Chapter 114

A door was slowly separated from the wall in front of it, and the dark green wallpaper was shrouded in deeper shadow as the door panel slid in. The door was dark, standing as if it were a few steps away from the abyss.

An old and dull breath slowly escaped from the door, mixed with a slight **** smell.

A thin layer of sweat lay in the palm of his hand on the side of Mo Yi, and he moved his fingers holding the flashlight to make the beam of light shine into the unexpected door.

The light was swallowed up by the abyss, as if there was nothing there.

He took a deep breath slowly, then closed his eyes. The sore eyes were covered with cold eyelids, bringing a touch of calm and reason to his somewhat confused mind.

Now Mo Yi calmed down unexpectedly.

He remembered in his mind every analysis of the previous clues, and then sorted them out.

According to his experience on the third level, the illusion in this copy does not actively harm him, but tends to induce him to make the wrong choice and stays in the copy forever. Illusions can't imitate the game's control over players so realistically, so Jiang Yuanrou is likely to be real.

And when he just wanted to leak to Jiang Yuanrou the relevant guesses of the member test copy of his guess, it should be the last time he saw the real Jiang Yuanrou, and the snoring feeling brought by the game at that time could not be ignored copy.

Mo Yi opened his eyes, revealing a pair of dark eyes under his eyelashes, a little cold light shining deep in his eyes, looking rational and quiet.

His eyes fell on the dark green wallpaper, and the dark lines that formed the small lattices looked carefully. It was a butterfly connected end to end, settled in the deep shadows in the corridor, and seemed to faintly gelatinous. The substance oozes out of it in general.

Well, the only explanation is that this floor separated the two of them after their topic ended.

Mo Yi narrowed his eyes and listened for the sound of his heart beating smoothly in his chest, exhaling a long breath.

With a deeper understanding of the game mechanics, he felt more and more burdensome this time, not only to survive with this copy deliberately keeping all the clues away from him, but also to help Jiang Yuanrou complete her test , And Jiang Yuanbai, who still doesn't know where they are now, came out-almost every task is almost impossible.

No wonder Jiang Yuanrou shot so generously.

Mo Yi sighed helplessly, converged, then raised his eyes to look at the quietly open fan.

Pale and calm, he stepped into the door to the unknown and darkness.

With his pace, darkness slowly engulfed and devoured him. Around him was the smell of more and more dull dust, mixed with a trace of **** and rotten smell that had never changed since the negative third floor. Ghosts haunted his nose endlessly, as if gathering every sense of his senses.

Mo Yi's breath was choked slightly, and her feet kept moving, and she continued to walk deep.

While walking at a slow pace, he slowly turned his wrist, shone his flashlight at his side, and produced his environment.

This is a very large room. There is no light or sound in the room, and it is almost doubtful whether you are really in the real space.

At the foot is a carpet that is not the same as the touch in the corridor. The soft and tough feeling on it shows the price of the carpet under the foot. It seems to cover the entire room and quietly absorb all the sound.

Mo Yi's feet seemed to have stepped on something. He flashed to his feet with a flashlight, and saw that it was a doll with an open stomach, and half of the doll's broken head was a solitary dim blue glass eye. The long blond hair was dusty and hung up on the doll's bare back.

Looks pathetic and miserable.

Mo Yi carefully moved his foot away, then continued to walk forward, but might as well step on something again.

The bright lamp post of the flashlight moved down, illuminating the half of the plush doll cut by the knife at the foot-it could no longer see the original appearance, only the cotton inside the belly was formed into a piece of cotton. It fell out, as if broken internal organs flowed out of its body.

Under the ground there was a piece of coagulated and dried blood, dried quietly beside the doll, and the blood-stained long-haired carpet showed a swollen dark brown under the light.

Mo Yi's heart jumped a little, could not help but speed up the pace at his feet, and then stumbled on something soft under the ground.

He stabilized his body and looked down at the ground with the light in his hand, only to see the rat lying silently on the carpet.

It seemed to die only a short while ago. The bones were dissected out, **** muscles were exposed, and the internal organs flowing from the soft belly seemed to be steaming.

Mo Yi calmed down, he narrowed his eyes slightly, stood still, and then moved the flashlight in his hand toward the perimeter of the mouse's body-sure enough, in the darkness not far from the mouse, there was a little Dark shadow lies quietly in the dust.

He frowned, and took a few steps in that direction, only to recognize that it was a dead cat.

The **** fur was tightly attached to its skinny corpse, and the fur on the other half of the corpse was torn off to reveal the bright red muscle texture, and then it was tightly stained with blood on the long-haired carpet. The extremely rough muscles that had been cut up were carefully placed beside the torn fur, and looked like ... like wings made of flesh.

A chill rose from the bottom of Mo Yi's feet, straight into the brain, a fine layer of cold sweat appeared behind.

He moved his throat a little stiffly, restrained the chill that ran from deep inside, then turned his head, and slowly flashed his flashlight toward a wider area—

A dead dog is lying on the floor, surrounded by its flesh and blood, and seems to have a lot of skilled wings.

Then, in the end, the beam of light of Mo Yi's flashlight stayed on the ground at least two or three meters away.

It was a human shadow.

Mo Yi's hands were cold and sweaty, and the hard outline of the flashlight's metal case was wet by him.

The thick and turbulent **** smell invaded his senses and texture, occupying his sense of smell and taste, and even the taste of rust floating in the air in his mouth.

He took a few steps in that direction.

The shadow on the carpet gradually became clear in sight. It was a man's body, with his limbs lying on the floor. The muscles of his upper body were almost completely stripped, leaving only the **** white skeleton and Xiang Yi. Internal organs sliding down.

Large tracts of muscle quilts were carefully thinned and neatly laid on the carpet, looking skillful.

The thick, almost black blood penetrated into the carpet, and a large piece of long hair on it smudged deep brown blood.

The almost solid **** and decaying smell in the air smelled disgusting.

Mo Yi's face was pale, her lips were pursed tightly, and a pair of dark eyes stared tightly at the flesh fragments of huge butterfly wings on the carpet, silently thoughtfully.

He knew why the room was so hidden.

It's full of spoils — but it's not the player who sacrificed in this copy, but more like ... the spoils in the real world on which this copy was built.

With his fingers, he rubbed the flashlight subconsciously on the hard surface of his body temperature, his lips tightened into a tight arc.

This is the first clearer clue to appear in this copy.

Mo Yi turned his head and observed once again the corpses and toy fragments that he had just come along all the way, the traces between the eyebrows became more and more profound.

He always felt ... it didn't seem that simple.

The heavy, sultry air in the room steamed the **** smell to a more vivid breath, which made people feel a little suffocated.

Mo Yi bypassed the corpse on the ground and walked towards the wall at the end of the room. The light of the flashlight steadily fell on the dark green wallpaper on the wall. The pattern on it seemed clearer in the darkness and shadows. It looks like it's floating.

There is a door on the wall, and the invisible door seams are almost integrated with the wallpaper. It is almost impossible to distinguish it from the wallpaper's pattern without careful observation.

Mo Yi stepped forward and opened the door.

In front of me is another long corridor, with both ends turning in deeply. It seems that the people who are walking around are not sure where to go.

He definitely hadn't been to this corridor before—because there were three or four rooms scattered in this corridor, and the previous corridor was a completely closed passage.

Most importantly, there is a window opposite Mo Yi's position.

And that window seemed to be just to communicate the two corridors-through the dim glass, you can see the other corridor, the same dark green wallpaper, dark brown carpet, and the same narrow and lengthy.

There are no rooms in that corridor.

Mo Yi stepped forward, his eyes fell on the corridor through the window, his hands and feet were a little cold.

He saw the end of that corridor at the end--a red door.

The bright red patent leather on the door looked dazzling like the dried blood. The thick paint color seemed to have a strong smell of rust. It seemed that thick blood dripped down the straight door frame in a second.

Just staring at it seemed to be able to smell the thick **** smell from that door.

Mo Yi's mind echoed what Jiang Yuanrou said before:

— "There is a dark red door in the basement, we cannot enter."

His heart tightened slightly, and there seemed to be a humming sound in his eardrums.

Just then, Mo Yi heard a thin, almost children's voice sounded in his ears:

"You came."


Happy Halloween everyone! 44 small red envelopes are randomly distributed today

Thanks to AnnaDoylex3 for the shallow water bomb and long review, thank you for your attention ~ I am much better

Thanks to cherryontopx2's rocket launcher

Thanks to the purple clothes x2, leisure chess pieces, daydreaming, red makeup acridine, warutu mines

I like congratulations on your successful escape. Please collect: ( Congratulations on your successful escape. The literature is updated the fastest.

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