Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 282 Rena Mizumus: This big liar!

Gin Jiu found a place to park in the Nihonbashi area, and then took out his mobile phone to look at Chi Fei's late email, saved the picture, and sent it to two peripheral members, who asked them to help.

Letting Vodka follow alone is not very stable, and it is best to have two helpers go there together, so that if something goes wrong, the situation can be reported back in time.

Gin opened the car door and got out of the car, "Keir, I want you to go to Kabukicho tomorrow."

"Oh?" Rena Mizumu was curious, "Did the Vodka investigation fail?"

"No, it worked. I'll let Lak tell you the details." Gin went directly to the side to make a phone call.

"Lack?" There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of Shui Wurenai.

Chi Feichi didn't turn his head, glanced at the rearview mirror of the car, and said in a hoarse voice, "What? It's strange?"

"It's nothing, I just heard that Belmode mentioned you. She said that you and Gin were doing things mysteriously without her, and she told me not to tell you what she was doing." Mizuruna smiled, trying to suppress A sense of awkwardness in my heart.

It's obviously the same face. When I greeted you before, it still made people feel like a young and sunny boy. In a blink of an eye, the cold face and the calm and hoarse voice are like a cold old man with a young face. It's strange, isn't it? good……

What happened on the way to Ginza 8-chome just now? Have people been replaced?

"She's been secretive all day long, so what right does she have to say about others?" Chi Feichi looked down at the tablet, sorted out the videos about No. 3 target, sent them to Shui Wurena, and got back to business, "I'll help you Yi Rongcheng is this woman, you use her identity to inquire about Eguchi Noriko's information, it is best to get in touch with Eguchi Noriko herself."

Rena Mizumu took out her mobile phone to watch the video, clicked on it, and watched while thinking.

The video was obviously cut off, only this part, it should be that Lak screened the people who are suitable for disguise.

The body shape of the other party is very similar to her, and the voice is also somewhat similar. The personality shown in the video is also outgoing and cheerful, and likes to inquire about things. It is indeed very suitable for the identity of inquiring about information.

It's not difficult to pretend to be this woman, as long as the disguise is okay, and if the voice doesn't sound like her, she can say 'cold' and get over it perfunctorily, so she probably won't have to stay there for too long.

What troubled her was Lark.

Yesterday, Belmode asked her to meet at Xinchu Hospital on the grounds of seeing a doctor, and mentioned this code name to her.

She didn't lie, Belmode did say that the operation made her keep Gin and Lark a secret, she pretended to be curious and wanted to inquire about the information, but Belmod didn't say much, and directly changed the subject.

It seems that Belmode and Gin both know something about Lak. Keeping her secret means that other core members may not know Lak. It can be speculated that Lak has an unusual status in the organization and is definitely not a newcomer...

I thought it was Sunshine Mengxin who had just arrived, but it turned out to be a gloomy old fox. When she heard Qin Jiu say the code name 'Luck', her expression almost collapsed.

This big liar, nothing he said to her, his appearance and character just now is true!

Is this a bad joke?

Or is she under suspicion?

Did she show any flaws?

While Mizuruna was reflecting on himself, Gin had already finished his phone call, leaned over and said to Chi Feichi from the car window, "Keen and Calvados will be in place later, I will provide the escape route for those three guys In the middle, the traffic situation in this area has been thoroughly investigated. They may deviate a little on purpose, but they will definitely not deviate too much. They have also installed trackers in their equipment. They have already set off and will be there in about two hours. passing through this area."

Chi Feichi nodded, so let's just say, Gin's things are so easy to get, those three people think they have taken advantage of it, but they don't know that the whole movement is under the control of Gin, and they can deal with it whenever they want, and follow the development The messenger looked for it, it was just a matter of a few bullets, "When the time is about the same, let's go to the overpass over there."

"Keil, you drive." Gin acquiesced to the proposal.

It is a good choice for him and Chi Fei to go to the overpass when they are late, and leave after shooting. If there is an accident, they can also drive away.

When Mizuruna went to the driver's seat, Gin got into the back seat, and asked again, "Is there any problem with the disguise?"

"No problem," Shui Wurenai looked serious, and agreed simply and neatly, "I don't have any programs to host tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and I have time."


Night, 11:41.

On the clean and unoccupied street, a car ran through red lights one after another, speeding fast.

In the car, the man driving has long hair and a shawl, showing off his driving skills casually, "Are there any policemen behind?"

In the passenger seat next to him, the fat man was holding a walkie-talkie. Hearing the voice over there, he laughed, with a bit of joy in his eyes, "The police car behind has been thrown away. Set up a random inspection, as long as we avoid those two locations, we can completely get rid of those police arrests... The things those two guys gave are really useful, even the police communication channel can be easily linked superior."

"Be careful," the short man in the modified back seat squatted in the car, sorting out the explosives, and said in a low voice, "Those two people are not kind people. After all, we played tricks on them this time. Don't follow the route they offer!"

"Understood!" The long-haired man drove the car into a side road, and said to himself, "Don't worry, the people from the Yamaguchi group will come to meet us, and there will be no problems! Boss, is it better to cooperate with the friends I know? It’s much better to cooperate with such a dangerous guy? How about planning a big scene next? The explosives are enough for us to use many times, even the strictest bank can’t stop it..."

A few people were excitedly looking forward to how many banks they would rob in the future and how much money they could get. They were carried by the car and went straight to Nihonbashi by detour.

In the Nihonbashi area, a group of people were already quietly waiting for their arrival.

On the roof of a building, Calvados and Cohen set up their sniper rifles and watched the roads extending in the distance.

On the overpass above the main road, a black Porsche 356a came and stopped on the side of the road.

Gin looked down at the phone for a while, and connected to the communication with the earphone, "Cohen, Bourbon said that four people from the Yamaguchi-gumi came to meet him, and those four people have already turned into Line 3. The license plate has not changed, it is the same as before. Leave it to you, stop the car when you see it, and do whatever you want!"

"No problem." Cohen replied sullenly, and did not speak again.

"Gin Jiu, I saw the target vehicle," Calvados said in the headset, "There are two people sitting in the front row, and one should be in the back row, and I can't see anyone..."

Chi Feichi also noticed a car driving furiously on the road under the overpass, lowered the window, set up a sniper rifle, waited for the car to pass under the bridge, aimed at the rear window of the white car, and looked. "You can't see anyone from behind."

"Then let them get out of the car!"

Gin picked up the sniper rifle and aimed it outside from the back seat.

Under the overpass, the car sped by.

On the bridge, the front and rear seats of the Porsche, two muzzles poked out of the car window, quietly aiming.

As the white car drove between the bridge and the building, sparks emanated from the muzzle poking out of the rear window.

The bullet flew out, pierced the rear tire of the car, and hit the ground.

At the same time, an imported car in the other lane was also punctured by Cohen, and four members of the Yamaguchi group got out of the car to check without knowing the situation and cursing.

Under the overpass, the white car whose tire was blown by a bullet from Gin Jiu dangled for a while and was forced to stop.

The fat man in the passenger seat opened the door and got out of the car, turned around to check the tires, and communicated with the long-haired man who also got out of the car.

Soon, the short man in the back seat also got out of the car, as if planning to find another car nearby.

When being chased by the police, not to mention not having a spare tire, even if there is, there is not so much time to change it. It is better to change cars and run as a group.

On the earphone side, Calvados said, "The targets are all down, I'll deal with the guy who hid in the back seat before..."

"Yes." Gin Jiu stared at the scope with murderous intent, "Luck, I'll be on your left!"

Chi Feichi showed no emotion on his face, and aimed at the long-haired man on the right.

Three red dots moved from the trio to their faces, and bullets flew back and forth.

The three of them had just noticed the red dot on each other's head, and before they had time to react, they were headshot.

The Porsche didn't stay long. After retracting the two muzzles, it drove away from the spot, and the windows were lowered accordingly.

Cohen and Calvados, who were on two buildings, were also quickly evacuated.

About three minutes later, a car that was on standby nearby drove up and stopped next to the white car where the three bodies were lying. Two people got out of the car to collect the explosives, and then drove away.

In the Porsche, which was far away from the overpass, Gin made a phone call to confirm that the explosives were in hand, and asked the other party to send them to the designated warehouse.

Chi Feichi contacted Vodka and asked Reina Mizumura to drive over to pick up Vodka.

If it weren't for Eguchi Noriko, there would be no such trouble today, and Kiel would not be called. At night, they would come and shoot and leave.


The selected disguise replacement target lives in an old-style residential building, and vodka is waiting at the intersection in that area.

The car had just approached the intersection, and Fei Chile, who had been hiding under Chi Feichi's clothes, reminded Huantuo, "Master, Vodka is too careless. There are three people at the alley behind him, and there are people behind the windows of the houses on both sides." !"

Chi Feichi turned his head and glanced.

The lights of the residential building next to the intersection were off, and the curtains on the upstairs windows were closed. It was hard to see if anyone was there, but there was a gap of about 10 centimeters in the curtains.

One, two, three...

Rena Mizumusa had already seen Vodka waiting at the intersection, and just as she slowed down and was about to pass, she heard a hoarse sound from the back seat.

"Don't go there, don't stop, don't speed up, stop next to the convenience store at the intersection in front of you." Chi Feichi said, and called Vodka again with his mobile phone.

Shui Wurenai was stunned for a moment, but still did as she did, kept the speed of the car slowed down, did not change lanes, and continued to move forward along the road.

Gin glanced out of the car window, but said nothing.

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