Conquer the World

Chapter 1123: That biting dog

Chapter 111: The Biting Dog

(I wish you a happy National Day! Healthy and rich ... In addition, you can give me the monthly pass for the guarantee, okay?)

Chapter 111: The Biting Dog

"I am nostalgic for the beautiful scenery here, nostalgic for the tranquility here, nostalgic for the magnificent feelings here."

Lyman stood on a huge platform outside the palace, overlooking the sea in the distance. He wore a robe and no girdle, showing a very strong physique. On both sides of his side, a few beautiful women with a veil of light standing stood there, looking at him with admiration.

They had trays in their hands, with wine and food.

The body under the veil was looming, and the early morning sun penetrated the veil skirt to perfectly outline these women's bodies. Especially the looming between the skirts is even more exciting. Although there are some sea breeze, they can't blow away their body fragrance. In such an environment, maybe as long as a man will sink.

"But here is not the highest place after all."

Lyman sighed softly, grabbing the waist of a young woman beside her, and the woman immediately squeezed a soft hum from her nose, arousing the jealous eyes of other women.

"Xu is a little more comfortable here."

Lehman slowly said, "For many years of battle, there will always be some fatigue. Everything here is so comfortable, so it is slightly sunk. I actually forgot a short time and there are so many things that are not finished. When I first arrived here, I I was thinking of the big city called Chang'an in the far west. People in this place said that it was the first strongest city in the world, so I wanted to conquer the footsteps. I have been soaking in the gentle village for a long time, and indeed ambitious Can soften. "

The woman in his arms didn't feel the change in his tone, and still wrapped his cheek around his neck.

"Kokbo, would you be happy if I gave you all these women?"

Lehman asked.

Kirkbo, who is older than Xiurens, shook his head immediately: "The minister is already very old. Counting it, he hasn't touched a woman for at least twenty years. And because the minister is old, he can't let his mind be at all On women, it would be useless if your Majesty kept me. "

"It's true."

"I'm leaving."

Lehman lifted up the woman's jaw and kissed her deeply on the lips: "I want to give you my most trusted courtier, but he refuses to. But I can't take you into the army, Stay with you, if you can't stand the loneliness, you will find other men to cheer ... This is really a embarrassing thing. "Chapter 123 The biting dog

The woman in his arms charmingly said, "Your Majesty, we are just waiting for you here."

"My people are not allowed to be touched, and my women are naturally the same."

Lyman reached out and touched the woman's skirt with a touch of tentacles. "So, I seem to have only one choice."

He pressed the woman down and let the woman lie down on the platform's low wall, and rudely inserted behind her, and the sweet moan rang. In the presence of other women and his ministers, Lyman conquered like a beast.

Kirkbo turned and stood with a glass of red wine at the door.

He quietly arranged his clothes so that no one could see where he could stand even if he was old. Not far away, several other women in sarongs slowly stripped off their shirts, and then took off Leiman's robes. A few people surrounded Leiman and swam around Leiman with their pink tongues.

Kirkbo squeezed the surging in his heart and tried to focus on the tip of his tongue to taste the taste of the liquor. When he found that this was not useful, he decided to consider something else.

When his thoughts gradually changed from the front to the invisible East Xinjiang battlefield, his mood finally calmed down. He closed his eyes, and in his mind was the map of the Eastern Sui Dynasty. He is indeed very old, but he knows that eligibility is never the reason to stay low in front of Lehman.

Let Lehman find it useful, that's it.

The older a person is, the more effort is paid. What a young man can easily remember, he often has to pay several times harder. For example, it took him two months to write down this map of the Sui Dynasty. Close your eyes, every county and even every village and town that can be marked on the map is clear in my mind.

The clearest is the place called Fenghuangtai.

In fact, Fenghuangtai is not far away from Dongchu Imperial City. It is a border town in the eastern part of the Great Sui Dynasty, and it is next to Dongchu. The territory of Dongchu is really not very large, it is really relatively large, that is, it is a little larger than the Great Sui and Gyeonggi Provinces. It's a little smaller than Shing Cheng.

Therefore, the troops of the Opulu Empire destroyed Dongchu so quickly. In addition to its strong military power, another factor was that Dongchu was really not a big country. In the eastern part of the Great Sui Dynasty that Xiulun Si was attacking with troops, from south to north, there were enough rivers and mountains, which was much larger than that of Dong Chu.

In fact, Xiulunsi has done a good job. According to the size of the area, Xiulunsi has already hit a place as large as Dongchu. However, Da Sui's military strength was far more powerful than that of Dong Chu, and a Mu government had already made Xiu Lunsi incapable. Chapter 111: The Biting Dog

Coupled with the current Black Flag Army in Phoenix Terrace, it is understandable that Xiurens was temporarily suppressed.

Kirkbo was thinking that if he changed himself, he might not be better than Sourens. He knows one thing better than anyone else. If he is not urged, he will be given sufficient freedom and rights. When Xiulun gradually divides the Eastern Han Chinese army, victory will follow.

Kirkbo knows better that if it was for the sake of the empire, he should not persuade Lehman to seek it now. Now Lehman is calling, thinking that Thorens has completely lost trust. For soldiers fighting hard in Eastern Xinjiang, this is actually unfair. But who told Kirkbo that he did not want to see Xiurens become the empire's biggest hero?

If Thullen finally succeeds, there is no doubt that his name will be placed in front of all courtiers to extend such a vast territory for the empire. Kirkbo did not allow his family to be trampled underneath.

There is no pure national interest in any country.

Kirkbo thought about it a lot, and then suddenly found that the wind and rain over the platform had ended.

"It's intoxicating."

Lyman put on his robe again and looked at the row of beautiful women with their buttocks lying on their backs.

"I like beautiful scenery, so I linger here. But I don't want this scenery to be taken up by others, and I don't want to take it away. After I leave, naturally there are better scenery waiting for me. So ... .. "

His hand was stroking a woman's hips: "Come, drag them all out and kill them."

His hand was retracted without a trace of nostalgia.

"Kirkibo, you are indeed old."

He turned to look at Kirkbo: "If you switch to a young man, even if he deliberately thinks about something else to distract himself, he can't do it."

"The minister must do it."

Kirkbo said humbly: "Because the minister knows what His Majesty needs, it is not something I cannot do."



Lyman was sitting in a huge shuttle car, watching the Dongchu people standing on both sides of the street forced to stand there to see him off. Those who had yellow skin and black hair were vastly different from those of the Opulu Empire. However, Lehman really took these people as his people. Of course, it is the lower class.

"The expedition requires a large amount of food and grass. We can no longer transport goods from the empire's homeland. The sea route is too long and consumes too much."

Lehman Chapter 121: The Biting Dog

"East Chu people are very rich, and they can find gold and silver from almost every family. I need these gold and silver as military expenses to reward my soldiers. I also need their food for my soldiers to eat I ’ll give you ten days to prepare enough supplies before I leave. "

He pointed to the people: "I don't care whether you use gentle persuasion or tough plunder. I don't want the carriage to be empty when the team goes out."

"Relax, Your Majesty."

Kirkbo, standing under the throne of the chariot, said, "The people of Chu have always had such a living ability. They are like springs. When the pressure is heavy, they bend down. When the pressure is light, they look up. However, it is difficult to crush their backbones. Let them have nothing and they will continue to live in silence. This is the weakest and most rebellious nation that the minister has ever seen. Even if they take their last copper coin, they will only cry."

Lehman smiled: "Kekebo, people say that the older they get, the harder they are, is that so?"

"Probably not."

Kirkbo replied with a charming smile: "The older the person, the better he is, so when the minister ordered to collect gold and silver supplies, he told the soldiers not to kill."

Lehman laughed: "That's good, I don't want any restlessness in the place I just got. You are right, the Chu people have no courage to resist, but they can't let them despair. If you let them Despair, courage will follow. "

"My minister knows."

Ke Kebo said: "Your Majesty, are you going to mobilize some reinforcements from the empire? I heard that there is an empire larger than Da Sui west of Da Sui, called Meng Yuan. There is the most beautiful grassland in the world. With the current strength, it is barely possible to control Da Sui, and it will be difficult to continue the Western Expedition. "

"No need to mobilize troops from the Empire."

Lehman waved his hand: "Let people call for all men over the age of fourteen to join the army in the Duchy of Thousands, and bring their own weapons. People in that place have always lacked a heart of surrender, and men have died more often than not. Bad thing. Also ... Mokesi "

He looked at the young general standing on the other side: "From today, you will take over the army of the Chu State and give them some weapons. Then you will recruit at least 300,000 men from the Chu State to join the army and send them to the Chu State Treasury. The weapons are the backward swords and crossbows. During the expedition, I hope you will take the at least 400,000 Chu team to the front. Do n’t the Chu people also hate the Sui people? Then I will give them a revenge. Chance, let them go to the battlefield and fight with the Sui people ~ ~ 陛 Chapter 111: The Biting Dog

Don't worry, the minister will let those Chu people know how to be qualified slaves. "

The young general named Moks leaned over: "The empire's army will step on the bodies of the Chu and Sui people."

"Also ..."

Lehman suddenly thought of a man: "There is a man named Yang Shunhui in the Muping city in the eastern part of the Sui Kingdom. He was once a very brave and warlike general in the Sui country. He has almost 100,000 elite troops. Kirkbo, you send someone to see him. Yang Shunhui told him that he was no longer qualified to stay away. If I could not see his army on the battlefield against the Sui army, it would not make any sense for me to keep him. "

"Yes, my majesty."

Kirkberg said: "The greedy dog ​​who has enough gold coins should also let go and bite."

Morks smiled and said, "It's really pleasant to bite his former master."

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