What do you say to yourself? Who will dedicate Astaludi to you?!!

However, since you have to say it yourself, there is no harm in listening.

Although I don’t agree with Bai Ming’s statement, I think it might be useful to learn from.

Thinking of this, Ostach secretly pricked up his ears, and at the same time, his expression became a little serious.

I heard Bai Ming talk about the serious consequences that would result if his plan succeeded.

Ostach couldn’t help but feel a little confused. His indestructible determination was shaken and showed signs of strong wavering.

“Upload the evidence online that the holy relic of your Western European Church, the Right Arm of the Saint, was usurped as the cornerstone of Genkami Island…….”

“Don’t argue with the courts of the island country. It will only be delayed and waste critical time. Just upload it directly to the Internet. Of course, it must also be accompanied by extremely attractive titles, such as: Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality, the designer of Gengami Island actually did this kind of thing? When will the sin of 560,000 yuan be solved? washable……”

“Let me start you Western European church believers to cry, continue to suffer, and complain bitterly about your sins…….”

“The miracle of this artificial island city was built on the use of ‘human pillars’ prohibited by international treaties. It was achieved through the inhumane method of human sacrifice and was full of unparalleled sins…….”

“In this way, it is guaranteed to trigger a huge fishing boat beyond imagination! At that time, the eyes of people from all over the world can’t help but fall on this, and they can’t help but sympathize with you, the Western European Church. Instead, they will have a bad feeling for Genkami Island, and even join the crusade, accusing it of being inhumane…….”

“And with such a large attack on fishing boats, the island residents will also feel panicked. They had no idea about this, but they were trampling on what others believed in. They couldn’t help but feel a little sorry in their hearts, and ran to question the government…….”

“In this case, Sengami Chira, the culprit who usurped the holy relic ‘The Right Arm of the Holy One’, has become a villain who has been accused by thousands of people, and his reputation will plummet and become notorious…….”

“Faced with such a large fishing boat and the various hostile forces adding insult to injury, the island government will certainly not be able to suppress it. The only option is to return your sacred relic, the Right Arm of the Saint, and for this purpose. make huge compensation……”

“You’re welcome, just bite it hard and let it bleed…….”

“……”The people present were stunned after listening to Bai Ming’s long speech.

If what Bai Ming said was true, not only would he be able to take back the holy relic ‘The Right Arm of the Saint’ without any bloodshed, but he would also be able to get a ruthless revenge, and he would also be able to receive a huge compensation.

“Guru……”Suddenly, Ostach was obviously shaken and swallowed subconsciously.

I have to admit that the two approaches are simply incomparable.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at the consequences, you can see that there is an irreparable gap.

“How about it? Is this a good idea?!”Bai Ming glanced at Ostach and sneered,”It’s much better than you stupidly running over and using reckless violence to take back the holy relic ‘The Right Arm of the Saint’…….”

In other words, in any era, barbarism will not work.

Unless you really have absolute power and are not afraid of the consequences

“……I admit, what you said makes sense.”Ostakh said slowly,”But it hasn’t been verified that it’s true as you said, so I won’t believe it.”

“so……”Bai Ming said lightly

“I want to implement some verification!”Ostakh shouted,”If it doesn’t work, no one can stop our jihad!”

“cut!”Bai Ming curled his lips and spat disdainfully.

He said it so nicely, but he didn’t follow it honestly. He was obviously just being tough.

“——Hey, uncle! Don’t forget what I want!”Bai Ming said to Ostach.

Bai Ming will never do a loss-making business, and he has already spent so much money to come up with such a good idea for him. If he doesn’t behave obediently, he will make it clear to him. You know what the iron fist of justice is.

A villain like Ostakh who disregards the lives of hundreds of thousands of people should not be polite to him and let him deeply understand the punishment for his crimes.

“Astaludi doesn’t need it for the time being, so I’ll leave it to you for safekeeping.”Ostach said in a deep voice.

Speaking of which, Ostach came here to seek justice, and now he has awakened even more. Let

‘s stop here! Don’t say more about keeping it.

Bai Ming secretly Muttering, if everything falls into my hands, is there any reason to get out?

In response, Bai Ming couldn’t help but nodded, and a strong sense of accomplishment suddenly arose in his heart. For a person who is about to go to the abyss of error, What a great thing it is to point out a bright road.

As for the eyes staring at Astaludi’s petite body, they are just out of joy and can’t help but want to find a beautiful scenery to look at.

“Astaludi, you will follow him from now on!”Ostakh said this and turned around to leave without any hesitation.

“——Command and promise!”Astaludi said in a wonderful voice.

As for Ostah’s departure, Nangong Nayue had no intention of stopping it. Anyway, it would be trouble for those above, but it was none of her business. Maybe she could have a good time. Ichiban.

Since you have done something wrong, isn’t it natural to pay the price?!

Ji Hiiragi Yukina also knows this truth. As long as Ostach does not attack the entire city, involving the lives of 560,000 innocent people, everything will It’s all easy to say.

Bai Ming walked up to Astarte. Astarte slowly raised her head, her blue eyes reflected his figure, and her face was expressionless like a fairy.

“From now on, I am your master, and you must follow me well.”Bai Ming knelt down, reached out and rubbed Astaludi’s little head very gently, with a smile on his face,”Astaludi……”

“Command and promise!”Astaruti was stunned for a moment, her green pupils were rippling, and her voice was fluctuating.

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