Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 247 [Midnight Lords] Konrad Curze

Chapter 247 [Midnight Lord] Conrad Curze

"What do you think?"

The Emperor's eldest son, Robert Guilliman, already regarded Isayama Nomei as a close friend, so he asked him to call him by his first name.

Oh, don't even think about it.


Isayama Norimei called Robert Guilliman by his first name, which almost made the latter look excited, as if he had seen that the other party was ready to help him build a new empire.

Robert Guilliman suddenly felt that his future was bright.

He even felt that he was the emperor in this way, and the sage Besarius in front of him was the pope of the Mars Mechanicus.

There is a kind of imitation of when the Empire was first established, one country and two emperors, the Empire's double-headed eagle flag was born from the alliance between the Empire and the original Mechanicum of Mars.

Robert Guilliman had a premonition that his second empire would definitely be built to be more prosperous than the empire. He would correct the flaws of the original empire one by one without any drawbacks.

But the Lord of Ultramar thought too much. Isayama Nomei would never be his sleeping dragon. He thought too much.

Isayama Kenmei chose to ignore Robert Guilliman's blasphemous remarks about the Second Empire, and simply asked him to follow the Lord of Ultramar to rebel?

That is definitely impossible, Isayama Norimei is afraid that his old face will be lost.

Besides, what tricks can he make in ten days? It’s not just a waste of time.

If he hadn't figured out a way to complete the second ring mission, he might have spent some time playing house with the leader of the [Ultramarines] and playing the game of Imperial Regent.

But he has found the key breakthrough point of the mission, so where can he find the time to play with him?

"Can you contact the other brothers?"

Isayama Norimei asks Robert Guilliman

This is the most important thing right now.

It is related to whether Isayama Norimei can arrive at Terra on time for the second part of the mission, and directly enter the main line of Terra's defense battle.

Although an apocalyptic-level war must have broken out there, Isayama Norimei wouldn't even be able to sell scrap metal for a few dollars, and would only be crushed by various forces.

But if you give it a try, a bicycle will turn into a motorcycle. Everyone knows this simple truth.

Isayama Nomei had only participated in the [Battle of Calth] before, and had received nearly 3 million points. Participating in the [Defense of Terra] apocalyptic war is a huge profit.

Wealth and honor are sought in danger. If you don't fight now, then when will you fight?

Why should you give away the money you can earn?

And can Isayama Kenmei complete the mission on time and arrive at Terra on time?

This all relied on the help of two other Primarchs from the original Empire's history.

The First Legion, always loyal, never secrets.

Dark Angel: Primarch, Lion King Llane El'Jonson.

Ninth Legion, Blood Angels, Archangels, Sanguinius.

These two are obviously not stupid people. They are both first-class handsome men. In some fields, they are even better than Warmaster Horus!

Leadership skills are also very outstanding.

But it just seems outrageous.

The two of them had Sanguinius and Lion King Llane El'Jonson, and they were actually fooled by Robert Guilliman. They all felt so fooled.

They all believed that the fate of the empire was hopeless, and that it was too late to return to defense at this moment.

The Empire would be completely destroyed in the rebellion launched by Warmaster Horus and his eight brothers at the same time, and the Emperor himself was probably in danger.

The two bosses all stayed in Robert Guilliman's Second Empire. Accompanying him to build the Second Empire was to preserve the fire of mankind. Impressed by this great justice, the two of them didn't feel anything. question.

Warmaster Horus would have laughed to death at what Robert Guilliman had accomplished. He never expected that his younger brother, who he looked down upon, would help him hold back two powerful players.

It is true that one person can stop thousands of troops.

Not only the strength of the Lion King and Sanguinius are the only ones ranked first among the Primarchs.

Sanguinius's combat power is second only to Warmaster Horus, while the Lion King is only slightly weaker than Sanguinius.

Like Kor Phaeron, whom Robert Guilliman is struggling to deal with, these two people can kill an insect as easily as they can without much effort.

There is no doubt about the strength of Sanguinius. At the same time, although the strength of the two legions [Blood Angels] and [Dark Angels] is not as good as that of the most numerous [Ultramarines], the [Ultramarines] and these two legions can If any one of them fights, the casualty rate will be several times higher than when fighting the [Word Bearers].

Isayama Kenmei can save the [Ultramarines] because their opponent is the [Word Bearers]. If they encounter the legions of "Lion King" Lian El'Jonson and "Archangel" Sanguinius, then it is really There is no way around it.

The threat level of these two legions joining forces is much higher than that of the [Ultramarines]. To handle it safely, at least Warmaster Horus' [Lunar Wolves] and three to four other legions must join forces to be sure. Beat it to pieces.

But then who will fight Terra?

Therefore, Horus would not have sent out all the two legions [Dark Angels] and [Holy Blood Angels] in the name of his own Imperial Warmaster, as far away from the empire's central hub as Terra, the better.

At the same time, they just stayed away and did not make arrangements like the [Word Bearers] did to the [Ultramarines].

The purpose of this subspace tsunami caused by the four evil gods outside is to imprison these three difficult problems together.

At that time, the few remaining wimps will have nothing to fear at all. They will be able to take down the center of the empire and completely kill the emperor himself without any effort.

Even Warmaster Horus could not hold back the "Lion King" Llane El'Jonson and Sanguinius by himself. But there is no doubt that Robert Guilliman succeeded in doing so and not just for a while

For a long time, the eldest prince and the ninth prince were in Robert Guilliman's Second Empire.

At the same time, station both the [Dark Angel] Legion and the [Blood Angel] Legion in the 500 world.

With the power of three legions to maintain law and order, can the peace of the entire Second Empire be bad? Almost every planet in World 500 can be garrisoned by a company of Space Marines, all of whom are under armed rule.

If Isayama Norimei hadn't known that Robert Guilliman basically succeeded the Emperor in the later generations and was in charge of the entire empire, he was a loyalist primarch who had no qualms with the empire.

Otherwise, he would have suspected that Grandpa Lan was the deepest traitor among Warmaster Horus' rebellion.

Robert Guilliman could also imagine this idea of ​​sitting almost completely crooked, and one can only imagine how rebellious he is.

Whenever he has such an idea, he is guaranteed to speak it out [Ultramarines]. More than 90% of the Space Marines will definitely disagree. Their father is simply blasphemous. There has never been such a blasphemous person.

Especially the Lion King Llane El'Jonson actually directly became the regent of the Second Empire under Robert Guilliman, and he truly experienced the addiction of being an emperor.

The Second Empire was managed quite effectively by a few of them, based on 500 worlds.

When Isayama Nomei looked up this piece of information at the time, he thought it was a historical error, which was ridiculous.

But I didn't expect it to be true.

The founding of the Second Empire, in order to fully stand firm, its fundamental meaning was to overthrow the rule of the empire.

Robert Guilliman knew that the founding of the Second Empire was at the cusp of the storm, so he couldn't take the initiative and gave this hot potato to his two good brothers.

The Lion King was the first in command, and Sanguinius was the second in command. Robert Guilliman, who came up with this damaging move, didn't step into the muddy water at all and got himself clean.

Completely hiding merit and fame.

The three Primarchs were messing around there, and they built a decent Second Empire based on Robert Guilliman's 500 Worlds.

Even Isayama Nomei felt unworthy of the emperor having such big children. As expected, parenting education is very important.

I missed the growth period of my children, and almost none of my sons grew crooked.

The three legions should do whatever it takes to find a breakthrough in the subspace to support their father. Returning to defend Terra is the most important thing the three brothers should do at that time.

But they didn't. These two were fooled by Robert. They learned that quite a few brothers had launched a rebellion together, and fell into extreme pessimism. The empire was hopeless.

On the contrary, their good brother Robert Guilliman was fighting fiercely in the Second Empire, and it seemed that he was really going to build a new empire from scratch.

But this farce has to end. Somehow, these guys seem to have found a loophole in the blockade of this area.

Although he was thousands of miles away, Sanguinius appeared at the gate of the Royal Palace of Terra earlier than Warmaster Horus appeared in the imperial capital of Terra.

It was there that a fierce battle broke out between this noble and heroic archangel and Warmaster Horus. In the end, he lost his life due to his cruel torture.

The empire has lost this loving and noble archangel forever.

This is also the eternal pain in the hearts of the [Holy Blood Angels], and it is also the source of "blood thirst" and "black rage". Every Space Marine of the [Holy Blood Angels] will experience it when Sanguinius died tragically on Horus. Such a terrifying scene in front of me.

Isayama Nomei feels that this is his thickest thigh except for the magic pony.

Robert Guilliman is nothing.

The most important thing is to hold Sanguinius, the Primarch of the Blood Angels, tightly.

Isayama Nomei has already thought about it. The key to returning the mission in the end is definitely Sanguinius.

"It may be a little difficult, mainly due to the interference of the warp, so our astropaths can't work at all."

Robert Guilliman was still a little disappointed when he heard that he didn't answer and answered his question head-on.

"I heard that the commander of the [Word Bearers] once said that Warmaster Horus not only sent the [Ultramarines] here, but also sent the [Blood Angels] and the [Dark Angels] here together."

"So if you can contact the other two Primarchs, your other two brothers will only be at your fingertips."

Lorgar and "King of Slash" Angron, both together, cannot be the opponent of Sanguinius or "Lion King" El'Jonson.

The current predicament the [Ultramarines] are facing is nothing but a trivial matter to them. It is not a big deal at all. As long as Lorgar and Angron are found, neither of them will have the slightest chance of escaping.

But Isayama Kenmei also suddenly remembered a very serious question, because if he remembered correctly, there was also a Primarch who was also present at the time, and seemed to be active in the galaxies around Macragge.

That is Konrad Curze, the Primarch of the [Night Lords] Legion. This killer who is proficient in assassination is one of several Primarchs betrayed by the Empire.

But it should be far from that time

Isayama Ken thought for a while and forget it.

Let Robert Guilliman find it, rather than let him find it himself.

Robert Guilliman is only good at governing the country and not good at other things. He plans to build a relatively large signal base station to cover several surrounding galaxies.

Take the initiative and let their two Primarchs come to you in the name of [Ultimate Warriors].

For the Martian Mechanicus, this is very easy to build with this kind of technology and materials.

at the same time

On the planet Istvan V, the war that broke out on that planet was tens of thousands of times more brutal than the battle on the planet Calth.

Corpses of Space Marines can be seen everywhere, covering the entire plain as far as the eye can see. There are broken limbs and blown-up war machines such as tanks, armored vehicles, etc. everywhere.

The smoke-filled battlefield is filled with the smell of despair.

If you don't say this is the human world, the first thing that comes to mind is hell.

Because this war was an operation against several Loyalist regiments to clear them out.

How many troops are invested?

Except for the [Word Bearers] and [World Eaters], almost all of the rebel legions are on this battlefield. The results can be imagined.

This attack on the loyalists was unprecedented and the war became known as the Istvan Massacre.

Three loyalist legions were wiped out!

One Primarch was killed, another was captured, and the last one escaped by good fortune.

However, the current battle is far from over, and it is an anxious situation.

Warmaster Horus personally took command and supervised the battle, and several other rebel Primarchs were also fighting on this battlefield and fighting with the loyalists.

"Horus, you are looking for me."

In front of Warmaster Horus, there was a man with pale skin, who existed like a blood-sucking ghost. His whole body was sick and sick, giving people the feeling of an "addicted" gentleman.

This is the Primarch of the [Midnight Lords], Konrad Curze

The whole body felt as if it had been fished out of blood. The blood had dried up at this moment, but it gave people a feeling of evil energy.

But this was not his blood, but the blood of the slain Loyalist Space Marines.

If you fall into the hands of Conrad Coates, you will only end up with a fate more terrible than death, that is, you will be tortured to death.

His usually cold-blooded face rarely showed any emotion, and he coldly questioned the war commander in front of him.

"I can annihilate the [Salamander] Legion and take down Vulcan right away!"

The [Salamander] Legion is one of the loyal factions and is very loyal to the Emperor. Even if the regiment is destroyed, it will shed the last drop of its blood.

The legion fighting against [Salamander] is [Midnight Lord], led by Conrad Curze.

"Why are you calling me back?"

"Because I need you to do something more important."

Warmaster Horus just looked at him lightly, and then showed him a list with photos.

"Koz, I need you to help me bring a sage from the Martian Mechanicus to me."

"He is far more important to us than annihilating [Salamander]."

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