COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 949: Don’t tell anyone about the past.

"Well, it's true. If the human heart can't beat, it will die." Tsushima Shuji was silent for a moment and said indifferently.

"How should we find an opportunity to interact with Okiya Subaru naturally?" He changed the topic and kissed the calico cat, which was steadily gaining weight.

"I thought this issue should be something that the other party should be worried about?" Midorikawa Mu followed the boy's changed topic and started communicating.

How to contact Tsushima Shuji? Isn’t it a question that Akai Shuichi should think about?

Doesn't Kao just have to wait for Akai Shuichi to find a way to come to him?

"He can't find a chance to get close to me, right?" Tsushima Shuji said calmly.

"We have direct access to the elevator. He lives downstairs. Wouldn't it be strange if he often came to the top floor? He would never do such a thing, so he would definitely find other ways to get close to me..."

"He comes and goes by car. If he chooses to cheat... he will still be suspected, because the person driving the car is the organization's bourbon, even though he knows that bourbon is an undercover..."

"No matter how you think about it, he has no chance to approach us naturally." Tsushima Shuji frowned and looked very troubled.

Who would have thought that one day he would actually think of ways to let people approach him smoothly?

"Speaking of which, are there no dishes in the refrigerator..." Tsushima Shuji looked towards the kitchen.

"What do you think?" Toru Amuro asked with a smile.

The refrigerator in the apartment will be tidied every three days, and all unused items will be cleared out.

All are replaced with the freshest ingredients.

So there is no such thing as running out of food.

"It must be gone! Right!" Tsushima Shuji said with certainty.

My whole body was resisting the second answer.

"...If you choose to deceive yourself and others." Toru Amuro said speechlessly.

What could he say? Just as a person who pretends to be asleep can never be woken up, a person who deceives himself will never admit the truth.

"Then we must go shopping, right?" Tsushima Shuji said his purpose with satisfaction.

Toru Amuro raised the corners of her lips coldly: "Heh."

"Let's go, let's go. After we came back, we found that there was no food and we needed to go out to buy food. It's completely normal." Tsushima Shuji gave a thumbs up and said seriously.

"...This is the first time I have to find ways to provide the FBI with an opportunity to get close to me." Midorikawa smiled and stood up.

"It's actually quite interesting, isn't it?" He asked Toru Amuro.

"No matter what he says, you will find it interesting. Do you really think of yourself as a mother? Scotland." The blond man suddenly mocked in a sinister way.

"Maybe?" Scotland smiled warmly and answered with unknown meaning.

Bourbon rolled his eyes.

"Let's go." As if he felt that staying here any longer would be a bit insulting to his intelligence, he couldn't wait to get up with the Shiba Inu in his arms.

"Well, you can also walk your dog and cat. It's very life-like." Tsushima Shuji looked at the calico cat thoughtfully.

The weight loss effect is not seen at all.

Instead, he got fatter.

It is gradually developing in the direction of orange cats.

"Meow~" The calico cat lazily rubbed the boy's calf.

"No, you have to walk by yourself, because you are too fat and I can't hold you at all." Shuji Tsushima said to the cat helplessly.

"Meow?!" The calico cat's cry revealed disbelief.

"If you lie down every day, you will become paralyzed." Tsushima Shuji raised the corner of his mouth.

"If you are paralyzed, you will have no choice but to be thrown away by me." He threatened Madara in a sinister tone.

"Meow!" Madara screamed and jumped off the sofa.

He looked like he was ready to run laps.

"You can even threaten cats..." Bourbon looked amazed.

You really are not a human being, Kaa.

"Let's go, let's go." Tsushima Shuji happily opened the door of the apartment and walked out.

Madara followed closely, for fear of being abandoned.

"You have to walk on your own." Toru Amuro looked at the white Shiba Inu, patted the dog's head, and tied the leash on the dog.

In the elevator.

"It feels like it's been a long time since I bought groceries in person..." Midorikawa smiled as he looked at the smooth elevator reflecting the three figures.

"Except for buying groceries when I first met this guy, talking about the past, this guy pretended to be very good in front of me. He was targeted by the organization, had to serve for the organization, and even wanted to die. The identity is played as if it were real." Toru Amuro had made a lot of complaints before mentioning it.

In order to find a balance between the members of the organization and the police undercover, he had to be gentle and cold towards Kao, but he was disgusted.

"Indeed, Kaa pretended to be in front of us for a while, and then he probably found it boring, so he gave up the disguise." Midorikawa smiled and said.

"Obviously you two insisted on acting in front of me. I was just politely cooperating with you." Shuji Tsushima spread his hands.

"Obviously I feel excited when I see a dead person, but I still pretend that I can't bear it." He pointed at the blond man.

Toru Amuro, who was pointed at, had a subtle expression, as if he was a little disgusted.

He doesn't actually care when someone dies, unless it's someone he knows who dies, then he'll find it interesting.

But in order to disguise himself, he had to look unbearable.

"You clearly didn't want to care about me when you saw me jumping into the river, but you still pretended to be worried about me and jumped in to save me." Shuji Tsushima pointed at Midorikawa Mu again.

Midorikawa Mu recalled the time Tsushima Shuji jumped into the river and how he jumped to save him in accordance with his character as a police undercover agent. His expression was also a little subtle.

After all, you can't just watch a child die in front of you.

And there was a reason at the time. It was the organization that asked him to keep an eye on Kaa, so it was necessary to save the other party.

Otherwise, Scotland doesn't care whether the other party dies or not.

It was Zhu Fu Jingguang who wanted to save people, not Scotland.

"I see that you are very happy in your performance, so I will cooperate with you..." Tsushima Shuji looked helpless.

"Okay, stop talking, it's all in the past." Toru Amuro interrupted the act of recalling the past.

There is no need to recall that stupid past.

"Just because it's passed doesn't mean it didn't happen~" Tsushima Shuji said lightly.

Amuro Toru turned a deaf ear and walked out as soon as the elevator door opened, pretending not to hear anything.

"You are better at deceiving yourself and others than me, aren't you Tou-kun?" Tsushima Shuji said slowly when he saw this.

Toru Amuro remained indifferent and didn't seem to hear at all.

Tsushima Shuji didn't care and got into the car slowly.

As the car drove out of the underground garage, Tsushima Shuji looked at the apartment upstairs through the rearview mirror.

The balcony of the apartment where Akai Shuichi...or Okiya Subaru lived had the curtains drawn so that the inside could not be seen.

But Shuji Tsushima knew that someone was staring at them intently from behind the curtain.

It's just that there were no bugs or signal transmitters.

It seems that they still trust the strength of Bourbon and the others.

Because I knew that if I let it go, it would be discovered and it would alert the enemy, so I simply didn't let it go.

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