
Chapter 19: [You are better than Goblin]


Chapter 19 [You Are Better Than A Goblin]

When a group of goblin appeared in front of the wilderness, which looked slightly "regular army", Charlie's broad expression finally became a little serious.

He kicked the poor poor captive trapped on the ground with a kick, and then took the poor worm down and stared vigilantly.

Compared with those beggar goblins I encountered before, these guys who are now standing in front are obviously a little less stupid in dress.

There are about a dozen of them, and they are physically stronger than the beggars they encountered before—only a little bit. The same green skin, but at least some decent equipment. I don't know how long the dirty leather armor has been clear, covered with dirty dirt and some suspicious red and white things-but at least these barely can be regarded as "armor".

Moreover, they have weapons in their hands, although they are still ridiculous by human standards: several short spears, using the bones of wild animals as the handle, and the spear tips are sharp iron pieces. There are also several rusty blunt knives, and it is not known whether they were dug out of any grave. One of them had the tallest goblin, even holding a shield, although this shield was about the size of a human washbasin, and it was just a piece of rotten wood covered with a layer of animal skin.

至少 But at least, these actuaries are organized.

Poor Worm immediately worried. Because if this team of regular troops is added, then the number of goblins around it, including those wanderers behind them, has already exceeded seventy or eighty.

So many goblins, if swarmed ...

But soon, the scene that surprised the poor worm happened!

This team of regular army goblins didn't directly attack Charlie and the poor worm. They went around, stretched their teeth, waved their weapons, and chased those homeless people. They were all screaming and crying. .

The wanderers seem to be afraid of these regular troops, and they almost collapse. Looking at the same kind of beheaded and bloodshed, these goblin fighters laughed proudly, and even issued an excited "Oke" cry to the enemy who ran away. There were two more daring, took off his pants and patted in the distance, happily patted his ass.

"There is an old saying on Wildfire: Goblin is a race that can never learn to 'unify.'" Xia Ya mumbled. "Goblin Tribes on Wildfire are as many as ox hair, with a large population of thousands and a small one hundred. . With so many tribes, the total population is staggering. If they are united, I am afraid that even dwarves on the wildfire will not dare to bully them easily. But in history, these goblins have never been united. It seems to the goblins, The joy of bullying is far more than anything else. "

The goblin fighters drove the wanderers, and did not attack Charlie and the poor worm. Instead, they separated two people and ran back. The remaining goblins replaced the wanderers' roles and hung from the two. Watching around.

Xia Xia still walked forward with the poor worm, and still did not let go of the poor captive, kicked a few feet, and the guy rolled helplessly.

Sure enough, looking at a similar kind of abuse, those goblin warriors did not show the slightest sympathy of their enemies, even with a bit of mercy, but they pointed at the guy and laughed wildly.

There are more than a dozen Goblin warriors. The number is much less than the previous wanderers, but the poor worms feel that Char ’s reaction has become much more serious.

Because of the momentum shown by these goblin warriors, they far surpassed the previous wanderers. At least, the previous wanderers were just a bunch of dirt dogs, following behind far away, occasionally barking twice. But now these goblin warriors are more like a group of wild wolves, and at the same time they are daring to show their fangs.

The first test appeared in the afternoon.

The two Goblin warriors who ran back before were about to report, they brought more companions.

I watched as seventy or eighty goblin warriors ushered in from the front, and even barely maintained the queue ... well, the rigor of such a queue is barely comparable to that of human hooligan gatherings.

Moreover, the number of these goblin warriors stimulated their courage. For the first time, they raised their weapons, obviously blocking the way for Charya and the poor worm.

The goblins were screaming, very excited, and the sounds of Oak Oak's shouted one after another. Xia put down the poor worm and kicked the captive. The captive was so scared that he saw so many goblin warriors gathered together. The legs were all soft, and he fluttered on the ground with his hands around his head and raised his **** high, trembling tremblingly.

The goblins continued to press. When the distance between the two sides was only a dozen steps, a goblin was pushed out and shouted at Xia from a safe distance.

"Ok! Human, Goblin, Territory, Dead Base!"

This goblin shouted on both sides, glanced at the tomahawk in front of Charya, and then quickly backed away, back into the queue of his companions, and then became bold.

"What does it say?" Poor Worm asked.

"It says that humans broke into the goblin's place is very bad." Xia Ya grinned: "Dead base means bad. The language of goblin is very simple, a word often summarizes a lot of meaning."

Sure indeed, the poor worm was stunned. When the captive was interrupted by Xia, he shouted at Oke while dying.

For it, the foot is "broken", and broken can also be replaced with "bad", which is "dead base".

After Xiaxia explained, she walked forward with an axe alone. The goblins immediately raised their weapons in fear, yelling at Charya one after another.

The scene that surprised the poor worm happened ...

Xiaxia walked to the goblins, inserted the axe on the ground under her feet, coughed twice, and opened her throat to speak:

"Ouck! I, the mainland, the strongest, dragon-slaying, goblin, don't kill!" After that, he turned around and patted his **** against the goblin, turned his face to make a disdainful Look.

This sentence even the poor worm understand ... This earth owl actually blows this cowhide?

What he said probably means: fuck! I'm the strongest dragon-slayer in the mainland, and I don't want to kill you goblins ... Okay means "fuck" here.

When Xia Ya said the second sentence, she turned and pointed behind her, first pointing at the captive goblin: "Soso!"

He pointed to the baggage that piled up like a hill: "Soso !!"

He finally pointed at the poor worm: "Sooso !!!"

Although Charlie looked at those goblins: "I, Soso! Fork! Walker! Goblin, don't kill! Ouke!"

The poor worm didn't understand this sentence, but she was shocked in her heart: This native, even speaks Goblin? !!

The goblins were quiet immediately, and the tallest guys seemed to be bosses, squinting and staring at the poor worm behind and the captive for a while, and then looked at the baggage, and finally they mumbled and discussed A moment.

Auntia was a little impatient and pointed at the goblin captive: "Soso! Fork!"

The goblins shook their heads.

Xia Xia again pointed to the pile of baggage: "Soso! Fork!"

The goblins still shook their heads.

I finally pointed at the poor worm: "Soso! Fork!"

The goblins hesitated, looked at the poor worms carefully, but after a while, shook their heads again.

Charlie seemed disappointed, raised her axe and turned back.

I walked back to the poor insect, and the poor insect immediately asked with concern: "What did you say to them? You actually speak goblins?"

She Xiaya glanced at the poor worm, and she seemed a little dissatisfied: "It will be a little bit, hum ..."

"What does Soso mean?" Poor Worm asked, "You just called us Soso ..."

索 "Soso means loot, captives, gold coins, cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, livestock, weapons, equipment, and goods ... everything that is captured can be called soso." Xia answered.

Poor Worm's face was a little ugly: "What about fork base?"

"Swap!" Xia snorted. "Walker means walking. What I said just now is to exchange them with my spoils and let me walk through their territory. Alas ... Unfortunately, they are too disgusted with the spoils. , Refused to promise ... You see, even the goblins don't want you to be so ugly. "

After I said, I sighed sadly.

怜 Poor bug stung for a moment, and then she went violently!

"What !!! You actually want to exchange me for a goblin !!!!!!"

She jumped, regardless of the injury on her leg. She waved Wang Baquan and rushed to Xia Ya, and Xia pressed her to the ground with a slap, dismissing: "What's your name!"

Poor worm cried out of anger, she knew that she could not beat the soil cricket, and slap her hands on the ground, crying like tears.

This bastard! Soil! Hunk! Open your eyes blind! !!

When at home, everyone treats the poor worm as a treasure in the palm. She is really afraid of falling in her hand, and she is afraid of being melted in her mouth. Those men who adore her treat her like a peerless treasure ... This earthworm, even if he beats and scolds himself, just wants to sell himself to a group of goblins? !!

And ... and most annoyingly, he also complained that he didn't sell a good price! !!

"Earth! You kill me! Forget it!" Poor worm's head was raised with eyes closed: "I don't want to be sold to those goblins by death!"

"Stupid." Xia smiled angrily: "Are you an idiot? Of course I will not really sell you, but to test these guys."

He squatted down and said in a low voice: "I deliberately talked about the details of them! Look at the strength of the tribe where these goblins are! If it is an ordinary small tribe ~ ~ then the price I have is enough Let them agree with me, after all, except for myself, I gave them all my belongings, and my clothes are very generous. Even if you and that goblin are not worth a few dollars, but the wolf in this baggage Leather, as well as metal, are all good things that goblins welcome. If it is a small tribe, they have already agreed to it happily. But now they do not agree, indicating that their tribe is still quite big, a bit of strength, not yet Look at this property. "

Poor bug laughed and said, "You, are you really just tempting?"

Xia Xia nodded, looked at the poor insect's eyes, and answered sincerely, "Of course! Even if you don't bring those things with you ... how can I be willing to sell you!"

Suddenly, the poor worm felt a lot better in her heart, but Charya's next sentence rolled her eyes again.

"I still have to find that dragon! Good bait is not easy to find. Although this goblin is also good, but the goblin runs too slowly and is too ugly, maybe the dragon does not like to eat. So, to be fair, you still Better than Goblin! "

God testify! The poor worm has lived to this day, and has heard countless sweet words of flattery and praise. Some people praise her looks more charming than the moon goddess, some people praise her beauty for the beauty of the roses, and some people take her for granted. The eyes are likened to pearls and stars ...

But no one ever said such a **** praise to her:

"You are better than Goblins ~ ~ Remember to collect and put this book in your bookshelf ~~】

(You have brothers who are willing to make a guest goblin lord? Oh, I want to register ~)


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