Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 65 The Baptism of Blood


All kinds of strange things made the three Spartans instantly alert.

John immediately raised his left hand, motioning for Carl to check whether the door could be opened normally, and then let Myron stand aside for cover.

The two people who were instructed began to act one after another.


Carl held the door handle and couldn't turn it. After letting go, he looked at the two people beside him and shook his head.

Seeing this, John slowly came to Carl's side and looked at Myron again.

Myron immediately understood the meaning and nodded, walked to the front of the door, and then...


Myron lifted his leg and kicked the Spartan, and the iron door was instantly deformed and bent and kicked open, and the door frame raised a large amount of dust.


Immediately afterwards, Karl and John rushed into the house, and Myron followed closely behind.


The interior of the house is slightly modern.

There is a long table against the wall on the right side, which is full of various weapons and equipment, as well as several solid military computers.

On the left is a rusted iron frame bed with a few puddles of stains on the sheets and bedding.

Opposite the door is a window covered with a light-blocking cloth, just in time to observe Mahmoud's estate.

The black agent with a dagger in his hand was facing the tense-faced Spartans with his back.

The agent trembled all over, his head kept twitching, and he repeated to himself:

"I'm an agent of Umbrella, I can't fail, I don't want to kill, I'm Umbrella..."


Seeing this, the three who cooperated with each other reacted instantly.

Carl walked slowly to the long table and took the lead in controlling weapons and equipment.

John and Myron, one left and one right, stepped forward, only two meters away from the agent.

John asked in a low voice, "Agent, please report the situation."

"Status... report..."

Seeing that the black agent turned around, John and Myron became even more solemn.

I saw the agent's eyes rolled up, his forehead covered in cold sweat, and his temples were bulging.

The expression is sometimes hideous, sometimes confused, as if doing a violent psychological struggle.


"Only by killing can you be free."

Following this sentence, the agent's eyeballs turned strangely, and finally focused on Myron.

The agent's action made Myron's adrenaline surge, but if there was a trace of strangeness, he didn't mind attacking first.

"Hey!" The dagger raised up and made a piercing sound.

"Pfft!" The human vomited blood.

The agent still attacked Myron, but the latter dodged sideways and was hit in the chin with a right hook.


Due to the strong inertia, the agent raised his head and flew into the air, spurting a large amount of blood from his nose and mouth, and suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, John hurried to the agent's side.

Half kneeling on the ground, put the index finger of his left hand under the agent's nostril, and touched the agent's neck again.

Then he looked at Myron, who was still on guard, and said in a reproachful tone:

"No. 3, your strength almost killed him, pay attention later."

"Yes." Myron, who entered a serious state, spoke briefly.

John picked up the agent and put it on the bed, and ordered: "Number three, go downstairs to monitor the surrounding situation.

No. 4 first contacted other teams to confirm whether they encountered a situation similar to ours, and then reported the matter to the base command center. "

"Yes." (x2)

The two Spartans split up.

Before leaving the room, Myron also straightened the iron door and closed the door before walking downstairs.

Carl used the computer to switch to encrypted communication between Spartans to communicate.

John picked up the rope on the table and bound the agent of unknown state to prevent him from going mad after waking up.

after half a minute;

"Seventh, other groups also encountered similar situations." Carr said.

"Well." John, who was half-squatting behind the window and observing the manor, asked, "What did the base say?"

"The base said it was up to us to decide whether to leave the war zone or not."

John turned his head to look at Carl and asked, "How did the other Spartans decide?"

"It's up to you," Carl said.

Hearing this, John straightened his posture and continued to observe the manor and said in a low voice, "Tell the base that the beheading operation will be carried out as usual."


After that, the safe house fell silent.

Carl packed up his equipment, John observed the layout of the nearby streets, and Myron was on guard outside.

The city remains.

The loudspeaker tower kept repeating Swahili, which the Spartans could not understand.

Only when night falls, Dadaab will be completely liberated by Umbrella.



Time: 23:50

It was dark at night.

After all, this place is extremely backward, and there are only a few rich people, and the manor in the center of the city is lit up.

on the street.

"Crack~Kala~" Flames burned in the iron bucket, making a clack noise.

Firelight illuminates the street corner, providing vision for the two militiamen on duty here.

At this time, a fat militiaman scratched his chin and said lazily to the thin man beside him:

"Ninaenda choo (I'm going to the toilet)." The fat militiaman finished and left with his rifle.

The skinny militiaman looked at his buddy's back and reminded: "Baada ya shiti, rudi haraka (finish shit, come back soon)!"

"Nini (ah)." Fatty waved his hand.

The thin man shrugged helplessly.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw a very beautiful white woman in front of him.

"Crack!" The crisp sound.

Let the last sight of this militiaman be fixed on this beautiful face.

I saw John, Myron, and Karl appear on the street corner at an unknown time.

The equipment of the three Spartans is standard for Agent Umbrella, and the firearms are all equipped with subsonic bullets and suppressors.

And John was the initiator of the click just now. He easily broke the neck of the militiaman with both hands.

"Huh?" The fat militiaman also noticed the strangeness behind him.

"Crack it!" Before the fat man turned his head, Myron made the same action as John.

"Plop." (x2)

Throwing the two corpses into the alley, they continued eastward against the wall.

They who had just executed the assassination did not frown and did not feel any discomfort.

After witnessing the inhumane suburbs, they were already familiar with death.


When they tortured and killed the dehumanized militiamen, they still felt a little pleasure in their hearts, thinking that they were doing the right thing.

As said before.

Before Sparta could become the perfect killing machine, it had to be baptized in blood.

The three silently came to an alley, and the fence of the manor was in front of them.

Immediately, John used the communication to say softly: "This is the No. 7 group, ready."

"Team One is ready."

"Team 9 is ready to..."

The voices of the captains of the other four groups were heard in the communication.

Then John said: "The command center needs real-time dynamic help."

"The command center has received that the drone has arrived over the target manor, and the picture will be transmitted to your holographic glasses.

Good luck with your graduation exams, Spartans. "


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