Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 534 Suspecting that the boss is not human

Chi Feichi finally put down the phone, looked up at Yan Nan Takatori, "Rumours are always rumors."

Takatori Yannan was stunned for a moment, thinking about it carefully, he felt that the rumors he heard were too mysterious and untrue.

Is it really a rumor?

"Don't forget the rumors of vampires, we just went to the Halloween parade for a while, and they..." Chi Feichi put away his mobile phone and got up, ready to work, when he suddenly thought of something, "Did anyone associate the rumors of vampires with priests?" The rumors linked together?"

Takatori Yannan nodded immediately, "Yes! Boss, will this... have any impact?"

That's why he felt evil.

If he didn't personally participate in the "Halloween Vampire" event, he would probably still use it as a superstitious legend to promote religion.

But he participated, knowing that the 'vampire' was his boss, even if he knew that it was not as mysterious as what he said, they didn't disappear suddenly, they just jumped off the bronze coffin truck and left, but he would always think of Chi Feichi's picture Ten years later, the photos that still do not show the traces of time...

He suspects that his boss is not human!

I also suspect that the matter of the priest has something to do with my boss!

"Don't worry, it won't affect you." Chi Feichi was about to go out.

Takatori Yan Nan withdrew his thoughts, and felt that his suspicion just now was a bit ridiculous. He is a materialist, "Boss, what are you doing tonight?"

"I'll disguise myself and go get in touch with the trading target," Chi Feichi said calmly, "It won't be long, if you feel sleepy, rest, and I'll go there by myself."

Takatori Yannan was embarrassed to stay in the hotel to rest, and drove Chi Fei late to the entrance of a high-end club.

Chi Feichi didn't lie, the contact task this time was indeed very simple.

According to the information provided by Rum, he only needs to disguise himself as a drunken friend of Cleveland Humphrey, meet him at the door of the club, and encourage Cleveland Humphrey to pay for the black materials of the Adams family.

The whole process went flawlessly.

"Hi Cleveland!"

"Oh! my friend, why are you here?"

"My father called and asked me to go to his place. He seems to know that we crashed a lot of cars at the racing track last time..."

"Are you going to be scolded again? Haha, I really sympathize with you."

"Cleveland, I have something to show you..."

With a disguised face, Chi Feichi dragged Cleveland Humphrey to the corner outside the door, took out his mobile phone, called up the photo album, and showed Cleveland Humphrey some photos of black materials.

Cleveland-Humphrey didn't take it seriously at first, looked at it, and found that it was black material of the Adams family, his face changed, and he asked in surprise, "My God, where did you get these things?"

"It's not mine." Chi Feichi took the phone, "It was discovered by a few gangsters. They planned to use it to knock Paul Adams off. I stopped them. I think this should help you. Although most of those things were done by Paul, as long as they are used well, your Humphrey family can get a lot of money."

"Of course, this material can't play the most important role in their hands," Cleveland-Humphrey looked proud, "and they can't afford to offend the Adams family!"

"You can also feel proud in front of those people?"

"Can you not mention those people..."

In the car on the street in the distance, Yan Nan Takatori paid attention to the movement around him, paying attention to the two people chatting over there from time to time.

The distance is a bit far, so I can't see clearly the expressions of the two of them, but both of them have that kind of arrogance and cynical feeling, laughing and laughing, they look no different from some rich kids.

Over there, the two chatted casually, and Cleveland Humphrey couldn't wait to say, "Tell me, how much do they want! I must get this thing!"

"One hundred million dollars."

Chi Feichi liked to hear such confident words as 'make an offer' and 'tell me how much it is'.

"Not counter-offer."

Cleveland-Humphrey was taken aback. In his budget, those people can ask for three to five million dollars, which is the sky. "Are they crazy?!"

"I also think they are crazy," Chi Feichi spread his hands, with a casual expression on his face, "But they said that they sacrificed a lot of people and spent a lot of effort to get this thing. If it wasn't for the Adams family, I'm sorry for them." They would not take such a risk, and they would definitely get a lot of money if they used it to blackmail the Adams family, even if they blackmailed Paul, it would be more than 100 million U.S. dollars..."

CLEVELAND - Humphrey pondered.

It is true to say that, the things that people have worked so hard to get can be sold to him at a price of 100 to 200 million.

After he gets it, the income will be more than 100 to 200 million US dollars, and maybe he can also defeat the Adams family and make his father and those people look at him with admiration...

Chi Feichi pretended to check the time on the phone, and pretended to leave in a hurry, "Cleveland, I have to go, I..."

"No, no, my friend," Cleveland Humphrey was a little anxious, "You have to help me, I can pay 100 million dollars, but you have to ensure that they can hand over the things to me."

"I can't guarantee that, I've tried my best to stop them for you," Chi Feichi continued, "I'll give you their contact information..."

"Okay, I'll talk to them!"

Chi Feichi reported the temporary mailbox, and pretended to be righteous, "Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense!"

Cleveland-Humphrey was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, this matter cannot be revealed, it would be bad if the Adams family was on guard..."

He also had a small thought, he wanted to wait until he got the item and send it directly to his father, so that his father would be shocked.

"Your side..." Chi Feichi looked at the bodyguard waiting aside pretending to hesitate.

"I won't tell anyone else," Cleveland-Humphrey lowered his voice, "don't tell anyone else, including your father, the old man's mouth is not strict..."

"Don't worry, I will pretend that nothing happened, well, I really have to go."

"Okay, okay, I get it, remember what you promised me!"

The two were separated.

Chi Feichi left very simply. He had never been in contact with Yi Rongcheng. He just watched a video sent by Rum and imitated the tone, voice, and manner of the other party. The short-term contact was fine, but after a long time, he Also worried that Cleveland found something unusual.

Cleveland - Humphrey didn't have the mind to go to the club again, turned around and took the bodyguards into the car when he arrived, and left in a hurry.

Takatori Yano also drove away from the spot and turned into another street corner.

Chi Feichi walked along the road to the corner of the street, seeing no one around, so he got into the car directly.

Takatori Yannan looked up and saw that his boss had an indifferent face for a second, and his figure was a little taller than before. The previous cynical temperament suddenly became cold, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Drama? No, this is the actor boss!

After Chi Feichi got in the car, he tore off his disguised face, "Let's go."

Takatori Yannan drove away from the spot, and couldn't help asking, "Boss, have you ever studied acting?"

"I had a special training with a retired old professor from the University of Southern California." Chi Feichi said.

That was a matter of the previous life.

In his previous life, although he didn't know how to disguise himself, he also learned makeup and acting in order to disguise his investigation.

Although the old man took a lot of money from him, how to use expressions, voices, and body parts to express what he wants to express, and to play people with different personalities, someone can guide him to avoid a lot of detours.

Then you have to observe, imitate, and train yourself.

In his previous life, he was a bounty hunter who fought alone and liked to wander wildly on the verge of death. He once observed a large number of homeless people just for a bounty, the difference between homeless people and normal people, the commonalities and different personalities of homeless people The difference between homeless people, the emotions these homeless people show when encountering different situations, the language these homeless people can speak, and the tone of voice when they speak, after writing it down, adjust it a little bit in front of the mirror.

In that mission, after the assassination of the target, a group of minions of the target must have pursued aggressively. The only way he can go is to leave from the sewer, but if there is not enough time, he must mix in among the homeless people scattered around the sewer, pretending to be a bum.

Facts have proved that preparation is useful. He really didn't have time to run out of the blockade, and he also relied on that wave of acting skills to muddle through and then seized the time to run away again.

If you tell someone: Let’s act, if you don’t act well, if you don’t act well, you will die, and death is still light. If you are caught, you may even want to die... If you are forced like this, you will definitely be able to use twelve. Part of the energy to act.

If you can't sharpen your superb acting skills, you should give up quickly. If you don't have that talent, you might as well go another way, try to act with two submachine guns, and rush out if you are blocked.

But if you are talented and can practice this skill well, you will benefit for a lifetime... no, you will benefit for two lifetimes.

At least once you get used to it and become proficient, it will not be as difficult to adjust as before.


Cleveland-Humphrey was quickly hooked, contacted Chi Feichi that night, and readily agreed to a condition of 100 million US dollars, and agreed to meet in three days, and transfer money while handing over things.

In the past three days, Chi Feichi has entered a half-rest state.

Either take Hiroki Sawada to play during the day, or go to "steal children" at night, take Hiroki Sawada out, chat in the hotel room, take the children out for a drive...

Occasionally pay attention to the information from Rum.

Three days later, the eve of the transaction.

In the afternoon, Chi Feichi confirmed Cleveland-Humphrey's movements with Rum, and Rum said: No problem, no abnormality, the target didn't find anything abnormal, don't worry.

Chi Feichi carefully cleaned the fingerprints and traces on the document.

In the evening, Stout went to a nearby location to stand by.

Takatori Yano also contacted three peripheral members, and went to the street to hire a few random people, and spread them on the streets near the trading place, letting people hang around to watch out for any abnormalities.

Starting at 7:00 p.m., Chi Feichi changed into "Lack's disguised face" and drove with Takatori Geno, who had also changed his face, to start a street parade mode in various streets of Boston, getting familiar with the nearby terrain and the current situation of the area, and waiting The trading time at nine o'clock in the evening is up.

Late, 8:01.

Takato Yannan called those peripheral members, wanting to check if there was any safety issue, but it turned out that everything went too smoothly before, which made God a little displeased. He made three calls, but no one answered.

"Luck, I can't get in touch, and all three of them have lost contact."

Chi Feichi immediately changed lanes and drove away from the area, "Contact other people."

Takatori Yannan called several other employees, and after contacting for a long time, he said solemnly, "No one can be contacted."

Seeing that he was a little far away from that area, Chi Fei stopped by the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and called Stout.

On the side of the road, two police cars whistled past.

Takatori Yannan glanced in the car, frowning in thought.

Were they put together by that guy in Cleveland?

Their people were wiped out? This is too exaggerated.

Chi Feichi was not in a hurry to make a judgment. After Stout got on the phone, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Stout, what happened over there?"

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