"How is this going……"

The three people present at this moment felt puzzled. It was probably a spiritual event...

However, Su Li calmed down thinking about her identity. It is impossible for such a large tomb to be without zongzi, and if the owner of the tomb really cultivated into a thousand-year-old zombie, then it is normal for him to order his men to bring these corpses over. As for those wounds, it might be a blindfold... Thinking about it this way, Su Li felt that the coldness in my heart had disappeared, and more important questions followed.

What is the attitude of the tomb owner towards these trespassers?

Probably just like the princess Yaoguang in the original plot, don't you kill it and keep it for May Day?

As a result, they are all in danger at once.

I don’t know what the bloodletting pool is, but zombies love blood. Could it be that the owner of the tomb collected it for practice?

"I think it's too dangerous here, so I'd better find Xiaobai and leave." Su Li walked to Bailici and whispered.

At this time, Bai Lici had already gone up to examine the corpses. Hearing Su Li's words, he said: "Xiaobai's whereabouts may be more difficult to find."

"Why?" Su Li was puzzled.

Bailici pointed to a corpse at his feet, "He has a strange mark on his body. If I guessed correctly, it should be the group of people practicing evil arts."

Su Li immediately knelt down to look at the mark, only to see that the two people were tattooed on their wrists similar to oracle bone inscriptions, "Are you sure?" Su Li's voice trembled when she said this.

She is not the kind of person who is absolutely ruthless in cold-blooded killer Wu Qingcheng. Xiaobai has been with her for a while, and she has feelings anyway. If it was... Su Li's eyes flashed a hint of hostility.

She is an extremely short-term person, absolutely, absolutely can not let those who hurt Xiaobai. Not even the owner of the tomb.

Su Li didn't say a word, and went straight to pick up the clothes of the two corpses, trying to find some clues. Bailici had no choice but to help her forehead, so she could only hug her to calm her down, and then said: "I'm here, don't think about it."

Su Li squatted while looking at Bailici and found out a book of atlas from them. The text on it was very strange, and he could vaguely understand the method of practicing the evil power. She saw a burst of anger in her heart, took the map and threw it directly into the blood pool.

Baili Ci: "..."

Song Liuying: "..."

Su Li's eyes were burning, as if she wanted to stare out a hole in the corpse in front of her.

However, none of them noticed that the door of the main hall was slowly closing.

Su Li couldn't help but shrank, and when she turned her head, she saw a scene where the door was completely closed.

! ! !

"Fuck!" Unable to utter a swear word, Su Li hurriedly got up and ran to the gate, and found the strange Bailici and Song Liuying also followed.

"The door is closed...it can't be opened..." Su Li said with difficulty.

Usually, under such circumstances, there is definitely danger.

Bailici immediately embraced Su Li and protected her by her side. Su Li also became alert and looked around warily.

At this time, Song Liuying seemed a little helpless, but she was very acquainted, knowing that the two next to her would not shelter her, so she could only get close to them as much as possible.

The entire row of bright lights on the wall flickered and dimmed, and the corpses on the shelves had the last drop of blood.

In the next second, the sound of "gulugulu" sounded, the whole blood pool boiled, and the strong smell of blood filled every corner.

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