Chapter 121

The elevator door opened slowly.

Two oppressed, deformed metal doors struggled to open a gap, rubbing against the floor with an unpleasant squeak.

Inside and outside the door was a deadly darkness, only the numbers on that screen flashed blood red shimmers.

The faint blood smell came from the deep shadows outside the elevator, and the faint rust smell slipped into the chest along the breathing duct, leaving a salty fish smell on the rough tongue coating.

In a dead silence, Mo Yi could almost hear the resonance of his slow and even heartbeat and breathing.

He and Jiang Yuanrou looked at each other, then turned over, and carefully squeezed out the gap between the elevator doors.

The familiar corridor appeared in memory.

A pale, faint light illuminates the depths of the corridor, but it is far from being able to dispel the shadows in the long corridor. In front of it is a high iron railing, reflecting the cold and dim light.

It looks like nothing has changed before leaving, as if opening the branch line did not affect this floor.

But Mo Yi and Jiang Yuanrou couldn't be taken lightly-after all, the thrilling scenes they had experienced before the railing were still fresh in their memory.

They lowered their breath and walked lightly toward the railing.

Mo Yi took out the small silver key from his pocket, and walked to the iron door. Jiang Yuan softly opened the flashlight and shone it to the keyhole. He held it with his palm to prevent the light from leaking.

With a slight sound of metal collision, a soft "click" came from the iron gate held under the palm of the hand, and then slid open slowly and silently.

Mo Yi exhaled slowly, holding the door of the iron door with one hand to prevent it from making a noise, and then carefully pushed the door outwards.

They went out quietly.

The corridor in front of me was separated from two forks. Mo Yi looked down at him and estimated a little, then made a gesture at Jiang Yuanrou:

Go straight.

Although there are many rooms to go right to hide, but according to the boss on this floor can only show, it is estimated that the same trick can not lie to her for the second time.

Although the woman had left in this direction before, it was also a shortcut to reach the elevator faster.

Jiang Yuanrou nodded, then turned off the flashlight in his hand, and walked forward with Mo Yi.

They walked through the unlit corridor and came to the fork.

Mo Yi subconsciously looked up at the wall illuminated by the pale light. On it were written two crooked words with semi-solidified bright blood: Area B, the blood flowed down the corner of the handwriting, cold and dirty. Winding traces were left on the dirty wall.

He took two steps forward slowly, leaning over and looking out.

Familiar sounds flow into the eardrum.

Tick, tick.

The faint sound of water droplets came from the darkness, and evenly and rhythmically penetrated the dead silence in the corridor, which caused the nervous tension in the subconscious,

Mo Yi froze, his face was a bit ugly for a moment.

What was different before this time was that the sound of water drops came from the direction of the elevator.

And when we came last time, almost all the lights in this main corridor were turned off this time. We could only hear a faint and continuous ticking sound in the deep darkness. It seemed that every point was hit hard. In the atrium of a person.

But according to the current situation, the two people can only walk in the direction of the sound-who makes the elevator deep in that direction.

He turned his head and whispered to Jiang Yuanrou, "You are walking behind me."

The boss of this layer is aimed at female players. In addition, her prop cooldown has not yet passed. Now she is caught dead.

Jiang Yuanrou nodded cautiously.

Mo Yi took a deep breath slowly, and a thin layer of cold sweat slowly leaked from behind. He turned on the flashlight in his hand—

Although this may expose his position, it is no different than walking into the unknown darkness and sending him to death without a light source. This is a risk he must take.

The two walked slowly towards the deep corridor.

As their steps approached, the sound of water droplets in their ears gradually became clear and loud from distant and blurred, and the **** smell in the air gradually became thicker, crowding and invading every trace of human senses.

Tick, tick.

Just then, Mo Yi suddenly slowed down, and he frowned slowly in the darkness.

There was a sticky and slippery touch under the feet, and the wet water stains came with the footsteps, which were magnified several times in the dark and formidable corridors and clearly passed into the eardrum.

Mo Yi pressed her wrist down and shot her with a flashlight towards her feet.

The round spot of the flashlight was reflected on the smooth, mirror-like ground, and it took Moi seconds to react-the entire ground in the corridor in front was covered with dark red blood pools as flat as the lake.

The **** smell in the air almost condensed into a substance, causing the stomach to roll.

A flash of ripples suddenly appeared on the mirror-shaped pool of blood illuminated by the flashlight, and the gentle arc-shaped ripples slowly fainted from a distance, disturbing the light spot of the flashlight reversed into fragments.


The sound of water droplets seemed to be approaching.

Mo Yi's heart was beating fiercely in his chest, his cold fingers subconsciously tightened the flashlight in his hand, and his fingertips turned white due to the force.

He slowly raised his wrist and shone in the direction where the ripples spread.

The flashlight's beam of light penetrates the rich darkness like the entity and will illuminate not far away-

Seeing the situation in front of him, Mo Yi's eyes could not help but widen slightly, and he took a subconscious breath.

I saw a corpse nailed high up on the wall a few steps away from him. His body was like a butterfly made into a specimen, and he was dead on the wall. A pale and deformed face was facing Mo. In the direction of Yilai, her eyes were a bright red gap, and her twisted lips reached the ears, revealing a weird and huge smile.

Blood impregnated the long silk skirt and fell down without a life, and blood dripped down the wet skirt--

Tick, tick.

On the ground is a mirror-like dark pool of blood that ripples round as the blood drips.

The boss who had chased them before on the negative second floor ... was nailed to the wall, just like her victims.

Jiang Yuanrou also saw the scene in front of Mo Yi's flashlight, and issued a sharp inhalation behind his back.

She couldn't control her volume a little, and for a moment she was incoherent:

"This this……?"

Mo Yi stepped forward tentatively, looking at the corpse hung on the wall for a while-it looked dead and motionless, and seemed to have died completely.

His eyebrows were frowning tightly, but there was no light mood in his heart. Instead, it was like a heavy stone pressed against his heart, which caused a deep panic in his heart.

The danger of this floor suddenly changed from known to blank.

And ... it would only be more dangerous to kill this woman on this floor.

Mo Yi thought subconsciously of Edwin, who was released in the negative layer. His lips were pursed tightly and his face was heavy.

Jiang Yuanrou also eased from the shock just now. She stared at the corpse nailed to the wall. Her complexion was still a little blue. She lowered her voice and said:

"We have to leave this floor as soon as possible."

The two thought of each other inadvertently-this floor should not be left for long.

Mo Yi nodded, turned the direction of the flashlight in his hand back to the front, then stepped up at his feet, and walked towards the elevator room at the end of the corridor with Jiang Yuanrou.

The pool of blood under their feet made the sound of sticky water with their pace, echoing between the empty and silent walls.

They came to the elevator, and Jiang Yuanrou stepped forward as before, and forced the elevator door slit outward.

Half of the elevator room was exposed between the two metal doors. It was stuck in the middle of the building when Mo Yi went upstairs and stopped. Now it is clearly stuck in place.

Mo Yi stepped forward, bent down and shot inside the elevator. The narrow space in the elevator illuminated by the bright beam of flashlight.

The elevator room looked horrible. The metal skin on the ground and one side wall was not known to be punctured by anything hard. The hard metal skin rolled inward and shimmered sharply under the lights. It could be seen through the holes. There was a deep darkness outside the elevator.

It looks dangerous and terrifying.

But it is the only way.

Jiang Yuanrou took a deep breath and supported the ground with the palm of his hand.

The elevator under her feet made a hoarse noise as she moved, and the noose tightened. Mo Yi saw the top of the elevator, which was level with her half body, trembled violently, and then slowly stopped again in the darkness.

Mo Yi's heart was half relieved.

He took off his backpack and threw it to Jiang Yuanrou, who was standing in the middle of the elevator. Then he learned what she had just before, supported the ground with his palms, and then slowly and carefully jumped into the elevator, although he put his own Move as lightly as possible, but the elevator still made a sharp sound of friction, and then sank down.

In the narrow enclosed space, the sound of tight ropes and the strange noise of metal was heard.

Jiang Yuanrou quickly stepped forward a few steps, then expertly fumbled beside the small screen, found and opened the metal plate.

She swiped inside the card slot with the scarlet card, and the elevator trembled suddenly.

The elevator's metal door slammed slowly.

That dark screen showed the same red -2 ​​and tiny inverted triangle as last time.

The elevator began to run slowly and silently, speeding up and falling.

Mo Yi still didn't dare to relax, he turned around, and took the flashlight in his hand to the huge gaps in the elevator.

The hard steel wall seemed vulnerable under the attack of the unknown creature, and the white iron skin rolled up inward, looking like it was mashed tofu.

Through the irregular openings, you can see the darkness that is moving and changing rapidly outside.

The sharp edge of the iron sheet turned inward was flashing strange light under the light of the flashlight, and flashed with the slight shaking of the elevator.

Mo Yi frowned slightly, stepped forward and a half to squat down, and then tentatively reached out and gently wiped the rolled iron sheet.

He rubbed his fingertips, and his fingers came with a grotesque weird touch.

Mo Yi opened his palm, looked at his fingertips under the light, and saw that his cold fingers were stained with a layer of fine silver-white powder.

Seems like ... scale powder?


Special thanks to AnnaDoyle for deepwater torpedo x2 and shallow water bomb x1

Thanks cherryontop for the rocket launcher

Thanks for p = np sugar, flower tincture, long-term acquaintance, who moved my chicken leg mine

Wow, thank you, cutie! !! !! !! !!

I like congratulations on your successful escape. Please collect: ( Congratulations on your successful escape. The literature is updated the fastest.

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