COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 912 Invitation to the Circus

"These are love letters sent to you by your fans, do you want to see them?" Bourbon asked, throwing a box of letters on the coffee table.

"...It's better to put this kind of thing into the crusher as soon as possible." Tsushima Shuji said numbly.

He always avoids guys who express their love to him unreservedly.

Even when someone shows love to you in person, you will feel bored and want to leave quickly.

"Okay." Bourbon shrugged and stuffed the envelopes into the shredder one by one with skillful movements.

He paused for a moment when he touched one of the letters.

"This is quite special." He looked at the envelope in his hand and said to Tsushima Shuji.

This is a black envelope, stamped with gold-red fire paint, with a lion totem printed on it.

It looked out of place with those white and pink letters.

It is also easier to attract attention.

"This invitation letter from the lion...ah! I remembered that the circus's world tour is going to be Japan's turn..." Shuji Tsushima reached out to take the envelope, touched the lion totem on the envelope, and smiled softly. After a while, he suddenly realized.

"Why did the circus send you an invitation?" Bourbon asked while continuing to throw the letter into the crusher.

"Because I am their loyal audience?" Tsushima Shuji said perfunctorily, while opening the envelope.

[Don’t miss our performance. Leon really wants to see you. Why don’t you come and pet your pet? By the way, Mr. Randy Hock will also appear. ——Lane]

Along with the letter were three tickets.

[Wonderful performance by Leon, the African white lion. ]

[Presented by circus members Paul \u0026 Anne. ]

The tickets have the names of the circus members and a mugshot of a lion with white fur and blue eyes.

"The protagonist of this performance is Leon..." Tsushima Shuji's eyes drifted over the picture of the lion and landed on the names of Paul and Anne.

"Randy Hawk is here too..." He lowered his eyes and thought.

Smiling when I saw the show date on my ticket.

"Three days later, James Blake, the leader of the FBI investigation team, will arrive in Japan to join Shuichi Akai." He said.

Randy Hawke and James Blake look exactly the same, and...

Randy Hoke would also say this. He didn't have to say it, but Ryan said it.

So... this is a hint, or a hint.

"Three days later? Are you going to kill him or leave him alive?" Bourbon asked disapprovingly.

"It would be too pitiful to be killed as soon as you arrive in Japan. It's like being treated like cannon fodder and die after just one episode..." Shuji Tsushima sighed softly.

"I'm still looking forward to them." He said with unclear meaning.

Be it Kudo Shinichi, Miyano Shiho, Akai Shuichi...

No matter who it is, there must be someone alive.

After all...the defeat of evil by justice is the final outcome.

If they died, the ending would not be possible.

"You can kill them but you deliberately keep them, be careful of overturning and getting killed." Bourbon reminded with a smile.

"Really? I'm looking forward to it." Tsushima Shuji showed an expectant smile.

"I'm really...looking forward to it..." His eyes were hollow and sickly, and his smile gradually widened.

It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you can kill him...

That would be great.

"You're really confident." Bourbon sighed at the young man's confidence in himself.

"Are you confident that they can't make you overturn, or are you hoping that they will let you overturn?" he asked.

"The latter." Tsushima Shuji replied with a smile.

"Do you want to be killed by them so much?" Bourbon's voice turned cold.

"Ah, I've only dreamed about it." Shuji Tsushima affirmed without hesitation.

"I will kill you myself before they kill you. At least you can't die in their hands. I won't allow it." Bourbon said with cold eyes.

Even if the cause of death is suicide, it is better than being killed by those righteous hounds.

"These words are really cruel. Do you want to try it now? Come on, kill me." Tsushima Shuji chuckled and took out the gun from his body, handed it to Bobon with his own hand, and even took the initiative to push it into Bobon's hand. In my hands.

"Come on, pull the trigger and kill me." He held Bourbon's hand with both hands and controlled the other person to hold the gun against his chest.

Bourbon's purple eyes shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously wanted to let go of his hand.

"Kaa..." Scotland watched this scene, the alarm bells in his mind rang loudly, and he quickly reminded him.

"Shoot, Bourbon." Tsushima Shuji just stared at the man with blond hair and purple eyes and whispered.

Bourbon's hand couldn't help but tremble slightly, and he wanted to pull away, but was tightly restrained.

"If you don't kill me first, maybe I will die at the hands of a good person?" Shuji Tsushima's voice was as ethereal as the whisper of a devil.

"If you don't even have the determination to shoot me... with what mood did you say those words before?" Every word revealed the meaning of temptation.

"It's really disappointing." When he saw Bourbon still resisting, he showed an obvious expression of disappointment.

"Put the gun down first..." Scotland breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Fabo, the provocative general, will not be fooled this time...


Even with the silencer installed, there is still a slight sound.

The alarm bells in Scotland's head stopped.

The bullet penetrated from behind the young man, bringing out a bunch of blooming blood flowers, which looked extremely beautiful.

It splashed onto the black sofa and turned into dots of dark color.

Tsushima Shuji fell on the sofa, and the dark area on the sofa became larger and larger.

Blood poured out of the young man's body like an endless stream, but he smiled.

"Look, it's easy to shoot me, right? Next time you encounter a situation like this, just shoot without hesitation."

"Do it like you said. Men just have to do it, right?" He said in a natural tone, as if he didn't feel any pain at all, and his expression didn't change at all.

His body was trembling slightly because of the pain.

The gun in Bourbon's hand fell to the ground.

The way he looked at Shuji Tsushima was like looking at some kind of indescribable monster, with fear, panic, worry, regret, impatience...

Countless emotions intertwined into an intricate web in his eyes.

"You crazy man," he finally said.

Compared to Dazai Osamu, he is even worse than a lunatic.

He fired the gun, but it wasn't him either.

It was Shuji Tsushima who pressed his finger on the trigger.

Bourbon, who was so strong, even thought his fingers had been broken off by the opponent.

And what he did was just to let Bourbon understand that it was easy to shoot him.

He's trying to teach Bourbon how to kill himself.


He was inducing Bourbon to kill himself.

Once his identity was exposed and he faced off against the red side, he hoped that Bo would take the initiative to shoot like he did today.

"Can't call an ambulance, can't explain how he was shot at home..." Scotland was currently kneeling on the edge of the sofa, trying to stop the bleeding and trying to stay calm.

"Send to the clinic in Chablis..." He made a decision calmly.

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