Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 184: :0 Lee Sweet Belmode talks

"No! No!!"

Calvados, who was tied into a caterpillar at the entrance of the hotel room, with a rag in his mouth, couldn't make a sound, twisted his body, raised his head and opened his eyes wide to look at Belmod.

His eyes were extremely firm, full of his unshakable beliefs, and he didn't even let Belmod rush to untie himself.

He was just expressing that he didn't give in, that he had fought that woman to the end, even though he was defeated, he was still honored, and he didn't change his mind, goddess! I still love you! ! !


Belmod glanced down at him, not ready to pay attention, compared to Calvados who acted without authorization and failed to the point where he was missing all day.

Or she went to London to find Baileys for a long time, and finally came to Japan, Baileys is more important.

Calvados saw that Belmod skipped him, he couldn't help but stop twisting, and looked at Belmod's back seriously.

Very calm, it's okay, Belmod didn't let me out must be to deal with that Baileys wholeheartedly.

Amamiya Noriko put the gift box on the table in the hotel room, sat down on the sofa, and patted the sofa as if evaluating, saying it was quite soft.

Then he looked back and saw that Belmod took a set of tea sets and, looking very skilled, brewed a pot of tea and brought it to her.

"The tea in the hotel is not bad."

Belmod bent down slightly, holding the teapot in one hand, pressing the lid lightly with the other, and poured her a cup of tea.

Leaning over and squeezing his arms gently, this posture is a very test of the figure, and Belmod was originally in the hotel alone and dressed very casually at home. From this angle, Amamiya Noriko can casually glance at Sister Bei's career line. .

I can't help but think back, how old was the first time I appeared in front of Sister Bei as Baileys?

If you win in terms of appearance, you can't lose to Sister Bei in terms of stature.

Next time make Baileys bigger.

"Well, it's pretty good." Amamiya Noriko expressed that she didn't mind the tea in the hotel, and reached out to hold the cup to signal, but saw the tiny tea stems in the cup stand up, "It looks like I'm very lucky? "


Belmod looked at the tea stem standing up in her cup, "Doesn't this represent the quality of the tea? Or is my tea skill poor?"

"No, of course I like the tea Belmod made me."

Belmod looked at her and said, with a sweet smile on his face as if nothing had happened, he was about to put the teacup back on the table, obviously not ready to drink.

Although he didn't seem to be concerned or worried, he was still very cautious. Belmod pursed his lips and smiled, ready to fight back against the run, so he couldn't keep being led by her nose.

But Belmod was just about to speak out, but when Baileys sweet hand put down the teacup, she turned over her slender and white wrist softly, and held a rose between her fingers and handed it to her.

"love you."


Belmod somehow remembered what the guy in front of him had done to him in New York, frightened her for a long time, but after she lost too much blood and passed out, he managed her injury well, leaving a note that read. "Baileys Loves You" card.

It's completely unclear, and now you are still teasing yourself in person?

Belmod frowned frivolously, stretched out his hand to take the rose, and looked at the color of the rose as if he was holding a cigarette between his fingers. Then, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he blinked and looked at Baileys' beauty. Yan: "Thank you, you are more beautiful than roses."

"Ahaha..." Amamiya Noriko smiled sincerely, and then said seriously, "It's more tempting to say this in your original form."

If you use Sister Bei's original face and add a little frivolous tone, it will be perfect.


Belmod smiled and removed Chris Wynyard's disguise, revealing her original appearance.

Anyway, this Baileys Tian opposite already knows her true appearance, so she has nothing to disguise.

"Then what about you? Is the current Baileys real?"

Compared with the disguise she has already seen, Belmod wants to know Baileys' true appearance. Judging from the fact that she can easily see through her own disguise, she is definitely a master of disguise.

Belmod can't tell if Bailey's face sitting across from him is disguised if he just looks at it. First, Noriko Amemiya's disguise skills are advanced and she has her guidance. Second, she has come to this level. Disguise, the basic light is difficult to see visually.

Noriko Amamiya herself couldn't see through Belmod's disguise at a glance. She knew that Chris Wynyard was Belmod. She didn't win in the technique of disguise, but against Belmore. De has already won.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "Is my real appearance? Probably a little prettier than I am now."

Amamiya Noriko smiled at Belmod.

Belmod couldn't help but glance at Baileys' face now, it's a little more beautiful than it is now, are you going to heaven?

She glanced at the teacup on the table.

As a result, she still didn't drink her tea.

Belmod's gaze shifted to the gift box on the table, which was quite delicately packaged.

"Can I open the gift and take a look?"

Amamiya Noriko shook her head.

Belmode expressed some distress: "What if it's a bomb?"

Amamiya Noriko looked shocked: "How could it be a bomb, how dangerous."

Belmod's thin eyebrows trembled. Although Baileys' tone imitated a look of consternation, as if such a thing would definitely not happen, but the deliberately clumsy concealed expression didn't mean that!

Amamiya Noriko repeatedly said that she was safe, and pushed the gift box towards her: "Don't worry, it's not a bomb, but it's better to open it after I leave, hahaha."


Belmod put down the roses on the table, and showed Baileys a box of slender ladies' cigarettes, and saw Baileys skillfully clip one: "Generally, I don't smoke."

Belmod raised his brows, meaning he didn't bring his lighter?

"It seems that I should bring out red wine to serve you."

As she spoke, she took out lighters for Baileys and herself.

There's nothing to hide about Amamiya Noriko's smoking. She took a casual sip, but she spit it out after only a few tastes in her mouth, so there would be more smoke, so Belmod could see that she didn't really smoke.

Minors are not allowed to smoke.

Smoking and other things are irrelevant to Amamiya Noriko, but the problem is that smoking too much will affect her white teeth that can be used for toothpaste commercials, and it will smell of smoke.

Belmod's cigarettes are the ones with very little residual odor.

Because it is a very low-level mistake to leave the smell that should not be left if it is easy to become another person, and the air freshener cannot be perfect.

To send cigarettes means to start talking about the topic.

Calvados looked up with difficulty and looked over there, two beautiful women with immortal appearances, smoking a cigarette with graceful manners, lingering smoke, and alluring and seductive, this scene was worth it.

Belmod glanced at the people **** in a ball at the entrance, and asked Baileys first, "What's the matter with him?"

In her opinion, it shouldn't fall into Bailey's hands inexplicably.

"He, because I was looking at the very interesting young lady of the Amamiya family, he suddenly appeared and disturbed me."

Amamiya Noriko said in a light tone, but let Belmod take a calm look at Calvados.

She was completely unaware that Calvados went to kill Noriko Amamiya, or it was Jinjiu who asked her to inquire about Calvados' whereabouts. He actually went to kill Noriko Amamiya privately.

Amamiya Noriko, Maurilan, and Kudo Shinichi are all special people to her.

Knowing that Amamiya Noriko was all right, Calvados' whereabouts were unknown, but she was more relieved.

Calvados was just like that, but Baileys meant that she was also eyeing Noriko Amamiya, so Belmod had to ask.

It's just that Calvados was still there, so she just acted casually, as if she didn't care about the Miss Amamiya: "Why did you pay attention to the eldest lady of a consortium when you're okay? Is there anything worthy of your attention? "

Amamiya Noriko looked at Belmod: "Because Gin also pays attention to her."


Belmod's expression didn't change after hearing the words, but in Noriko Amamiya's eyes, it also meant that Sister Bei must have reacted when she heard it, but she was expressionless to hide.

She wants to figure out this matter. Don't look at it, she has encountered Jin Jiu many times and faced it, but she still doesn't understand the reason why Jin Jiu is staring at her.

Judging from the several incidents that I have encountered, some seem to be like Gin looking for a mercenary to arrest him, and it seems that he wants to live, but in the case of Yoko Okino, another killer came to her, and it seems that he did not want to live. He looked like, and then had a fight with Master Qin, obviously it was the killer that Master Qin called.

She can only say that Master Qin is quite difficult to understand.

So I came to Belmod, and by the way, I took a sidekick.

Judging from the reaction, Sister Pei should know that Gin is staring at her, but she probably doesn't know the reason either.

This is a pity.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} At this moment, Belmod needs to sort out a little, why does Baileys even know about Gin? Is it really the people in the organization?

She has no way to confirm whether Baileys is in the organization or not, because it is difficult to ask.

Will it be directly related to her almost falling downstairs in New York, saying that it was Kiko, Xiaolan, and Shinichi Kudo who rescued her, and then said that she was the one who was rescued by Baileys after she lost too much blood and fainted?

If the Baileys thing is too involved, then there is no doubt that the relationship with Xiaolan Shinichiko and the others will be found out by the organization, which is something she doesn't want to see at all.

There is no way to confirm Baileys' identity, so I can only find out for myself.

This is the set left by Noriko Amemiya, otherwise, if Sister Bei and the gentleman, and whoever asked Jinjiu, wouldn't her Baileys trumpet be exposed on the spot?

Therefore, Belmod is still sorting out her thoughts at this time. It is very important whether Baileys is a member of the organization. She is now eyeing Xiaolan and the others. Is it her own idea, or if she is a member of the organization, it is the organization Instigation?

"Are you a member of the organization?"

Belmod looked at Baileys' delicate face and soft black hair, more like a lady than a mysterious organization member, she lowered her voice and whispered.

Amamiya Noriko didn't respond, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, she stretched out her hand to pick up the hat that was placed on the table after sitting down and got up: "I already know the answer I want to know, and I look forward to meeting you next time."

Belmod can't be fooled casually. There are many mistakes. As long as he is still the mysterious Baileys, in Belmod's eyes, he may still be a member of the organization.

In the future, if there is a chance, when Sister Bei knows the fact that Conan is Shinichi, she may be able to use Bailey's trumpet to form a camp with Sister Bei.

It's still too early, wait for Sister Bei to have more contact with Xiaolan Conan and the others.

This time, I mainly asked Sister Bei if she knew why Gin was staring at her. She already knew the answer. The rest was handled by Calvados.

Belmod obviously also thought of this. She looked at Baileys who stood up, and said in a voice that Calvados couldn't hear: "What are you going to do to Calvados?"

Although Calvados is one of Baileys' gifts to herself, she faintly feels that Baileys will not follow Calvados, and she will take care of Calvados when she speaks, but she doesn't seem to .

This is the attitude towards the dead.

The dead will always keep secrets.

"It's up to him, remember to open the gift box after I'm gone."

Amamiya Noriko smiled and reminded again.

Hearing that, Belmod glanced at the gift box, but didn't speak. He got up as if to send her out, and stay away from the gift box.


Amamiya Noriko Well, let Sister Bei send her off.

Belmod took her straight to the hotel door, watched her walk away, and then returned upstairs, but did not enter the room immediately.

Instead, after waiting for a random period of time, he opened the door and entered the room.

Nothing happened in the room, the gift box was still on the table, Calvados was still lying in the entrance, because he was trampled by Noriko Amamiya again, and seemed to be writhing in pain.

This time, I should let myself untie it for him.

Belmod untied Calvados' shackles at will.


Calvados couldn't help but open his mouth and let out a breath. His mouth was stuffed with rags, and he felt like his jaw was about to dislocate.

"That woman left?"

"Let's go, I watched her all the way to the other side of the road."

Belmod leaned against the wall of the entrance and looked at him calmly.

Calvados didn't know what to say all of a sudden, he was **** like that and he lost his face in front of Belmod.

"This time, it's just a careless move. If I got it with a sniper rifle, that Amamiya Noriko would have died long ago."


Belmod said indifferently.

Calvados was even more annoyed, and he didn't find his place, so he couldn't raise his head in front of Belmod at all.

"It's okay, don't worry about this time."

Belmod opened his mouth to make him happy, but Belmod immediately raised his chin.

"Go and see what's in that gift box on the table."

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