Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 50 Salega

Standing on the terrace of the building surrounded by the roar of engines, he held the document containing the report on Hastings' condition. The fat man looked at the sunset on the horizon, where there was only an arc left. "Suddenly, I felt a sense of loneliness and sadness, watching the era of a superstar come to an end.

Although he had known that Hastings' condition was irreversible a year ago, he had also involuntarily imagined what it would be like when that day came. However, when the medical records on the electronic file determined that time to an incredibly short period, he still found it difficult to accept.

"Fat man, we have no retreat!" Fatty silently recited the words Hastings wrote to himself in the third document. When the red light on the horizon finally disappeared completely, he suddenly felt as if his heart had been violently tugged by something!

Others will never understand what Hastings was feeling when he wrote this sentence. The only one who understands is yourself!

"Grandpa's condition is starting to make you worried, isn't it?"

Margaret's voice came to my ears. The voice was still crisp and moving, but with a slight vibrato.

Elbow suddenly turned around and looked at Margaret in surprise. Returning the medical record report, Hastings only designated himself to read it. How could Margaret-"I think there must be grandpa's medical record report in the file. He told you. Is that right?" Margaret? The emerald Fang's eyes were shining with a slightly moist light, and he looked intently into the fat man's eyes.

"You don't have to think about hiding it from me for him." Margaret interrupted the fat man and forced a smile, "Actually, I already knew about his condition through the family's personal doctor yesterday. Not only me, but also my Parents and a few friends. It's just that everyone pretends not to know.

When Fatty's eyes touched An Lei's, they both felt sad.

Among the confidantes beside Fatty, apart from his childhood sweetheart An Lei, who knew him best, the other one who was difficult for him to deceive was Margaret.

In terms of intelligence, Margaret is not inferior to the fat man.

Back when they were in Mars, the two of them were at loggerheads. In the end, the reason why Neck was able to take advantage was because he had already organized a bandit army in Mars and had never been a gentleman. Not only did he not accept Margaret's beauty trap, he even became more shameless and would beat someone up. People, let alone fighting, I am afraid that as soon as Margaret Shao's charming eyes passed by, she immediately surrendered with her hands raised. When Margaret was in Hyde j! Since then, I don’t know how many young handsome men have been harmed because of her, and they even ran into danger because of her. Otherwise, how could she be nicknamed a little witch?

People who don't know only see Margaret's beautiful appearance, and they only see her following the fat man quietly, doing some auxiliary work.

How dare they believe that she has already begun to independently command regional conflict campaigns at the tender age of 18, and her skills and methods are as cunning and sophisticated as those of contemporary famous generals. How dare you believe that she is regarded by many generals at the foot of Hastings Cliff as a once-in-a-century genius and the inevitable successor of Hastings?

She was keeping a low profile at the moment, just because she knew that she could not compete for Fatty's halo whether around Hastings or among the bandits.

She has been trying her best to restrain herself, appearing to be of average ability and inexperience. She avoided the eyes of Isaac, Tony, Diana and other family members and Hastings' old subordinates. She never showed her different views from Fatty in front of everyone, and directed all the dominance to Fatty.

Fatty always lies with his mouth without changing his face. Meiduo and Audrey, two little white flowers, have always believed his shameless lies. Fang Xiang, Nida and Helen are also easy to deceive. Milan and Bonnie would sometimes be dubious and then use other methods to force out the truth.

And the only thing he couldn't deceive as soon as he opened his mouth was An Lei, who knew him too well, and Margaret, who was too smart!

It was already very difficult to deceive Margaret, let alone when she knew about Hastings' condition in advance. Just by looking at Fatty's expression at that time, she knew what was on the document.

"Fat man, there is something I have always wanted to ask you. If my grandpa..." Margaret slowly walked to the railing and looked at the brightly lit airport. After a long silence, she asked, "...can you defeat Suo Burr? "

Hearing Margaret's question, An Lei's face tightened. The eyes looking at the fat man were full of worry. To be honest, not only her, but also the entire bandit command and the entire Leray leadership had never thought about the possibility of Fatty defeating Sobol alone. .

In everyone's mind, Sobol is Hastings' opponent.

These two most outstanding military strategists in the human world will start their duel in the southeast. In this process, Fatty may be the vanguard and may lead the bandit army to play a key role, but he is definitely not the person sitting across from Sobol's chessboard.

Although Fatty is already Hastings's de facto successor. Although everyone knows that once Hastings has three strengths and two weaknesses, the only one who can lead everyone is this guy with a pair of provocative ears. However, this idea has been hidden deep in everyone's heart, and they don't have the courage to consider it.

The bandit generals trusted Fatty, and the officers and soldiers under their command worshiped Fatty. Every day they would recall the miracles that Fatty led the Leray Federation and the bandits to create. From when he was a mechanic until he led the bandit fleet back to LeRae to annihilate Sheldon.

In the history of LeRae, there can no longer be found a hero who can be compared with Fatty. His achievements have completely surpassed those legends three hundred years ago.

However, this is not the reason why he can lead the entire Fei League to win the war.

In those countries of the Fei Alliance, generals are ranked based on seniority, those radical military officers of the young group are exclusive to foreigners, and those who are deeply afraid of being robbed of their status and interests are still looking at the situation of a mechanic in a small southeastern country instead of a general with prejudiced eyes. Down. There is no chance of winning this battle!

Fatty is not the darling of the goddess of luck, nor is he an invincible warrior). In essence, he is a young commander who grew up in the war and took the lead in only a year or two. In addition to his tenacity and his commanding talent, the victory he won came more from the advanced mecha warships owned by the bandit army and people's lack of understanding of the transportation team.

People recognized his talent. But in the face of powerful men like Hastings and Sober, it is a ridiculous illusion to rely only on talent to win.

People also recognize the strength of the bandit army. But the bandit army is just a regional armed force. No matter how advanced the technology is, there will be times when the enemy will figure it out and restrain it. No matter how much we don’t understand, there will be a day when we are understood. Unit combat effectiveness does not represent full combat effectiveness. It is impossible for them to compete with the huge coalition forces in Western York.

Take the previous Battle of Metis as an example. Just facing Banning's forward fleet, the bandits had to rely on allied forces such as Tatania and Puditok to work together and use split technology to attack the capital of Desik. , racking his brains to set up a game and lure the opponent in the fierce battle that follows.

It is conceivable that when Banning becomes Sobol, and when the Western York forward fleet becomes the main force of the Western York coalition with more than three times its strength, it will be impossible for the bandits to achieve the same victory.

"Since you know his condition, then there is no secret about it." The fat man was silent for a long time, then he met the eyes of Margaret and An Lei and said: ",——, he told me that we have no way out. .”

"I have been thinking just now. He clearly judged Sober's strategic plan and could have used another way to handle this crisis. Why did he let himself be criticized by thousands of people? Why did he let Li Fucheng become the Allied Commander-in-Chief? "Command." "The fat man sighed and said, "Later, I figured it out.

"Why?" Margaret looked at the fat man softly.

"Because of me." The fat man said calmly: "Although he seems indifferent on the surface, I know that he cares about the love of the people and the reputation left in history. Decades of fame are very worthwhile for him. The proudest thing is "But, he chose me!"

"If it weren't for me, he would not have intervened in this war at all, would not have forced Li Fo to leave, and would not have pushed ahead in such a way at this time, allowing Sobol to divide his troops, while alleviating the pressure on the southeast while enduring the criticism of the people. Lead the fleet to fight south."

·All this is because of me!”

In the eyes of Margaret and An Lei, the fat man pointed at his nose with his hand, looking so proud that it made people want to stuff it with a fist, but his eyes were slightly red.

"He believes in me more than anyone else!"

Another warship very close to the building slowly took off, and the huge roar was like a tide, drowning everything.

The fat man's voice was intermittent among the noise.

"Where the hell is he..." "There is no way out -..." The old guy and..." "The same face..." This is,,"

Force...". Don't leave me a way out!

"Kill you!"

Zhi Feng and An Lei broke up and returned to their offices. The fat man's ears were still burning like red-hot irons. .

The quick exchange of words for a moment resulted in An Lei and Margaret's ears being twisted simultaneously. Margaret's straightforward coquettishness and An Lei's gentle eye rolls each have their own charm. But the attacks are always the same sure and ruthless. Regarding this trick, all these women have quite a lot of experience.

The fat man sat down behind the desk feebly, and glanced at Helen not far away, who looked calm but had a faint smile on her lips.

His red ears were too conspicuous. Others may not know it, but in Helen's eyes, it is as clear as a traffic light. She doesn't need to use her brain to think about it, she can also know what just happened. Maybe they can communicate with each other when they go home at night!

Thinking of this, Fatty felt melancholy.

Fatty has longed for the polygamous life of the Gacharin people since he was a child. In his opinion, although getting married and divorced in this era is as easy as eating broad beans, and extramarital one-night stands and even threesomes are common, it is still not as comfortable as the nobles of the West York Empire who are served by several wives as soon as they return home.

Besides, Fatty is not a casual person. Something as embarrassing as going to bed must be based on pure love.

Therefore, as the nth generation descendant of Tian Boguang, he has spurned the outdated marriage system of monogamy in democratic countries since he was four years old, and determined to marry ten wives!

Of course, such an idea was originally just an obscenity that was close to self-entertainment. But he didn't expect that with the outbreak of the war, there would be more and more women around him along the way.

Among the women who accompany him, some are childhood sweethearts, some are passionately in love, some are in love for a long time, and some share weal and woe. Add a little more..." He glanced at Helen and coughed slightly -..."**, and it became what it is now.

My childhood dream came true, and the women around me were all charming beauties, so I woke up smiling even in my dreams. But only the fat man himself knows the pain involved."

Whether Gacharin or Nart, the polygamous marriage system is based on male-dominated society and traditional educational concepts. Just like Bonnie, although she was the leader of the Mythical Legion, with outstanding abilities and beauty, she would have been pretty good if she had a polygamy with one woman, let alone sharing the same husband with other women in LeLei!

But growing up in Gacharin, she never seemed to have thought there was anything wrong with polygamy. She would not be surprised no matter how many women appeared around the fat man. He just stays by his side wholeheartedly, never gets jealous or makes a fuss, and gets along well with everyone.

In the eyes of polygamous women like Xiyue, no matter how outstanding a woman is, she must depend on a man. Men are trees and women are vines. It is not surprising that several vines entwine a tree. It is incredible that several trees entwine one vine or that only one woman favors an outstanding man.

Unfortunately, not everyone is like Bonnie..." "In this evil democratic society, the opposite is true.

Due to the different concepts of social groups and the education they received since childhood, despite the precarious life in this troubled times and the serious imbalance in the ratio of men to women, every girl thinks that traditional concepts and laws are insignificant compared to actual happiness, and she is even willing to do it for This accepts other women around him. However, acceptance is one thing, and whether you are happy or unhappy is another matter.

Ordinary women are like this, let alone such talented women as An Lei, Margaret, Fang Xiang, Helen and Milan, whose suitors range from the Leray Federation to Heidfield.

Women are always unreasonable.

No matter whether the current result is a realistic factor or not, no matter whether they knew it in advance and were willing to accept it, they still think that all the mistakes are on the fat man.

While they love this guy who has become a part of their lives, they also hate his philandering.

And what comes with this mentality is all kinds of violence that have no reason at all. It's already miserable for one woman to be like this, let alone so many women.

Now Fatty finally understands the benefits of monogamy.

You know, every woman has a bad temper a few times every month. One wife can be determined, but several wives..."』

Is there still a time when people feel happy? What makes Fatty the most confused is that they are obviously psychologically unbalanced because of each other's existence, but why do they get along so well with each other and love each other as sisters, but they always unite to deal with each other? Own? She laughs and pounces on herself repeatedly, pinching her face and twisting her ears, and she never gets tired of it!

Is it because I have a lot of meat on my body, so I can do whatever I want with it? .

Seeing Helen's face pretending not to know but half-smiling but not smiling, the fat man gritted his teeth in anger. The Western York army was pressing down on the border, and Li Fut became the commander-in-chief of the Philippine Alliance forces. Internal and external troubles were dire, and the country was in dire straits, adding to its own troubles.

The fat man drooped his eyelids and tapped twice on the keyboard of the computer console on his desk. There was only a click sound, and the automatic door of the office was locked, the lights dimmed, and the city lights from the three huge and bright French windows disappeared as the automatic curtains closed.

Seeing the fat man standing up and walking towards her with a smirk on his face, two blushes appeared on Helen's face.

As the fat man's confidential secretary, she was often tormented by this fat man who was licentious and physically strong. In this office, many times the fat man has...

"Damn fat man, you want one..." Before Helen could finish her words, the fat man who walked up to her kissed her lips hard, and all her words were blocked in her mouth, turning into a series of indistinct hesitations. Me. Gradually, her body softened, her face flushed, and her water snake-like hands couldn't help but hug the fat man's neck during the passionate kiss. Her half-closed eyes were so charming that they seemed to drip with water.

The fat man put his arms around the waist of the most beautiful woman in Leray, lifted her up from the chair and leaned her against the desk. He reached down into her uniform skirt with one hand, caressed her round and smooth buttocks, and moved his other hand up along the She stretched her slender waist behind her back, opened the buckle of her lace bra, and grasped the smooth mass on her chest.

A greasy moan came out of Helen's tender coffin. The body temperature rises sharply.

The fat man laid the woman flat on the desk and disarmed her little by little.

Although this is not the first time with Helen. But whenever he puts his arms around this woman who is regarded as the dream lover by countless Lelei men, and feels all the tenderness and passion she has poured into him since she followed him to Mars, he can't help but be addicted.

Every part of a woman's body curve is so smooth and smooth, and every arc is so thrilling. The towering pile of powdery snow was exposed from under the loosened bra as the white shirt plaid was removed. As her flat belly and slender and strong waist twisted, the skirt slipped off, revealing a pair of silky and slender legs.

"Pervert!" When the fat man's lips covered Helen's plump breasts, Helen grabbed the fat man's hair and let out a low moan. Immediately, with a scream, the fat man turned him over. :$The round and plump buttocks rippled with the fat man’s slap.

"Pain! Dead man!" Helen bit her lip and winked. The flesh that had been stripped like a white sheep was twisting on the smooth table, and the heavy flesh was pressed like a persimmon. She turned her head sideways, with the ends of her hair brushing against her face, and her round buttocks swaying slightly. The struggle to welcome or reject her contained a temptation that made people fight for their blood.

"Fairy!" The fat man gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly. The wooden desk and Helen groaned at the same time. The whole office was in confusion.

"Isn't that damn thief on your desk?"

“I didn’t have time to read it, so I’m going to dictate it!”

·Hmm-...".Hmm..." General Russell has completed the cleanup of the Hera and Prometheus galaxies, destroying more than 80% of Desik's airports and space stations, and..."" ’ And 40 percent of the space dock. At ten o'clock this morning, General Russell and the Tapu coalition fleet had retreated at the same time. "

As Helen spoke, she paused in the midst of a violent gasp. She gripped the edge of the desk with her hands and bit her lip. After a long time, she continued: "It has been confirmed that the Tapu coalition's attack on the capital of Desik has been confirmed." The offensive effect was outstanding, destroying more than half of the space facilities. In the short term, Desik’s offensive capability was zero, and its defensive capability rating did not exceed level three.”

"Desik's rating is useless, the important thing is Sobol!" said the fat man.

Helen whispered: "I'm going to die, please be gentle, I'm not your enemy!"

As she spoke, she said in a trembling voice: "General Russell has led the fleet out of the Metis Galaxy and deployed defenses along the Tianya Corridor of the Ye Galaxy. It has now merged with our supply fleet. In addition, according to the reconnaissance ahead, The ship reported that Sobol's main forward fleet has entered Desik."

"Well," the fat man gently stroked Helen's smooth back, moved his hands from the breasts that protruded from the squeezing on both sides, and held the woman's slender waist, "What other news is there?"

"The Equipment Department has just issued a document stating that Meteor Company's second batch of Doomsday-class space carriers have been delivered and will be ready for combat within a week -",".

"What?" The fat man's hand wandered around Helen's chest.

"Sister Xiang received a secret message from a general in Salega. I don't know what the specific matter was," Helen Tan said nervously, and the skin of her body turned pink with the fat man's movements. "She said she would wait for you at Fen's house in the evening. .I should have gone back now...ah..."","

Following Helen's high-pitched cry, the room gradually became quiet for a long time.

The fat man gently hugged Helen, who had softened into a puddle of fragrant mud in his arms, and his eyes stayed on the interstellar map suspended in the air in the room.


, the ending involves a lot of things, and writing a complete plot is definitely not something that can be completed in 3,000 words. In the past, I often found that after writing a chapter of 3,000 words, it seemed like a lot of things had just begun. Therefore, updating one chapter a day will definitely not work. I'll try my best to update with a relatively complete plot.

Support Xiangxiangxiang "'Tuxiangxiangixiangxiang!! How about, please log in and call idk "n.\u0026 roar, there are more chapters, is there a time when this makes people feel good?

What the fat man couldn't figure out the most was that they were obviously psychologically unbalanced because of each other's existence, but why did they get along well with each other and be like sisters, but why did they always unite to deal with him? She laughs and pounces on herself repeatedly, pinching her face and twisting her ears, and she never gets tired of it!

Is it because I have a lot of meat on my body, so I can do whatever I want with it?

Seeing Helen's face pretending not to know but half-smiling but not smiling, the fat man gritted his teeth in anger. The Western York army was pressing down on the border, and Li Fut became the commander-in-chief of the Philippine Alliance forces. Internal and external troubles were dire, and the country was in dire straits, adding to its own troubles.

The fat man drooped his eyelids and tapped twice on the keyboard of the computer console on his desk. There was only a click sound, and the automatic door of the office was locked, the lights dimmed, and the city lights from the three huge and bright French windows disappeared as the automatic curtains closed.

Seeing the fat man standing up and walking towards her with a smirk on his face, two blushes appeared on Helen's face.

As the fat man's confidential secretary, she was often tormented by this fat man who was licentious and physically strong. In this office, many times the fat man has...

"Damn fat man, you want one..." Before Helen could finish her words, the fat man who walked up to her kissed her lips fiercely. All the words were blocked in her mouth and turned into a series of indistinct hesitations. Me. Gradually, her body softened, her face flushed, and her water snake-like hands couldn't help but hug the fat man's neck during the passionate kiss. Her half-closed eyes were so charming that they seemed to drip with water.

The fat man put his arms around the waist of the most beautiful woman in Leray, lifted her up from the chair and leaned her against the desk. He reached down into her uniform skirt with one hand, caressed her round and smooth buttocks, and moved his other hand up along the She stretched her slender waist behind her back, opened the buckle of her lace bra, and grasped the smooth mass on her chest.

A greasy moan came out of Helen's tender coffin. The body temperature rises sharply. The fat man laid the woman flat on the desk and disarmed her little by little.

Although this is not the first time with Helen. But whenever he puts his arms around this woman who is regarded as the dream lover by countless Lelei men, and feels all the tenderness and passion she has poured into him since she followed him to Mars, he can't help but be addicted.

Every part of a woman's body curve is so smooth and smooth, and every arc is so thrilling. The towering pile of powdery snow was exposed from under the loosened bra as the white shirt plaid was removed. As her flat belly and slender and strong waist twisted, the skirt slipped off, revealing a pair of silky and slender legs.

"Pervert!" When the fat man's lips covered Helen's plump breasts, Helen grabbed the fat man's hair and let out a low moan. Immediately, with a scream, the fat man turned him over. :$The round and plump buttocks rippled with the fat man’s slap.

"Pain! Dead man!" Helen bit her lip and winked. The flesh that had been stripped like a white sheep was twisting on the smooth table, and the heavy flesh was pressed like a persimmon. She turned her head sideways, with the ends of her hair brushing against her face, and her round buttocks swaying slightly. The struggle to welcome or reject her contained a temptation that made people fight for their blood.

"Fairy!" The fat man gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly. The wooden desk and Helen groaned at the same time. The whole office was in confusion.

The wind is blowing and the rain is slanting, and the waves are shaking on the cypress shore. Amid Haijian Yiyi's moans, Fatty's voice sounded: "Have you received the battle report from ahead?"

"Isn't that damn thief on your desk?"

·Hmm-...".Hmm..." General Russell has completed the cleanup of the Hera and Prometheus galaxies, destroying more than 80% of Desik's airports and space stations, and..."" ’ And 40 percent of the space dock. At ten o'clock this morning, General Russell and the Tapu coalition fleet had retreated at the same time. ".

As Helen spoke, she paused in the midst of a violent gasp. She gripped the edge of the desk with her hands and bit her lip. After a long time, she continued: "It has been confirmed that the Tapu coalition's attack on the capital of Desik has been confirmed." The offensive effect was outstanding, destroying more than half of the space facilities. In the short term, Desik’s offensive capability was zero, and its defensive capability rating did not exceed level three.”

"Desik's rating is useless, the important thing is Sobol!" said the fat man.

As she spoke, she said in a trembling voice: "General Russell has led the fleet to withdraw from the Metis Galaxy and set up defenses along the Tianya Corridor of the Ye Galaxy. It has now merged with our supply fleet. In addition, , according to the report from the reconnaissance ship ahead, Sobol's main forward fleet has entered Desik."

"Well," the fat man gently stroked Helen's smooth back, moved his hands from the breasts that protruded from the squeezing on both sides, and held the woman's slender waist, "What other news is there?"

"The Equipment Department has just issued a document saying that Meteor Company's second batch of Doomsday-class space carriers have been delivered and will be ready for combat within a week-","

"What?" The fat man's hand wandered around Helen's chest.

"Sister Xiang received a secret message from a general in Salega. I don't know what the specific matter was," Helen Tan said nervously, and the skin of her body turned pink with the fat man's movements. "She said she would wait for you at Fen's house in the evening. .I should have gone back now...ah..."","

Following Helen's high-pitched cry, the room gradually became quiet for a long time.

The fat man gently hugged Helen, who had softened into a puddle of fragrant mud in his arms, and his eyes stayed on the interstellar map suspended in the air in the room.


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