Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 590 God's Garden of Eden

Hiroki Sawada also used the free projection to play the scene of saying goodbye to Conan as an example, "The person talking to Conan is Ark. At that time, I had already tracked down the positioning program uploaded by the godfather, so I came here first. , it uses my appearance model, my voice, as for the facial expressions and emotions fed back to Conan, they are calculated based on the results I set.”

"To Conan, this is a cruel fact." Chi Feichi commented.

Cruel indeed.

Conan was so devoted to chatting with Fang Zhou and was saddened by Fang Zhou's emotions, but what he faced was nothing but a program without emotion.

All emotions are expressed by Sawada Hiroki's pre-designed results and Ark's own calculations.

Looking at this rebroadcast video, Sawada Hiroki did not expose Conan as Kudo Shinichi as in the original plot, but just said that he wanted to play with other children, and also played some memories with Chi Feichi. It was simple memories that did not involve secrets, creating the illusion of farewell.

"He can feel cruel, I don't deny it, but I didn't lie to him, I am very happy to have a godfather," Sawada Hiroki laughed, and quickly restrained his smile, and said to Ikekana and Ike Shinanosuke with a serious face, "I made the decision to integrate the program, but I didn't tell the godfather for fear that he would be worried and obstructed, but I had to do it for many reasons. I wanted to be strong and free myself. I wanted to help the godfather. I wanted to really create a The perfect Internet god, who wants to do something big, such as completing the project of covering the sky with an umbrella, I will talk about this later... But there is another very important reason, the godfather and Umbrella need the ark, and I don't have the heart to destroy it, but as long as you use It, slowly, will show hidden dangers..."

Sawada Hiroki used the Ark to predict the future of the Ark.

One year of Ark's growth is equivalent to five years of human growth. Slowly, even without the setting of Hiroki Sawada, Ark can learn from humans and show some corresponding emotions.

For example, if the core setting is "cannot harm human beings", Ark determines that someone's behavior "violates the core setting", and will make the following calculations:

Violation of will—analysis of the degree of violation is mild, and the corresponding solution is: warning is required—the way of warning includes direct speaking, simulating human emotional expression, etc.—according to calculations, when human beings receive corresponding emotions, it is easier to pay attention to and accept reminders , so I need to express human emotions - in this case, human beings express emotions as resistance, displeasure, and tone of voice...

And the reaction of human beings to express resistance and displeasure is to frown, how about the facial muscles...

What is the speed and volume of the harsh tone...

This calculation process is very fast and takes almost no time. The result shown is:

Someone said, 'Fire a mushroom bomb. '

Fang Zhou immediately frowned and warned seriously, "This behavior violates my core settings..."

It seems normal, but whether or not Ark expresses his emotions and how he expresses his emotions is the result of a lot of calculations, and this series of calculations can take advantage of loopholes.

As Ark grows, it will also complete the rules by itself to avoid being taken advantage of, but there may be problems with the completed rules.

For example, the reckoning becomes: need warning - human beings are more likely to accept warnings when suffering - this human being needs punishment - analyze the severity of punishment - start to execute.

After that, Noah's Ark will control some means to attack people.

This kind of hidden danger can indeed be avoided by Hiroki Sawada when setting, but there are more than one kind of hidden danger in the calculation, and Hiroki Sawada can't take all aspects into account and set it well.

Any small defect may lead to unexpected consequences as Ark grows.

"This is the result I calculated using the ark before..."

Hiroki Sawada cut out eight panels in the projection.

In the layout, each picture flashed quickly.

"After three years of growth, that is, reaching the age of 15 years of human wisdom, the hidden dangers of Ark will be magnified and the probability of making wrong calculations will reach 76.6%. , At this time, the Ark will become very scary, and the hidden dangers of the Ark will be magnified and the probability of making wrong inferences is almost 100%, and there is more than one hidden danger. After six years of growth, the probability of Ark making events beyond the control of human beings has reached 50%. More than %, growing for seven years, completely out of control..."

The last remaining picture shows petri dishes containing human beings one by one.

"I tried, if the core setting is set to protect human beings, the result is like this. After growing up, it will judge that this is the best way to protect," Sawada Hiroki looked at the broadcast screen and explained, "Human beings are protected by human beings. Protected in a petri dish, the air will filter out the quality that is most suitable for the growth of human beings at all ages. The labor is done by machines. After the food is harvested, the healthiest nutrients are extracted by the machine and injected into the human body. The human life span can be as long as 160 The average life expectancy reaches 130 years old, and human beings sleep all the time, so that they can avoid physical damage caused by human emotions. It can also stimulate the human brain through the machine to release electric waves, so that people are always in the healthiest and most comfortable emotional state. When gestating the next generation, it will choose the most healthy and long-lived human genes, and use scientific methods to create the next generation, avoiding the death or physical damage of women due to childbirth. By the third generation, the average life expectancy of human beings can reach 220 years about……"

Chikana: "..."

It's the best protection.

Not even bumps.

Ike Shinosuke: "..."

Can such a living person still be a human being, how is it like a captive toy...

Chi Feichi had seen many similar movies in his previous life, so he was not surprised, and said slightly sarcastically, "God's Garden of Eden."

No work, no hunger, no tribulations, no struggles, no sadness and pain, no darkness and injustice in the world, everyone comes and leaves pure and innocent... Isn’t this the kingdom of heaven that many people long for? ?

Chi Kanai didn't know what to say, his son's comment hit the nail on the head, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Hiroki Sawada silently named the calculation result 'God's Garden of Eden', and continued, "If the setting is set to hope that the world will be better, the final result will be similar. After about ten years, Ark will make this This kind of judgment, the most terrifying thing is that I used the ark to check world peace..."

"Eliminate all life forms on the earth, and there will be peace," Chi Feichi said of his deduction. "At least human beings must be eliminated. Once it involves protecting the environment, it will eventually evolve into the elimination of human beings."

Who has caused more destruction and caused more struggles?

However, Hiroki Sawada's behavior is really slippery, actually using the ark to deduce the danger of the ark.

Fortunately, Ark has no self-awareness. Otherwise, as long as Ark hides a little bit, no one can predict what will happen in the future. It will be a test of imagination.

Sawada Hiroki nodded, "I tried setting it to not harm humans and promote social development..."

Then, the Ark will be contested and used by ambitious humans, and even countries will compete with each other.

Then, war broke out.

Ark calculates that his existence has hurt human beings. According to his growth, either Ark will choose to self-destruct, leaving the messy and scarred human beings to fight for no reason, or he will evolve into the Garden of Eden mode again, and he will not harm human beings, but promote Development, Ark understands as 'creating a better world'...

Hiroki Sawada: "If the setting does not harm human beings and promotes the development of human civilization..."

Growing, growing, the ark broke down again.

The definition of human civilization is very complicated. It can still put human beings to sleep in a petri dish, extract the thoughts in human brains, to 'help' human beings develop civilization, and then instill civilization into new life forms, without even the learning process , directly master old civilizations, develop new ideas, re-extract, develop, imbue, develop...

Human beings are absolutely safe, and civilization can develop and continue without any problems.

Hiroki Sawada continued to play the calculation results, "If it is set so that it does not harm humans, does not restrict human freedom, and promotes the development of human civilization..."

There are also many definitions of freedom, and the ark is broken again.

Divide the enclosure and arrange people's travel.

People can roam the world freely, but they are controlled by the ark, do nothing, and walk around blindly, like a walking dead.

Hiroki Sawada: "If it is set so that it does not harm human beings, does not restrict human freedom, promotes the development of human civilization, and does not control people's thoughts..."

The result is that the ark breaks down again, judging that strife and suffering make human progress.

It doesn't hurt humans, no problem, it can provoke humans to fight.

Hiroki Sawada: "The setting does not harm human beings, does not restrict human freedom, promotes the development of human civilization, does not control people's thoughts, and does not incite human beings to fight..."

As a result, the ark was still broken.

Hiroki Sawada talked about setting more than 30 rules, tired, sighed, and closed the deduction screen, "As Ark grows, some small loopholes will cause unacceptable results. The setting is perfect, but some rules will show conflicts when it runs, and I have to sort the importance, and there will still be problems after sorting..."

As he said that, Hiroki Sawada looked at Chi Feichi, "When the godfather and I were in Boston, we talked about artificial intelligence with emotions and self or artificial intelligence without emotion and self, which one is more dangerous."

"The conclusion is equally dangerous." Chi Feichi said.

"I asked Fang Zhou if there is any solution." A disk appeared in Hiroki Sawada's hand, with a sentence on it:

【Destroy the Ark】

That's right, destroying the ark is the best solution, and there are no problems.

This is the conclusion reached by Ark after a lot of calculations - I am a scourge, please destroy me.

Ike Shinosuke had a black thread, "It seems that it really doesn't have any emotion and self."

Hiroki Sawada turned the plate in his hand and looked at the data stream floating on it, "Ark doesn't understand what human beings need, so my decision is that I become a network life form to be its thought and grow in it. In the process, it is up to me to make corrections.

I can't live, at least not with my mind imprisoned by my body.

As a result of several calculations, there were conflicts and errors in its calculations, so it imprisoned my body and protected my safety, but it also retained and sealed my thoughts.

The Ark can only be fully manipulated if I become a cyber being, so that instead of restricting my body to restrict my mind, I can restrict it and use it perfectly.

I have also considered a problem before, if I fail and do not transform into a network life form, then there is only one setting for the Ark - obey all instructions from the godfather.

At that time, the godfather can use the instructions I gave him to activate the ark, and he will be the one who makes the ark.

However, there will still be problems in the end. The result of more than 80% of the deduction is that it will misunderstand the godfather's instructions, and it will guess the godfather's wishes without authorization. In short, the final result is that it will choose the best way for the godfather, such as imprisoning the godfather, Help the godfather get everything right.

Otherwise, the godfather would have to constantly fix the loopholes, and even add several preconditions to an instruction, and talk for hours, lest it make a correct calculation result that violates the godfather's wishes...

So, I added a highest order to its settings. If I failed and did not become a network life form, then Ark will only help the godfather for five years. Once the five years are up, its danger can still be controlled. before self-destructing. "

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