"These are the best doctors of Frevans, Mr. Roya. Quinn said. 】

Originally, these doctors were still afraid of Quinn's fierce appearance, but after seeing Roya, they became a little calmer. 】

[This is a very strange phenomenon, and the affinity in Roya's body seems to be getting stronger and stronger. 】

["I'm Luo Ya of the Revolutionary Army, doctors, the time is urgent, I'll make a long story short, I need you to develop a special drug for platinum-lead disease as soon as possible. Luo Ya looked at the doctor in front of him and said seriously. 】

["Now, the outside world is rumoring that platinum-lead disease is an infectious disease, but we all know very well that this is a rumor. 】

[However, in this situation, it doesn't matter if it's a rumor or not, because the world government is also spreading this rumor, you are all smart people, you should know very well what it means. "】

["The World Government has given up on Frevans, if it weren't for us, the current Frevans is still under the blockade of the Chek Kingdom and the Salokto Kingdom, and no one else can be relied on, and the only thing we can rely on is ourselves. "】

[After Luo Ya finished speaking, a doctor who looked to be about fifty years old sighed and said: "Platinum lead disease is a terminal disease, and we have not made any progress all along, how can we develop a special drug in a short period of time?]

["That's because the direction of your research is wrong, platinum-lead disease is a special heavy metal poisoning disease, what we can do is to excrete the accumulated platinum-lead in the body."] Roya said, holding a research document. 】

["Our revolutionary army has done a lot of in-depth research on this, and if you combine your medical skills, we will definitely be able to find a way to treat it. "】

["Even if we can develop a cure for platinum-lead disease, if the world government doesn't stand up, with the current state of Frévans, who can trust us?" said the other doctor with some despair. 】

["Believe me, as long as you can cure the platinum lead disease, we will be able to protect Frévans under the World Government. Luo Ya looked seriously into the eyes of each doctor. 】

[Luo Ya's gaze is firm and powerful, and anyone who looks at him seems to have a glimmer of hope in his heart inexplicably. 】

[After a few moments, a young doctor steps forward and exclaims, "I believe in you, Mr. Roya.] "】

["Before, on Harbor Street, I saw what you did to the platinum-lead patient, and I believe you. "】

[The young doctor looks at Roya, and he will never forget the scene in the morning when Roya reaches out to the platinum-lead patient.] 】

[There is no prejudice, only sincere tolerance and acceptance, if you don't even believe in such a person, he doesn't know who else to trust. 】

["Everyone, Frevans is now like a patient with platinum and lead disease, and when all 250 people gave up on it, only the revolutionary army came to Frevans without hesitation and reached out to us. "】

["Do we still have reason not to believe in the revolutionary army? As doctors, do we have to watch one patient after another die in agony?

"I have always believed that as long as doctors do not give up, there is absolutely no incurable terminal disease in the world. The young doctor's voice was high and infectious. 】

[He seems to have a good reputation among these doctors, and with what he said, after he came forward, the rest of the doctors also chose to join in the study of platinum-lead disease.] 】

["Quinn, you and these doctors are working together to develop a special medicine as soon as possible. Roya said to Quinn. 】

[The soldiers of the revolutionary army on the side also sent the research materials that were urgently printed to the hands of various doctors. 】

[These are all studies done by Quinn, and these studies have given these top doctors a lot of encouragement. 】

[Quinn's research is to study the toxic accumulation of platinum-lead disease from another angle, relying on the precision machine invented by Vegapunk to observe the data obtained from the experiment. 】

[And Frevans has not been doing useless work for so many years, their medical treatment itself is very developed, although platinum lead disease has always been a terminal illness here, but they have also accumulated a lot of clinical data in the treatment. 】

[The combination of the two has at least a trace of possibility of curing platinum-lead disease.] 】

["What's your name?"

[Seeing that this place is on the right track, Roa has time to ask for the name of the young doctor, if it weren't for him, the doctors of Frevans would not trust them so quickly.] 】

["Trafalgar D Vatierlar, you can just call me Ral. Said the young doctor named Lal. 】

【“D。 Luo Ya's heart also moved slightly when he heard Ral's name, the D family does seem to be a little special, and the people with D in the names he has met are all more elite. 】

[Of course, it's just some, Nagli, Fuji Tiger, Ivankov, Xiong, including himself, none of them have a D in their names.] 】

[However, the surname Trafalgar, according to the investigation data collected before, is a famous family of famous doctors in Frevans, and has been a very famous doctor for generations. 】

[No wonder he was able to become a top doctor at a young age, and he was able to convince those doctors.] 】

[These thoughts flashed through his mind for a moment, and Roa stretched out his hand and shook Ral vigorously: "I'll leave it to you, Dr. Ral.] "】

[Platinum-lead disease is an important part of saving Frevans, but to be honest, neither Roya nor these doctors can be sure that they will be able to develop a special drug. 】

[It can only be said that there is a glimmer of hope. 】

[In the evening, after a busy day, when the cadres of the revolutionary army regathered in the hotel to exchange information and discuss countermeasures, Xiong brought an extremely bad piece of information. 】

[Led by the general, several lieutenant generals of the headquarters, a large number of major generals of the headquarters, a large number of large warships, more than 30,000 people, and elite soldiers located in the first half of the great voyage, in response to the summons of the demon slaying order, are rushing towards Frévans. 】

["Is the news true?" Roya asked. 】

["It's basically true, the Navy's demon slaying order has always been undisguised for its whereabouts, and it is easy for those who have a heart to get information. The bear spoke. 】

[The Navy's Demon Slaying Order, generally speaking, has only two goals, one is to assemble a powerful pirate, and the other is to slaughter the city and destroy the country, which has a deterrent effect. 】

[And this time, both are available, both for the revolutionary army and for the destruction of Frevans, there is no need to hide his whereabouts at all, with the strength of the navy, he can be crushed directly. 】

["What are you afraid of, didn't we beat the Navy down last time?" Jimmy began. 】

[The victory of the Lubni Kingdom in the war brought him great confidence. 】

"It's not the same. Nagli smoked a dry cigarette and looked gloomy. 】

["You don't know what the Demon Slayer Order means, and you don't know what the Admiral means, it's a monster, a natural disaster. Nagli sighed and said, "Not to mention the generals, the lieutenant generals in the headquarters are enough for us to have a headache." "】

["The Lubni Kingdom, the navy didn't take action seriously at all because of various things, and the three of them are all very strong and talented, but the overall strength is not enough. "】

["The real elite of the Navy is not the combat force that was requisitioned from various branch bases in the North Sea last time, but an elite unit led by a vice admiral of the headquarters, a rear admiral, a colonel and a lieutenant. "】

[After all, Nagli has a decades-long career as a pirate, although he is relatively low-key and not a high threat to the world and has not been paid attention to, but he still has a lot of dealings with the navy. 】

[The vice admirals and rear admirals of the navy, although they are not very strong, they are definitely not something that the current revolutionary army can contend with. 】

[The revolutionary army is actually not lacking in high-level combat power now, Fuji Tiger, He, Xiong, Ivankov, Dragon, and Mauri in the No. 1 scientific research base, including Quinn, these people are not weak, and they are much stronger than the vice admiral of the Navy. 】

[As long as you don't face the generals, legendary pirates, their group of people are very capable of fighting on the sea, but they are very lacking in middle-level combat power. 】

[After all, the revolutionary army has only been developing for more than a year, and most of its troops are slaves and workers from the kingdom of Lubny, and these workers have really received military training, and it is no more than two months. 】

[No matter how firm the will is, it is impossible to erase the gap in basic quality, general-level and colonel-level officers can basically be one as a hundred, as a thousand, each leading the soldiers, and the combat power that erupts on the battlefield is absolutely terrifying and unimaginable. 】

[30,000 elite navies are enough to exert the combat power of more than 100,000 troops, or even higher. 】

[If they faced this level of military strength in the Lubni Kingdom last time, even if they formed a sneak attack through the powerful terrain dug by Moli, it would be useless at all, and they would only be easily defeated. 】

[Not to mention, they only have fifteen warships and 10,000 soldiers now, and they are not as strong as the last time they were in the Kingdom of Lubny. (babh)】

[The dragon said in more detail than Nagli, after all, his father is the hero Karp, as a naval officer, he has lived in Marin Fando for a long time, and he knows more about the combat power of the navy. 】

[Hearing the words of the dragon and Nagli, everyone present couldn't help but feel a little depressed. 】

[The two people in the team who have the widest vision and the highest strength have made such judgments, and the others have completely recognized the gap between the enemy and the enemy in their hearts. 】

Jimmy and the others looked at Roya with the last shred of hope, but what they saw was Roya's frowning brow. 】

Outside the chat room, everyone's opinion was basically the same as Nagli and Dragon.

Golden Lion: No way, the gap is too big, the navy is serious this time, the general leads the team, and the large-scale demon slaughter order is convened, and basically there is no hope of turning the tables.

Roger: Alas, there is no way, after all, the development time is still too short, and besides, it is impossible for an army that has only been developed in the four seas to confront the real elite of the navy.

These legendary pirates have the deepest relationship with the navy and have fought the most.

The combat power of the navy is too clear, even if it is Roya, it is impossible to erase this gap.

It is simply impossible to win this war when a soldier who was a slave or a worker a month or two ago is completely crushed in numbers and has no superiority in the middle and high levels of combat power?

This is no longer the category of trust or distrust of Roya, but the situation has gone beyond the category of the so-called miracle.

If you can do it, then I'm afraid only the gods.

Whitebeard: Hey, Warring States, your navy is too ruthless, a large-scale demon slaying order, a general leading the team, several lieutenant generals of the headquarters, just for a small organization with a bounty of only one billion for the leader?

This scale, even now, is enough to attack the existence of the Four Emperors.

Sengoku: Small organizations? Small organizations will not start a large uprising of more than 100,000 people, and small organizations will not have the potential to overthrow the world government. And, ahem, it wasn't a decision I made.

The words of the Warring States were very hard in the front, but the words in the back turned sharp, and they were a little lacking in confidence.

After watching the movie so far, he is also a little more inclined to Luo Ya's revolutionary army, after all, Luo Ya's personality charm is too much, and it has surpassed some factors in organizational strength.

He didn't want to see the revolutionary army suffer such a huge setback, but there was no way, it was all a good thing he did in another world, not what he did now.

After all, it's just a rebel party composed of a group of ants, and as long as the government pays a little attention, they can't make much more waves.

The five old stars are in a very happy mood at the moment.

Finally, he was able to stomp a threat to death.

This should be the strength of the world government, in the face of this kind of organization, the general will lead the team, slay the demon to suppress the realm, and directly sweep the fallen leaves in the autumn wind and clean it up.

Finally, finally, it was possible to inflict a major setback on the revolutionary army.

Although, it is unlikely that the Revolutionary Army will be annihilated.

But as long as it can slow its development, it's good.

What the five old stars are most afraid of is that the revolutionary army of the other world has directly captured Mary Joya in the past 20 years.

When the time comes, as soon as the interaction opens, they will inexplicably become prisoners.

At this moment, the five old stars, who were in a very happy mood, also rarely put down their bodies and sprayed against a group of legendary pirates in the chat room.

And at this moment, a mysterious power instantly imprisoned the entire chat room.

The long-lost grandiose voice sounded directly in everyone's minds again.

【Prize quiz start:】

"It's actually a prize quiz. "

Everyone's hearts were lifted at this moment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So far, there have only been three prize quizzes, and this is the fourth time.

The last time there was a prize quiz was when Luo Ya was in the Goa Kingdom, and I thought that there would be another prize quiz when the Lubni Kingdom was in the Kingdom, but the entire Lubni Kingdom action ended and it didn't happen.

Instead, here in Frevans, the fourth prize quiz appeared.

According to the rewards of the first three prize quizzes, the rewards are getting better and better under normal circumstances, and now, everyone is also looking forward to what the rewards can be obtained this time.

When everyone was holding their breath, a grand voice also started the topic of this prize quiz.

[Question: What is the number of prisoners killed in the death of the navy in this war of the revolutionary army against the large-scale demon slaughtering order?]

[There is no answer option for this question, each choose a number, and the three people who are closest to the final answer will receive this reward.] 】

As soon as the problem came out, it instantly made more people a little confused.

For the first time, there was no option for the Q&A, and it was very interesting to ask about the number of deaths and prisoners in the Navy.

Could it be that the revolutionary army of another world was victorious in this battle?

The combat power of the navy of this level was actually defeated by the revolutionary army and captured a considerable number of soldiers?

How is this possible?

No matter how you look at it, everyone has not been able to see where the revolutionary army can win.

"Could it be that there are legendary pirates who joined the Revolutionary Army during this time? And there is more than one?"

Sengoku frowned.

But that's not possible.

Who else could have a legendary pirate in the North Sea at this point in time? Not one, let alone a simple legendary pirate joining the revolutionary army, would not be able to defeat the navy.

The combat strength of the navy this time is absolutely crushing to the revolutionary army.

The Warring States that can't even think of it can only be filled in with a figure of 3,000 casually, maybe the revolutionary army has achieved some partial victories, and then plundered some navies, and can only think like this.

There are not a few people who think this way in the Warring States.

However, there are also a group of people, such as Karp, who basically don't think, who directly filled in 30,000 and have already turned into pure pleasure people.

[Ten, nine, eight.... Two, one. 】

[End of this prize quiz.] 】

As always, the voice sounded, but this time the correct answer was not announced, and no rewards were awarded.

Just when everyone was wondering, they heard the shocking news from the loud voice.

[The rewards for this quiz are not currently available, and the correct answers and winners will be announced after the end of this war.] 】

[At the same time, after the distribution of this Q&A reward, the first world interaction will be conducted.] 】。

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