"I see..." Chi Feichi asked another question that he had pondered many times, "Does raki mean 'crow'?"

Many people regard mandarin ducks as a symbol of love, but they only form pairs during the mating period. After the mating period, the female mandarin ducks lay eggs and start incubating them, while the male mandarin ducks will look for new love.

The same goes for many other birds, including wild geese, which symbolize loyal love.

But crows are an exception.

Crow groups have a tradition of monogamy. Male and female birds will build nests together, breed offspring, and take care of the offspring together.

Therefore, the living habits of crows are actually closer to the love that humans praise and yearn for.

Raki is regarded by the locals as a fine wine prepared by the God of Love for lovers. It symbolizes love that is sincere and dedicated to the lover. It has the same beautiful meaning of love as the crow.

"That's right," Karasuma Hideya confirmed, "the code name for raki does have this meaning, crow, which is Karasuma."

"When I wanted to change my code name, you pushed the matter to Belmod, saying it was Belmod's suggestion." Chi Feichi said speechlessly.

"I wanted to see how well you accept the organization before I decide whether to tell you the truth," Hideya Karasuma smiled and explained calmly, "I didn't know how to explain the meaning to you at the time. I also hope that time will allow you to slowly accept this code name, so I have to let Belmod find a way to deal with you... Are you used to using this code name now?"

"I'm definitely used to it."

Chi Feichi said truthfully, feeling in his heart that it was not easy for Belmod.

Jane stood aside, and after the chat between the two came to an end, she placed a black box the size of a mobile phone battery block and a data cable next to Chi Feichi.

"There is no communication signal base station established by the outside world nearby, and the mobile phone cannot receive external signals," Karasuma Hideya took the initiative to explain, "By connecting this thing to the mobile phone using a data cable, the mobile phone can be connected to a special satellite communication channel , the satellite will transfer the signal for sending and receiving information on your mobile phone to a nearby signal base station, which can prevent someone from tracking here through your mobile phone signal..."

Chi Feichi picked up the black box on the table and looked at it, "At the same time, the information forwarded by the satellite will be monitored and recorded, right?"

This anti-tracking method is also used in Fifteen Nights City.

When residents in Fifteen Nights City contact the outside world, the signals sent and received will be encrypted by satellites, and then transferred to a nearby signal base station through the satellite. If someone wants to track the signal, they can only find the signal base station that is being used. It is difficult to trace the exact location of Fifteen Nights City.

However, since all information sent and received will be encrypted by the satellite, all information will be recorded when passing through the satellite, and the satellite control rights are with Ark. Therefore, he who has the highest control authority of Ark can check everyone's contact with the outside world in Fifteen Nights City. Record and communicate content.

He thought it should be the same here.

In this area, either there is no way to contact the outside world, or the information must pass through that satellite and then be recorded by that satellite. His grandfather can also check any information forwarded by the satellite.

"Don't worry, the people monitoring satellite messages do not have permission to see the messages you send," Hideya Karasuma said with a smile, "The only person who has permission to view your information is me. You can use it to contact your friends tonight. Lover, I will not peek."

Chi Feichi didn't hesitate and connected the black box to his mobile phone with a data cable.

He is usually not interested in looking at the privacy of the residents of Fifteen Nights City, but Ark is just sorting out information like a machine, and does not pay attention to what gossip a person chats with his friends.

However, Ark will set up a keyword screening program. If someone sends a message that involves keywords, the message will be intercepted, and Ark will further determine whether it will have a negative impact on Fifteen Nights City. If someone tries to leak Fifteen Nights If the address of the city is the address of the city, then Ark will definitely intercept the relevant information, focus on this person's situation and report it to him. He will then decide whether to check this person's past messages sent and received based on the severity of the situation.

There should be the same screening program in the satellite communication system here. If he mentions an important keyword, such as 'Karasuma', when sending a message or making a phone call, his message will definitely be intercepted by the program and sent out. Alarm, when that time comes, his grandfather will secretly check what messages he sends, just listen to the words 'I won't peek'.

But on the other hand, if there are no keywords in the messages he sends to the outside world, or the keywords are not enough to attract his grandfather's attention, then his grandfather will probably keep his word if he says, "I won't peek."

In other words, as long as he didn't try to leak important secrets to the outside world, his grandfather would most likely not read the messages he sent.

After Chi Feichi connected the black box with his mobile phone, Karasuma Hideya took out a mobile phone from his pocket and lowered his head to operate it, "By the way, I have a photo that I want you to take a look at..."

Chi Feichi's mobile phone had a signal, and after receiving the photo on his mobile phone, he opened the photo as soon as possible.

The photo shows a seven or eight-year-old girl with short brown hair and a childish face with mixed-race features. She faces the camera and seems a little reserved, but she maintains a calm expression on her face.

"Is this...Xiao Ai?"

Chi Feichi looked at the tea-haired lolita in the photo and said Haihara Ai's identity, but he already guessed the correct answer in his heart.

No, the person in the photo is probably...

"No, she is Shirley." Karasuma Hideya lowered his eyes and looked at the photo on his phone. "This is a photo of Shirley when she was a child. Even you will admit it. It seems that the little girl you picked up is not the same as Shirley." It’s really similar.”

Chi Feichi observed the photo, "If you look carefully, there are still some aspects of his expression that don't look alike."

Shirley in the photo is a real seven or eight-year-old child. No matter how hard she tries to act mature, her eyes are still a little confused. But at the core, Haibara Ai is an eighteen-year-old person who has experienced many things. Her gaze is more steady and calm than that of the little girl in the photo, and her demeanor is also somewhat different.

Anyone familiar with Xiao Ai should be able to see this difference.

"Margaux has used the little girl's hair to check the blood type and DNA, but the time you picked up the girl was very close to the time Shirley defected. This makes me a little concerned," Karasuma Hideya put down. He picked up the phone, looked up at Chi Feichi calmly and said, "I hope you can confirm again. You have not been in contact with Shirley before, but Gin has been in contact with Shirley many times. Find a time and let Gin go." Look at that kid."

Feichi, who was quietly lying on the table to eat: "..."

Does it need to pray for Xiao Ai in advance?

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