Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 125: : Sister Bei x0 Li liqueur

Amamiya Noriko looked at Belmod's gun at her.

Sister Bei, do you care about them now?

I just tried to use them to threaten Sister Bei, and I already raised a gun to warn myself.

"Aren't you a little too concerned about them..."

Belmod looked at the black-haired beauty in front of him and still looked at himself calmly when facing the muzzle, his eyes slightly enlarged, because the lips parted lightly after the other party finished speaking was the mouth shape of her name.

As if with a scrutiny-like look.


"She knows I'm not a silver-haired murderer and knows my code name."

The thought flashed in Belmod's mind, and she couldn't help but be more sure of the current Baileys' identity, she must be someone in the organization.

The gun in her hand was slowly put down, but she raised the muzzle in an instant, "Bang!"

Under the drizzle, the gunshots sounded suddenly.

Belmode seemed to be distracted by a drop of rain in front of her eyes. She seemed to see Baileys liqueur sideways and was not hit by a bullet!

The bullets fired seemed to hit the farther wall.

Belmod couldn't help but feel cold in his heart. Is it really possible to dodge bullets with his body skills? !

Baileys sweet wine turned to look at her, and could see the playful smile in the other's eyes.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Belmod looked at her calmly.

I shouldn't be too anxious about the three children. If the question was about the identity of the other party when they threatened Baileys with a gun at that time, they would not have been noticed by the other party.

With the idea of ​​killing the other organization that she didn't even know about, she suddenly shot, but it still didn't work.

Watching Baileys tugged her black windbreaker, she stepped on high heels and walked in front of her unhurriedly.

Belmod suddenly said: "Is there really someone like you in the organization?"

"No, I am a dead man walking in the shadows."

Amamiya Noriko just walked in front of her, reached out and took off the pistol in her hand. Another slender finger gently opened a gap in the other party's mask from the earlobe, slowly tore it open, and casually removed the silver hair. The Murderer's mask was thrown aside.

Raising Belmod's chin, he looked at her with a charming smile.

"Belmode, she is really beautiful."

Belmod said with a cold face and expressionless face: "You are also a beauty."

Amamiya Noriko wanted to say something, but saw Belmod stretched out his hand to hold the railing next to him, but couldn't stand still, and his body was so weak.


Amamiya Noriko looked at her gunshot wound, but Sister Bei was bleeding all the time, and she lost too much blood.

But so is she.

Amamiya Noriko carried Belmod into the abandoned building, and the bandage came in handy, and took off the prosthesis Belmod used to disguise the silver-haired murderer, Amamiya Noriko lifted her clothes to see A moment, the waist and ribs, not a fatal injury.

Helping Sister Bei to deal with the wound simply, Amamiya Noriko also treated herself.

She was also slightly shot, and the bullet didn't completely avoid her. Her reflex points were really low, and she was scratched.

A little peeled off.

Posted an OK stretch, get it.

"Sister Bei really doesn't take care of Xinyi and Xiaolan as usual. I didn't expect to shoot me in the backhand."

Amamiya Noriko looked at Sister Bei who was in a coma, but not only Xinyi and Xiaolan, she also seemed to be the object of Sister Bei's protection. If she went up slowly at that time, she might be able to hear what Belmode gave her nickname. .

But it doesn't matter. Now, the suspicion that Amamiya Noriko and Bailey Rummy are the same person is completely impossible.

"Take care of your hands for Sister Bei."

She has been a fake wine since then.

Amamiya Noriko looked at the pistol in her hand. She always wanted to get a pistol with her, but it was really inconvenient to carry.

How did these villains bring things like pistol bombs to and fro?

Amamiya Noriko left the pistol to Belmod.

Because of the gunshot, the FBI, which had been blocked in the vicinity, must have all rushed over, and Amamiya Noriko took the unconscious sister Bei away.

Because Kudo Shin will tell the police the location of the abandoned building as soon as he turns his head. Originally, Sister Bei would fool the New York police by making a silver-haired murderer dead, but now it is obviously not possible.

I don't know how long I slept.

Belmod's drowsiness in the warmth suddenly disappeared, and she opened her eyes abruptly, and the gun at hand fell into her hands instantly.

He glanced around vigilantly, and seemed to be on the roof of the building, covered with the windbreaker of Bailey's liqueur.

Wiping away a drop of dew on the tip of her nose, Belmod looked at the wound. Her fair skin was bandaged on her lower abdomen, waist and ribs. She touched it and felt it. It seemed that the bullet had been taken out and medicine was applied.

Belmod exhaled, and calmly took out a card from his chest that read "Baileys loves you" in gorgeous Japanese.


Belmod pondered, thinking of Baileys' face that was a bit mixed-race but mostly oriental beauties, Japan?

the next day.

in a park in New York.

"That's right, isn't the news on TV also broadcast? The person who found that road demon, but it's my precious son."

Kudo Yukiko looked at the three people behind Kudo Shinichi and Xiaoran Noriko, and smiled to the other end of the phone.

"But when the police received the notice and rushed over, the road demon seemed to run away first."

"Xiaolan? Xiaolan is much better now. Although she burned for a night last night, she looks much better now after sleeping for a night. The things that happened yesterday seem to have gone with her fever."

"Kiko? Kiko is also very good. It's quite difficult to choose a daughter-in-law between Kiko and Xiaolan."

Yukiko Kudo joked to the other end of the phone, but then she said in a serious tone, "Sharon, didn't you already notice that something was wrong with Rose after that?"

Sharon smiled slightly: "Well, my intuition has always been very sensitive, I just didn't expect her to kill."

"By the way, can you help me tell Xiaolan a word, you can say that you are right, and there is an angel by my side."

Kudo Yukiko smiled and said, "Ah, that's a good sentence."

"not bad."

Amamiya Noriko looked at Kudo Yukiko who was on the phone with Sharon. It seemed that Sister Bei was recovering well.

She tilted her head to look at Kudo Shinichi and Xiaoran...

Kudo Shinichi looked at Xiaolan and said, "Your cold isn't completely okay yet?"

Xiaolan shook her head: "I'm fine."

"I'll see if I still have a fever."

Kudo Shinichi said, reaching out and picking up Xiaolan's bangs, and wanted to touch Xiaolan's forehead to see if her body temperature was normal.

Amamiya Noriko watched silently beside them, and said coldly, "Would you like me to post it with Xiaolan? I have a say in colds and fevers."

Xiaolan's face flushed slightly, so Xinyi posted it and quickly avoided it.

Kudo Shinichi nodded solemnly: "It's good that the body temperature is normal."

Then Kudo Shin glanced at Noriko Amamiya, you bastard, I just want to make sure Xiaolan's cold is getting better.

He looked at Amamiya Noriko, who was pulled aside by Xiaolan and said something. Speaking of which, they all left yesterday. What did Amamiya Noriko stay there for?

The silver-haired murderer is still there.

He originally thought that with the fighting strength of the Amemiya Noriko he knew, and his vicious personality, but in fact he cared about Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others, he might give something to the silver-haired murderer.

But from the news, I haven't seen the silver-haired murderer being caught, so it's impossible to be sure.

"Mysterious and mysterious, one day, you will be able to deduce the truth of this most difficult incident."

Xiaolan patted him to wake him up: "Why are you staring at Noriko?"


Then came the real New York tour, and nothing happened.

And Amamiya Noriko occasionally visits Belmod, anyway, on the bright side, she and Sharon Wynyard are still considered as masters and sisters, although they tacitly did not tell Kudo Yukiko.

Amamiya Noriko did not say that it was because Kudo Yukiko's husband, Kudo Yusaku, was a sharp and troublesome guy, and his reasoning ability was not weak at all.

To avoid extravagance, it is better not to let the novelist know that he has too much.

Belmod simply does not want Sharon Wynyard to know the news of Noriko Amamiya, which is known by too many people, especially to avoid organizational aspects.

Calvados also recently came from Japan.

On the one hand, he is an admirer of Belmod, and on the other hand, he is going to take over the task of Belmod in New York.

Belmod is about to go to England.

two aspects.

On the one hand, I investigate Bailey's liqueur, because the other party's pure British English and manners are very similar to the style of the British side. It may be beneficial to go to London to inquire.

As for asking the organization directly, or asking the boss, it seems a little inappropriate. The other party said that she was a dead person in the shadows, and she knew about the existence of Kudo Shinichi, Xiaoran, and Noriko to her.

In terms of helping her to bandage and treat her wounds, it seems that she can barely be trusted, but she feels that the other party is quite a nasty person.

On the other hand, she is going to pretend to be Akai Taketake.

The ultimate goal of the mission is to infiltrate the British espionage organization MI6 under the guise of Wuwu Akai, but in such a mission, Marie Akai, who is familiar with Wuwu Akai, has become a factor of uncertainty.

Her plan is to get rid of Marie Akai.

This plan started a few years ago. After separating from Hawaii and Noriko Amemiya two years ago, she also went to the UK and appeared as Akai Taketake.

Let's try it again this time, if you can draw Akai Marie and get rid of it, the mission will be complete.

And this time, she brought a new drug developed by the organization recently. It is said that the effect of the drug is amazing, and there will be no trace of death left.

Belmod sneered: "I don't know how she feels when she knows that she will be killed by the poison made by her own sister, Elena Miyano."

She will be gentle to Xin Xiaolan and Noriko, but to others, she will face Belmod, the mysterious and unpredictable female killer in the organization.

As for Calvados, who just came to New York to search for the goddess, he found that he flew to the UK as soon as he came to the goddess.

New York is really a cold and lonely city.

As for Amamiya Noriko and the others, they went back to Japan after playing in New York for a while.

It is worth mentioning that the slightly popular novelist Yusaku Kudo has been coding in the hotel during this period.

back to Japan.

Amamiya Noriko first went to the Metropolitan Police Department to confirm whether Date Hang was still alive.

"Oh, Noriko, are you coming to the Metropolitan Police Department again?"

With a toothpick in his mouth, Date Air tried to rub Noriko Amamiya's head.


Amamiya Noriko patted his big hand away, "Really, don't mess up my hair."

People are still there, so that's fine.

The five-member team of the police academy, and now there are Rei Katsutani, Jinping Matsuda, and Air Date.

Needless to say, Tou Zi, there is no big deal, making a bottle of fake wine is very promising.

Matsuda Jinhei is also fine, but after the bombing incident, he returned to the explosive ordnance disposal team of his mobile group in the Garrison Department, and got a small promotion.

Originally, he descended to the search class because he wanted to avenge his friends, so he treated him coldly. It seemed that he had been enlightened by Mikazu Sato and organized a bomb demon plan, and his head calmed down a little.

Then he was promoted back again, but as usual, from January 6th to the end of March every year, he would go to the search class to hang out.

I don't know if I should say I'm waiting for the bomber's fax or I'm here to argue with Miwako Sato.

The characters of the two people are really incompatible unless it is a last word.

Because Matsuda Jinping is still most concerned about his revenge for his friends, and Sato Mikako can't tolerate Matsuda Jinping's appearance that he doesn't care about other cases at all.

"Really, if you're not here to help with the case, just stand outside the search class!"

Sato Miwako couldn't bear the feeling that Matsuda Jinhei, who was sitting on her desk and commented that the style of her water glass was a little ugly, got up and pushed Matsuda Jinhei outside the office.

Matsuda Jinping... Really can't beat Sato Miwako.

Shiratori Ren Saburo smiled slightly beside him, Miss Sato did a good job, let him praise the water glass with a strange shape.

Date Hang happened to bring Amamiya Noriko in, and when he saw this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Jinping, you came to search for another lesson, did you have any bombs to defuse?"

Matsuda Jinping pushed outwards, put on his sunglasses and smiled slightly, and said handsomely: "No, it's a good thing that there is no bomb demolition."

"That's right."

Looking at Matsuda Jinpei who was thrown out the door, Date Hang tilted his head and patted Shibu Takagi, who was in a daze next to him, on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Sato won't throw you out of the search class."


Takagi Shibu quickly waved his hand, and his eyes drifted to Sato Miwako...

Amamiya Noriko went over and looked at Sato Miwako's water glass, "'s pretty, Sister Sato."

"Well, Noriko has a vision."

Sato Miwako patted Yumiya Noriko's head with a gentle smile, causing police officers Shiratori and Takagi next to them to stare in a daze.

"Sato Sato is really popular."

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