightning, Power Girl, Kuaishou and himself?

Dick really didn't expect to be so famous now.

For Rose's words, he felt inspired.

You can go find these people and see if you can form an alliance?

He needs help so badly!


Lin Yi, who was secretly controlling all this, was always eating melons.

Finally it was the turn of the younger generation.

Whether to create the Teen Titans, or Young Justice, that is the question!

Because that will mean that the future trend will have a different ending.

To establish Teen Titans, it is bound to bring in steel skeletons and others, as well as Xinghuo and so on.

But Ji Dong is really not interested in steel bones.

If you follow Shaozheng's route, all kinds of super second generations will have to appear.

Ji Dong was quite looking forward to these little guys growing up.

So, let's take the Young Pioneers route, right?

So he started to make further arrangements, and let the hand of fate push forward.


With a target, Dick started his search journey in Gotham.

Using his own team to search the local population flow records, he found the trace of a certain girl with superpowers, Xinghuo.

It's a pity that the other party has been mysteriously missing for many years, and he probably can't be found.

Disappointed, Dick had no choice but to seek help from other people. He tried to get in touch with Kid Lightning, but found that he was not what he imagined.

Wally is more playful, a little unreliable and heartless.

Moreover, he was very reckless in doing things, just like his cousin.

As for Wonder Woman's niece, Power Girl, she is a bit arrogant and doesn't want to mix with a big man.

In addition, most superheroes don't seem to want their followers to step into the society too quickly, because they are worried that they will encounter danger, which is not conducive to their growth.

Of course, there are those who haven't followed suit yet.

For example, Green Lantern Hal is celibate and has no plans to find disciples at all.

Aquaman just met the future Hai Shaoxia, but he didn't know that the other party was the son of Black Manta Ray.

It's just that the black manta ray in this world has already been killed by Ji Dong with the help of Sea King.

Therefore, there is nothing to accept a foster son.

So, Nightwing is really sad.

Turning his head, he saw that he had just left Batman to venture into the world alone, without even a companion.

He even learned that Batman had just adopted the second Robin, Jason Todd.

Although I don't know what a tragic fate this little brother will have in the future?

But Nightwing was still pretty upset.

Therefore, he had no choice but to continue his journey of finding a partner, hoping to convince Wally first to do great things together.

When the two were dealing with each other, they discovered a piece of news.

A newcomer with a uniform very similar to Green Arrow appeared in the city, and she seemed to be a girl.

Blonde hair, haunting, but I don't know what it has to do with Green Arrow.

Because Kuaishou has been banned from going out, women's clothing is absolutely impossible.

Ye Yi felt that things were a little strange, and wanted to know who this mysterious shooter was?

The two worked together to get close to each other and began to investigate.

I found that the other party not only stays out at night, but also does some small shopping when he has nothing to do, such as robbing some bad guys on the street, occasionally making some extra money, and even prying into some Gotham secrets.

It was not easy for Ye Yi to find this young girl, what secret might she have?

For this reason, they wanted to investigate each other with Wally, but they had no time to spare.

"Wally, we're really going to need some help. Do you think anyone else can help?"

"It's better to find my cousin. Alan always says he's boring!"

Wally made an unreliable suggestion, but Nightwing shook his head.

"It's best not to involve people from the Justice League. I don't want to rely on them for the time being."

"Then go find the magical girl, she is also very powerful!"

Wally was thinking blindly when the alarm sounded.

Artemis left the residence, as if lurking somewhere.

This is a research institute, or a restricted area protected by Wayne Enterprises, don't you understand why he came here?

Ji Dong started the layout secretly, and he set this place as the birthplace of Superboy.

That's where Lai Tu secretly experimented with Dachao's genes and made trouble again.

He created the Destroyer before, but it turned into an endgame.

Although the Destroyer was dead, Laidu did not give up.

This time, more advanced and mature technologies are used to create the so-called new human beings.

The goal is to create a superman of his own.

It's a pity that although his plan couldn't stand someone making trouble.

Ye Yi found this place secretly, and came to check with Wally, but unexpectedly discovered the secret passage by mistake.

In the basement of the research institute, there is a mysterious base hidden in which there are many captured test objects, and a lot of experiments are being done.

The scene was so shocking that Ye Yi couldn't bear to look directly at it.

He couldn't imagine whether he would go crazy when he encountered such a situation.

Until I saw a magical young man sleeping silently in the crystal coffin, I was inexplicably curious.

"This looks like Superman Clark! How could it be him?"

When Dick was depressed, he asked Wally.

Wally was actually puzzled too.

What are you doing?

Why is there something wrong with seeing a miniature version of Superman?

Before the two of them finished wondering, someone came to attack them.

In a panic, he broke the crystal coffin and woke up the sleeping boy.

As soon as the young man woke up, he rushed towards the two like crazy, punching and kicking.

The two of them were very passive and had to enter a fighting state.

But the opponent's strength is very strong, a hard wall can be blown apart with a single punch, and any object seems to be useless in front of him.

"Oops, this is a trap!"

Ye Yi subconsciously felt that he had been fooled and had to leave immediately.

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