The wicked need the wicked to grind.

[With the body of all the women living in this country, diligently serve all the wishes of all men who visit this country, so that they may be satisfied.

——Serving the country, Article 1 of the Constitution]

This is the original plot of the replica world, and it is also the result that the Black Beast Mercenary Group wants to achieve.

Of course!

Declare in advance! Si Yu does not support this theory!

Although they are all lecherous, Si Yu and these brain dead who like private cars can’t pee in a pot at all.

And in order to prevent their urine from splashing everywhere, Si Yu had to give them their original way home.

——Sent by the church as cannon fodder to attack the Black City.

Si Yu didn’t want to let this group of people leave, nor did he want them to become his subjects, but just used their strength to conquer other countries, so they just needed to be cannon fodder.

“For the regiment commander! Hahahaha!

“Die! Xenomorph!! ”

Roar, roar, roar——!!”

The mercenaries were boiling with enthusiasm, shouting slogans in their mouths, laughing and fearlessly charging and killing, just like what kind of peerless beauty the “regiment leader” is, gold and silver mountains.

But Oliga could hear clearly, they couldn’t get anything if they were so fearless of death.

She herself now felt it, this feeling of being controlled, seeing the crazy appearance of the group of people, and understanding Chloe’s panic better.

The queen’s proud heart couldn’t help but become more and more afraid.

At the same time, there is unwillingness.

Obviously, as long as it is a little later, as long as he can cast magic to make everyone wake up, the situation can be reversed in an instant…


“Come here, Lord Queen, you have to come with me.”

Si Yu grabbed Olika’s hand and pulled her towards what was originally a room, choosing the edge that had become a rooftop.

“Abominable! Let go of Lord Orlica!

Chloe immediately stopped talking, but Si Yu paid no attention to it.

Oliga’s brows furrowed deeply, this dirty, insignificant human male actually dared to touch her body! This made her extremely disgusted.

If not controlled by him….

But she soon lost her disgust, because she had been pulled to the edge of the roof by Si Yu.

The Black City Minaret towered into the clouds, looking down at everything on the ground that made them look extremely small, which was Si Yu’s inner thoughts.

And when he forcibly pulled Olga to the edge platform, the other party’s tense body, completely afraid to look down, brown slender palm tightly dragging his hand, but diverted his attention.

“Oh? Aren’t you afraid of heights, your Lord Queen? Si Yu leaned into Oliga’s ear with great interest and asked softly.

He didn’t know about this setting, but what did it matter? It’s good to find something that adds fun.

“No kidding, how could I… Yes!!

Oliga avoided Si Yu with an indifferent face, but before the words in her mouth were finished, Si Yu reached out and pushed her outside the platform.

Olga, who was about to be pushed off the tower, did not care about the majesty of his queen at all, screamed without any image, and his body was like an octopus, subconsciously picking up Si Yu’s body.

“Huh~” Si Yu chuckled, seeing that Oliga had to get down from himself after reacting, he came directly to the edge of the roof in two steps.

This made Oliga unable to settle at all, and hugged Si Yu even more tightly.

No wonder it’s such a tall tower, but it doesn’t even have a single window.

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Si Yu casually felt the softness of the dark elf’s body, and chuckled, “You still say that you are not afraid of heights?

“Let me go… Under…… Get down…… Mankind. Orlica’s voice trembled, trying to tighten her face.

“Olga… My lord……? Chloe behind her was completely stunned, she had never seen the Dark Elf Queen show such a gaffe, and took the initiative to hug a man.

However, she quickly reacted, knowing that this man was taking advantage of Lord Orica’s weakness, and immediately cursed angrily.

“Shameless scoundrels! Die! You scumbag who only hides behind women and plays little tricks! If it weren’t for taking advantage of Lord Orica’s weakness, how could it be your turn to be presumptuous here!

Chloe kept struggling, but Maya and Alicia held her body down, in fact, even if she didn’t hold her, she couldn’t do anything.

Unless, she wanted her dear Lord Oliga to be buried with Si Yu.

In this case, it is Alicia who is more dangerous, but… Looking at her lost mind, cowering, and blushing from time to time, I knew that she didn’t have that energy now.

“Lord Queen, how about now shut up your faithful knight and I’ll let you down?”

Si Yu whispered in her Oliga’s ear, so that he would not waste time arguing with Chloe, but directly borrowed her most respected queen and killed people.

Seeing that Oliga was still gritting her teeth and hesitating, Si Yu jumped directly on the spot and upside down her twice, she immediately hugged Si Yu tightly, and finally closed her eyes, full of unwillingness.

“Shut up… Chloe…” ”

Lord Olga… I…” ”

I said shut up!”

“…… Be. Chloe opened her mouth, gritted her teeth, and fell silent.

“Are you satisfied now? Let me down…” Oliga stared at Si Yu tightly.

“Good, good, good.” Si Yu was true to his words, in fact, it was just that the time for the spiritual potion was almost up, and he couldn’t play anymore.

He took a few steps back to put Olga down, but he bit Olga’s conspicuous pointed ears as they parted.

“Hmm… Bastard, you!

“Your Majesty, will you please perform amplification magic?” Thank you~” Si Yu did not continue to waste time, but directly ordered.


Origa’s magic seemed to be purple, and the patterns on the magic array were different, but it was indeed amplified magic.

The next thing was basically the same as what happened in the [Second Fortress].

The difference was that Si Yu did not faint on the spot, but his head was a little dizzy as if he had drunk too much.

The hypnotic command given is not to become king of these people, but to “kill each other!” In ten minutes, those who survive will be eligible to be my cannon fodder! It’s an honor!”

Perhaps, only at this time, can Si Yu’s body see the indifference that is in line with his origin.

Ten minutes later.

In a cheat-raising battle, the number of people in the Black City plummeted by one-third.

Led by Walter, gather outside the Black City, distribute supplies, and resupply after the war.

Si Yu did not appear… He was still in the Black City, choosing clothes.

Si Yu still has two dress-up rings in his hand, and although they haven’t been given yet, he already has a candidate.

– Alicia, Orlica.

The reason for the distribution was simple and rude, the two of them were pure, Maya and Chloe were not, and that’s it.

There is no need to explain the reasons in detail, followers still have to receive, but positioning and identity will be fundamentally different.

Probably similar to… What is the difference between a wife and a friend? The only thing that is the same is that they will only have Si Yu as a man from now on, and they will not be touched by anyone else.

It must be emphasized again that Si Yu is different from those brain dead used by the Black Beast Mercenary Group.

“They are all dressed tightly, but now they are different from before, even if they are just soldiers and subordinates, they can’t sell benefits to others!”

Si Yu patted Chloe’s p-shares with a humiliated face, pointed to the conservative clothes in the store and said.

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