Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 261: : Bank Robbers! Super double!

Amamiya Noriko bent down to look at Conan and blinked.

"Dangerous? Of course not to me, but the bank's petty money is in danger."

"A bank robber?!"

When Conan heard the words, he frowned and thought, bank robbers with guns, that is really dangerous.

He crooked his neck: "couldn't it be the bank we're going to?"

"No, it's the bank you're going to."

"…What's the difference?"

Amamiya Noriko held up a finger and said seriously: "The difference is huge."

This is about taking the blame. If you are shamed, you will take it first.


Conan's face is indeed dark, what are you struggling with here? !

"First ask, how did you know there was a bank robber? Sister Qianzhi told you?"

Amamiya Noriko glanced at him a few times: "Oh, it's natural to be called Sister Chie, that's right."

Conan pondered, Chie Riho was Yumiya Noriko's bodyguard, and she should have been secretly protecting her by Amamiya Noriko's side before she discovered the trace of the bank robber.

Conan suggested, "Is that bank robber already around? Let's go and deal with him."

"Sister Chie is delivering it."


Conan pondered, did he hear it wrong? Noriko says that Chie-san is bringing the bank robbers here...

Amamiya Noriko repeated: "It's being delivered."

Conan clutched his left chest with a bad expression: "Okay, don't talk about it, I'm worried..."

"You can't handle it mentally, Detective."

Conan looked at her with mixed feelings: "What happened to the bank robber?"

"The robber was on the corner because he was in a hurry to rob the bank, and he was walking without looking at the road. He was hit by Sister Qianzhi. He had a gun on his body and seemed to have an accomplice."

Amamiya Noriko explained the situation to him very succinctly, saving him wasting time in reasoning from the beginning.

This made Conan very painful.

Originally thought it was a bit dangerous, challenging but not a major incident, and it was a bank robbery case that was better solved by reasoning because Noriko Amemiya took the lead.

It can be said that the difficulty is moderate and none of them are in a very dangerous position.

This scale is just right, and then Amamiya Noriko now tells him that the bank robber has been hit by a car...

Before I started to reason based on the clues I got, half of it was gone.

Conan looked at his hands, and his face under the glasses was extremely struggling: "What's the use of my reasoning ability?"

"If you don't want it, you can donate it to those in need. There are many African children who can't even drink clean water."

Conan put down his hands, raised his head to reflect the mirror, and said calmly, "Isn't there still an accomplice of a robber in the bank? Let's go catch him!"

Amamiya Noriko tilted her head, congratulations that you finally understand, you were asked to do this from the beginning.

"I'll ask Sister Qianzhi to pull the robbers over to show you, and find some clues to find out the accomplices in the bank."

"it is good…"

As soon as Amamiya Noriko finished speaking, Sonoko in front found her behind and came over and pulled her forward again.

At the Dongdu Bank, Xiaolan and Yuanzi went to exchange the check, but they still had to line up.

Conan took a closer look at the staff in the bank, but just by doing so, he couldn't tell who was more suspicious. Just as Amamiya Noriko told him that Chieda Riho was outside, he took the opportunity to go outside to fish.

Chieda Riho parked the car in a parking space on the side of the road outside, and Conan got in the car and searched the unconscious bank robber, but nothing strange was found.

Remove half the lozenge wrapper.

Conan looked at the wrapping paper thoughtfully, and Noriko Amemiya next to him said lightly, "Is the other half on his accomplice?"

Conan paused for a moment, then nodded slowly, as if he hadn't heard it: "If my guess is correct, the other half of the wrapping paper must be on his accomplice."

Amamiya Noriko was curious: "Deceiving yourself?"

Conan: "…"

In short, the two returned to the bank, and the president of Toto Sub-branch Kazuo Kazuzawa greeted Sonoko very respectfully. He recognized at a glance that this was the second lady of the Suzuki consortium.

After asking her to say hello to Mr. Suzuki on her behalf, she was about to leave when she saw Noriko Amamiya who came in. She was amazed by the girl's appearance, and immediately reacted.

Isn't this the eldest lady of the Amemiya Consortium? !

Oops! It is also a distinguished guest, but it is necessary to be reserved.

Kazuo Eizawa came over with a smile and greeted Noriko Amamiya, asked if he needed any help, and said hello to Mr. Amamiya on his behalf.

I deliberately didn't say much, so as not to make Miss Amamiya annoyed, and after I didn't need any help, I didn't have to open a VIP channel for them.

Kazuo Eizawa returned to the back and couldn't help but took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat. The staff next to him asked in confusion, "The store manager, I still know Miss Suzuki. Who is the beautiful girl in the back?"

"What do you know, that is the eldest lady of the Amemiya Consortium, and the Amemiya Consortium has recently had a big deal with us."

Kazuo Eizawa waved his hand to let the clerk work hard, don't make inquiries, he went out from the back door of the bank and sat in person himself.

Conan looked at Suzuki Sonoko and Amamiya Noriko, and twitched the corners of his mouth. This is the eldest lady from a rich family, who was personally received by the branch manager.

He just saw the respectful look that the bank manager sent away after the big customer who should have saved money. Sonoko and Noriko have not saved money yet, so they already have this look. The honorific expressions are like Fire pure blue.

Shaking his head, his eyes fell on the staff in the bank again. Who would be the accomplice of the robber?

"If the other party has tried to contact his accomplice now, it should be impossible to contact him. He may look a little flustered, and he will pay more attention to the time..."

Conan narrowed his eyes, suddenly his throat was a little itchy, and he couldn't help coughing a few times.

Seeing this, Xiaolan reached out and touched his forehead. The temperature was a little hot, and she said with concern, "Conan, go sit over there and wait for a while. After lining up, you can go home soon."

Seeing this, a male bank clerk also came over to ask about the situation very thoughtfully: "Are you okay, kid? It's really easy to catch a cold in the current weather. This throat lozenge works very quickly."

Conan took the throat lozenge half of the wrapping paper in his hand, and immediately looked up at the nameplate on the other's chest: Taniguchi Sho.

He took it down.

Are you another buddy? !

Conan just wanted to turn his head to remind Amamiya Noriko, but found that her beautiful brows were raised, and she turned her head to look at the side door in the bank, and was about to open her mouth to ask about the situation, when she saw the previous bank manager Kazuo Kaizawa being pushed in.

With a panicked expression on his face, behind him was a robber with a shotgun and a hood.

"Robbery! Don't move!!! Raise your hands and stand against the wall!!!"

Another man came in from behind, a man in a motorcycle suit who could not tell his figure, but was slightly thin, and pointed a pistol at the clerk behind the counter.

The robber with the shotgun cooperated and roared again: "If anyone secretly presses the alarm, don't blame me for being rude!!!"

Taniguchi looked at them like I was stupid, and stood up against the wall very honestly.

Seeing the change in his face, Conan suddenly felt a drum in his heart. Aren't these two robbers together? ! ! !

Xiaolan put him behind her back, went to stand by the wall, and looked at Noriko.

The principal also pressed close to Kiko, and whispered a little scared: "Kiko..."

"It's okay, don't panic, don't talk."

Amamiya Noriko raised her hand, her lips moved slightly, and comforted Sonoko, her eyes fell on the thinner robber with a pistol.

Is that Miyano Akimi?

In addition to them, there are many people in the bank who come to the bank to do business. They are afraid that the noisy voice will annoy the robbers who are holding shotguns and load money. Be quiet! Whoever is arguing about Lao Tzu shoots him down!!"

After instructing the bank staff to put money in the bag, Akemi Miyano turned her head and suddenly saw Noriko Amamiya also there.

"If you die, you will be in trouble!"

The shotgun man nodded, "Understood, just scare them."

Miyano Akemi remained calm and concentrated on loading money.

Amamiya Noriko looked at the way she kept stuffing the money into the bag, it wasn't easy.

"The rich man who was sent away by the bank manager happened to have saved a lot of money. He should also look after the cash truck when he went to the back. One billion should be no problem."

It was a bit unexpected for her though. But no problem, just hurry up.

"Next, just tell Chie-san to bring my things."

Amamiya Noriko calmly looked at the tense and heavy atmosphere in the bank.

Conan sits down, just don't work hard.

Chieda Riho, who was outside the bank, had noticed the bank door that was suddenly closed, and was about to get closer to check it when the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

"The one billion that is no longer needed will be deposited in the Dongdu Bank branch next to Mihua Park today?"

Chieda Riho looked up at the sign of the bank, yes, it was here.

She took the gun from the unconscious robber in the car, got out of the car and walked towards the bank door with a calm expression, the phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated again.

The special vibration is specially set for Noriko's special mobile phone, and she walked to the door of the bank. I took out my phone and checked the information.

In the bank, Noriko Amamiya raised her head slowly. No one noticed her strangeness. Her eyes were calm, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. She had a key-press mobile phone that was specially designed for blind typing at the speed of light.

Under the tutelage of Matsuda Jinping.

Even though she thought so, the robber with the shotgun suddenly walked in front of her.

Looking up and down carefully, I exclaimed.

"Oh?! Is there such a beautiful girl? I thought it was some kind of makeup, natural."

Amamiya Noriko raised her eyebrows lightly, although you have already entered my estimation range, but for the sake of your compliment...

Conan shuddered, seeing that she was about to move.

Sonoko suddenly stopped in front of Noriko. Although her legs were shaking, she stared at the shotgun robber with fearless viciousness.

Amamiya Noriko was moved, but Sonoko, you blocked me.

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