Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 185: The Most Decisive Attack

Motivatedly turned around and looked at Duanfeng Buer who pushed General Feng's arm away, saw Duan Feng Buer raised his right hand palm, watched him open his mouth, and listened to his speech again.

"I said comrades, don't be moved. In fact, I lied to Uncle Feng." Duanfeng Buer pretended to be mysterious and lowered his voice and whispered in Qianjin's ear: "Actually, I am afraid that you will die, and I will have no place to smoke free cigarettes in the future. These days, it is really hard to find a lucky guy like you who doesn't know the value of cigarettes."

Kicking towards Duanfengbuer vigorously, the Hydra-blooded warrior slipped his body and cleverly dodged the kick, with a wicked smile on his face.

Fentu Kuangge said without even thinking about it under the energetic gaze: "You said you taught me to become stronger, but you haven't taught me yet, so I must follow you."

"I have nowhere to go." Checkfleet spoke with regret.

Looking at the three of them with a vigorous smile, he said softly, "What a bunch of lame reasons."

"These young people..." General Feng looked at the backs of the four who rode their horses out of the fort and shook their heads repeatedly: "I hope you can remember what happened today, and don't forget this friendship in this life."

"Why did you go outside the Great Wall again?" Lei Wei looked at the four people who disappeared in surprise, and then a cold smile emerged: "It's so chaotic outside, just let them die outside. This time, I will help them, Lelica!"

The thin warrior among the two guards leaned close to Lei Wei's side: "Master, what are your orders?"

"You go out too, and tell Dajian what happened." Lei Wei smiled sinisterly: "Spoil my good deeds? If you go out this time, don't even think about coming back! If Dajian doesn't respond to this incident, you should publicize it. Outside the Great Wall, if a member is beheaded but dare not retaliate..."

Lelika straightened her waist, and the blue eyes under the golden eyebrows gleamed with a hint of thinking. No wonder the owner said that as long as Master Lei Wei corrected the shortcomings of lust and impatience, he would be a vicious poisonous snake. It seems that he is still lustful now, but when he calms down and sees what happened, he immediately thinks of such a vicious method.

Outside the Great Wall, if a member of the horse bandit group is beheaded and dare not retaliate, he will be despised by any horse bandit group around. At the same time, the horse bandit group will feel worried because no one will take revenge for their own death, so they will vote for other horse bandit groups, leading to the complete collapse of the horse bandit group.

Back then, the tenth largest horse bandit group outside the Great Wall, the Fiery Horse Bandit Group, did not retaliate because one member was beheaded and killed. As a result, the entire horse bandit group collapsed overnight.

This incident still has a deep impression on the minds of every horse thief.

"Master, I understand." Lelica hurried to the stable.

"Robu Zeta." Lei Wei's peach blossom eyes narrowed into slits: "Go and follow the four of them, don't be discovered by them. Take the female fire pigeon and send a message to Lelica when you find them resting for a long time."

"Young master has a thorough plan." Rob Zeta bowed humbly, turned and walked towards the stable.

Lei Wei looked back at Rob Zeta's back and smiled complacently. This guard was more comfortable than Lelica, at least he knew when to praise his master.

"Fire-headed pigeon..." Lei Wei stretched his waist and walked slowly: "Within a thousand miles, without any guidance, you can sense the position of your spouse. Not to mention that the blood warrior doesn't know that I'm going to deal with him, even if he knows, he can't figure out how I can locate them? It seems that you don't need to go back to Yongliu, you can solve people."

"But..." Lei Wei frowned and looked up at the sky: "Why did they go beyond the Great Wall again? What attracts them there? What are they looking for? Didn't they find it last time?"

"I still haven't found it..."

Hongliu Shizhan stood quietly behind Fabredis, listening to the sigh of the once strongest man in Hongliu Battle Fort.

These days, not only have they fought against the major horse bandits outside the Great Wall, but they have also fought against Anbu twice, but they still haven't found any news about their motivation. It seems that the young warrior who assassinated Anbu's two stars disappeared completely out of thin air.

"How can I find it?" Fabredis murmured in a low voice, "How can I find it? How can I find it?"

"Let's go to the horse thief for help." Duanfeng Buer, who turned his head back to his side, asked vigorously: "According to what General Feng said, Fabredis can be considered a prominent figure outside the Great Wall these days. Even if no one knows the exact location, they will know his general location, right?"

"That's right." Duan Feng Bu Er leaned on his horse and said without forgetting to smoke a cigarette: "If he is really as majestic as General Feng said, I'm afraid the horse thieves will avoid him. Naturally, they can know the general location."

"That's right! So we only need to find the horse thief who is alone..." Ke Jin leaned on the horse's back and glanced back at the back where no one could be seen, frowning slightly: "Someone is following."

"You know all this?" Duanfengbuer took a deep breath on his cigarette: "How do you know?"

Qi Jin pointed to the birds in the sky: "If no one disturbs them, it's normal for a few to fly up to the sky occasionally. Such a large group suddenly flew into the sky and sang, obviously they were frightened."

"Could it be a beast?"

"No." Mo Jin shook his head: "People are more likely."

"Then..." Duanfengbuer looked at Qianjin: "Stop?"

"Of course we have to stop." Gan Jin pointed to a hill full of small trees in the distance: "Go there and see who it is?"

Tap... Tap... Tap... Tap...

Rob Zeta followed the horse galloping up and down, chasing all the way to the hills, got off the horse and stretched out his hands to touch the grass that was trampled by the horse's hooves on the ground. His eyes followed the grass to the direction of the hills, and whispered to himself: "How did they enter this small forest? Could it be that what they are looking for is here?"

Rob Zeta led the horse and walked towards the woods. This kind of place is not suitable for riding a horse, and it is easy to expose one's target by riding a horse. Before determining where the four of them will stay, one must be cautious, cautious!

Be careful... Rob Zeta's feet touched the ground of the forest, and his body stood stiffly in place, not daring to make any movements.

A sharp arrow flickered in the buried leaves. Compared with the threat of the sharp arrow, the owner who controlled the sharp arrow was more terrifying. Sen Han's murderous aura was not locked, but like a hood, completely covering the whole person.

Rob Zeta believed that as long as he made any abnormal movements, he would be pierced by the arrow. Even if he was lucky enough not to be shot, the three bursts of murderous aura of demon warriors lying in ambush around him were enough to strangle him in an instant! Especially the ferocious bloodline warrior, the seven battles against demons! Only this person is enough to decide the outcome of the battle! If you can escape without going into the woods, now you don't even have a chance to escape.

"Isn't this Rob Zeta?" Gan Jin stood up slowly, and the leaves on his body slid to the sides.

Rob Zeta looked at the energetic pupils contracting suddenly, and squeezed out an unnatural smile from the stiff muscles on his face: "What a coincidence? You are here too..."

"Coincidentally?" Qian Jin looked at Rob Zeta with a smile on his face, if he hadn't seen clearly who was coming, he would have shot an arrow just now, leaving a hole in his body: "I was waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Rob Zeta didn't dare to look at the flickering cold front of Qian Jin: "This..."

"Is it interesting?" Rob Zeta's words were interrupted coldly, "I'm not very patient. As long as you make detours again, I'll shoot you."

Looking at the fierce light in Qian Jin's eyes, Rob Zeta felt chills all over his body, and even his hair seemed to stand on end. The murderous aura was filled with a pungent bloody smell. These words were definitely not weak threats, they would really be done.

As long as you continue to hide it... Rob Zeta has no doubt that her drive will blow her head off with an arrow. Under the interference of this bloody murderous aura, people's reactions will become much slower than before. Even if they see the attack of the archer, they may not be able to dodge it.

Rob Zeta raised his head and sighed: "Our young master asked me to come..."

Mo Jin nodded slightly to indicate to continue talking.

Rob Zeta clicked his tongue twice: "Actually, our young master is also doing it for your own good. This time we left the Great Wall together, and when we saw you entering the Great Wall again, let me follow behind. If you encounter difficulties, I will help you... Ah!"

The screams of pain rushed out of the cover of the leaves of the forest, and rushed straight into the sky. The perched birds were frightened and flew into the air, circling over the forest.

Rob Zeta knelt on the ground with one knee, holding her left knee that was gushing blood like a spring, and all she could remember was the terrible arrow just now!

quick! Rob Zeta only saw the flash of the arrow, and when he heard the sound of the bowstring vibrating in his ears, he also felt a sharp pain in his left knee, and fell to the ground uncontrollably, only to find that there were no limbs under his left knee!

A hole was drilled in the grass behind the body by the spiraling arrow, only a little arrow feather was exposed from the ground, and the whole arrow sank into the ground!

An arrow broke his leg! Rob Zeta's whole body was sweating like rain, his body kept shaking, and he looked at Mo Jin in horror, the terrifying archer! He is terrifying, even far above a demon warrior who has fought five or even six battles! His cold heart made it impossible for the victim to feel even the slightest intention before he shot.

"You can lie again." With great enthusiasm, he drew the bow and arrow slowly: "I promise, I will shoot your other leg off."

Pain, fear! This made Rob Zeta unable to stop his body trembling, and his upper and lower teeth rattled non-stop: "If you say it, you will die, if you don't, you will die. Do you think I am a fool?"

"You're very smart." Nodding enthusiastically, "Say, you can die quickly. Don't tell me? I remember reading a book that said that if you cut hundreds of wounds on a human body, smeared honey on them, and then threw people into a colony of ants..."

Duanfeng Buer subconsciously glanced sideways at Mo Jin, raised his hand and scratched his itchy scalp: "What kind of book is this... so cruel."

"There is another method." Rob Zeta said calmly, staring at the fear in his eyes, "First pour boiling water on the person, and then use an iron brush to brush off the skin layer by layer..."

"Stop talking!" Rob Zeta's roar was full of despair: " are more demons than demons..."

Duanfengbuer asked in a low voice: "Old Gan, how do you know such a terrible punishment?"

He raised his eyebrows vigorously: "I usually read more books. In fact, there are many cruel punishments similar to this one. I have a deeper memory of these two..."

"I said..." Rob Zeta's stiff and tense body softened: "The young master said, let me follow you. Let Lelika find the Great Sword Horse Bandit, and then I will release the fire pigeon to contact you to confirm your location..."

"Lei Wei..."

The vigorous eyelids sank slightly, and Rob Zeta's dull eyes suddenly swelled, and he slapped the ground with both hands and kicked the ground with his right leg, and went straight to Chekfleet not far from the right! With more than ten years of combat experience, what I was waiting for was the moment when I heard the name of the person, and that was the last chance!

Rob Zeta stuck out her knuckles on her right arm and rattled non-stop, and the thick skin and bones grabbed Chekfleet's throat! Only this young man is the weakest of the four! With the strength of Jiang Mo World War II, there is more than 70% chance of success in such a close range and slightly distracted situation.

wait to die? Rob Zetta showed a ferocious smile on his face, and even felt that his fingers had touched the delicate skin on Chekfleet's neck. As long as he took this soldier who fell from the devil World War II as a hostage, he didn't need to wait for death at all! can……

Chekfleet's eyes were as black as inkstone for an instant, the blood power of the fallen angel boiled and roared in the inner body, and a ferocious force came out through the body! The supple and gorgeous black feathers broke through the clothes behind him with a single wing, and fully bloomed with a bang!

Holy! A dark yet holy, tyrannical, violent and proud vindictiveness erupted completely from Chekfleet's body. The slender five fingers on his right hand were like the exquisite iron hand forged by the most perfect art master in the world.

Pretty... no! Perfect! Rob Zetta saw a beautiful and perfect palm, blocking the front of Chekfleet's neck, and collided firmly with his palm, as if a palm was lined up on a thick iron block. As soon as the pain was transmitted to the brain, he was frightened by the boundless shock.

Fallen angel blood demon warrior! According to rumors, a magic warrior with the blood of fallen angels unique to the Lucifer family of the demon royal family! Unexpectedly... actually maintains the appearance of a human being!

Among these four people, there is actually someone from the Demon Race! Moreover, it is also a fallen angel blood demon warrior unique to the demon royal family Lucifer! What kind of small group is this?


Chekfleet grabbed Rob Zeta's right hand, and the strength of the Nine Wars of Conquering Demons was close to the peak, instantly crushing his hand bones and destroying Zebrota's last hope.

"Kill." With a light wave of enthusiasm, Chekfleet crushed Rob Zeta's throat with his backhand, and his head, which was upright before, fell limply to the side.

Rob Zeta fell heavily to the ground, his pupils filled with disbelief. After he failed in the sneak attack and was caught, the opponent didn't even say the winner's declaration, and directly killed him.

Winners always like to say a few words of victory before they kill. Rob Zeta was even planning to use that time to find a way to escape again, but the opponent didn't leave him a breath at all to listen to the reasons for his victory.

simply! neat! Fentu Kuangge once again looked at his energy, the idea that was instilled by family members since he was a child, but someone knows and simply implements it.

"Is that Lei Wei?" He rubbed his chin vigorously: "He seems to be from Yongliu too, and he sounds like he's still a family with status. Now he wants to kill me outside the Great Wall. If it's Yongliu, he probably won't stop when he sees that I won't die, right?"

Duan Feng Bu Er covered Rob Zeta's body with some leaves and raised his head and said, "Of course. Qi Jin, you don't know that the Lei family is one of the eight great powers of Yongliu, right?"

"I don't know." Ke Jin shook his head. In the Gan family, we never need to know who the major powers are in any region. We only need to know the powers of the bloodline families in the world, as long as we know the three strongest bloodline families, the royal family, and the bloodlines of the demons, the demon warriors and barbarian warriors.

"You really don't know." Duanfeng Buer straightened his back and beat his back with his hands, smiling like he had found a treasure: "I have known you for so many days, and finally there is something you don't know."

Smiling vigorously and shrugging his shoulders, what's so fun about this? In the eyes of the members of the Gan family, there are only three demon warriors who can enter the ultimate awakened bloodline power, and the other two ultimate awakened bloodline power fighters of the Zhence Dynasty. What other family forces? If you are not convinced, just bombard and trample on it!

People who come out of such an educational environment will be surrounded by all kinds of professional talents, and they don't need to bother their brains to memorize these useless things.

Only the sons of the Gan family who failed to awaken the power of the blood will learn these things when they receive training before serving the family.

Motivation scratched his head, he left the Gan family after failing to awaken the power of the bloodline, and did not receive training from the family at all, so naturally he would not know about the Eight Great Powers of Eternal Flow.

"The Lei family is still very powerful in Yongliu." Fentu Kuangge said softly with an unfriendly expression: "There are a few talents from their family who are in different unions and can integrate part of their strength. It's really not easy to provoke."

Seeing Fentu Kuangge's expression, Mo Jin finally realized that the Lei family should not be weak, and that it is obviously a powerful family that can get the evaluation of the God of War family from ordinary fighters.

"Really?" Motivatedly touched his chin: "In this case, why not go back and get rid of this unsafe factor first?"

"Kill it?" Fentu Kuangge was taken aback, staring blankly at Mo Jin.

"Otherwise?" Motivatedly looking back at Fentu Kuangge: "Could it be that when he returns to Yongliu, he mobilizes the power of the family to deal with me alone? If it's just a small conflict, I don't care. But, he wants to kill me. If he can't kill me once, he will be afraid, but he won't stop killing me because of fear, but will use greater strength to kill me."

ps: Yesterday, under the instigation of a few dull people, I learned to use YY. But the sad thing is that the background music can't be used, so I howled two songs...they were shamelessly secretly recorded by the sinners. But it was very fun, and we will YY together when we have a chance in the future.

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