Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 142 Panxing Sect Branch Device and Soul

Chapter 142 Panxing Cult Branch-Weapons and Souls

"Is there actually such a curse spirit?"

"Or whose technique it is? It's really strange."

Isayama Norimei saw what happened in the other car through the glass and found it very interesting.

These passengers couldn't have imagined that they were now sharing a room with a humanoid cursed spirit wearing a shabby cloak that looked like a medieval god of death.

The curse spirit with a fierce grin on his face, his whole body wrapped in dirty bandages, was walking in the middle of the aisle. He looked oozing, and a big ax with a cold light in his hand was dragged on the ground and made a squeaking sound. The sound of la.

This kind of sideshow is a good way to relieve fatigue when you are in school.

The curse spirit came to a stop in front of a lucky passenger, firmly grasped the long handle of the ax in his hand, and then slashed down hard!

Unfortunately, Isayama Norimei was expecting the passenger's head to be chopped off with an ax that emitted cold light, and the scene of bloody flesh and blood did not appear.

The ax directly penetrated half of the passenger's head and sank deep into it until it was pulled out without even a trace of blood or discomfort.

Since the sound of the ax dragging the floor was so obvious, it was difficult for Isayama Ken to meditate without paying attention.

"Wait, let's do it like this."


Isayama Nomei just shook his head and said nothing.

Isayama Nomei's appearance is quite outstanding, especially after incorporating the little love attached to him in his body, it adds a touch of aloofness, the top of a high mountain, and the unattainable nobility.

Isayama Nomei thought she had this reaction because she saw the cursed spirit.

He must be a student who goes to school, but I don't know which school he is from.

The behavior of this ax curse spirit is like expelling the curse spirits from the bodies of these parasitized people.

"What is this? The curse spirit is doing good things?"

Isayama Norimei was about to get off the car later. If the ax and bandage spirit did not catch him before getting off the car, then he would let it go.

How can it be! ! !

It looked left and right, and seemed to have glanced at the carriage where Isayama Nomei was.

The curse spirit is placed on various trams by this organization to ward off disasters from ordinary people.

"It's not a big deal. It's just a stab from the curse spirit. It doesn't hurt."

Just like Isayama Ken's meditation statue, the girl could indeed see the cursed spirit. She woke up one morning and suddenly found that she could see something different.

But that's right, this girl has very little magical power, so it shouldn't be possible to see the magical spirit.

Isayama Nomei frowned because he saw fresh black blood constantly spurting out from the "wound" of the curse spirit's axe.

"Beep beep, the tram door is about to close."

"As expected, it's better to destroy it."

"Not here, not here"

Isayama Nomei suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that the girl sitting next to him had a slight uneasiness in her expression, and her breathing that had finally calmed down became a little faster.

Isayama Nomei suddenly discovered that if he continued to chop at this cursed spirit, he would be within the range of being slashed by it. After all, this cursed spirit seemed not to let go of anyone on the train.

Some low-level curse spirits have special abilities and can lurk in the bodies of weak people and suck the vitality of humans like parasites. Therefore, the middle-aged old social beast was obviously estimated to be 40 years old, but he acted like he was in his sixties.

These are the information that Isayama Nomei knows more than that girl, but the information is poor.

Although it seems that this ghost is helping ordinary people solve their problems and do good deeds, who makes him want to stab Isayama Norimei.

When the tram's urgent siren sounded, a hurried figure ran in at the last second before the door closed.

There was a human head entangled on the blade of the axe. It was clearly another curse spirit entrenched in that man's body, but the bandage curse spirit forced it out with the axe.

Isayama Nomei estimated that the reason why this happened was that the curse spirit was only a fourth-level curse spirit and the target of the attack was ordinary people.

The acting is really not bad. Isayama Kenmeito was just suspicious at first and didn't think too much about it, but he was still convinced.

In Isayama Nomei's ears, there was a very fierce cracking sound of a blade chopping the skull. It was the ax bandage curse spirit that was brutally chopping people online.

Don't forget that Ai is in Isayama Nomei's body. Although the relationship between them is not a parasitic relationship, Ai Ai can even provide spell power for Isayama Nomei and activate the spell.

After getting on the bus, it seemed that there were no other seats except next to Isayama Nomei, so the girl came over.

It shattered directly into ice crystals all over the sky

Isayama Nomei walked out of the train. What no one saw was that he had an ax in his hand.

Because now there is a solid ice sculpture standing in front of the girl, and inside is the Death Bandage Curse Spirit.

But the good times didn't last long. Dirty things also appeared on the train, and they were really scary like using an ax to kill people.

When she saw Isayama Nomei leaning slightly to the side in a gentlemanly manner, the girl with long black hair and straight hair whispered "Thank you" before sitting down solemnly.

"Hey, I don't know what President Nogi wants to do with me."

Ignore the original host


"The train is about to arrive at Qingshan East Road Station. Passengers who are about to get off, please prepare in advance and open the right door this time."

Fortunately, this girl was lucky this time. She encountered an axe, a bandage, a magic spirit, and a soft-footed shrimp that had no strength to cut anyone. Even if it was cut, there were no wounds.

Isayama Nomei chuckled lightly. It seemed that there was no need to kill the ax bandage curse spirit. After all, there were still four or five people waiting in line.

It turned out to be an organization called Panxing Cult, whose branch was the Society of Instruments and Souls.

But there are benefits to getting up late. At least she met a handsome and elegant boy who made him feel like a prince.

In the case of the former, Isayama Norimei might be able to see the frightened expression of the little girl next to him.

When the middle-aged servant passed through the middle door and went out, Isayama Nomei heard him say something

Now that I think about it, this kind of people are the most miserable, because they can see that they are within the range of being attacked by the curse spirit.

Suddenly, it felt like the people waiting in line were no longer happy. It gave up the target in front of it and rushed straight towards Isayama Nomei.

Cut them one by one.

Isayama Nomei has already judged that although the unknown girl next to him does not have much curse power on her body, she can still see the existence of the curse spirit.

They would come out from different places every time, which was scary. The girl had a premonition that if these ghosts knew that she could see them, something bad would happen to her.

This abnormality made the curse spirit cheer up. If it had only hit the nose of the previous passengers, this time it hit the heart directly and almost cut off the man's waist.

Since we arrived near a business district with a large CBD and office buildings, the number of social animals next to Isayama Norimei suddenly decreased, including the two people who were saved by the axe.

Isayama Kenmei glanced at him, and saw a JK with golden eyes wearing a white short-sleeved shirt. She was not tall, and her long black hair was casually tied on her shoulders. She was still panting slightly because she ran all the way.


So Isayama Norimei was not surprised that the girl, like the other people who had just boarded the car nearby, could not help but focus on him at first sight.

It's perfectly normal for the noobs to fight the novices and the novices to peck each other, but neither side can do anything about it.

Ignoring the constant struggle of the curse spirit, he stuffed it in and tied the sack tightly. With one hand behind his back, he continued to chop with the ax in search of the curse spirit.

Isayama Norimei noticed that an old man who looked like a social beast who had been cultivating immortality for who knows how many days, actually started to tremble all over as if something happened after being hacked by the curse spirit with an ax for just the first time.

Hearing her reminder, Isayama Norimei slowly looked back at the girl and said

"What's wrong, did I forget something?"

The girl really didn't know what to do. In fact, she wanted to get off the station with him. After all, if she couldn't afford to offend him, why couldn't she hide from him?

But unexpectedly, when the boy next to him stood up, the scary dirty thing pounced directly on him.

At that time, it didn't even have time to touch the boy's body, and the dirty thing was frozen almost instantly.

If your acting skills are not good enough and the curse spirit detects it, killing you is such a simple and desperate fact.

what is that! ! !

The scene in front of her made her brain freeze immediately.

This dark thing looks very cruel and inexplicable.

Seeing this scene, the girl sitting next to Isayama Nomei who was shaking even when she spoke before let out an exclamation.

After all, people are doing good things too

If Isayama Nomei is ranked, then it can only be considered unlucky.


When she noticed Isayama Nomei's strange expression, the girl just barely smiled at him.

After all, not everyone is as recognizable as Isayama Norimei’s school uniform. Aoyama Academy has a long history. It is an aristocratic private academy with high tuition (financial resources) and deviation (academic). It is for smart children among the rich. of.

But even so, there was no abnormality on the human body, and black blood spattered everywhere.


Then new people were added.

Isayama Kenmei glanced at him, and the scared little girl next to him shook his head helplessly, showing a wicked smile.

There is a symbol on the handle of the axe. Isayama Norimei immediately knew it after taking out the internal information search tool of the Spell Masters Association.

"Caught up."

Moreover, after all, Isayama Nomei is a ruthless person, whether he is opening the gourd for others, or he has been goaded by others.

But unexpectedly, Isayama Nomei stood up and instantly attracted all the attention of the ax bandage curse spirit.

A mere fourth-level curse spirit wants to slash him. What the hell is it? Is it worthy?

If this toy ax that does not hurt the body makes Xiao Ai angry, at least ten kilometers around it will become a restricted area for life except for Isayama Norimei. The curse spirit in charge of one of the four seasons of the natural system [Winter] can It's worthy of a joke.

After this ghost kills one person, if there is no more cursed spirit it wants to find, it will immediately switch to another person and continue to chop until it finds the desired cursed spirit.

The blade of the knife sank straight into the skull and was immediately pulled out.

"Why does my waist suddenly stop hurting?"

Looking at the smile on the face of the ax curse spirit, it seems that its purpose is really what Isayama Ken meditated on.

"But the next stop is school."

Fortunately for Isayama Nomei, he has already seen what this guy can do.

The fact that he dared to display his insignia so openly, and that no magician came to remove it, meant that he was a regular soldier.


It seemed a bit like it was looking for something. Its mouth seemed to be saying something, but Isayama Norimei couldn't hear it clearly if it wasn't in a carriage.

Isayama Nomei thought he had woken up and hadn't woken up yet.

Haha, no matter how hard the blade is, the white knife cannot go in, and the red knife will be useless when it comes out. There is nothing strange about this at all.

At the same time, Isayama Nomei also noticed that the Death Bandage Curse Spirit that was originally in another carriage had appeared in his carriage with a sack and an ax in one hand.

But for those who have never experienced it, this terrifying scene will still scare people until their faces turn pale.


Ignoring the tearful little girl next to him, Isayama Norimei stood up and walked quickly to the door of the train.

"Oh, that's okay, I'm leaving."

At the same time, he raised the ax in his hand, looking like he was ready to give Isayama Norimei a hard blow.

Wrong payment.


That's why the girl let out an exclamation

If just such a low-level cursed spirit in fancy clothes that only kills people is not enough to arouse Isayama Norimei's interest, after all, now he can kill even the first-level cursed spirit with just one hand.

However, the magic power on their bodies is not enough to protect them, and they can easily become victims of various attacks by magic spirits.

When the curse spirit slowly picked up the ax from the body of the social animal, Isayama Nomei's pupils narrowed slightly.

"We're at Nerima North Station, open the door on the left."

A large group of people just left, and the axe-cursing spirit became anxious and kept chopping with the axe. However, even so, it did not get off the tram, as if the cursing spirit knew that the bus was the place with the largest flow of people.

It wasn't until Isayama Nomei got off the train that the girl calmed down.

But its luck is a bit bad,

Under the watchful eye of Isayama Norimei, the axe-cursed spirit in the opposite carriage found two "lucky guys" who were parasitized by the axe-spirit. All the cursed spirits residing in their bodies were packed in sacks.

But Isayama Norimei couldn't understand the next scene. The cursed spirit usually caught the same kind of cursed spirit, but this cursed spirit grabbed the other cursed spirit that was struggling in his hand, and then took it from his pocket. Take out a sack.

The target of this cursed spirit's attack, Isayama Nomei, is really suitable.

The girl shook her head mechanically, her body very stiff.

What really caught Isayama Norimei's attention was that the curse spirit struck the heads of these passengers in sequence as if it was programmed, then pulled out the ax and continued to aim at the head of the next passenger. This cycle continues.

Isayama Nomei also clearly heard what the cursed spirit was saying with its mouth open.

For example, the color on the face of the person next to Isayama Nomei has disappeared.

She was supposed to go to school today, but because there was something dirty under the quilt last night, she didn't sleep well and almost couldn't catch the train.

"I'm sorry, it's hard not to make people want to bully you like this."

It seems like a good thing.

However, Isayama Nomei always felt that behind this, it was not just as simple as letting the curse spirit do charity.

Not all curse spirits can enter the human body, and it is not written how the organization handles those curse spirits brought back by the axe curse spirits.

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