Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 178 Riko Tenten

In fact, when the conjurer just took out the detonator of the remote-controlled bomb, the two people with super fast reaction responded to the situation.

"Damn it, it's too late."

Gojo Satoru wanted to tear off the bomb from Tenuchi Riko, but if he did it forcefully, it might cause an early detonation.

The curse master had predicted it a long time ago, so it must be a design that is difficult to defuse.

Gojo Satoru shouted loudly to Xia Youjie below

"Jay, bomb!"

With the tacit understanding between the two of them over the years, Xia Youjie reacted immediately.

Xia Youjie suddenly discovered that a sneaky figure had appeared in the ruins of the hotel that had been blown up by the original bomb. He was taking something out of his hand.


Without even hesitating, Xia Youjie threw out three ninja-like shurikens.

Xia Youjie has many kinds of curse spirits. This kind of curse will cause a violent explosion when hit, which is considered a suicide curse spirit.

The sharp tail behind it can shoot out at extremely fast speeds with a "whoosh".

Xia Youjie looked very ugly

Who would have thought it would be like this.

Even if the bomb on Tenten Riko were detonated at close range, Gojo Satoru, who was holding her, would not be able to suffer any damage, let alone Xia Youjie, who had excellent maneuverability in the air.

But when the bomb detonates, Riko Tennai will inevitably die.

The death of the astral body, in the eyes of Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie, undoubtedly means the failure of the mission. Tianyuan evolves in an irreversible direction, and the world is ushered in destruction.

So there is nothing you can do to die.

"Damn it, let me catch up!"

When he saw that bastard about to press the button, Xia Youjie's expression became ferocious.

But even though the speed of the three spikes was still increasing, they were still quite far away from the Curse Master.

"Hmph, it's useless."

But don't forget that there are more than just Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru on the field. How could Isayama Nomei just watch from below.

But now besides him, there is another spectator who has just been caught.

The man wearing a white uniform and a hat sneered at this. At this moment, 3/4 of his body was completely covered in ice, and he was covered with all kinds of knives, each one deeply immersed in it.


The unfortunate man's face was full of ridicule. He was referring to the two people in the sky. This level could no longer keep up.

"Be quiet."

Isayama Nomei's tone was a little unhappy.

If this frozen man hadn't said anything, who would have thought that he was Baynell, the strongest curse master of the curse master group Q, a defected first-level curse master who had been wanted by the curse master association for more than three years but had not yet been arrested.

"You're rubbish, you talk a lot."

What Isayama Nomei did was actually quite simple, which was to seal his mouth with ice.

Then, with his horrified eyes, he randomly picked a knife that was closest to him and put his hand on the handle of the knife, letting the blade penetrate deeper. The white ice cubes immediately emerged. There was a little scarlet blood.

The unlucky guy who met Isayama Nomei in pain turned pale and had cold sweat streaming down his head.

Just as Natsu Youjie and Gojo Satoru were fighting for Tenuchi Riko, 45 blades came straight towards him.

They were all blocked by Isayama Norimei's ice wall. More than forty blades were all stuck on the ice, which was quite spectacular. Then this guy introduced himself as the strongest combat force of the Curse Master Group Q, and asked Isayama Norimei to surrender. .

Because in the eyes of the curse master on the opposite side, his opponent is only Gojo Satoru, and he does not need to waste time on such a passerby of unknown origin.

But who would have thought it would become like this.

Isayama Nomei sealed his mouth, so the miserable screams could not be heard.

"Well, at this distance."

He was using his fingers to indicate the distance between himself and the hotel.

"It should be just right."

Isayama Nomei measured it with his hands. The thumb and index finger of his right hand were bent and connected together, and the following fingers were spread out like a peacock spreading its tail.

Isayama Nomei pointed the place where his thumb and index finger were connected to the position he wanted.

All preparations have been completed

"Go to hell! You guys!"

The combatants in the mad-faced Curse Master Group Q were about to press the button, but a chill that seemed to come from the depths of their souls suddenly shot straight from their spines to the Tianling Gai.

The air became extremely solid, and time stood still at this moment. Not to mention pressing the switch, in the sudden heavy aura of death that rippled around him, his scalp was numb and his whole body was stiff, unable to move at all.

This guy felt like every inch of his skin was being cut by a knife, his hairs were standing on end, and all the cells in his body were trembling, and every signal he sent out was "death".

In the abandoned parking lot under Isayama Kenmei Hotel, only one strange syllable came out of his mouth.


A deafening beast roar sounded almost simultaneously with this syllable. The combatants of Curse Master Group Q only saw the ceiling in front of them covered by a huge black shadow, and then lost consciousness.


"What!" X2

Before Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie had time to judge what happened on the field, they were almost blown away by the sudden and violent hurricane.

Especially Xia Youjie's manta ray-like curse spirit faced this kind of strong wind, like a small boat sailing in the stormy sea, swaying and fearing that it would be capsized in an instant.

Not only that, even the tempered glass of the office building opposite was shattered almost at the same time, and there was a tinkling sound in the air, which was very shocking.

Fortunately, Xia Youjie immediately canceled the fluttering curse spirit and replaced it with the special-grade curse spirit [Rainbow Dragon].

Under the protection of the special magic spirit, Xia Youjie was not blown to the building opposite.

It was able to create such a huge momentum because all the floors between the 70th and 80th floors of this hotel were destroyed almost instantly.

Literally, the entire tenth floor was "swallowed" by something terrifying.

The destructive force was so great because of the vacuum created at that moment, and the unequal atmospheric pressure caused the cavity to be torn apart, creating a shock wave that swept around.

"what is that!"

Xia Youjie was surrounded by [Rainbow Dragons], and he looked at this scene in disbelief through the gap.

A total of six huge red pupils with bright red light were staring at him through the dust.

Xia Youjie swallowed, knowing that there was a terrifying giant beast less than 200 meters away from him.

"Hey Hey hey."

A drop of cold sweat ran across his forehead, and his tone was trembling.

"I've never heard of such a thing."

Soon the smoke dissipated, revealing everything in front of Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru.

At this moment, the hotel's superstructure has all disappeared, replaced by a giant ferocious beast head about sixty meters high, and all the muscles in the body are tense. The body surface is black and red, covered with flowing liquid and is quite shiny.

It feels a bit like a mixture of a wild wolf and a fox. There are three pairs of compound eyes on the long and narrow head, the pupils of which are circle eyes.

Full of heinous cruelty and emotionless ferocity.

The teeth exposed in the bared grin were as sharp as swords, shining with a chilling light. Various hard reinforced concrete and other hotel building materials fell from the gaps in the mouth from time to time, and the air waves from the corners of the mouth blew up dust from time to time.

"What is that?"

Gojo Satoru floated in the air holding Riko Tenuchi, also in disbelief, and floated next to Xia Youjie.

Regardless of whether it is a horizontal or vertical comparison, their diameter is not as large as other people's eyeballs.

At this moment, Isayama Nomei's voice came from their headsets.

"Don't panic, it's me."

Isayama Nomei, who was covering his mouth and nose on the ground, said helplessly into the headset.

Due to the falling building materials, glass fragments and other things from high altitude, a considerable amount of dust was basically raised, which made him very sad on the ground.

It can be regarded as self-inflicted.

"I just accidentally overdid it."

Fortunately, the astral body was staying at a hotel where several surrounding buildings had been temporarily expropriated by the Conjurers Association, so no unnecessary civilian casualties would be caused.

Besides, the upper floors of the hotel were basically surrounded by curse masters. Isayama Ken thought that this would solve the problem once and for all.

I just didn't expect that he used too much force. It seemed that the damage he caused was greater than that of other curse masters.

Isayama Nomei looked aside. Baynell, the strongest combat force of the so-called Curse Master Group Q, was completely frightened at this moment.

Is that something a human being can do?

With this one blow, their curse master group has been basically wiped out.

"I want to go home and farm."

Baynell faced Isayama Norimei's astonishing expressiveness, and if he was allowed to come, he would probably only become one more of those who were sacrificed.

With his understanding and knowledge, he didn't even know how to defend against such an attack.

"Don't be stupid, how can a curse master farm?"

Isayama Nomei seemed to have seen through Bynell's thoughts and complained directly and mercilessly.

"Forget it."

Isayama Ken thought that since his family had money, Mr. Kamo would pay for today's consumption.

As for the "tent" in the sky, Isayama Nomei naturally did not forget it. He was not a fool like Satoru who could forget even the simplest and most basic things.

Isayama Norimei's explanation made the two brothers even more surprised. The brutal beast in front of them, whose eyes were full of ferocity and made people fear just by looking at it, was actually his handiwork.

"That's too exaggerated. How much mana does this cost?"

Xia Youjie opened his mouth wide and murmured

"The power of Xian Ming's spell is amazing."

But he suddenly remembered that the ice-type dragon that Isayama Norimei once created was also a big user of mana, but he always forgot about it every time he saw how easily he created it.

"Wu, I think Xian Ming can be a super-level magician with this skill."

When the giant beast constructed by Isayama Kenmei disappeared into the air, a layer of the ruins in front of him seemed to have been shaved off.

The ruins of the ten-story hotel that had been inexplicably missing from the top floor appeared completely in front of Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru. Especially the floor that was exposed to the air and had direct contact with the giant beast was basically covered with deep bite marks. .

It is conceivable that even solid reinforced concrete will look like mousse cake in its mouth.

"I don't know, my spell power isn't up to this level anyway."

Gojo Satoru shook his head

Precise operation and true infinity are two different things.

Gojo Satoru seems to have a lot of magic power, but in fact it is the result of using his six eyes to refine every part of the magic power.

It is equivalent to using one part of the mantra as ten parts. It is so frugal that it can look very generous to outsiders.

"too slow."

Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru returned to the parking lot and saw Isayama Nomei stabbing a knife into a piece of ice. The unlucky guy inside had fainted from the pain.

"How about it? You want to come and play."

Isayama Nomei asked them while holding up a blade still stained with blood. He had a dozen more at his feet, which looked like they could be played with for a while.

"It's very relaxing."

Looking at the blood-covered blade, Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru took a step back calmly, with a bit of reluctance in their voices.

"No need."

"Is that the astral body?"

Isayama Nomei just stood up and wanted to take two steps forward to see if the guy who could call him as a bodyguard had three heads and six arms.

But when he saw it, she was just a girl sleeping peacefully. She might look a little younger than him, but she was involved in the safety of the entire cursed world and even the human world.

If seizing a body can be said to be so easy, then there is only what these little people who have lost their humanity will do.

But what Isayama Nomei thought about was that when Gojo Satoru saw him walking forward, he subconsciously took half a step back.

Maybe the scene Isayama Nomei showed today was too terrifying, which made Gojo Satoru feel the pressure.

"Are you serious about taking half a step back?"

Isayama Nomei raised his eyebrows and asked

"No, no, no, I didn't mean to."

Gojo Satoru, who was desperate to survive, shook his head like a sieve, denying his subconscious behavior.

"never mind."

There was the sound of ice breaking on the field, and the hard ice cubes hit the ground, making a crisp sound like metal touching the cement floor.

It was Isayama Nomei. He punched the surface of the ice, shattering the entire ice block and lifting out the unlucky guy sealed inside.

His limbs were frozen hard, his body was covered with frostbite, and most of the wounds were frozen with ice crystals that left some blood on the surface.

"Let's go, change places."

Isayama Nomei let the flesh and blood hound bite this thing, and then left.

"Otherwise, this guy's maid will be worried."

Isayama Nomei remembered that the astral body should have a maid, and the curser kidnapped the real owner. The maid was the only one left, and she might be looking for her now in a hurry.

So, Isayama Nomei, Natsu Youjie, Gojo Satoru and others suddenly changed hotels.

This is the presidential suite of a five-star luxury hotel owned by the Kamo family. It has a large flat floor of several hundred square meters. Through the five-meter-high floor-to-ceiling windows, you can overlook the entire Tokyo. Apart from anything else, the location in this urban area is simply too perfect. Luxurious.

Mainly because Isayama Nomei felt that he couldn't trust the hotel prepared by the Dog (City) Magician Association.

If you stay there, maybe the next wave of curse masters will come again.

But on this point, he was actually thinking a little too much.

With Isayama Nomei's hand, he swallowed up the terrifying beast on more than ten floors, and had already persuaded all the curse masters who were about to move but were wavering due to lack of strength to retreat.

"Don't be ridiculous. There is a lot of money, but you also have to spend it with your life."

The curse master used his head to resist the kind of attack. With his small body, three ounces of flesh was not enough for him to fit between his teeth.

Therefore, unless they are relatively powerful curse masters, they are active in the dark.

The weaker ones

Sorry, this is not a battlefield they can participate in.

"What should you call me now?"

A smiling Isayama Nomei pushed a dining cart in. There is a wealth of food on display, as well as a variety of desserts and drinks. There are even some alcoholic drinks, but they are all of low alcohol content, because I am afraid that drinking will cause trouble.

This can be regarded as another benefit of the hotel being your own home, that is, no matter how much you spend, everything is free and the service is the most attentive.


Gojo Satoru could have been tired, but his eyes suddenly lit up after seeing the desserts and various drinks on the table.

At the same time, he also lost his moral integrity, and there was no sense of disobedience at all when he shouted this to Isayama Nomei.

Xia Youjie shook his head helplessly

"You guys eat first while I go and defuse the explosives."

Gojo Satoru was also too naive. Since the remote control was destroyed anyway, he simply moved the whole thing back because he didn't think it would be too troublesome to dismantle it.

Bomb disposal is actually quite simple for Isayama Norimei.

As long as Isayama Nomei put his hand on Tenuchi Riko's shoulder, the overbearing ice spell power directly invaded every explosive tube.

After a while, the tubes containing the explosives were frozen to the point where they were harder than steel. Although they looked like firecrackers, they were actually useless.

Isayama Nomei just broke it off gently. Those things just fell off.

Isayama Nomei gave her a little more to restore the potion.

He noticed a little blood on the back of the little girl's head. It must have been when the curse masters abducted her, they hit her hard on the back of the head.

Once the potion is poured in, basically any minor injury, not too big or too small, can be cured.

Soon, under the gaze of Isayama Nomei, the girl slowly opened her eyes, still a little dazed at first.

But when she reacted, she immediately remembered her own experience of being abducted.

But the person in front of her seemed to have incredible affinity, allowing her to put down all her guard.

So even when she saw a stranger in front of her, Tenuchi Riko subconsciously wanted to slap Isayama Nomei hard, but she couldn't.

"Don't worry, you're fine."

Isayama Nomei smiled at her

When he heard the noise here, Gojo Satoru, who still had cake on his lips, came out from behind Isayama Nomei and said to Tenuchi Riko.

"I just said, you must be awake now."

Faced with the sudden appearance of the strange man in sunglasses, Tenuchi Riko was frightened. The sense of security she had just lost was gone. She subconsciously raised her hand and slapped him hard.


Isayama Nomei didn't even have to hide, because the target of the girl's slap was Gojo Satoru.

This unlucky kid was slapped without doing anything.

Real hair 5600

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