
Chapter 62: [Todoro's tragic fate] Today 3 more

(There will be three more today!)

Chapter 62 【Todo's tragic fate】

He felt that he must have sinned against the supreme God or cursed ...

I do n’t know ... I think of myself, in addition to being guilty of owing money and having **** and greed, there doesn't seem to be any serious sin.

Alas ... except when studying magic in the church, the morning and evening prayer classes are often open for small sleeps ...

But even so, such a tragic fate should not fall on my Lord Dodoro!

God! I am a magician! Is the most noble profession on the mainland, magician! !!

Although he had fled to the wild place of Wildfire Plains because of hiding debts, but since the last time he followed the noble and beautiful His Royal Highness and redeemed himself from the fierce little thief, Totoro thought that his tragic fate had ended. Already.

He knew Adelin's noble identity! With a low-level low-level magician who can follow his Highness, even if it is not promising, at least it will be a long-term meal ticket. Do n’t you worry about eating and drinking?

Unfortunately, Dodo's wishful thinking was not realized.

Poor Worm didn't mean to let Doodor follow him. In fact, Poor Worm knew that after she returned, her fate was an unknown. How could she let Dodor follow her? Moreover, when Dodoro was taken away, she just wanted to avoid letting this guy reveal his true identity to Tu.

And taking away Dodoro, while on the road, the poor worm forced the magician to make a poisonous oath with magic, a contract vow, albeit low, but with magical properties, enough to keep this guy's mouth tightly closed Already.

So, when he returned to Wildfire Town, the poor worm released Dodoro and let him make his own living.

Of course, the kind poor worm did not treat the magician, after all, it was a common affliction. Before leaving, the poor worm let the kip knight give him a lot of money, although not too much, but One hundred gold coins is enough for a magician to spend a long time.

Moreover, Poor Worm was naive to think that she was doing a good deed, after all, it was to regain the magician's freedom ...

But poor worm is wrong!

It looks like a person like Dodoro, without any self-protection skills. His magic is too low. In a wild place like wildfire town, he undoubtedly threw a fat sheep into the wolf's den.

What's even worse is that this fat lamb also had a hundred-dollar coins such a jealous fortune!

I was so miserable!

I was most angry at the magician. The last time he met the same villains who robbed him, the last time these guys had stripped all of his clothes out of the city gate.

I didn't expect this fat sheep to come to the door again, and brought a fortune!

The villains were happy to accept this unexpected gain, and the poor magician was once again stripped of his clothes and thrown in the corner of the wall-in good faith, this time the villain left the magician's underwear.

Poor Worm probably didn't expect his kindness, but the magician suffered such a miserable fate.

If ... if Wildfire Town is not occupied by the army, then Dodo can sell himself once more, sell it to a caravan as a servant, and at least be a cultural person if he can write what he knows. Mix food and clothing.

Misfortune was miserable. Like Doro, Doodor met a group of strong soldiers! Even worse, the poor magician was not as powerful as Charya.

He tried to escape too, but after a few lashes, the magician was honest.

He was brought into the Minfu camp, gloriously became a coolie, and silently contributed to the Byzantine Empire's war against the invaders ...

The magician who is savory and lazy has also become the most bullied guy in the camp. He has poor physical strength and is always the most backward in work. He eats nothing less than others. Naturally, two soldiers were beaten by two prisoners for three days.

Of course, he is not without trying to identify himself: a glorious and noble magician.

But unfortunately, his words were taken as crazy words. When he tried to perform magic, a flying dust enraged the guarded soldier instead.

靠 "Fuck! Dare to take the sand to lose me!"

As a result, the magician got another full meal.

Before he met Charlie, the poor magician had been struggling in the camp for many days ...

If it comes to the tragic record of the fate of the magicians in the mainland for thousands of years, I am afraid Dodoro is no one before and no one after!

It ’s so miserable to be a magician ... I am afraid that when spread out, magicians across the continent will be so ashamed that they ca n’t wait to be killed-of course, before they are killed, they will first try to kill this and kill the group Shy Dodoro!


Sitting on the ground, Doodoro snotted and shed tears, telling Charya his tragic encounter. After thinking of intersect one after another, even Xia could not help but sympathize with this guy.

"Okay! I want this guy!" He turned and announced to the fat officer: "I want him, when my uncle obeys! When can I take him away?"

The chubby officer looked at Dodoro with a look at the animals—this guy was so thin that he remained a waste of food in the labor camp.

So the corrupt official smiled respectfully: "You can take it at any time-as long as you want."


Haunting a large circle, the magician fell into Char's clutch again.

Disengaged from a glorious coolie status, the new identity of the magician is the obedience of a cavalry.

Uhhhhhhhh, well, let me obey, at least one hundred times better than being a coolie.

But a word from Charya disillusioned the magician.

鳖 This soil 的 announced with a smile: "From now on, you're my Sosuo again."


The only thing that was suspicious was Kevin. Looking at the thin guy that Charlie took away, he followed pitifully behind the two, and Kevin couldn't help looking back at the suspicious guy-he No matter how you look at it, you feel that this person's appearance is really insignificant.

And ~ ~ From Kevin's professional point of view, this guy is really not like a qualified workman who can do the job. He looked a bit cunning, not the kind of hardworking. And the body is thin and weak, not like able to work hard, you know, the cavalry equipment is very heavy! Can this guy move?

"Why did you choose such a guy." Kevin sighed.

"An old acquaintance, seeing him as pitiful in the coolie camp." Charlie replied casually.

"Oh? What did he do before? Is there any craft?"

She Xia thought for a moment: "Well, a juggler."

(Juggling ... the magician is in tears behind him.)

"What's the use of juggling? He doesn't seem to be able to work. And ... this person seems a bit cunning." Kevin expressed concern about his disappointment. After all, 扈 was still important to the cavalry.

She Xia grinned, with a strange light flashing in her eyes, and he answered Kevin's question.

"Rest assured, he will be obedient ... My adoptive father taught me a word: a filial son under a stick! Hehe ..."

Hey (the magician vomits blood ... God, please pray for me, please bless me ...)


[Please note ~ there will be three more today!

The later update time is as follows: the second update will be released in the evening, and the third update ... Ha ha, as usual at 12 pm, today is Sunday. The chapter update at 1:00 pm is to impact the new week List ~

Please also invite your brothers and sisters to prepare tickets to join the show. The ranking of next week depends on your support!

There is also a special gift in the book review area when you are in the world ~~】



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