Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 8: : Kudo Shin 1 Buddha

Although Shinichi Kudo played football to exercise as a detective, some people said that it was unbearable for one person to beat their team.

Not to mention Noriko Amamiya, who in his impression has a cold and a fever every so often.

"Oh? Shinichi-kun, are you going to be my opponent?"

"Football is not a one-man game."

Amamiya Noriko nodded, "If you are both professional players, it is a pity that you are still only elementary school students."

Kudo Shinichi said skillfully: "Then it's better than trying it out."

Amamiya Noriko is also used to it. Both Kudo Shinichi and she are quite confident in themselves, so it's not like they haven't tried it.

She chuckled lightly: "If you lose, you have to confess to me, and you have to be full of heart."

Kudo Shin twitched the corner of his mouth and came again.

He always thought that Amamiya Noriko was a rare child who was his opponent, but this hobby was really too flattering.

Kudo Shinichi didn't agree without permission, and went to discuss with his friends who played football with him.

And then what happens when you find out that these guys really only care about losing?


"If you lose..."

"Do you want to confess to Yu and Amamiya-san?"

"Then, does that Amamiya-san like this?"

"Are you still full of heart?"

"It's too surprising!"

Kudo Shinichi looked at their shocked appearance, and felt a little bad: "Just ask me to get her to change..."

She was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"How about that!"

"It's decided, that's it!"

"Isn't it just a confession!"

"Xinyi, you have to be more confident!"

"Even if you don't succeed, you can still be friends!"

Kudo Shinichi frowned, thinking that seeing you like this, isn't he confident that he will win, and that he is confident about confessing? ? !

Are you ready to lose? ?

He keenly sensed that there were elements that he hadn't noticed,

very important.

There are still boys who have some brains: "Xinichi, then we won?"

Shinichi looked at him with admiration: "I won't pay attention to you if I win Amamiya."


"This, is that so?"

"It's like this if you win..."

"Well, this..."

Kudo Shinichi: "???"

Isn't this what you expected? ? Don't you despise playing with girls?

Kudo Shinichi urgently activated the brain of his future detective, thinking carefully about the beginning and end of the matter.

Start with the gap between boys and girls at the very beginning.

It seems that half a month after entering the first grade of elementary school, the boys in the class began to play without girls. Whoever plays well with girls is naive.

He thought carefully about what happened during that time, because it was the beginning of the first semester of elementary school, and his memory was still quite deep.

It seems that the most impressive person is Noriko Amamiya.

Relying on the freshman representative at the opening ceremony, Amamiya Noriko had already let some people know about her, and then she became the monitor. Basically, the whole class got to know her very well.

Then she started to play with the boys in the class one by one. At that time, he was still watching that these boys were about to be played with by Noriko Amamiya. Then, these boys stopped playing with Noriko Amamiya? ?

"Could it be... that you discovered Noriko Amamiya's true nature?!"

Kudo Shinichi came to a conclusion, but immediately refuted it himself.

The reason is that these guys obviously still want to play with Amamiya Noriko, and they are not worthy of helping her count the money after being sold by Amamiya Noriko. He knows that Amamiya Noriko's mathematics is completely beyond the class level.

"Just speculating on your own, even if you know the truth, you can't prove it."

Shin Kudo called the little friend who at least thought about winning, "Are you ready to confess?"

"Of course!"

Kudo Shinichi already knew what this blurted answer meant.

He wondered, "Is that guy Amamiya that good?"

"Student Amamiya is beautiful, cute and capable, and she is kind and kind to others. She even helped me pick up an eraser. Look, she also drew a pattern on my eraser."

The child took out a piece of rubber that he carried with him, and said with a cherished expression.

Kudo Shinichi felt choked and coughed a few times before holding back.

Has that guy, Amamiya Noriko, realized the impression in these people's hearts?

Looking at the pattern above, the drawing is a line bird, very familiar, a bit like... a chicken in mahjong?

It must have been drawn by Amamiya Noriko when she was bored in class.

The smart Kudo Shinichi has already roughly understood what these guys are thinking. When they say that they are ashamed of playing with girls, they all have a good impression of Noriko Amamiya, and they just don't want the other party to get close to Noriko Amamiya!

It must have been when they found out that someone was approaching Noriko Amamiya, in order to stop them, they said that the other party was playing childish with girls.

As a result, doing this inadvertently is equivalent to binding each other, although other people can't get close to Amamiya Noriko, and then they can't help themselves.

Kudo Shinichi was most angry that he took him astray, calling Xiaolan a classmate Moori for a long time in a naive way, and it would be shameful to think about it.

It's all the fault of Kiko Amamiya!

Can't you come one by one? I caught so many at once, but I didn't get a single one!

This is Noriko Amamiya's consistent fishing style. Fishing with multiple rods increases the odds!

Kudo Shinichi is too lazy to pay attention to these little devils now, they are ordinary elementary school students, naive!

He is going to become a famous detective in the future, let them play by themselves.

Kudo Shinichi withdrew from the game he knew he would lose, and Amamiya Noriko had already beaten a schoolboy team from the outside of the game.

But he still went to watch the game that day. In the end, Amamiya Noriko was with Sonoko and Xiaolan, Sonoko guarding the gate and Xiaolan guarding, meaning.

Mainly, Sonoko pulled Xiaolan to help Noriko Amamiya, although she felt it was unnecessary, but since Noriko Amamiya didn't care, let them lie down and win.

It is indeed a lie to win, a group of opponents who are not ready to win.

With all-round development of morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor, the super striker Noriko Amamiya, who reached the first team by one person, won the victory.

Sonoko and Xiaolan ended up moving the spectator seats to the stadium to watch the game, and they never touched the ball.

Amamiya Noriko didn't feel that she had won, so she said to Shin Kudo, "These kids can really play football? But it's pretty good when they lose."

"...It should be excessive sadness."

Shin Kudo looked at them and was nervous and excited after losing, but his expression was filled with joy, and his face remained unchanged.

Anyway, he wouldn't admit in front of Noriko Amamiya that these little brats played fake matches because they had a good impression of her.

The football world is too dark to play match-fixing at such a young age.

No matter whether they were sad or happy, Amamiya Noriko reminded: "Do you remember what to do when you lose?"

Kudo Shinichi rolled his eyes, UU reading to see how they are, do you still need to remind them?

Amamiya Noriko glanced at him and said leisurely, "Shinichi, you seem to be the loser in this competition."

Kudo Shinichi smiled confidently: "No, I have already quit this kind of competition where I must lose."

Amamiya Noriko ran to the side: "Xiao Ran! Shinichi is rude, he promised that I would do it if I win."

Xiao Lan was puzzled when she heard this, and immediately said seriously, "Shinichi, how can you bully Noriko?"

Kudo Shinichi was speechless.

Amamiya Noriko raised her chin and used a victory stance.

However, Shinichi's confession is not uncommon to her, because it is basically impossible to be sincere. This guy fell in love at first sight in kindergarten until high school. Even if he refused an unintentional confession, it would have no effect.

Sonoko, the information officer, knew the bet of the competition, so he couldn't help but say, "Wow, is Shinichi going to confess to Noriko?"

When Xiaolan heard this, she turned to look at Kudo Shinichi in surprise, who also looked at her.

She doesn't know why, she feels like she has done something wrong...

Amamiya Noriko said at the right time: "Well, can it be changed to Shinichi who wants to listen to me once?"

Although she was talking about Shinichi, she was talking to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan looked at Shinichi in confusion again.

"I see, who wants to confess to her? It will definitely be rejected."

To be honest, because he knew that he would definitely be rejected, Kudo Shinichi still had the idea of ​​making a casual confession and then being rejected. To him, it was just a confession he didn't care about being rejected, but Xiaolan was on the side...

How could it be possible to confess to others?

The young couple's tender feelings, Noriko Amamiya, are left alone. She has already opened the door, and it's time to reap the confession.

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