Conquer the World

Chapter 1120: You also become blind

Chapter 120: You Are Blind

Some opponents choose their own, while others choose you. When the opponent and you choose each other at the same time, then there are only two possibilities, or both parties are absolutely qualified to be called opponents. Either, both parties feel that the other party is relatively soft.

Ye Zhuhan didn't know if he was drafted by Fang or if he was destined to have such a fight.

But he knew that the more he seemed unable to control his heart.


It turned out that he himself was so eager to have such a battle. When he waved Xiu's power to this step, he realized that there was really a fierce beast hidden in his heart. And this ferocious beast is being forced out by Fang Jie little by little. He was frightened, and it turned out that revenge for his two brothers was just an excuse.

He just

Long for a battle

Fang Jie's various forces are constantly pierced by white light. In the place of 100,000 mountains, Ye Zhuhan has an unparalleled advantage. The light is already blazing, coupled with the reflection of the snow, the power has increased and it is unknown how many times. Never before has Ye Zhuhan felt so powerful.

But it was this sense of power that made the violence in his heart more intense.

He felt he could destroy everything.

The solution is to prevent him from destroying everything.

The cyan mist always exists in the white light, no matter how violent the white light is, even if it seems that the green gas will be steamed in the next second. But the next second came, and the next second came again. No matter how much white light occupies, Qingqi always surrounds Fang Jie.

"I don't understand why Fang Jie played this game."

Xiang Qingniu looked at the cook, then realized that this person should not be able to give himself an answer. What he didn't expect was that the cook after breaking one arm seemed to have changed.

"Because he wants Ye Zhuhan to release the ferocious beast suppressed in his heart."

The chef said: "There is no way to eradicate the emotions in people's hearts. If the dull time is longer, the fierce beast will be stronger, and if it cannot be controlled in the end, it will be controlled by it. The human beast is afraid that's it Being controlled by the beast's heart, Ye Zhuhan is the next Liu Yanque. "

Xiang Qingniu said, "But this fight can get rid of that beast?"

"No way."

The chef shook his head: "I don't have such a thing in my heart, so I don't know. You have it in your heart, but you should be clearer than me."

Xiang Qingniu froze, and then remembered how relaxed he could not help but sigh every time he confronted the enemy: "Everyone has a brutal and violent side, you say you don't have it, maybe it's just your side that has been pot for so many years The bowl is cleared up. Now think about it, people like you are the most comfortable, there will be no grievances. Maybe the formula is right, after letting Zhu Zhuhan burst out his darkest side, he will slowly return. calm."


Xiang Qingniu was a bit worried: "In this place, Ye Zhuhan's practice is nothing to stop him. Fang Jie should fight him at night."


Shi Wan, who was on the side, suddenly said, "Although I don't understand what Master and Uncle are saying, but if that little Uncle fights with my brother at night, I'm afraid it will be more difficult."


Xiang Qingniu asked a question, and then he suddenly understood it.

If the place of Shiwandashan suddenly bursts into light at night, the glare will be even more unbearable. Eyes that have become accustomed to low light suddenly face the blazing white light, and immediately become blind. For a major practitioner, of course, it is possible to fight by perception, but that will undoubtedly greatly reduce the practice.

"Do you know how to break your master's method?"

Xiang Qingniu asked.

Shiwan opened his mouth, his face embarrassed: "The big brother once said that if one day he goes mad, let me restrain him according to the method he taught. But if I said, you will tell the little one now Uncle, I can't say that. But I don't want to see that little uncle die in the hands of my elder brother, it's really difficult. "

"Don't embarrass him."

The chef shook his head: "Shiwan is the temperament of a real gentleman. If you ask, he will definitely say it. But have you ever thought about it, after he tells you, how will he face Ye Zhuhan in the future?"

Xiang Qingniu nodded: "I think too little. I just want to let Fang Jie finish the fight as soon as possible. I didn't want to kill the other party. In case of such a fight, the real fire will happen, and I will kill him by accident. What can people do? "

"He can do it."

The chef kept staring at Fang Jie's Qing Realm, and the glory in his eyes became brighter: "Do you know what his realm is? That is the original realm, the foundation of all realms, and it can be said that it can tolerate all realms. Only However, he still can't wave out the power of the original realm, so this matchup also has the idea that he deliberately faces different openers to strengthen the original realm. He must have his own plans, he should not be a Nonsense person. "

"Fight your own realms by fighting against the powerful ones?"

Xiang Qingniu said: "Only people like him can be so crazy."

"His heart is darker than anyone."

The chef suddenly said, "But maybe he can already control that gloom."

Fang Jie's blood eyes have been looking at Ye Zhuhan, the world seen from his eyes is different from the world seen by ordinary people. He can clearly see the internal flow of strength in Ye Zhuhan's body, and he can see how Ye Zhuhan urges that kind of bright exercises. He has not countered but has been bearing Ye Zhuhan ’s crazy offensive, not because he has no strength to fight back, but because he wants to show where Ye Zhuhan ’s weakness is.

Everyone present may not have as many ideas as possible.

He wanted to use Ye Zhuhan. Although he didn't know why Wan Xingchen had the chef hide these people, he was sure that they would definitely help him in the future. No matter it is chaos or million stars, there must be a purpose. But these people in the 100,000 mountains are not easy to control.

If they cannot be defeated easily, they will not dare to let them do things for themselves.

Now blocking Fang's body is a wall of golden flames. Although the golden fire cannot burn the light, the light cannot pierce the flames. Because in a sense, gold fire and light have the same characteristics. Because of this, Ye Zhuhanyue's violent uproar.

"I can break all the darkness in the world."

Ye Zhuhan murmured to himself: "Light has no shadow, but fire has shadow, so light is the purest thing, and fire is not. You want to block my pure things with impure things, you can't stop them."

Having said this, he threw the disc that he had been holding in his hands towards the solution. This disc is the most solid light, and all the offensives are refracted from this disc to attack the square solution. Therefore, Fang Xie's attention is mostly on that disc, which is the driving force of Ye Zhuhan's exercises.

At this point, he threw the disc towards the solution.

So Fang Jie knew that Ye Zhuhan would do his best.

After the disc was shot, it grew rapidly in mid-air, but instead of flying straight to Fang Xie, it flew to the top of Fang Xie. In a moment, it became the same size as the original boundary of the solution. Then the incident widened everyone's eyes.

Countless light was actually extracted from the snow, but also from the sky. This is a phenomenon that has absolutely no way to explain, and the existence of a meditator is itself an anti-sky. The next scene I saw, I was afraid that everyone would not forget it for a long, long time.

The snow that was evacuated by the light became dark.

Everyone has seen the sun shining on the snow, it is a dazzling feeling. But this dazzling eye was actually dragged away by that disc. All the light shot by the snow is collected on the disc. So the snow became dark for a moment, as if it were cloudy.

There was no light on the snow, and the light in the sky quickly weakened.

The disc gathered at least a few hundred meters of light nearby, and then suddenly shrouded from the disc. A huge beam of light with a diameter of dozens of meters shot down from the disc, and fell straight on the blue world of Fang Xie. For a moment, a layer of white smoke erupted from the blue world of Fangjie. This solid light can melt even the blue air.

"Sure enough there is a doorway."

Fang Xie's mind recalled the album that Wan Xingchen sent him, and thought of the location on the album that was marked with a red pen. That's right, the atlas shows where the weaknesses of each constitution are, but Fang Jie knows that if he did not have this battle, he could not easily do it.

He asked for proof.

However, it can be seen from this that Wan Xingchen prepared this album for him. Or, this atlas is simply a picture of multitude rather than stars. Wan Xingchen has not seen the health of the eight generals, and Sanlang is the one who knows the eight best. They used to live and die together, and that person's practice was still enlightened.

In this atlas, the only picture that does not indicate where the weakness is is the physique of the solution.

The solidity of the beam of light is shocking. The white smoke on the green world is getting thicker and thicker. It seems that the green world just above is becoming a little weaker, although it will not be broken immediately. If you fight, Fang Jie's youth world will be broken sooner or later.

Sometimes Fang Xie himself felt a bit ridiculous and unbelievable. Since he was out of bounds, he has been broken more than once. For an opener, this is difficult to accept. But he is different. Every time he is broken by others, he is either willing or forced, but he has learned more from it.

"You are desperate, I already know your weakness."

Fang Xie looked at Ye Zhuhan and ignored the beam of light on his head: "The reason why you are desperate is because the darkness in your heart has reached the extreme. Only those who cannot control themselves will be desperate. You have actually lost when you made this choice. . "

"What is the source of light?"

Fang Xie asked.

Ye Zhuhan, who has fallen into a violent state at this time, will naturally not answer him, so the answer is given by Fang Jie himself: "Nature comes from the world, but what directly feels the light? Is your weakness in your eyes? , When you are running the exercises, you cannot see it yourself. "

Fang Xie's voice penetrated everything and entered Ye Zhuhan's ear.

In an instant ~ ~ the anger of his face weakened a little.

"You can't see with your eyes. All your offenses are judged based on the reaction of light."

Fang Xie suddenly parted out of his green world, and that green air rushed to Ye Zhuhan like a dragon. Ye Zhuhan immediately responded, and a light column in his palm appeared to welcome Qinglong. It seems that Ye Zhuhan is nothing like an invisible person.

At the same time, Fang Xie stepped out of his realm. When he came out, the disk in the sky responded, shifting the beam of light and attacking Fang Jie. At this moment, Fang Jie's body suddenly appeared a layer of brilliance, which was equally dazzling. When the beam of light reached halfway, it seemed to be lost and stopped in mid-air.

There was a layer of white light solution on the body, so he slowly walked to Ye Zhuhan's face, then extended his finger and clicked on Ye Zhuhan's forehead.

"Your induction is not light, but shadow."

Fang Jie slowly said: "Every place where there is no light, you can sense it. So I know every move, but as long as I become light, you become blind."

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