Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 242 Luojia: I have an unknown premonition

[You killed the [Word Bearers] First Company Captain Kor Phaeron. 】

[Tip 1: Kor Phaeron is an important figure in the current timeline, especially because he played an important role in the Battle of Calth, so the kill reward has been greatly increased. 】

[Tip 2: Since the side mission [Battle of Calth] has not yet ended, the contribution has not been completed. 】

[You have obtained the [Kor Phaeron Exclusive Treasure Chest] (legendary level), (due to the assistance of [Ultramarine] Primarch Robert Guilliman in the battle, this reward has been reduced by 60%). 】

A treasure chest made of an unknown material and shining with dazzling light stood there quietly, its surface shining with dazzling light.

Isayama Norimei had never seen the high-level treasure chest that appeared in the B-level simulation. This was the reward for killing the important figure Cole Phalen.

And far away on a planet belonging to the five hundred worlds of [Ultimate Warriors], it was almost entirely covered with scorched earth.

A majestic giant temple with a height of five to six meters is actually composed entirely of the skulls of the Astra Militarum and the [Ultramarines].

Without exception, they all seemed to have endured great torture before they died, with their eyes widened. Maybe they were praying to the Emperor before they died.

But the Emperor certainly did not appear, leaving only these silent corpses to lament the cruelty of the rebel side.

Executions continued not far away, and the traitors' butcher knives continued to slaughter the loyalists. The brutal massacre was washing the world with blood.

"Kill! Kill them all."

A Space Marine giant with a breath as violent as a beast and wearing a terrifying Terminator power armor stood there, commanding the Astartes below, and he laughed wantonly.

"I want more killing."

This man felt that it took a lot of courage just to look directly at him. His red eyes were like copper bells, and the fierce light in his eyes looked like he wanted to eat people.

Dense metal tubes like dreadlocks extend from the back of his head to the spine of the power armor behind his back. What's even more terrifying is that the teeth in his exposed mouth are all sharp and barbed.

This person has a very domineering name in later generations, called "King of Killing". He is also one of the Primarchs of the Empire and the legion commander of the [World Eaters] Legion. Angron, Master Twelve, will join the [Lord of Blood and Killing] in the future. Lord] Khorne, became the primarch of the Ascendant under his banner.

"What's wrong, Luojia?"

Angron, with red eyes, looked at his silent brother beside him, thinking that Luojia's chop was not satisfying enough.

"Isn't it a pleasure to kill?"

"Don't worry, these losers are just like chickens and dogs. They can be wiped out with a flip of a finger."


Luojia shook his head. He didn't know why his heart had been cramping since just now, and he felt very sad.

In fact, he had some vague thoughts in his mind, but he forced himself not to think about this terrible idea.

"No, things won't go the way I think."

Lorgar shook his head. Most of the [Word Bearers] troops were there. Coupled with the powerful psychic power of his adoptive father Kor Phaeron, it was more than enough to deal with a mere Guilliman.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired lately."

"Let's go to the next planet."

"This planet has been almost slaughtered."

Little did he know that his own adoptive father, Cole Fallon, had already fallen into a box.

"makes sense."

Angron didn't think much about it. Indeed, as Luojia said, the killings on this planet had almost been done, and it was time to move on to the next planet.

he roared loudly

"You guys, let's go to the next planet."

Following the orders issued by the two Primarchs, the mighty fleet moved densely toward the depths of the Five Hundred Worlds.

The chaotic forces of [World Eater] and [Word Bearer] are devouring planets one by one like cosmic locusts.

The war in the Storm Galaxy is still going on, but the death of the enemy's big boss can still bring a temporary moment of rest.

Isayama Nomei held the dead head in one hand, and the other hand was in front of a machine.

"Identity verification completed."

Isayama Nomei put his hand on the database belonging to the [Ultimate Warriors] and quickly received a mechanical response.

"Dear Sage Besarius Caul, hello, welcome to the [Ultramarines] Legion."

When he heard this, Robert Guilliman finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just confirm your identity.

Although there are a lot of traitors these days, it is still better than traitors with unknown origins and no identity.

You still have to go through the routine, after all, you have to confirm this guy's identity first.

All the identity certificates of the Mars Mechanicus are displayed on it. Isayama Nomei's identity verification can completely withstand scrutiny.

According to the sage of the Cult of Mechanicus, his forging world was occupied by this group of [Word Bearers] traitors, and he himself was forced to take it aboard because of his special status.

When the entire [Word Bearers] attack was caught, Isayama Norimei made small moves in the rear to inform the [Ultramarines], and then took advantage of the absence of the main force to gain control of the enemy's main ship.

Of course, the most important thing is to directly treat Robert Guilliman's body with rare medicines. He is still full of energy even now.

Although this sage of the Cult of Mechanicus seemed different from most of Robert Guilliman's impressions, there was no doubt that the person in front of him was better.

Those mechanical guys are simply synonymous with eccentricity. After all, those mechanical guys have lost their brains because they believe in the God of All Machines and transformed all their flesh and blood into machines.

Especially those at the top are basically left with brains that have not been mechanically modified, and they cannot communicate normally without talking in half a sentence.

But although the man in front of him is one of the top leaders of the Mechanicus, he is not the type who can communicate normally. This is an extremely rare thing in the Mars Mechanicus!

Recalling the scene that just happened, Robert Guilliman opened his mouth and closed it again.

"Forget it, dead people are meaningless."

This guy was too decisive.

He obviously had a lot of information and was killed directly without getting it from Kor Phaeron. It would be quite terrifying to just rip off other people's heads without saying a word.

Robert Guilliman glanced at the dead head in Isayama Nomei's hand from the corner of his eye, but did not say anything disappointing.

As for the traitors aboard the "Glory of Macragge", Kor Phaeron is dead, and the rest are just chickens and dogs.

On this point, Robert Guilliman and Lorgar Aurelion, the two mortal enemies, have reached a consensus with each other. They both think that the other's legion is useless.

"Thank you for your help. If it weren't for your help, I might have died in his hands."

Robert Guilliman is a very sincere person, and he talks about things as they happen. Cole Phaeron's power is beyond imagination. Without the help of Isayama Kenmei, Cole Phaeron alone can defeat [Makura]. All the loyalists aboard the "Gezhiyao" were slaughtered.

Isayama Norimei remembered that the original history book said that the battle was so fierce that Robert Guilliman was blown out of the "Macragge's Glory" and entered space without any protection. In the almost oxygen-free environment In this state, he killed quite a few rebels with his anger.

Then he grabbed the protruding mechanical arm of the "Macragge's Glory" and returned to the battleship. He drove the battleship and chased the "Pseudo-Emperor", and in the end he almost sunk the "Pseudo-Emperor" Yes.

When he saw it at that time, he thought, is the Imperial Regent so awesome?

Although the Astartes can stay in a vacuum environment for a while, they are not as exaggerated as Robert Guilliman. They kill rebels in space. Why, he is just swimming, swimming to the opposite battleship.

So history has been revised. After all, there are many people in the empire who are good at flattering others.

"Don't say you don't have these."

Isayama Nomei shook his head.

"Now is not the time for polite words. Other planets are still being attacked by the [Word Bearers]."

The fleet led by Cole Phaeron is nothing more than a military force that can deal devastating blows to the few battleships he assembled. Most of the force is scattered on various planets throughout the galaxy.

"Your 500 worlds are also being fought head-on by the [World Eaters] and the [Word Bearers], the two legions."

It was like the back garden of his house was being burned, killed and plundered by a large group of bandits, and all the precious treasures and people were being massacred.

[Ultimate Warrior] The expedition he took to conquer his own 500 worlds was called the Dark Crusade.

It is because the opponent's two legions are like locusts, spread throughout the 500 world, and the fleet led by Isayama Nomei is constantly eradicating these traitors like a guerrilla.

"You should also know what kind of virtue your brother is, right? With him here, do you really think you can still be so magnanimous?"

The Primarch of the World Eaters, Angron, is suffering from the influence of the Butcher's Nails all the time. The pain was unimaginable to ordinary people, so this caused his spirit to be extremely distorted.

What's more, this lord really has unimaginable hatred for the emperor.

"The real Angron died long ago when he was taken away by the Emperor."

He is quite harsh on his subordinates, quite cruel and bloodthirsty.

He is the most violent and wild-tempered of all the Emperor's sons.

The [Butcher's Nails] on Angron's body are the most authentic.

Angron, who had worn it since childhood, could withstand the extreme pain, but no other Primarch could withstand the pain caused by this [Butcher's Nail].

What Robert Guilliman should do most at this moment is to quell the war in the Calth galaxy as soon as possible, and then personally lead the battleship to expel the great rebellion on World 500.

As for why you didn't rush back immediately?

Robert Guilliman's [Ultramarine] will hold back the two rebel legions [Word Bearers] and [World Eaters] together, and the pressure on the Emperor will be much less.

As for Isayama Nomei following him, don't even think about it. He doesn't want to step in this muddy water.

It’s all called the [Dark Crusade], and this time is naturally very long. After all, the Calth Galaxy is quite far away from World 500.

What's more, subspace navigation is completely cut off, which further increases the time on the road.

Isayama Nomei didn't want to spend such a long time with them here. After picking up the wool here, it was time to go to the next place.

When the time comes, all he needs to do is give this "Pseudo-Emperor" to Isayama Norimei, and then send a senior official of the [Ultramarines] as evidence to prove that he has not betrayed, and then he can go straight to the empire's capital Terra.

Robert Guilliman went to suppress his bandits, and Isayama Norimei drove a battleship to support him. Both of them have a bright future.

"If this head is read by a machine, his memory can be read directly."

Earlier, Isayama Kenmei had carefully unscrewed Cole Phalon's head without causing any unnecessary damage to him.

After all, with the technology in this world, it is easy to completely read human memories from the brain.

Isayama Norimei was not prepared to check his memory. He might not be able to grasp what was in Cole Fallon's head.

Because Kor Phaeron is the second Astartes monk to be bewitched by the evil god, maybe. Those gods had played some tricks on his mind, and when the time came to watch, he would directly fall, and that would be the end of him.

After all, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of ropes for ten years.

Isayama Nomei tried to directly invade other people's brains with spirit magic, but he fell into the trap of Slaanesh, the [Lord of Pleasure], and almost became that master's servant.

If Khorne hadn't come to save him, Isayama Norimei might have died that day.

The mutation caused by the evil god's blessing affects the soul and is irreversible damage unless a large number of points are used to eliminate it.

But that would mean that at least one of his simulations was in vain, so it would be prudent to leave Cole Phalon's memory to the experienced appraisers of the [Ultimate Marines].

How could Isayama Norimei get enough of his 10 million points with just a treasure chest?

At least you can make a little more money in this simulation. By the way, [Ultimate Warrior], can you finally make a fortune?

After all, Isayama Nomei is the only great benefactor of [Ultimate Warriors] now.

As for the demagogue, the first, the corrupted Erebus Astartes, this guy seems to have disappeared, disappearing on the "Glory of Macragge".

It must be that after sensing the disappearance of Erebus's good brother's psychic ability, he immediately felt that something was not good, so he disappeared and seemed to have slipped away as well.

Otherwise, Isayama Kenmei's treasure chests can be collected together and get two legendary treasure chests.

The legendary treasure chest has not been opened yet.

When Kenmei Isayama and others finish the Battle of Calth, it is best to separate from the [Ultramarines]. After all, if Cole Phaeron's treasure chest is opened, there may be something evil hidden in it. In case the evil power inside If it was leaked and found out by these blue cans, his identity that had finally been cleared would be in trouble.

You must keep a certain distance from the evil god's things. This is a truth that all children in the Warhammer world know.

Now is not a good time. Isayama Norimei could only suppress the curiosity in his heart and did not look at the legendary treasure chest in the system backpack.

"makes sense."

Robert Guilliman nodded, accepting his opinion.

So Grandpa Lan called over one of his [Ultramarines] senior executives, whose name was Remus Ventanus. He was also a very tall man, and even the chaotic battlefield did not disturb his short golden hair.

"Ventalus, I am now entrusting you with a task to take good care of this mechanical sage from the Martian Cult."

Robert Guilliman asked the captain of the [Ultramarines] to serve as Isayama Nomei's personal guard, temporarily performing escort duties.

But who would have thought that Isayama Kenmei would reject it directly. He shook his head and rejected the kindness from Robert Guilliman.

"No, I don't need anyone to protect me."

"And I will also go to the battlefield. Don't underestimate me."

Isayama Nomei is preparing to go to the battlefield himself.

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