It would be a lie to say that Lin Xianxian was not angry at all. After all, the feeling at that moment was really unpleasant, but she also believed in her heart that they were all unintentional. She was probably afraid that her brothers would misunderstand their relationship with each other, so she was in a hurry. explained.

Of course, there is also the reason why Hu Hanjun is rather stupid, if he just joked, 'Hi! People think I'm old and don't look at me. ’, and this matter has come to an end with laughter, and those who listen to it will not really take this self-deprecating as one thing.

Lin Xianxian understood that she couldn't ask everyone to understand, but she wasn't someone who would feel wronged, so Hu Hanjun's trouser legs had a small leather shoe as a matter of course.

This kick not only did not make Hu Hanjun angry, but also made him very comfortable!

After the four of them re-entered the table, Hu Hanjun deliberately got up and placed a golden spring roll for Lin Xianxian. When he saw that the little girl had just eaten this, the corners of his eyes went up happily. He must have liked this very much.

After Lin Xianxian glared at him, she lowered her head and took a bite to feed, um! ~ So delicious! The corners of her eyes turned up again with a smile.

Hu Hanjun really thought it was cute. After getting up and clipping another one for her, he leaned into her ear and said, "I'll bring you a copy later when the meeting is over." Just order one, so, "What is this dish called?" He asked Feng Xu next to him.

"It seems to be called a golden wealth bag." Feng Xu wasn't sure.

The two of them turned their inquiring eyes to Wu Hao at the same time. Lin Xianxian was still biting the spring roll in his mouth, and his eyes followed.

Wu Hao was stunned when he looked at the dish, he didn't know it! Look at what he is doing, does he seem to know for sure? ! However, being stared at by such three pairs of eyes suddenly made him quite stressed, so Wu Hao got up and left his seat and said, "I'll ask." Lin Xianxian wanted to call him out of his mouth. Don't worry, it's not too late.

After Wu Hao got out of the private room, he looked for the waiter in the corridor. He didn't see one, but saw a dining car parked at the door of a private room with a plate of the dish they wanted to know the name of. It was thought that the waiter was serving food to that box, which was convenient for him.

Wu Hao walked over with the unexpected joy of being put on a pillow, just in time for the waiter to turn around to pick up the dish. He pointed to the spring roll and asked, "What's the name of this dish?"

The waiter received the information of the inquiry, and reflexively replied, "Fugui gold bag." After answering, he raised his head to look at Wu Hao.

At this time, in the private room opposite, someone heard Wu Hao's voice and felt familiar, so they looked back and saw that it was him, they said to their friends, got up and walked out.

"Haozi." Wu Hao, who got the answer, was walking back when he heard someone calling him from behind. When he looked back, it was actually... "God, Brother Tianlei! You." After recognizing the person, he was shocked and looked at To the joy of the old acquaintance, hesitant to speculate that he is good or evil now, and so on, the emotions are mixed together, making Wu Lei not know how to describe his mood for a while, he put aside the complicated mood, and said politely, " Are you here to eat too?"

The person who stopped Wu Hao was named Qu Tianlei, who was also Teacher Li, that is, Chen Xiangdong's mother's student, but he was several years older than Wu Hao and the others. , the family is okay, Mr. Li often asks him to show them self-study, these boys in their class admire this brother very much, because he plays basketball very well.

However, when the Hong Xiaobing became violent a few years ago, it is said that he gave his family to the bourgeoisie. Uncle Qu and Aunt Qu were also sent to the cowshed, and the house and property were confiscated. How did I hear about him? Until two years ago, when everyone was gathering, someone talked about him, saying that he seemed to have seen him, and that he seemed to be a small leader of the Revolutionary Committee now.

At that time, many male students in their class were very unbelievable, because in the identity of Brother Tianlei, if you want to enter a department like the Revolutionary Committee, you must submit a certificate, and the most easy to get a certificate, they I have heard more or less in my life, that is, cutting off relations with bourgeois relatives.

And what is the relationship between the Revolutionary Committee and the Qu family? Just after the Qu family's house was stolen, the director of the Revolutionary Committee moved in not long after that. Brother Tianlei worked for the Revolutionary Committee, so what do people think? There is a sense of sight that he is recognizing a thief as a father and helping Zhou to abuse him.

They were always reluctant to believe that the excellent, sunny, and very caring brother would become such a person.

Some people do not believe it, some people are angry, and some people hate that iron is not steel, but the current situation is tense, and no one dares to express any "extraordinary" opinions.

Not long after, the director of the Revolutionary Committee of their city got in because he broke his shoes, and then heard that he had received a report from an anonymous public. The director of the Revolutionary Committee and his family received huge bribes because of their positions. Because of this, the house was also copied. It is said that Brother Tianlei himself was the one who led the team to search for evidence.

After hearing the news, their resentment settled down. They didn't know if this was Brother Tianlei's revenge, but if it was really revenge, Brother Tianlei's actions were so obvious, wouldn't they be afraid of being attacked by the previous ones? Are those people retaliating?

In fact, Qu Tianlei is really not afraid, otherwise he would not come out to say hello to Wu Hao. In the past, he was afraid of involving them and his identity leaking, so he never contacted them actively, and even pretended not to know each other when they met.

But now, the enemies who harmed his family in those days have been rectified by him one by one so that he can't turn over, and he is no longer burdened, so he dares to connect with the people he once knew and was close to.

Speaking of Qu Tianlei's revenge history, we must start from the day when his family overturned. Qu Tianlei's father, Qu Min, was a cloth merchant who supported the communist revolution in the early days. , some of the assets in the home are preserved.

Although only part of the assets were retained, because Grandfather Qu did a large business in his early years, the part of the family assets left behind can also be called rich.

When Grandfather Qu passed away, although he had explained that his son and daughter-in-law’s wealth would not be revealed, but Qu’s father and Qu’s mother had a good temperament and would often donate some to help those in need. Fu Changhai, the newly appointed head of the Revolutionary Committee, who has been favored by the Qu family, is one of them.

Qu Tianlei will never forget that day. He went home from school as usual that day. When he walked to the door of the house, he found a group of people gathered around the house. He had a bad premonition. There was a mess all over the place, and his parents were being escorted out by a group of people with red armbands on their arms.

This kind of thing has happened from time to time recently. Qu Tianlei quickly realized what happened to their family. When he saw his parents being escorted out, he wanted to go forward, but was covered by the kind neighbor. Therefore, he also deliberately stopped him behind the crowd. When Qufu Qumu saw him, she just took a deep look at him and then looked away, never recognizing him.

After that, he was taken away by people who had been sponsored by his parents. Before that, he had a brief meeting with Qu Fu when he was punished to clean the toilet. Qu Fu explained to him, even if it was to help him. His people, do not recognize them, as long as they have him, there is still hope, and they threatened with their lives, forcing him to swear not to recognize them.

Qu Tianlei was only a teenager at the time, and he experienced great changes overnight. His parents couldn't recognize each other, and he had to watch them being driven through the streets, sexting, and even being sent to the cowshed.

The excitement in his heart can be imagined. He gritted his teeth and looked at the silhouette of his parents away, and suddenly a wild hope ignited in his heart. Since being a sheep is destined to be eaten, let himself become a wolf!

In those days, there was no way for him to ask for help, so Qu Tianlei planted the seeds of an urgent desire to become stronger.

Many years later, with the help of that person, he changed his name and identity, and got a letter of recommendation from a university. He became a worker, peasant, and soldier college student. The position of the director of the Revolutionary Committee was the daughter of Fu Changhai who was called Uncle Fu by the young Qu Tianlei, and Fu Xiaomei was madly infatuated with him.

Qu Tianlei was very annoying to her, her identity often aroused his dark side, and at that time, he already had a girl he liked in his heart, but Fu Xiaomei's character was as despicable as Fu Changhai, she was actually a report letter The girl was reported, and the charges were of course fabricated, but it also forced the girl to drop out of school.

At this point, Qu Tianlei completely swept away the restrained conscience that 'Fu Xiaomei is innocent' that he had been struggling with in his heart.

He began to take advantage of Fu Xiaomei's goodwill towards him, and coaxed her to let her father arrange him into the Revolutionary Committee.

Naturally, Fu Changhai had also met his daughter, Wang Hanxuan, but Qu Tianlei's appearance was no longer that of a young man, but showed the toughness and handsomeness of a half-familiar man, and Fu Changhai had not seen much. The next time was Qu Tianlei, so although he felt that this young man looked familiar, he did not recognize his identity.

On the contrary, looking at his manners, he was very satisfied with him. I felt that the future son-in-law that my daughter was looking for could speak and handle affairs. I saw the shrewdness of some young people, but it was the kind of winking shrewdness that elders liked. Fortunately, it is really rare how you look at it.

As a result, Qu Tianlei's entry into the Revolutionary Committee was achieved so easily, and it was not as tortuous as the brothers in Wu Lei's small circle thought. How difficult can it be.

After Qu Tianlei joined the Revolutionary Committee, on the surface, he was from Fu Changhai, but in private he colluded with Fu Changhai's competitors. The two factions in the department gave him water. Qu Tianlei was in the top position. soon.

The rest of the matter is generally the same, and it is worth mentioning that Fu Xiaomei took the initiative to tell Qu Tianlei that Fu Changhai had a widow and a mistress.

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