The Flash made a move and easily suppressed Black Manta and the others.

Even he himself was amazed, but he turned around and asked about Neptune's situation, to see if his brother was okay?

Neptune is also infinitely emotional at this moment, feeling that life has never been gloomy.

He supported Flash and said, "Barry, it's a good thing you're here. Otherwise, I'd be finished. You say these guys are haunted, why do they have to find me?"

"Who knows, it may be because we are too good."

Barry shook his head, but by the way, he asked Neptune what was going on here.

"I've been raptured. Atlantis is about to end. I've been plotted against. Now I have to recruit help. What's going on outside?"

"Well, not too good! These guys are wreaking havoc, and some of us lost..."

"Barry, watch out!"

In mid-air, someone suddenly shot out a ray of light, forcing the two to separate.

Barry was surprised to see the Green Lantern flying in the sky, but he was a black uncle.

"Who are you? I don't know you!"

Barry was full of doubts, but Uncle Hei said: "I am also a Green Lantern, and I am a companion with Hal. My name is John Stewart. Hal had an accident, so he had to ask me for help. I hope there is still time."

"Enough, I've never heard that Hal has a companion like you? No need to ask, he is also an undercover agent of the White Martians."

Neptune turned around and stopped him, and picked up the trident.

"Haha, is it really troublesome this time?"

The Flash scratched his head, not knowing who to support.

But at this moment, he has only one way, and that is to beat them up together.

So he suddenly used his godlike speed and rushed towards the two of them.

"If you want to prove yourself, let me see if you have any pretense?"

When his hand was about to touch Neptune, the other party finally broke out.

"Enough, stay away from me!"

This Arthur finally couldn't take it anymore and broke out.

He became what he had been, a Martian.

"As I said earlier, he is a fake."

John took the opportunity to shoot a ray of light at the fake Neptune, which turned into a huge hammer and knocked him out.

The fake Neptune was in the air, trying to escape, but the Flash rushed up, packed and grabbed it at a flying speed, and brought it back.

Don't miss this opportunity, you must act first.

To catch the Martian again, torture and interrogation will begin.

The Flash said seriously, "Are you going to explain yourself, or let us ask?"

This question was so undignified that John Stewart next to him couldn't help but want to cover his eyes. "never mind,

It's meaningless for you to press like this. still……"

But before he could speak, the Martian actually revealed the truth himself: "Hmph, so what if I tell you? Anyway, if you know, you won't be able to solve the problem. Don't be afraid to tell the truth? That guy Neptune is about to die, and you won't be much better. More than half of our plan has succeeded..."

He didn't even ask himself, and explained everything.

Flash said he was speechless, and there was nothing he could do if his opponent was too good.

"It seems that we have to go to the bottom of the sea first." Barry turned to John and said, "Is Hal all right now? Do you need to worry about it?"

Barry's words provoked a wry smile from John: "I'm fine for the time being, I just suffered some injuries. The young man has a strong willpower, and I trust him."

Comfort the Flash not to think too much, and then start attacking, attacking the real enemy.

The rest is up to them.

On the other side, Da Chao and Wonder Woman leave together.

At the behest of Batman, try to find the lair of the White Martians.

Their original destination was the whereabouts of Green Lantern Hal, but they didn't expect Hal to lose contact completely.

Instead, in another place, a new incident was found.

A mysterious squad appeared in front of him, led by a guy who called himself Green Arrow.

He had heard about the deeds of Superman a long time ago, but he never paid attention to it.

At this moment, the White Martian was lurking secretly, but it also involved Oliver's friends, so he had to take action.

Green Arrow is to find the whereabouts of his ex-girlfriend Canary.

"Are you the Superman of Metropolis?"

"Are you the Green Hat of Star City?"

Superman and him seem to have some disdain for each other, Green Arrow said speechlessly: "I won't talk nonsense, you can't do things like this! People on the earth follow your lead, if something goes wrong, everyone will be disappointed."

"I'm afraid it's not me who really disappointed everyone!"

Superman shook his head and said, "Someone lurked in the dark and replaced our friends, which made things so weird."

His idea is very simple, find all suspicious targets, especially find the opponent's lair, and kill them with one blow.

"It seems that you already have a goal."

Green Arrow communicated and shared his information.

He found some problems, that is, the white Martians bought some guys, made terrible offensive weapons, and wanted to destroy the earth people on a large scale.

However, halfway through the plan, it was ruined by someone.

It is said that there was a guy named Penguin who took money and refused to do anything, and gave them fake and shoddy products, and the Martians fell short.

In addition, in order to find a place to stay, they changed their base many times, and finally chose a crazy city.

It's called Gotham.

"Isn't it? In Gotham, Batman's hometown? Does he know about this?"

When Superman exclaimed, he received the latest notification from Batman.

"The big thing is not good, we seem to be tricked."

He has discovered that Gotham has become a hard-hit area, and those white Martians have set up a stronghold here, and they also use his newly established Arkham Asylum to cover up the truth.

The problem is that there are still many imprisoned mortals, such as scarecrows, Mr. Freeze, and the like.

Wouldn't it be bad if they were instigated to attack everyone?

Batman's worries are not unreasonable.

After Superman received the news, he could only rush over to solve the problem together.

Target Gotham, try to solve everything, right?

Ji Dong observed all this in the dark, hoping that the Justice League could put on a good show and stop messing things up.

Inside Arkham Asylum.

The Scarecrow and the Riddler are having an argument.

The two guys in hospital gowns were driven to the rooftop, facing a crisis.

"Really, are you still joking now? Brother, we are almost finished!"

"Things are like this, what else do you want? Why don't you guess, how will you and I die? Or who will die first?"

The Riddler didn't change his naughty nature, but the guy who came up next didn't have a good temper.

"My name is Bane, and I hate Batman the most. If you don't want to surrender, then say goodbye to this world?"

Immediately, he showed his fist, and was about to hit the ground with one blow, shattering the balcony and sending them down.

Downstairs, there is a swimming pool full of mutated crocodiles.

Raised by a strange woman.

Poison Ivy!

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