COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 865 Kidd's performance begins

After a group of people drew lots at the shrine, they separated.

Because Suzuki Sonoko invited Maurilan to play together, Maurilan invited Yuanshan and Ye.

There is always a lot of common topics between girls, and it is more comfortable than being with a group of boys.

So they went shopping.

"Where are we going?" Atobe Keigo looked at Hattori Heiji.

"We..." Hattori Heiji looked at Edogawa Conan thoughtfully.

"I have something to do with this kid, do you want to go shopping by yourself?" he asked Ajibe Keigo.

"Then let's go shopping on our own." Atobe Keigo didn't care, let alone what Heiji Hattori and a primary school student could do together.

"Tsushima, do you want to come with us?" Hattori Heiji looked at Shuji Tsushima.

The three detectives should act together.

"No need, I promised in advance that I would be with Atobe-senpai and the others." Tsushima Shuji shook his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"Then let's go first." Hattori Heiji turned around and waved with his back to them.

"Let's go too." Atobe Jingwu said.

"We might need to buy something..." Tsushima Shuji rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Oh? Let's hear it." Atobe Keigo raised his eyebrows.

"Such as skateboards and motorcycles." Tsushima Shuji touched his chin and said.

"I always think that it will be used in the future. Senior Atobe, you must also want to experience the feeling of chasing the phantom thief Kidd? Hongshu should also want to try it..." The black-haired and kite-eyed youth smiled.

Because I was bored, I decided to take these people to play the game of chasing the phantom thief Kidd.

In the end, he definitely won't be able to catch up with Kaitou Kidd.

Then everyone will show a lost expression of disappointment.

Thinking of this, Tsushima Shuji felt a little better in his boring mood.

If you make others unhappy, you will be happy.

"Indeed, motorcycles and skateboards are faster, and private cars are easily blocked, especially in Osaka..." Atobe Keigo's tone was a little complicated.

"Osaka..." Akashi Seijuro smiled lightly.

Osaka people are more... rebellious, maverick.

Ignoring the traffic lights, saying that you can only go to the right but have to go to the left, etc... are all basic operations.

Anyway, they like to work against the so-called rules.

"But... does any of us have a motorcycle driver's license? Tsushima, you and he definitely don't." Atobe Keigo asked first, and then said without hesitation.

He was referring to Sawada Hiroki.

Because only sixteen years old can get a motorcycle driver's license, and Tsushima Shuji and Sawada Hiroki...

Not even sixteen.

"That's why I said skateboards and motorcycles. Hiroki and I can just buy skateboards...Mr. Amuro and Mr. Midorikawa can buy motorcycles..." Tsushima Shuji said unhappily.

He has not grown up.

I will never get a chance to get a motorcycle driver's license.

"I think..." Akashi Seijuro looked around at the others.

"Except for Mr. Amuro and Mr. Midorikawa, everyone can only buy skateboards," he said.

Akashi Seijuro didn't have a motorcycle driver's license because he didn't need to ride a motorcycle.

From childhood to adulthood, they are all private cars, and they are equipped with special drivers.

Atobe Keigo is the same.

As for Xu Wanghuan... You can tell from the curious face of the other party, the other party probably doesn't know there is such a thing as a motorcycle driver's license.

How on earth did the King Xu family teach the heir, I have no common sense...

Akashi Seijuro sighed inwardly.

"Well, we have a motorcycle driver's license." The twins of the Hitachi Institute raised their hands expressionlessly, and their voices were flat.

So everyone's eyes were fixed on them.

"I took the test for the flying motorcycle of the Tsushima Club, but I need to book it in advance. Now I can only buy ordinary motorcycles. Skateboards are more interesting..." The twins of the Hitachi-in family continued.

So everyone withdrew their gazes.

"Then let's go buy a skateboard." With a goal to do, the efficiency of a group of people will become higher.

Soon found a skate shop.

Each chose a skateboard.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring a hoverboard, the speed could be a little faster..." Sawada Hiroki touched the skateboard with a pity.

And can fly.

"If you have good strength, even an ordinary skateboard can play super fast..." Tsushima Shuji picked up a black skateboard.

"And it's just a disposable item, I don't plan to take it back." He said lightly.

"That's right." Hiroshi Sawada agreed, and he chose a black skateboard at random.

Exactly the same as Shuji Tsushima.

The others had already chosen their skateboards, and after paying the bills, they left with their skateboards in their arms.

Amuro Toru and Midorikawa Muya bought skateboards, because the procedures for buying motorcycles are a bit cumbersome, unless they bought the road is not very clean.

But they can't do that now.

So I can only fall back and buy a skateboard.

"It's seven o'clock..." Tsushima Shuji looked at the time displayed on the phone.

"There are still twenty minutes..." He looked in the direction of the Tianshou Pavilion.

"Twenty minutes left?" Atobe Keigo asked.

"In twenty minutes, everyone will be able to see a wonderful performance." Tsushima Shuji smiled.

"Performance? Today is not the day when there is a performance in Osaka..." Atobe Keigo lowered his eyes and thought for a while.

If I want to talk about it recently, it's... Kaitou Kid's performance.

But the other party should show up at three in the morning...

Tsushima said 7:20...

"Seven twenty..." Atobe Keigo looked at the watch.

Remove the second hand and focus only on the hour and minute hands, which also seem to be in the shape of a large L, but they are oblique.

The lion at dusk, the girl at dawn...

If it is written, the twelfth is the last word at the end...

It also appears to be slanted.

"So the announcement time for Kaito Kid's big announcement is 7:20 instead of 3:00 in the morning?!" Keigo Atobe asked.

"Well, it should be." Tsushima Shuji said casually.

"That's actually the case... You didn't tell the police about this matter." Feng Jingye lifted her glasses, which was meaningful.

They all thought that the Tsushima family was bound to the police.

"Why do you say that? Kidd will return, and... I didn't accept the request to capture Kidd the phantom thief." Tsushima Shuji hooked his lips.

And he promised Uncle Thief to help take care of Kuroba Kuito.

There is really no way, after all, Tsushima Shuji is a reliable person.

Just like Kudo Yusaku and the others asked him to take more care of Kudo Shinichi, he complied.

So Edogawa Conan is still alive.

Seven twenty in the evening.

Bright fireworks rose from the direction of Osaka Castle and spread out in the sky.

Everyone around can notice such fireworks.

"It's starting, summer fireworks..." Tsushima Shuji looked at the fireworks and sighed with emotion.

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