Cosmic Invincible Loading System

Chapter 657 What is the Star Field Tunnel?

The Wanlian Star Field is a large star field in the universe, connecting many small star fields.

The entrance to the corridor of the Holy Demon Starfield is just above the K13 city.

It is precisely because of this that Qi Fan landed in K13 City when he crossed from the Holy Demon Starfield.

Renis Kay had already arrived at the Starfield Traffic Management Bureau early. He knew that Qi Fan wanted to enter the Starfield Tunnel, so he had already begun to prepare the staff.

However, the corridors of the Holy Demon Starfield have been closed, except for the last appearance of Qi Fan, in fact there has been no change for 10,000 years.

And Qi Fan just came to K13 City, in fact, he just wanted to see what happened in this star field tunnel, and how it could be closed for ten thousand years.

"My lord, the Star Field Tunnel is still closed. We have done relevant data analysis, and even tried to use some kind of technology to forcibly open it, but there has been no result." Reynis Kay said.

"Since the Wanlian Starfield is connected to so many starfields, besides the Holy Demon Starfield, are there any corridors in those starfields that are closed?" Qi Fan asked.

"A lot." Renis Kay thought for a while, and continued: "However, some star field corridors are relatively unstable, sometimes open and sometimes closed. But the star field corridors that have been closed for more than a thousand years and have not yet been opened are There are not many, only about a dozen, and the corridors of the Holy Demon Starfield have been closed for a relatively long time."

"Take me to have a look." Qi Fan said.

The Starfield Traffic Management Bureau has built some protection at the entrance of the Starfield Corridor. However, the entrance of the Starfield Corridor is not in the sky above K13 City, but at a position about 300 meters above the ground.

The gray fog world in K13 city is as high as 500 meters, that is to say, the star field corridor is located in the gray fog world.

Because of this, the Star Field Traffic Management Bureau actually often has headaches for this matter.

There will always be some evil beasts passing by inadvertently. Although the planetary guards have sent a team here, accidents occasionally happen.

Qi Fan took the elevator down and came to the entrance of the Star Field Corridor.

The four sides are made of hard alloy steel, and the cost here alone is frighteningly high, mainly to prevent powerful evil beasts from intruding and causing damage to the star field corridor.

But in fact, Qi Fan felt that this was completely superfluous.

Because the existence of the Star Field Tunnel is like a gap in the space, it is like the void already exists, and it is difficult for external forces to affect it.

Of course, if it is made of special substances and special abilities, it can indeed affect the star field tunnel.

It's like the star field tunnel in the Xinhua Star Field was forcibly sealed by the ninety-nine star order.

Perhaps the Star Field Traffic Management Bureau spent a lot of money to build this steel barrier just in case.


At this moment, Qi Fan was standing in front of the corridor of the star field.

A void black hole with a diameter of about five meters just unfolded in front of his eyes.

At the entrance of the corridor, there are many scattered star lights flickering, flickering, and the black hole is like an endless abyss, with nothing but darkness.

"Is that where I came from?" Qi Fan asked the staff beside him.

"Yes, my lord. I witnessed you flying out of here and being seriously injured." A director of the Star Field Traffic Management Bureau said.

The original situation was like this, there was a data reaction in the star field tunnel, and they also discovered that there was an unstable substance released in the star field tunnel.

So I started to observe, originally thought that this star field corridor would be opened just then.

Then Qi Fan, who was covered in bruises, flew out of the dark corridor, unconscious.

Later, the Starfield Traffic Management Bureau conducted an investigation on the Starfield Tunnel, and found that after Qi Fan appeared, the Starfield Tunnel returned to "normal", as if nothing had happened.

After Qi Fan woke up from the hospital, he was investigated by them and even recorded a statement.

But at that time, Qi Fan asked three questions and didn't know anything, so the Starfield Traffic Management Bureau didn't get any results.

At this time, Qi Fan began to recall what happened back then.

He remembered that he was fighting a huge Frost Bone Curse King, and after killing the Frost Bone Curse King, the darkness swallowed him.

Then his consciousness became more and more blurred until he fell into a coma.

Later, when he opened his eyes, he appeared in the hospital in K13 city.

"Since the star field tunnel is closed, there should be no reason for me to pass through it and come to Wanlian star field." Qi Fan began to ponder in his heart.

However, there was one thing that made him feel very puzzled.

"I want to ask, is there any kind of creature in the corridor of the star field?" Qi Fan asked.

All the professionals looked at each other and shook their heads.

An expert in charge of the corridor of the Holy Demon Starfield stood up and saluted Qi Fan: "My lord, the corridor of the starfield is the overlap of space and space. Theoretically speaking, this overlapping place can also be called space." , is just a relatively static special space.”

"This space is very small. There is no time, no air, or even any substance in it. Any creature entering this space is as if it is frozen."

"Let me just give you an example. Suppose an ordinary person enters this space, he will be torn apart by this space immediately, turning into nothing."

"But if you are a strong person like you, after entering this space, you will be able to withstand the damage caused by this space, that is, you will not be torn apart by the space. However, your body will not feel As time goes by, even a thousand or ten thousand years, you will not change in any way."

"So, if it is a certain kind of powerful creature, it is theoretically possible to exist."

In order to make Qi Fan understand more clearly, this expert also tried not to use technical terms to make it sound clearer.

However, upon hearing these words, Qi Fan frowned tightly.

"You mean, if I enter the corridor of the star field, even if it takes me a hundred years to pass through this corridor, my body will not change in all aspects?"

"Yes, my lord." The expert nodded: "Don't say it is a hundred years, even if it is ten thousand years, you will come out in whatever form you enter, because time does not exist in this special space. Nothing exists."

Hearing these words, Qi Fan felt a kind of fear in his heart.

"Then how long do you think it took me to come here from the Holy Demon Starfield?" Qi Fan asked again.

"Well, it's hard to say, maybe it's just a minute, or it might be a day, or even a year, a thousand years, or ten thousand years." The expert said.

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