Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 389 Kid, This Idea Is Dangerous

A full restaurant.

As soon as the car stopped, a group of elementary school students couldn't wait to open the door and jumped out of the car.

The two policemen standing at the entrance of the hotel were wondering why the car stopped here, but when they saw the children jumping out of the car one after another, they were speechless.

Is this wholesale elementary school students...

"Uncle!" Conan ran forward, "May I ask what happened here?"

The two policemen hesitated for a moment, out of caring for the children and also because they were not on guard against them, they still told the truth.

"A jewel thief has been arrested."

"Now we need to dig out the stolen goods he identified..."

"Is it the jewel thief five years ago?" Mitsuhiko asked quickly.

"Did he steal 300 million yen worth of jewelry from the nearby jewelry store?" Yuan Tai was also eager to confirm.

Ayumi added, "Is he an employee at this store?"

Stared at by the three children with earnest expectations, the two policemen broke into sweat.

How did these kids know about this?

The police estimated that they only knew one more name.

"Is it Uncle Kamekura?" the little boy in the first grade asked hesitantly.

Two policemen: "Uh, it's..."

Well, I even know the name...

Conan thought of a possibility, "Did he turn himself in to the police station?"

"That's not..."

The two policemen replied, whispering to each other.

"But it's really strange, there is actually an expired one in this time's delivery..."

"Yeah, this has never happened before. He said he was arrested yesterday, but it expired ten days ago..."

Conan sighed in his heart, don't think he can't understand the 'secret words'.

"Ta-Q-Bin... caught criminals... the criminal prosecution period has passed... expired T-Q-Bin..." Mitsuhiko stroked his chin and thought for a while, looked up at the two policemen, and asked seriously, "That... May I ask if he is Caught by July and sent to the police station?"

Conan: "..."

Look, even Mitsuhiko understood.

Two police officers: "..."

These kids even know July?

The way is a bit wild. Could it be the child of a chief of the Metropolitan Police Department?

"So, he disappeared this morning because he was taken away by July last night?" Bumei said.

Yuan Tai was a little depressed, "But, we were the first to focus on this criminal, and July robbed us of the opportunity to commend him. He has so many criminals to catch, why did he still want to rob us?"

"As long as the criminal is caught, it's a good thing, isn't it?" Hui Yuan Ai Liang Liang asked back.

The Boy Detectives can rob their arsonist, why can't they rob the jewel thief?

Um? She seems to be a member of the Detective Boys too?

Never mind, anyway, all she knew was that she and Chi Feichi were the first to target the arsonist, but he was robbed!

While talking, the policeman in the store came out with a man in a dark blue coat and with low eyebrows.

One of them, still holding a bag in his hand, handed it to a colleague, who poured the jewelry into an evidence bag and sealed it.

"The stolen jewelry was also found," Mitsuhiko murmured, "It seems that we have nothing to do..."

"No..." Conan stepped forward, raised his head, and looked at the man, "I said... why do you pay for others to decorate?"

"Ah?" The man was puzzled, "It's you, kids... Of course, it's to improve the business in the store and let their family be busy outside, so I can dig jewelry in the room by myself."

Conan Banyueyan: "Then give that family a free travel coupon last night..."

The man smiled embarrassedly, "Because you came to tell me that yesterday, I was worried that you would find out my intentions, so I wanted to send their family away and dig out the gems quickly..."

"We are a group of children!" Conan growled with depression, "If you scare the children, you will mess up your hands and feet. What's the matter? And why do you have to work for free, pay for decoration, and even send tourist entertainment?" Coupons? Since you can think of using tourist coupons to pay off their family, when you first came to this store, you can use repayment as an excuse to send their family out on a trip! When they leave, you have a lot of money. They can dig out the jewels overnight in one day, and it will be too late when they come back! Why spend so much money on decoration? It’s a waste of time! Also, although the criminal prosecution period is only 5 years, the civil prosecution period is 20 years. If you dig out the jewelry now, it will be recovered, so there is no need to rush to dig it out!"

A group of policemen looked sideways.

My kid, this idea is very dangerous. Is this teaching others how to commit crimes...

"Ah..." The man scratched his head, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect it when I first came here, and I'm relatively timid. Although I'm a group of kids, I panicked when I heard what you said about the detective team... "

Conan felt his heart hurt even more, why did he say sorry to him, how could there be such a stupid and cute criminal, it was depressing to meet him, "The last question, how did you get arrested last night? Did you see the person who arrested you?" What does the person look like? Or is there anything particularly noteworthy?"

The police couldn't help looking at the man. By the way, they were also looking for clues in July.

In the back, Hui Yuanai glanced at Conan quietly. If he wasn't busy catching criminals, why would he investigate who caught the criminals...

"Well..." The man looked embarrassed, "I'm really sorry, I don't know. I woke up and suddenly found myself in the police station. I don't understand what happened."

Conan fell powerlessly to the ground.

He just knew...

And, really don't say sorry to him, okay, it makes him look like the mastermind behind the scenes is blaming someone for his incomprehensible crime...

How angry to meet such a criminal!

The man was taken away by the police.

The period for criminal prosecution has passed, and the man has also cooperated in recovering the jewelry, and it doesn't seem to have caused any trouble to other people... Uh, I even paid for helping people, so I probably won't bear criminal responsibility and don't need to go to jail .

Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, and Genta looked at Conan who was listlessly sitting on the ground, and didn't know how to comfort him.

Chi Feichi stepped forward to pull Conan up.

This time, the prisoner didn't kneel, but Conan did.

Look at the famous detective to the depressed...

"Conan, don't be unhappy," Ayumi comforted, "The case will be resolved."

"Although it was robbed once by July, we can get it back next time!" Yuan Tai said.

"Actually, it's good that the criminal was caught in July," Guangyan said, "He's been catching criminals, hasn't he?"

"So don't be so narrow-minded and angry," Yuantai asked, "Before you wanted to ask if there were any clues to find out about July, right? July has always been good, like Masked Rider, doing Well..."

"Idiot!" Conan scolded in a low voice, his glasses reflected slightly, and his expression was serious, "Have you not seen the news report this morning? Someone was attacked by July last night and his leg was broken, no matter how much that guy catches The criminals in the world cannot deny the fact that he is also committing crimes. Bounty hunters should not judge good and evil based on superficial deeds. They seem to be heroes who eliminate harm for the people, but they are actually lawless criminals. , I don’t know how many more outrageous things have been done behind the scenes, even murder, that kind of person should not be sought after at all!”

The three children were stunned, and it seemed that the words were a bit heavy.

"is that so……"

Hui Yuanai wanted to refute, but she had nothing to say. She glanced at Chi Feichi secretly, and found that Chi Feichi still had a calm and indifferent face, making it impossible for her to see what Chi Feichi was thinking or whether he cared about it at all. superior.

Wouldn't it be sad to be denied by the child who has been taking care of like that, and to be treated as a hateful criminal?

A first grade boy is hosting a group to eat at his store.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Conan being dragged in by the other three children, Hui Yuanai deliberately lagged behind and tugged at the corner of La Chi Feichi's clothes.

Chi Feichi squatted down.

Hui Yuanai lowered his voice, "What Edogawa said before..."

"Children really shouldn't take me as an example."

Chi Feichi's expression was normal, and he really didn't take it to heart.

Because what Conan said was true.

A crime is a crime, and if he does it, he will not be able to bear the blame and denial.

This is also his own choice, and there is no need to hypocritically find reasons to excuse, deny, or explain.

Hui Yuanai was silent, she couldn't tell if Brother Feichi cared, how could this be broken...

"I don't care," Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone, and lowered his eyes to transfer money to Hui Yuanai's account. "At present, only 200,000 yuan has been credited to the account, which is just for you to pay for yesterday's hard work. If you like rewards, you can bring them later." If you don't like it, just tell me."

If Huiyuan Ai was entangled in this crime and didn't want to continue, he wouldn't force it.

Originally, I brought Hui Yuan Ai to offer a bounty at the beginning, just to tell Hui Yuan Ai that there are not so many black and white things in the world, don't pay too much attention to your past, many people are gray, including him, secretly Acting is not clean.

Another one is to tell Hui Yuan Ai not to think about things and be sentimental all day long, and when he has a little bit of depression, it is better to make money together.

Make more money...

"There's a lot of pocket money for going for a ride, why don't I like it?" Hui Yuanai took out his phone and looked at the account information, and then looked at Chi Feichi with a cold face, "Or do you think the dividends for me are too much?" , want to get rid of me?"

Chi Feichi thought about it seriously, "I can get up to 800,000 yen last night, and I'll give you a quarter...that's too much."

Hui Yuan choked. Is this a matter of sharing? She was just looking for a reason to pay the bounty, and there was no need to seriously consider reducing her reward...

But from this point of view, Chi Feichi really didn't care what Kudo said just now.

"I will give you 10% at most in the future." Chi Feichi said.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Why did she find that reason...

"There is one more problem." Chi Feichi squatted on the ground, looked directly at Hui Yuanai, and did not deliberately look at Conan, "Conan is secretly watching us, don't look at him..."

Conan wouldn't say such heavy words.

No... the previous Kudo Shinichi might have, but with some things happening, now that kid won't speak too much to criminals, and his heart is more soft and tolerant.

In the contact with Conan, "July" has a good relationship with the police, and once had the experience of fighting side by side to deal with criminals, although Conan was just standing aside watching the show, and was hit by a stray bullet...

The only black history of 'July' is probably that he broke the leg of that person last night, and that person said to the media that bounty hunters are too much. No matter how he tried to educate those three children, Conan would not I won't say such radical remarks 'behind my back'.

Therefore, Conan should have seen the report of "broken leg" in the morning, and began to ponder the question of "who is July?", and just now...

Hui Yuanai came to his senses and asked in a low voice, "He said those words in front of you on purpose, trying to test if you are July?"

So treacherous.

No, she has to think about it, did she reveal any flaws just now...

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