Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 568 An Unromantic Realist

"Try some dim sum." Chi Kana greeted with a smile.

"Thank you," Kaito Kuroba couldn't help asking, "but how did you find out?"

"Mr. Terai has been following you half a step when you entered the door. This is a very subtle distance, which means that you are not alienated, but you are the main one." Ikekana smiled, "If you are Kaito's classmate, It's a girl again, he will lead the way at the front, because he knows that the relationship between the master and his young master is closer, and it is necessary to help introduce other girls, even if he thinks you and Fei are a little late, you don't need him Introduction, he will only follow you, and will subconsciously extend the distance, and will not follow half a step behind you, you probably didn't discuss it before?"

"Hmm..." Kaito Kuroba touched his nose in embarrassment.

It's not just that he didn't discuss it well, he didn't discuss it with Terai Konosuke at all before, because he wanted to scare Terai Konosuke too.

Sure enough, people can't be too greedy.

"Besides, when you pretended to peek at Feichi with that little girl's gaze and asked Feichi if he had received any chocolates, Mr. Terai's expression was weird for a moment," Chi Kane said with a smile in his eyes, and his voice was gentle Said, "It's like... the weird expression that you feel ashamed of yourself, want to pretend you don't know you, or even want to kill you. That should be for people who are very close to you."

Kaito Kuroba's newly recovered blood bar was emptied again.

Chi Feichi drank tea with downcast eyes. At least she was a woman who could manage a large group. He never dared to underestimate his mother's fighting power.

"Mr. Terai," Kaito Kuroba looked at Konosuke Terai speechlessly, "You didn't really think that way just now, did you?"

"This..." Konosuke Terai subconsciously looked at Ike Kana, harmless and gentle, but he didn't dare to lie, it would be even more embarrassing if he was exposed, so he could only scratch his head and laughed dryly, "I don't think it's too bad for you to do that Appropriate, also frightened..."

Playing haha, trying to get away with it.

As for the unreliable idea of ​​wanting to kill Master Kaito at that moment, don't even mention it!

Kuroba Kaito glanced at Terai Konosuke speechlessly, did not continue to entangle, and continued to ask, "Aunt Kana, you cooperated with me before to play a joke on me, so that I don't feel awkward and reserved?"

"Judging from the character Chikage described, I don't think you will feel unfamiliar," Ikekana smiled and looked at Konosuke Terai, "I'm worried that Mr. Terai will be restrained."

"Uh, thank you..." Konosuke Terai sweated.

Thinking about it carefully, he really didn't feel nervous and restrained, and at the same time, he also understood that Kaito Kuroba was trying to play a prank before.

Probably because he was nervous.

"I won't be nervous. Brother Feichi called me before and told me that it was just a relaxing meeting."

Kuroba Kaito has a very good mentality, even if he came to steal Ikekana's gem, he would not be nervous, just drink afternoon tea and then have dinner, it's a trivial matter.

The atmosphere at the tea table was completely relaxed, chatting about recent developments in Tokyo and London, about Kuroba Kaito's school start time, about Kuroba Kaito's school, about Fei Chi, and about the anecdotes about Terai Konosuke's billiard shop, Chi Kanai also pulled Chi Feichi and chatted with him about Dongdu University...

Pure small talk, where the chat counts.

Chi Feichi responded with a few words from time to time, he was really indifferent to small talk.

Fortunately, the small talk didn't last too long, the group of people moved quickly, and after eating and drinking, they returned to the living room... to continue the small talk.

This time the topic was much more formal.

"Count?" Kaito Kuroba was a little surprised.

Chi Kanai nodded, "There are still some controversies, mainly hereditary issues."

"I remember that the hereditary titles have been reduced all these years, right?" Kaito Kuroba touched his chin, "That is to say, if you are awarded an earl, it may only be a lifetime title, not a hereditary title? And as you said before, you It is intended to keep the title, so as not to let the title of Field disappear or fall into the hands of people who hate it, then there is no need to fight for the title, and try to keep the hereditary title."

"Not necessarily," Chi Ganai said, looking at Chi Feichi, "As the heir of the two groups, Feichi is more important. If the title can be hereditary to him, it will be a great favor."

"But isn't it against the rules?" Kaito Kuroba reminded, "In recent years, apart from blood relatives of the royal family, almost no hereditary titles have been conferred, and Uncle Shinosuke is not British..."

"Not necessarily. You should know that during World War I, British military officers were all nobles. My grandfather, Feichi's great-grandfather, was the third son of a marquis and did not inherit the title. They performed well in World War I and got the hereditary title of baron. At that time, the title was the title of nobility. If they changed the hereditary title to a life title, it would not be friendly to the Field Group, but an offense," Chi Kanai explained "Also, while we are not of my grandfather's blood, my godfather is the queen's late husband's uncle."

Chi Feichi was a little surprised, "Oh?"

This world is different from the original world. The queen is still very young and has only taken office not long ago. The crown prince is still a child, and his name is also different from what he learned in his previous life.

After a while, Kaito Kuroba will go to steal the queen's gem.

But this relationship is really... surprising.

"My godfather passed away early. He passed away when I was sixteen, so you haven't seen him," Chi Kanai explained to Chi Feichi, and then quickly said to Hei Yu, "So we have to deal with the royal family as well." It’s not that there is no connection at all, as long as the title belongs to my child in the future, it should be a hereditary title, and if there are any changes in the next few years, they won’t suffer a loss if they take it back, won’t they?”

Hei Yu was about to laugh, "So, Brother Feichi is still very important, and Uncle Shinosuke has been honored by Brother Feichi again?"

Chi Kanai also laughed dumbfounded, and said, "There is still land. After the First World War, the socio-economic structure and class structure changed. Many nobles went bankrupt due to poor management. A large number of nobles sold their manors and land. It’s just that the baron couldn’t live off the land. He started doing business early and bought a lot of land during that time. When other nobles sold it out, he bought it in. Moreover, many nobles still had old ideas at that time. I always feel that it is better to sell the house and land to a person with a title than to a commoner. My grandfather has become one of the preferred people, so he still left a lot of land in England. In fact, if his son is alive and does not Inheriting the title, based on the Field Group and those lands at that time, the title should have been able to rise a long time ago, but unfortunately the title and family business were finally inherited by my mother, and there were still many disputes when she inherited it."

Heiyu Kaito spread his hands, "A generation of nobles has no heirs, let the distant nephew be the heir, and if that distant nephew has no heirs, the next generation will be ranked from the relatives of that distant nephew, and if this line continues, some heirs will be ranked first Distant relatives from more than a dozen generations ago, there were also some ordinary people who were suddenly told that they were relatives of a nobleman who could not be reached, and were dragged to inherit the title? If it is about blood, it is also too far away. ah."

"But the inheritance system was like this back then. Even if you have a biological daughter, you can't inherit the family business just because you are a daughter, and you still have to send it to other relatives." Chi Kanai smiled helplessly, "My mother is still an adopted daughter. If there are no special exceptions, there is indeed no right of inheritance. In the early days, the land that was the foundation of the life of the nobles and the source of income was all rewarded by the monarch, so it is not surprising to act according to the system."

"But the old baron earned the Field family business himself, so there is no need to abide by that system," Kaito Kuroba still complained, "The family property he earned by himself will be given to whomever he likes, those people There's nothing arguing about it."

"It happens that some people think that they can take advantage of the loopholes and want to get a windfall. For example, nephews who can be ranked as the first heir and second heir according to the rules, and even more than ten people come to fight. I think my mother Back then, I shouldn't have distributed Field's shares to those people because of pressure, other people, and mud, but there was nothing I could do about it..." Chi Kanai didn't continue, "Forget it, let's not talk about those annoying people."

After all, the old baron was killed by her elder brother, and her mother felt guilty. If some people used this as a spear to attack, her mother had to compromise.

It was also because her mother was an orphan at that time, and it was not easy for her mother to compete with so many people. In the end, she just fought to retain the inheritance of the title and share in the group.

"The final result must be hereditary, and because my father is not a British citizen, he will not have the right to attend the House of Lords and vote," Chi Feichi said bluntly, "The current controversy is just to make us feel It’s not easy to come by, and besides, they should hope to use this to make me change my nationality, it’s just a tactic.”

In the final analysis, it is still for the sake of the Machi Group and the Field Group. Now that Umbrella Company is added, even if it has nothing to do with it, it can be related to the seal.

And the result may have been agreed long ago, making the outside world feel that it is still in dispute, because they want their family to pay attention to it, and feel that this title is hard-won.

In fact, no land, no money, no rights are given to get the title. In the words of Kuroba Kaito, it is cool to just say it, and it can still be passed down as 'cool'.

However, the British hate boasting. At present, most aristocrats are trying their best to civilianize themselves, hoping to blend in with the public.

The only good thing is that the UK still values ​​birth and background, and when dealing with people, it is somewhat 'cool'.

But they just want you to feel that this is a hard-won honor, be grateful, and take it very seriously...

The so-called "controversy" is just a means, if you are serious, you will lose.

Anyway, his parents just want to keep the title of 'Field', so that it doesn't fall into the hands of people who hate it. It doesn't matter if it's taken back or not.

"Brother Feichi, can't you let me dream about it for a while?" Hei Yu quickly fought helplessly.

When he still thought it was 'super cool', he was woken up by Chi Feichi's bucket of cold water, and he lost all sense of expectation in an instant.

Chi Kanai also laughed and teased, "Like your father, a realist who is not romantic at all."

The following conversations were all brought up by Chi Kana, and Kui Yu Kaidou was very much looking forward to participating, but was ended by Chi Feichi with a basin of cold water.

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