Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 3 Chapter 217: snowy night

Uncle Maori's face is now extremely ugly.

No, the expressions of everyone standing on the balcony are ugly now... The most ugly one should be Hamano, because he is lying alone in the snow outside, and the blood from under his body has stained a huge snow. , even the re-covered snow will continue to be soaked.

Obviously, he couldn't die any longer.

"What's going on here? Aren't you supposed to be together?" Uncle Maori stared at Huang Yize and Xu Jian Qing Rilu, and everyone moved a few steps away from them, for fear that these two Individuals are murderers.

"There is not enough coal for boiling water, so I and I are going to go to the warehouse to get some coal," Araki explained: "The warehouse is outside the villa, and Hamano didn't dare to leave the villa without saying anything, so I and I had to go to the warehouse to get some coal." The two of them went, but when they came back, he was gone."

Xu Jian Qing Rilu nodded and testified for Huang Yoshi's words.

Since the problem lies with Hamano himself, and everyone is dead, Uncle Maori has no choice but to ask for everyone's alibi.

But after the questioning, the uncle's face became even worse, because everyone, including Xu Jian Qing Rilu and Huang Yoshiro, had no abnormal proof for a certain period of time because of various reasons such as going to the toilet, looking for tools, etc. .

Of course, the uncle's black face is not because these people did not obey his own words, but because none of the five people have proved abnormal, it will be much more difficult to find the truth.

"I said what are you doing to doubt us?" Naoko Kuroda pointed to the outside and said, "The Shadow Mage should be outside! If you want to find him, you should go outside yourself? Do you doubt me?"

"This kind of weather?" Uncle Maori sneered: "You want to say that in this stormy weather, the Shadow Mage has been lurking outside, sneaking into the room at any time to kill people and then escaping, without even a drop of water left?"


"What's wrong!" Uncle Maori hurriedly turned around.

But he saw Sonoko looking out in horror, speechless.

"Outside... There is a figure outside!" Xiaolan raised a finger tremblingly and pointed to the outside.

Everyone followed her fingers and saw a person who appeared from the opposite side of Hamano's body and was walking towards the villa.

"The Shadow Mage! The Shadow Mage is here!" Naoko Kuroda shouted in a panic.

"Don't panic!" Uncle Maori whispered, squinting at the slowly approaching figure in the distance, suddenly shouted "Shuijian!"

Needless to say, this slowly approaching figure could not be a murderous shadow mage, but Mizumayuki, who crossed the cliff and came to check the situation.

"Shuijian! Don't come here yet!" Uncle Maori shouted.

Wen Yan Shui Jianyue stopped and looked at the corpse not far in front of him. Uncle Maori didn't let him continue to move forward, and that was the only reason, right?

"Go around and don't approach the corpse!" Uncle Maori shouted again, Shui Jianyue did as she did, and walked into the villa in an arc.

On the balcony on the second floor, as soon as Suijima came up, she asked, "Why are you still dead?" There is no shortage of words in the language to blame Uncle Maori for not watching these people.

"I'm sorry, because I don't know when the police's rescue will come, so I have to be prepared. There is no way to keep everyone under my nose." Uncle Maori's expression was heavy and a little ashamed.

"No..." Mizumayue suddenly noticed that her attitude was wrong: "Mr. Mori is not obliged to protect everyone, it's just the so-called shadow mage who is wrong."

"Hey! Do you know each other? And how did you come here?" Naoko Kuroda said in a rather dissatisfied tone.

"Introduce myself, I'm the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the police department of the second department of the search department, the second department, Mizuma Yue. I will investigate the murder of Nishiyama and the murder that happened here." Mizuma took out I have a police officer card and my own gun.

The police officer card is used to prove their identity, and the gun is used to give them a sense of security, and to threaten the murderer.

"Officer, can you come here, does it mean that there are other exits here!" Huang Yi thought of this and asked immediately.

When the rest of the people heard it, they also looked at Mizumayue expectantly, hoping to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

Mizumayue raised another object in his hand: "I came here with a zipline. If any of you can slide over with confidence, I'll lend him the pulley." Another object of Mizumayue is a Pulley with handle.

"Then rescue...?" Uncle Maori looked at the pulley in Mizumayue's hand with a bit of confusion.

"No way, the helicopter really can't take off during the blizzard, don't worry, the helicopter will enter the mountain as soon as the snow stops." Mizuma Yue comforted everyone.

"Who is the Shadow Mage?" Naoko Kuroda asked again.

"I don't know yet." Mizumayue shook her head: "We have already investigated the id of the black mage."

"The result?" Naoko Kuroda asked eagerly.

"A person who has absolutely nothing to do with magic, and a person who has been dead for two years." Mizumayue spread her hands helplessly: "In other words, the shadow mage is using a stolen account." At this stage, the online chat platform does not It is as open as the times in Tsukihime's memory, and the original owner of the account is very easy to investigate, but just like you can commit crimes with a stolen car, stealing "id" is still rare, but it is not surprising.

"This means... what?" Everyone looked at each other.

"It means that this person is very likely to be among you, otherwise there is no need for him to use another account..." Mizumayue said leisurely.

In just a few seconds, everyone who was originally gathered spread out and looked at each other warily.

Except for Uncle Maori and the two girls who were still standing together, the only one left was the virtual sickle Qing Rilu, who still stood behind Aragoshi with a look that had nothing to do with him.

Shui Jianyue doesn't know Xu Jian Qingri Lu, but Uncle Maori has been observing this person for a while, and even doubts whether this person has a psychological problem or a mental disorder. As the matter progresses, he will not be unaware of everyone now. They were all targeted by a murderer, but until now, they have not shown any emotional fluctuations at all, just doing the work of a servant dutifully.

Is it true that he lacks IQ, or is he a master with unique skills so he is not afraid?

At least Uncle Maori, as a judo master, did not feel the breath of a master in this person.

"Speaking of which, why didn't Mr. Maori let me get close to the corpse? What's the trick?" Mizumayuki asked again.

"Look, there isn't a single footprint around the corpse, right, neither the footprints of the deceased nor the footprints of the murderer." Uncle Maori said, pointing to the corpse below.

"Isn't it covered by new snow?" Mizumayuki asked. He also saw that there were no footprints, but he didn't care.

"No, it wasn't long since we last saw him when we found him, and there were no footprints at that time. Although the snow was huge, it wasn't that fast." Uncle Maori shook his head.

"Really? Let's try the blower when someone comes." Mizumayuki didn't seem to care much.

The snow that has been stepped on is more sticky due to the change in density, so since it is covered, blowing off the floating snow with a blower can also turn the footprints out again.

A simpler and more stupid method is to poke a hole with a stick and observe the snow state of the cross section to confirm.

"Shuijian, aren't you going to investigate the criminal methods?" the uncle asked strangely.

"Don't go." Mizumayue stretched out a finger and shook it: "It is necessary to clarify the priorities, although investigating the case is very important, but now I am alone, it is better to gather you all together to look after and protect them. Otherwise, if it takes time to investigate one case, there will be several more cases."

"Of course." Mizumayue glanced at Uncle Maori: "I have limited power by myself. I hope Mr. Maori temporarily put aside his interest in the case and come to help me." It was obviously saying, 'I don't even think about being a detective. check'.

"Okay." Uncle didn't care much, nodded in agreement, and then asked again: "By the way, how did you think of calling me?"

"Just give it a try." Mizuma Yue couldn't explain it honestly: "It's just because for a long time, all the cases I handled will meet Mr. Mouri at the scene, even if there is no Mr. Mouri, there is Conan, so there I didn’t have any clues on the scene, so I called to try my luck and see if I could open a second scene.”

"Speaking of Conan, where is Conan now and how is he?" Xiaolan asked, leaning out from behind Uncle Mouri.

"Conan..." Mizumayue recalled: "To be honest, his condition is not very good. He has a serious cold, but I put him in the car and turned on the heater. As long as he can rest well, there is no problem."

"Oh, thank you, Officer Shuijian." Xiaolan said.

Uncle Mouri felt a little embarrassed and touched the car keys in his trousers pocket. Because he planned to go back after sending Xiao Lan, he turned off the car normally for safety reasons, and did not consider Conan's heat preservation. .

In fact, Mizumayue has already said it lightly. If Xiaolan knew that Conan walked down the mountain to call Mizumayue and walked back, maybe she would jump over the cliff to see Conan.

"Look! Is the snow getting smaller!" Araki said suddenly, pointing to the outside of the balcony.

Everyone looked at it, and sure enough, the snow was rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the cold wind that hit the face was still biting, and it didn't mean to slow down.

In just ten seconds, the snow miraculously stopped.

"The snow has stopped!" Yuanzi and Xiaolan hugged excitedly.

"Don't worry." Mizumayuki put down the phone that had restored communication capabilities: "The helicopter will arrive in an hour at most."

"Since the snow has stopped, then... Officer, I want to report it!" A voice rang suddenly.

"Doi Tak Tree?" Everyone was shocked, and after looking around, they found that the fat man named Doi Tak Tree had disappeared.

"On the roof!" Xu Jian Qing Rilu was the first to judge the direction from which the voice came out.

"What are you doing there? Doi taka tree!" Mizuma Yue and Uncle Maori immediately leaned out and saw the fat man who was condescending, and Uncle Maori shouted loudly.

Doi Takshu... Mizuma Tsuki was chewing on this name, and it was a bit confusing, maybe it wasn't her real name.

"Didn't I say it? I want to report it. I suspect that the culprit of all this is Miss Tanaka Kita." Doi Takaki said with a smile.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Tanaka Kitako also reached out and roared angrily.

"It's not nonsense!" Doi Takushu said with a smile: "The cheating boy, which is your screen name, is the stage name of the escape magic master Harui Fengchuan who just debuted, and the old man's screen name, and you are His granddaughter?"

"Could it be..." Arashi suddenly understood.

"You guessed it! That's right!" Doi Takaki snapped his fingers: "At first, Mr. Harui Fengden joined your chat, and then one day you talked about him in front of him, and many people thought about it. Want to see his performance again? Later..."

"When Master Chunjing Fengden, who had retired for more than ten years, announced his performance on the stage, I thought it was just a coincidence..." Arashi said: "I didn't expect the master to fail in his performance. It turned out that we really killed him!"

"No, when I found out that grandpa came back on stage because of your words, I didn't resent you, because it was grandpa's own decision." Tanaka Kitahui suddenly and indirectly admitted his identity: "What really makes me angry is, When I logged into Grandpa's account again, I saw a few people laughing at Grandpa, saying that he would die entirely because of his own ability!"

Naoko Kuroda felt guilty, and it was she, Nishiyama Wu and Hamano Toshiya who participated in this topic in the chat room.

"So, you are admitting that you killed Mr. Nishiyama and Mr. Hamano, right." Mizumayuki is about to arrest people.

"If you don't admit it, there's no way you can do it..." Tanaka Kita said with a wry smile, but then the conversation changed: "After the police officer appears, if I want to kill this bitch, I can only kill it clearly!" He rushed towards Kuroda Naoko, and Mizuma Yue was standing between the two of them.

"Not good!" Shui Jianyue screamed, and immediately smashed the handcuffs in her hand.

Unexpectedly, Mizumayuki's move came to nothing, Tanaka Kita Hui dragged out an afterimage and twisted his body to avoid this move.

Underestimated! Mizuma Yue screamed badly in her heart. It can be seen from Kuroba Kuito that the magician's physical fitness is higher than ordinary people, not to mention Tanaka Kitahui is the successor of the escape magic master, and his reaction ability and jiu-jitsu are very strong. .

However, in order to hide, Tanaka Kitako's attack on Naoko Kuroda also slowed down for a moment, allowing Naoko Kuroda to escape when he couldn't let go.

Mizuki immediately caught up, and kicked Tanaka Kitaike on the back without any pity. This kick was like a thunderbolt, and Tanaka Kitako had no chance to escape, so she was kicked to the ground.

"Click, click, click, click." Four snap rings sounded in a row, and Kitagawa found that her right hand and left foot were handcuffed together, and her left hand and right foot were handcuffed together, and her right hand was in front of her and her left hand was behind her.

Mizumayuki took out her mask from Kitaka Tanaka's pocket and put it on her face. "You may not know that one of your achievements is to catch a thief. Right, stinky boy." The second sentence was asked of Tui Tui.

This is the handcuff method Mizumayuki tried on a top magician. Keeping his hands apart, sealing his mouth, and restricting his feet is really the best way to bind a magician.

"Cut, the police officer is really proud of one thing." Doi Takshu changed his body and turned into a white-robed thief Kidd.

"Phantom Thief Kidd!" Everyone was shocked.

"It's really you." Shui Jianyue shook her head: "Stealing the wind but not the moon, stealing the rain and not stealing the snow, your kid dares to come out on the night of the blizzard. What are you trying to do this time?"

"I didn't plan anything this time, I just saw that the account of Senior Harujing Fengchuan was still online, and I did a random investigation, and then I felt something was wrong. I came here to take a look." Kaito Kid spread out his glider: "Now the snow has fallen, The wind has not stopped, it is suitable for me to escape, so I dare to play."

"Cut, I didn't do anything when I came here..." Mizumayuki shook her head and watched Kaitou Kid's glider disappearing from the edge of her line of sight.

Less than half an hour later, the helicopter flew up. This case was so complicated that it ended without reasoning.

"Police, this is Mr. Mouri and Kidd the phantom thief again, you seem to be..." Nakamura Kenichi quietly poked Suimazuki's waist and asked.

"As long as there are fewer deaths, it doesn't matter what kind of detective thief is a police officer." Mizumayuki sighed and shook his head.

"Shuijian boy is very enlightened, have you had any special experience recently?" Uncle Maori came over.

"Don't make fun of me, Mr. Mouri, why don't you take Conan to the hospital? I'm not talking about a cold." Mizumayuki changed the subject and pointed at Conan.

It is worth mentioning that After the helicopter landed, everyone found it embarrassing. Except for the pilot, the helicopter can hold up to six people, and there are eight people here except for the moon. A corpse, and Hamano's corpse needs to occupy two positions, which means that the helicopter cannot hold all the people.

Just when everyone thought it was time to let the helicopter fly for the second time, Conan came over in a car.

It turned out to be a question for Conan before Mizumayuki left: "How is the villa on the mountain built?" Conan deduced that there should be a road besides the suspension bridge, so he went back down the mountain and persuaded a A van driver, together with him, found the overgrown mountain road that had been abandoned for many years and drove up.

Uncle Mouri, who is just afraid of heights, doesn't want to be a helicopter. For him, Conan is just in time for the rain.

And now Conan is being held in his arms by Xiaolan, who is concerned and confused, and he is about to suffocate. This is why Mizuma Yue said that Conan was about to be sent to the hospital.

"Haha..." Shui Jianyue yawned: "Don't make trouble, go home quickly, I'm sleepy."

I've been busy from morning to night, look at the time now, it's already two o'clock in the morning...

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