Congratulations on Your Arrest

Chapter 71: The Beginning of the Ice and Snow Festival (Part 1)

  Chapter 71 The Beginning of the Ice and Snow Festival (Part 1)

   Today is December 15th.

   Half a month has passed since the Sunrise Port incident at the beginning of the month.

In the past half a month, Wano Country's high-level executives ignored the wanted members of the Sakamoto Dragon Pirates, and focused all their energy on the investigation of the vicious assassination—wanting to catch up with Shangjing The special action investigation team of the world government detected an account as soon as possible before.

   But as the investigation deepened, they found themselves stuck in a muddy swamp.

  The man hiding behind the dark golden dragonfly mask appeared out of nowhere just like that.

   And every time they appear, they are either in a hurry, or on the road to rush for time. The shots are always so decisive and ruthless, without any sloppiness at all.

  It's like a superficial touch, it's instant.

   appears very abruptly,

   disappeared very abruptly.

   This made Masato Ishikawa, the head of the special case team ordered by the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate and the former head of the first search section, very helpless. For the past half month, he got up from bed every morning, and his hair fell out in handfuls every time he scratched it.

  Originally, he planned to soak goji berries in a thermos cup every day, get a hairstyle after retirement, introduce marriage, and find a second spring in his life. Now his plan has become to find a suitable wig first.

Tomorrow, the investigation team of the World Government’s Heaven and Man Special Operation will arrive in New Tokyo. If they still can’t find out anything like they are now, then the honeymoon period of the World Government and Wano Country will end early. up.

At that time, not only the economic and trade cooperation of Wano country will be sanctioned by the world government, but the status of the more than 300 allied countries on the mainland may also fall to the bottom. Shaya, which borders Wano country in the north and is now frequent civil wars The Great Duchy of Shida is the best lesson from the past.

   Thinking about it is really bald!

  Masato Ishikawa scratched his head dejectedly.

  Boom boom boom—!

  At this moment, someone knocked on the office door.

Soon, someone walked in from outside, bowed and quickly reported, "Section Chief Ishikawa, the Immigration Bureau staff found that there were a large number of immigrants with suspicious identities at the airport in New Tokyo in the past two days. It looks like they might be pirates."

  Masato Ishikawa was taken aback for a moment, and said angrily, "Pirates? People from Sakamoto's Dragon Pirates dare to go ashore?"

  The visitor hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't feel like a member of the Sakamoto Dragon Pirates, or even a pirate from the East China Sea."

   "Pirates from other sea areas?"

  Masato Ishikawa pondered for two seconds.

He scratched his head and waved his hands and said, "Arrange colleagues from other classes to keep an eye on it, the World Government's special investigation team for heaven and man is here tomorrow, don't let the pirates make any trouble at this juncture. "

  He is a little scared now.

  In case the targets of these pirates are the heavenly beings of the special investigation team—seeing the death of Senator Hope on Rising Sun Island in the Wano Country, they will come to assassinate the people of the investigation team after traveling thousands of miles away.

  The world government must be furious, thinking what kind of dragon's pond and tiger's den are you guys, then the high-level officials of the Wano country may really cry.

  However, although the Metropolitan Police Department's investigation was helpless, the high-level Wano cabinet put pressure on mainstream media such as NHK and New Tokyo TV.

  The man behind the dragonfly mask has now become a high-risk social element in Wano country's news and public opinion, and is called "the devil hiding behind the mask and playing with people's hearts."

   If anyone comes across,

   Be sure to report it in time.

  New Tokyo,

  Takehara South Private School.

   "Hey, hey, have you read the news? Captain Dragonfly has been wanted nationwide, and there is a bounty!"

"Hehe, those guys on the TV station are really playing with the wind. A while ago, didn't they say that Captain Dragonfly is the positive energy that Wano Country urgently needs? They also call on each of us to have a sense of justice that comes from our interests? "

   "Well, the TV station also has difficulties. My father works in the news department of NHK. I heard that the cabinet ministers have been putting pressure, otherwise the news department will have to rectify."

   "That's spineless! Hmph! That celestial councilor should have died a long time ago. I can still understand the wanted pirates. Why should I want Captain Dragonfly?"


  In the afternoon classroom,

   The sky outside is a little gloomy.

Seven or eight boys and girls in the back row of class F of the first year gathered together before lunch break to chat about the latest hot incidents. Higashinohara, who was in the penultimate row, sat on the seat and looked at his nose, nose, nose, and heart, and entered the crime manual like an old monk. Continue to the "intracranial sword training" of the Kodachi two-sword style.

  His current swordsmanship level of the Kodachi Erdao style has been upgraded from intermediate to advanced, and then he is a master, but the proficiency that needs to be upgraded has also changed from 10 to 100, so that it is not as fast as before.

   Fortunately, the current advanced proficiency is enough. Higashinohara's dual-sword swordsmanship in the afternoon combat class in the academy recently shocked everyone. The practical class teacher even called him the only swordsmanship genius he had ever seen in his life.

   This suddenly turned him from a weed in the repeater class that no one cared about before, to a potential dark horse. The teachers and classmates in the class are very optimistic about his entrance exam at the end of February next year.

   "Tono, are you meditating?"

  When he opened his eyes, Aida Hayato walked towards him, and said quietly, "Tell me, what a good method is this, the exercise method you told me last time is useless."

   Of course it won't work for you.

   Higashinohara thought to himself, but said in his mouth, "No, I had to exercise for a long time yesterday, so take a nap and rest."

  Hayato Aida didn't bother with this, and quickly changed the subject, "By the way, winter vacation is only ten days away. Does Higashino have any plans?"

   "Part-time job. Uh, maybe go back to my hometown." Higashinohara said uncertainly.

   This is the first winter he has spent in this world. Wano Country’s New Year’s New Year is the Spring Festival every year, and there is also a tradition of celebrating the New Year. I don’t know whether to go back to my hometown at that time.

   "It's a part-time job again, are you the emperor of part-time workers?"

  Hayato Aida rubbed his forehead, and said helplessly, "We plan to go to Hokkaido for a school trip during the winter vacation. Your home is in Hokkaido. Do you want to come together, about three or four days, and it won't delay your return home for the New Year."

   "Are you asking for money?"

   Higashinohara asked vigilantly.

   "Don't worry, the class fee for this semester is used, and the missing part will be covered by Mr. Tachikawa."

  Hayato Aida said mysteriously, "Don't you know Higashino, Mr. Tachikawa is said to be the eldest daughter of the Tachikawa family, she is the real rich woman of New Tokyo hehehe"

   "I really don't know about this, but your smile is a bit obscene." Higashinohara reminded, "Let's see when the time comes, I will be together when I have time."

   "Okay! By the way, there is one more thing. There will be an ice and snow festival in the Ice and Snow Festival Academy in a while, as a commemoration of the last day of our second semester in the academy. Remember to participate then."

   "That's no problem."

   Higashinohara nodded.

  He knows about the Ice and Snow Festival, which falls on December 25th every year just like Christmas in the previous life.

  After this day, most schools in Wano Country will end the second semester and have about two weeks of winter vacation, and wait until January 7th to start the third semester.

  The two were chatting with each other.

After a while, a little girl with pale blond hair appeared in the corridor outside the classroom, carrying a small schoolbag and happily ran towards the window of the classroom where Higashinohara was. dazzling.

  For a moment, everyone's attention was attracted by the little girl outside the corridor, and then all eyes turned to Higashinohara in the back row of the classroom.

  After more than half a month, although it was unbelievable, everyone in class F of the first year reluctantly accepted the "setting" that the brightest star of Higashinohara and Takehara Minami Private Academy met.

   I’m also used to it. At noon, the little girl with delicate facial features like a doll would take the bento made by the chef at home and happily stand at the back window of Class F of the first year to share with Higashinohara.

Miri Nishimaru is also worthy of being the brightest new star of Takehara Minami Private Academy. He has only been enrolled for more than half a month. It is said that he can beat the outstanding students of Class A of the first year in the practical class in the afternoon. The strength improvement of the ability users of the talent sequence is terrifying.

   There were even rumors in the academy that the big shot of the third investigation team had trained this girl as his intended successor, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little envious when they heard the rumors.

  Why didn't I have the **** luck of Higashinohara, who was able to meet the daughter of a big man in trouble, and even made friends and climbed such a good relationship smoothly.

   Is it because you are not handsome enough?

  The glass of the back door by the window was pulled open, and Miri Nishimaru was standing at the window with her little head up, chewing sushi in her little mouth, her little face was full of happiness and satisfaction.

  Suddenly, she remembered something again. She looked at Higashinohara and asked, "Big brother, do you want to go to Hokkaido together during the winter vacation?"

   "Huh? Is your class going too?"

   Higashinohara was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Tachikawa Asuka is also Nishimaru Miri's class teacher, so did that guy cover the travel expenses for two classes?

  The rich woman is by my side.

  Nishimaru Miri nodded her head, and said curiously, "Yeah, big brother's home is in Hokkaido, I want to go there and have a look."

   Higashinohara searched the memories in his mind, smiled wryly and shook his head, "There's nothing interesting there, it's cold and dry, and I don't know why these people want to go there to play."

  Miri Nishimaru just squinted and smiled when she heard this.

After a while, she noticed that the people in the back row of the classroom had consciously dispersed, leaving room for the two to communicate, and she couldn't help lowering her voice and whispering, "Brother, the news on TV says you are a bad person. Will you get angry when you see it?"

   Say I'm a bad guy?

   Higashinohara was stunned for a moment before realizing it, and said with a smile, "The bad guys on TV are not necessarily bad guys, and the good guys on TV aren't necessarily good guys. Of course I won't be angry about such things."

  Miri Nishimaru nodded, with a sweet smile on her face, "Yeah, big brother is right, I know big brother is the best and gentlest."

   Higashinohara also smiled when he heard this.

  Probably when he puts on the mask, in the eyes of others, he doesn’t look like Sahib at all~

  Children's world is either black or white, Higashinohara dare not say that he is a good person, he is just doing things that conform to his own life principles.

   Kill when you need to, with a clear mind.

   Just when most of the schools in New Tokyo were doing something for the upcoming ice and snow festival, a dozen or so strangely dressed men appeared in a large shopping mall in Shibuya District, New Tokyo.

The man in the lead had short blue hair and a pair of pink sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He was wearing a dark woolen coat and light-colored cropped pants, and he was walking from a large clothing chain store on the fourth floor of the shopping mall in pointed leather shoes. out.

   Obviously, he just bought this outfit.

It may be that the Ice and Snow Festival is coming. This large shopping mall in Shibuya District is full of lights and festoons, and the theme song of the Ice and Snow Festival is playing in your ears. Festive atmosphere before the holidays.

  However, from the moment the group walked out of the clothing store, there was no sound from the large chain clothing store behind them.

  It's a bit scary to be quiet.

   There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

  At this time, two girls with Shibuya-style makeup in trendy dresses and short skirts walked up and down the transparent elevator in the middle of the mall, talking and laughing while holding a cup of strawberry Daifuku milk tea.

  After noticing the man with short blue hair who was the leader of the group at the entrance of the clothing store, one of the girls couldn't help but take a second look, and quietly put his arm against the girl next to him.

   "Eh? That guy is a little handsome!"

   "Don't look, there are so many people behind you, it's Yakuza at first glance."

   "It's not necessarily true. Why do I look like a foreign friend? I can't be the heir of a big foreign family, hehehe."

   "Hey, hey, hey! Please stop reading shoujo manga for me!"


The two girls were discussing in a low voice, and when they passed each other, she took a sneak peek at each other at close range—the more she felt that the other's weird outfit was full of indescribable sense of fashion, this kind of clothes seemed to be her favorite The one for boys.

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, the other party turned his head with a feeling, and grinned at her cheeks wearing pink sunglasses.

  The girl turned her head quickly, her heart pounding wildly.

  However, when the two of them passed the group of people and walked into the large clothing chain store that they usually come to behind them, the long and crisp legs under the short skirt suddenly froze at the door of the clothing store.

  The little deer in my heart seems to have been bumped to death.


  There are pools of filthy blood everywhere!

   You can even see the shopping guide lady who often greets them politely when she enters the store on weekdays, her clothes are messy and lying in a pool of blood, and her face with wide eyes is full of humiliation and horror before death.


   A cry of fear suddenly came from behind.

  The blue short-haired man with his back to the two girls chuckled, casually took the mask handed over by the person next to him, and put it on his face.

   It was a dark golden dragonfly mask, almost identical to the mask of Captain Dragonfly that was wanted on TV before, and there was basically no difference.

   Thiago Murphy.

  The "deep sea ghost" from the West Sea.

  Accompanied by his movements, the other dozens of people behind him also put on the dark golden mask in unison. Thiago chuckled and said:

   "Then. Let the festival begin!"

  The moment the voice fell, the glass wall curtains of seven or eight consecutive stores on this floor of the mall exploded, and the hot shock wave engulfed the entire mall in an instant with sharp glass shards!

  Customers wandering in the mall and the cashier employees near the glass wall in the store, many people didn't even know what happened. The terrifying shock wave engulfed them whole with debris.

   Under the impact of the sudden and sharp explosion!

  Countless people rolled on the ground in pain, clutching their bleeding wounds, with horrible **** glass shards embedded in their faces or bodies, rolling and groaning tragically.

  Some of the unlucky ones were directly hit by the fragments and lay motionless in the filthy pool of blood without making a sound.


   Extreme chaos!

  Thiago opened his arms to embrace the chaotic atmosphere very much, and then he, wearing a dark gold dragonfly mask, raised his head to look at the mall camera diagonally above them.

  He tilted his head slightly, chuckled and made a throat-cutting gesture.


  The camera screen suddenly became white.

  The camera was artificially destroyed.

  After half an hour.

  In the conference room of the Metropolitan Police Department,

  The man sitting at the head of the conference table silently raised his hand and turned off the video of the explosion in the shopping mall half an hour ago on the screen behind him, and said solemnly to the silent crowd around him:

   "Now, what do you think?"

   Ask for a ticket~

   There are more tonight~



  (end of this chapter)

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