Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 255: : Langli white strips break the kidneys

on the beach.

Conan looked at Noriko Amamiya, who was pulled over there by the little girl's mother and was grateful, and saw the feeling of "let me go" from her expression of "no thanks, no thanks".

The lifeguards on the beach were also grateful. If the little girl was not rescued, they would all be fired, and they might even be held accountable.

"It was almost unfortunate, as expected of Noriko."

Xiaolan sighed in relief after listening to the passage by the side.

Conan nodded, and saw Amamiya Noriko quickly got rid of the little girl's mother's thanks, and ran away on the spot without asking for anything in return.

...are you?

"Xiao Lan is optimistic about Conan, don't let him out of sight!!"

Amamiya Noriko whizzed past, left a sentence, stepped on the soft sand and ran away.

Conan; "..."

He looked up at Xiaolan, and Xiaolan also looked down at him; "Kiko is afraid that you may accidentally drown."

Absolutely not! !

Conan's head is full of black lines, Amamiya Noriko must have run to save the other person, I wonder who the other person is? And it must have something to do with the person who invited me this time, right?

"Sister Xiaolan, I want to go to the toilet!"

Xiaolan stared at him: "Conan, you just follow Noriko, right? No, let me ask where Dad is. You can go fishing with him."


It seems that there is no way to go, Conan said casually: "Anyway, I must be fishing in the fishing ground by the sea."

Xiaolan wondered: "Didn't Dad say he didn't go fishing at the beach?"

Conan: "Hehe."

At noon, Maori Kogoro saw sea bream when he showed off the rich loot he caught, but he said that he was not fishing at the seaside, but fishing in a place guided by a mysterious fisherman. How could it be possible, can you catch sea fish if you are not at the seaside?

However, it is also possible to have the kind of seaside pond left after the high and low tide.

In a nearby seaside cave.

Amamiya Noriko looked at the woman by the cave over there across a small piece of sea.

The girlfriend of the eldest young master of the Kasuga Consortium was brought here by him in the name of diving, and then tricked her into drinking the medicine to fall asleep. He planned to let her drown here at the high tide in the evening, so that she could get out of trouble.

At this time, the other party had already woken up, and there he tried to tear off the wrapping paper of the water bottle, then carved a distress message with a stone, and floated it out in the bottle for help.

Because of the high tide at this time, there is a high probability that the bottle will drift back to the beach.

The original book just happened to be picked up by the juvenile detective team, and then the juvenile detective team came to rescue her and was trapped in the cave and couldn't get out. Because of the high tide, the sea water poured into the cave, and they would also be washed into the cave by the sea in the rubber boat.

Then it became the story of the death of the juvenile detective team. The children of Conan worked hard to find another exit from the cave, and were chased by the rising tide of the sea behind them.

Finally, at the last minute, he was blocked by Yuan Tai before he exited the cave. He also experienced the feeling of almost drowning. Amamiya Noriko vaguely remembered that he had several times to experience this situation. Maybe this is the case. life.

In order to observe the whereabouts of Master Kasuga, Chie Riho has been standing on the cliff by the sea, the cave is directly below her, but the cliff is protruding, and the cave mouth is sinking inward, otherwise there will be no big sea water at high tide. The backflow poured into it, and the swim could not swim out.

There is no way to drop a person out with a rope.

Chieda Riho looked down, and could clearly see the high tide and sea water rushing under him, which was obviously the reason for the cave's topography.


If it doesn't work, it's fine to get a boat, there's no need for Noriko to take the risk herself.

Amamiya Noriko stood by the reef and raised her head to give her an ok gesture.

She took out her mobile phone and took a picture of the little Shinobi who was trapped in the cave, then took off her jacket and put the phone aside, and saw the little Shinobi who was trapped in the cave took the bottle and prepared Make a drift bottle.

Don't, that bottle containing medicine and fingerprints is the best proof that Young Master Kasuga was thrown into prison.

Amamiya Noriko jumped, jumped into the water, and swam forward in the water with a graceful and graceful figure like a dolphin.

Seeing this, Chieda Riho also went down and helped Noriko look at things, if she didn't need her help.

Amamiya Noriko was swimming comfortably in the water, because of the high tide, when swimming into the cave, it felt like being pushed by the sea.

The danger of high tide is much less than that of low tide.

So Chieda Riho and the victim in the cave looked at her in shock, as if they were flying in the water.


However, Chieda Riho suddenly turned her head to look at the sea water outside, just as she was about to sound a warning, a huge wave carried the sea water and sunk Kiko's figure and disappeared on the water, leaving only snow-white waves.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Having seen Noriko's swimming skills in Hawaii, she knew that Noriko should be fine, but at this moment her whole heart was lifted.

After waiting stiffly for a while, she didn't see that figure, Chieda Riho's face was cold and she threw the thing and jumped down, Kiko must not be in trouble.

The victim in the cave covered his mouth and opened his eyes.

It would be too cruel to see the person trying to save him drown in front of him.

the other side.

Kasuga Teruhiko and Mouri Kogoro go fishing together.

"Oh, oh, I'm hooked again!!!"

Maori Xiaogolang's fishing rod sank and immediately pulled it up, but when he saw what kind of fish it was, he was immediately dull: "What, it's just a small yellow croaker."

Throwing the little yellow flower, which was only half a catty, into the bucket, Mouri Kogoro noticed that Kasuga Teruhiko, who was next to him, seemed to check the time from time to time.

"Is Master Kasuga waiting for someone? Oh, is your girlfriend?"

Mouri Kogoro still understands a bit. This kind of person who pays attention to the time is mostly because he has an agreed time, and seeing his girlfriend's absence, he feels that he is waiting for her girlfriend.

Haruhi Teruhiko has long hair, wears a pair of sunglasses, and his skin is a little dark. After hearing his words, he immediately smiled: "Mr. Maori, don't be wrong, I basically have no results with Xiaoren, I Waiting for another lovely lady."

"Is that so?"

Maori Kogoro scratched his head, feeling that the two of them were a strange couple.

The corners of Kasuga Teruhiko's mouth twitched, is this a famous detective? But so.

Kasuga Teruhiko was also worried when he came across him and learned that he was the famous detective Kogoro Mouri, and specially dragged him here to fish, staring at Kogoro Mouri while creating evidence of his alibi.

As a result, I couldn't detect anything at all. Is this a detective?

Kasuga Teruhiko looked down at the time. It was almost time for Miss Amamiya's appointment. At the same time, that idiot Shinobu should also be drowned, right?

"If the marriage with the eldest lady of the Amamiya family is successful, then you can stably inherit the consortium."

He is in a good mood. With one positive and one negative, the income has skyrocketed exponentially. If there is an organic conversation, maybe the Amemiya Consortium can also be inherited by himself, that is really...

Maori Kogoro glanced at him with a tilted head, how did this man feel like he was promoted to get rich and killed his wife, very similar to the faces of those clients who usually asked him to find evidence of his wife's derailment.

"Well, it's also possible that the fishing can't catch me, so let's scare the imagination here hahahaha!!!"

Xiaolan took Conan's hand and walked over, seeing her father who was laughing outrageously, and said, "Dad, it turns out that I really fish here."

Mouri Kogoro's smile suddenly stopped, and he glanced at his daughter and that stinky brat.

Conan looked curious: "Ah Lie Lie? It's so strange, didn't my uncle say to fish in some secret good place? So it's here, isn't it the seaside?"

Maori Kogoro looked at his familiar tone of death and pouted: "Stinky brat, what do you know about fishing."

Xiaolan tilted her head to look at Haruhi Teruhiko, wondering, "Who is this?"

Because of the absence of the juvenile detective team, Kasuga Teruhiko, who should have known earlier, met for the first time at the scene. Kasuga Teruhiko only got to know Mouri Kogoro.

Mouri Kogoro introduced him casually: "He, the eldest young master of the Kasuga Consortium, the Kasuga Consortium... Shouldn't he be richer than the Amamiya Kiko family? Anyway, he's not very good at fishing."

Kasuga Teruhiko: "..."

He was stunned: "Do you know the eldest lady of the Amamiya family?"

"My daughter and she are classmates, and usually come to my office to play."

Mouri Kogoro looked at him strangely, and then reacted: "The daughter you're waiting for is Noriko Amemiya?"


Kasuga Teruhiko hurriedly asked, "Is Miss Amamiya here?"


Xiaolan just subconsciously prepared to answer, but Conan stared at Kasuga Teruhiko for a while, and suddenly said, "Sister Noriko shouldn't be here so soon!"

Xiaolan looked at Conan strangely, and Conan winked at him.

She had no choice but to nod: "Kiko... It should be coming soon."

Kasuga Teruhiko didn't notice anything suspicious about this little brat, so he nodded and said, "Hahaha, that's right, the time I made with Miss Amamiya hasn't come yet."

Conan looked at him, sure enough, was he the one who invited Noriko Amamiya? But it looks like I've seen it somewhere.

Conan frowned and thought about it carefully, and suddenly remembered that Kasuga Teruhiko was one of the two people on the speedboat that Amamiya Noriko was looking at before going to rescue the drowning little girl.

"The eldest young master of the Kasuga Consortium? It's not surprising to have a speedboat, but what about his girlfriend?"

Conan remembered that Amamiya Noriko was looking at the speedboat and said she was going to save people, which means that she was going to save one of the two people on the speedboat at first. Haruhi Teruhiko was here, so Amamiya Noriko Just to save another woman.

He looked at Kasuga Teruhiko and said with a doubtful tone: "Big brother, you already have a girlfriend, right? I saw you and your girlfriend on the speedboat, should you be going diving? Where's your girlfriend?"

Kasuga Teruhiko suddenly turned his head to look at him when he heard the words, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, but he said with a grin: "Where should she be diving, she likes to use this method to worry me, but I also I'm going to break up with her, or Miss Amamiya is more suitable for me."

"Ha ha..."

Conan sneered, not to mention whether you will be killed by Yumiya Noriko, the size of the Kasuga Consortium is also incomparable to the Amamiya Consortium, where did you get the tone that Amamiya Noriko is suitable for you?

"And, maybe you still have problems."

Conan looked at him, wondering if Kasuga Teruhiko did something to his own girlfriend.

Looking at Kasuga Teruhiko, Conan wondered where Amamiya Noriko ran to save people. If she followed the direction of the coastline she left, she probably should have been on the beach directly below here.

He was thinking about it when he suddenly noticed that the hole on the rock wall next to the pool here seemed to be formed naturally. Judging from this reef landform, it might lead directly to the seaside...

Suddenly, a group of seabirds just flew out from the entrance of the cave, and there was a large group. He was stunned when he saw it. Seeing Xiaolan's surprised look, he said: "It seems that it should be connected to the reef caves and other places below. They forage among the rocks below, knowing they can get up this way."

As he spoke, Conan noticed that Kasuga Teruhiko's complexion suddenly deteriorated, and his expression suddenly froze.

Kasuga Teruhiko was indeed stunned. If there was a passage to get up from there, wouldn't it be possible that the woman drowned?

No, no, she was drugged by herself, so she probably didn't have the strength to climb out of this hole alone.

Although he thought so, Kasuga Teruhiko's eyes couldn't help but focus on the entrance of the hole, for fear that a girlfriend of his would crawl out there.

Conan's hand was quietly placed on the watch, and his eyes under the reflective lenses were extremely calm. By observing Haruhi Teruhiko's face, he could basically be sure that this person had attacked his own girlfriend.

Kasuga Teruhiko didn't have time to pay attention to the child's face, his face was a little grim, and he wanted to turn around to make sure that the woman was dead, but what about his alibi?

At this moment, a soft voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Is it Mr. Kasuga Teruhiko? Sorry, I wasn't late, right?"

Haruhi Teruhiko turned his face with joy again. The eldest lady of the Amamiya family finally arrived. He quickly turned around and said, "No, no, Miss Amamiya is not late, and I just..."

As he spoke, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the three girls who came not far away, apart from the temperament of the eldest lady of the Amamiya family, and the swimsuit that was so cute that she was instantly moved, were followed by the three girls. One of them is his girlfriend Shinobu.

Shinobu, who should have been drowned below at this time!

His face was blue and blue, cloudy and sunny, and he gritted his teeth as hard as possible to keep his expression from showing.

Amamiya Noriko tilted her head, as if she was very puzzled by his reaction, she pressed her slender, light-white jade fingers to her lower lip, and said in a very simple tone, "This sister was seen in the cave below. , seemed to be in danger, so he swam over and rescued her, Mr. Haruhi knows her?"

Chieda Riho and Shinobi had complex expressions on their faces, and they remained silent, the corners of their mouths twitching slightly.

Anyway, Amamiya Noriko was shouting Shiratiao in the violent waves, while forcing both of them against the current of the high tide to a safe reef on the shore.

At the moment when the huge waves crashed, come to see Noriko dragging their figures, saying that mermaids are not enough, Poseidon, the **** of the sea.

At this time, Xiao Ren looked at the boyfriend she had always admired, and he clearly had his heart on him, but the other party wanted to kill her.

Kasuga Teruhiko looked at his girlfriend Xiao Ren's extremely sad eyes, his mind went blank, but he was immediately pulled back to reality by the life of his rich young master.

It is absolutely impossible for him to go to prison, or the miserable life of the poor.

"As long as... as long as I kill them all, no one will know what I've done, and if I catch Noriko Amamiya, it doesn't matter whether it's blackmailing the Amamiya Consortium or taking her down first—!! "

Haruhi Teruhiko's eyes flashed fiercely, he suddenly took out his pistol and grabbed Conan, ready to take him as a hostage first! !

"Don't move..."

He found that he grabbed the air, and the girl who was classmate Amamiya Noriko pulled the child directly to the side and stared at him.


Kasuga Teruhiko shouted angrily and pointed the gun at Xiaolan.


Xiaolan didn't retreat but advanced, and with a crooked body, he directly controlled his arm.

Kasuga Teruhiko saw at a glance that she was thinking of throwing herself over the shoulder. Just as she was about to resist, she suddenly suffered a heavy blow on her waist. With a grunt, her whole body was kicked in the air, and Xiaolan was slammed to the ground.

Conan opened the cover of his watch, but found that it seemed that he had nothing to do with himself.

But I didn't notice when Amamiya Noriko put on a pair of high-top canvas shoes.

The part and the strength that Amamiya Noriko kicked just now... The kidneys won't burst...

Conan had a toothache, and Kogoro Mouri had just dropped his fishing rod when he stared at the miserable Kasuga Teruhiko.


Amamiya Noriko and Xiaolan slapped each other, and the good sisters had a perfect combination of skills and were castrated on the spot.

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