
Chapter 23: [2 reasons]

Chapter 23 [Two Reasons]

Shexiaya searched carefully in this goblin tribe. There are 164 goblin bodies in the entire tribe, regardless of their age. All the corpses, in the opinion of the experienced hunter, were lethal in one hit. Obviously these goblins had resisted, but they could not form an effective counterattack against the enemy.

These goblins also tried to escape, but judging from the horseshoe marks around the tribe, those who attacked the goblins had much more power than goblins, and these goblins had no way to escape.

Many goblins were shot and killed on the earth wall when they escaped over the earth wall.

Xia Xia pulled an arrow from a corpse and looked twice.

Smashing armor-piercing arrows?

His eyes brightened. The spine of this kind of arrow is made of metal, and the body of the arrow is heavy, and it is specially used to shoot through the enemy's armor. In Wildfire Town, only those powerful mercenary regiments will use this arrow, but it will only be used sparingly when encountering strong enemies occasionally.

And here ... Attacking the people here, with such an expensive arrow to shoot the mean goblins? ?

Sharp weapons, fierce and brutal slaughter, flying riders, fatal killing techniques in one shot ...

And slaughter more than a hundred goblins in one fell swoop without leaving a living mouth. Such a style is rare in places like Wildfire. I am afraid that only a few prominent black tribes on the wildfire will do this kind of thing.

But ... even those black tribes will not waste energy running to slaughter goblins-the goblins are poor like a bunch of beggars, robbing them is nothing, unless you are suspicious of all kinds of meat prepared by the goblins Interested.

I walked around the perimeter of this tribe, Charya stood still, closed her eyes and thought for a while. The horseshoe marks, bloodstains, footprints, and corpses left on the ground seemed messy, but in Xia's heart, a vague clue was quickly cleared.

马 The footprints of these horseshoes, plus the distribution of those goblin corpses, and even the falling orientation, immediately reminded Charya of some of the vague memories.

I seem to ... There were some similar descriptions in those yellow books that peeked at the old guy.

Xia Xia opened her eyes. At this moment, the expression of this earthworm was dignified. He walked along the tribe again, and sorted out a clear idea in his heart.

(More than 20 people, no more than 30 at most, all are cavalry, archers, and skilled arrows. They are divided into three teams. One team blocked the way out at the gate of the tribe, broke the gate of the tribe, and killed. They forced the goblins to run away from the wall. The other two teams were the horses, who took the opportunity to drive around the tribe's earthen walls to drive away those escaping goblins, shoot some with bows and arrows, and then drove the horses to chase the slaughter. Sophisticated, martial arts clearly outperformed ordinary mercenaries.

Moreover, equestrian is also very good!

This can be judged from the fact that they can cross the wall that is not too short. )

Less than 30 people have killed more than a hundred goblins, and they have no casualties. At the same time, they have not let one goblin run away. I am afraid that even the most famous black gang on Wildfire could not do this well-trained combat method. Those black gangs are fierce and fierce, but they may not have such combative techniques as fierce and fierce. )

I thought so much in my heart, Xia even had a sense of breathlessness, and he took a few deep breaths before he could barely suppress this faint anxiety.

"How, how?"

She watched Xia Ya come back. Poor Worm seemed to be standing still. Her face was pale and she even sweated on her forehead. She asked Xia Ya in a hurry.

"What else can I do, dead?" Xia carried the axe on her shoulder and saw the poor worm's face look different: "Yi? Why is your face white?"

呃 "Uh ... the wound hurts a bit."

"What's your leg shaking?"

嗯 "Hmm ... a little cold."

Xia Ya took a serious look at the poor worm, and suddenly grinned, strode up, stretched out a large hand, pressed it **** the poor worm's head, and rubbed her hair in a mess, haha ​​laughed: "Afraid? Hahahaha, rest assured, you will be fine with me. You, but I'm soothing, will never let others move your finger."

Looking at this earthworm laughing with a heart and a lung, Poor Worm was a little annoyed at first, but then Xia ’s laughter infected her. She could n’t help warming her heart and letting Xia ’s big hand get her hair It's messy.

This soil 鳖 ... probably protect me ...


相比 Compared with the nervousness of the poor worm, those goblins saw the tribe slaughtered in front of them without any fear or pity.

相反 On the contrary, these guys even looked at the ruins in front of them with a smile and uttered a laugh of Oak Oak.

Goblins ... really a bunch of guys who naturally like to be insulted.

"Isn't they worried at all?" Poor bugs didn't understand.

"They have always been like this. The goblin's favorite thing is to look at the same kind of bad luck, even if it is the same as the tribe, not to mention the other tribe being slaughtered." After Xia said, walking over will laugh the most A happy goblin warrior kicked over and waved his axe and made a gesture.

The princess prince came up with her head in her stomach, and Huhu fakely called out a few times to drive these goblin fighters forward.

夏 Under Xia ’s order, their group did not go far, but ran across the riverbed next to the goblin tribe and camped across the river.

Xia ’s performance is still a kind of crude earthworm. He scolds and swears at those goblin warriors, and throws all the work of moving and firing to these “soso”, but the poor worm sees from some subtle performances of Xia There is something unusual in him-although this soil owl still laughs and yells, but occasionally a flash of beast-like sharpness flashes in his eyes. When night falls, Charlie sits by the river and looks at the other side. The dead tribe ruins, he squinted his eyes, wiped a trace of light from time to time, and finally turned his head to look at the poor worm, his tone was calm, but the words spoke to the poor worm's heart!

喂 "Hey ..." Xia looked at the poor bug's face: "At night, wake up at bedtime, we may have to get up and run at any time."


The poor insect was startled, his hand trembled, and threw the water bag on the ground.

Charlie smiled, but his eyes were serious. He pointed to the other side, his tone seemed casual: "Those guys, they may not have gone too far. I can see from the mark of the horseshoe that they slaughtered the tribe. After that, it was divided into several batches. I was worried that we would meet these guys. Although I don't know who they are, from the style of their behavior, it must not be a pleasant thing to meet them. "

那 "So, then we are still here?" The fear that couldn't hide in the voice of the poor bug: "Why did you camp so early today?"

因为 "Because it should be the safest here." Xia thought for a moment, his voice was confident: "Those guys just slaughtered this place, then they are unlikely to come back when they leave."

Xia Ya said, holding a fork, and put a few pieces of wolf meat on the tip of the fork, came to the poor insect, roasted the fork on the fire for a while, and passed it to the poor insect: "Eat, no matter what How to say, being able to eat enough is a happy thing. "

He said, pointing out not far from another bonfire, Mrs. Princess yelled at the goblin warriors like a prisoner, and Charlie no longer abused the goblin captives and gave them a piece of wolf meat. But there are more than a dozen goblin in such a large piece of wolf meat ~ ~ Each goblin can bite up to two bites.

"We should probably not take these goblin captives." Poor Worm thought for a moment: "If we leave by ourselves, maybe the target is smaller, it is not easy to meet others, even if something happens, it is easier for two people to hide. "

Xia smiled, and looked at the poor worm with a mocking look, and sighed: "No matter who you are, a guy like you who came to the wildfire was not dead, it is a **** bless you. Let me tell you I can be sure that those guys are some of the most professional butchers and experts in killing. Although I do n’t know who they are, they may be a top thief group, or a group of rebel deserters, or maybe A bunch of mercenaries who are suddenly crazy, but anyway, those guys are old birds! If they do meet, do n’t expect us to hide from their eyes, an old hand, even if you smell it with your nose, you can Smells coming down the wind. That's why it is even more necessary for me to bring these goblin captives. "


"Two reasons." Charlie smiled, grabbed a piece of roasted wolf meat and took a bite, vaguely: "First, if we meet those butchers, these goblins can attract each other's attention, we Maybe there is a chance to run away. Second ... If you are lucky enough to not meet the butchers, then when we find the dragon, these goblins can also be used as a large number of bait-this is good for you. "

Poor Worm glanced at the "Suo Suo" next to her, she sighed in her heart, and once again determined one thing: Although this guy was a native, he was definitely not a mean fool.


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