Comeback 1992

Chapter 583: The known universe speaks Chinese

  Chapter 583 The known universe speaks Chinese

   This is an angel warrior, belonging to the angel civilization, his name is Yan! Yes, it is the most beautiful place in my life north of the Milky Way.

  Of course, the appearance is naturally different from that of ten years later, but the character setting is the same.

  Female, with a tough and proud personality, and a little playful. With masculine courage, super strength, and extremely beautiful female characters, they can always gain a large number of fans.

  Han Songlin also gave the editor a general plot of the animation "Xiong Binglian", and talked about the settings, such as angel civilization, gluttonous civilization, Kamikawa civilization, Styx civilization, physical warfare and so on.

  The entire production team also added their own newly set civilization to it.

  Each civilization has its own civilization philosophy, and it will do whatever it takes to practice its own philosophy.

  In the whole anime, there is no absolute justice and evil, but different ways of doing things are shown because of the different pursuits of civilizations.

  After more than two years of perfecting the entire story, it has finally entered a pre-production stage.

  First of all, it is necessary to determine each role.

  For example, the major protagonists in it have to be finalized.

  Wang Yuan didn't think much of the Angel Yan on the computer, he had already seen many of them.

  This kind of sassy female character is really too difficult to make. After making many versions, I feel unsatisfied.

  As the director of this animation, Wang Yuan is still a newcomer in the animation industry. Wang Yuan graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts, the best academy in Huaguo. After graduation, he became an art director, and now he is a director.

  Before, Huawen Film and Television launched a new director support plan, requiring those who are interested in developing in the direction of directors to vote for their works to Huawen Film and Television.

  The work is required to be a short film, and it is best not to exceed ten minutes in time.

  The directors of the top ten works will receive financial support from Chinese film and television, with an amount ranging from one million to five million.

  Wang Yuan came up with a work and won the sixth place.

  Hua Wen Film and Television invited Wang Yuan to join, Wang Yuan naturally did not hesitate and joined directly.

   Then I chose to do animation.

   Those who are engaged in art are naturally familiar with animation.

  Wang Yuan studied with the original animation director, and then directed a cartoon by himself.

  The results are quite good.

  This time the new animation project was established, so Wang Yuan was naturally selected to take on the big responsibility.

  For this animation, Wang Yuan put all his heart and soul into it, calling the entire project team together to study the animation script.

  Think about the role and make a portrait of the role.

  The role of Angel Yan is a bit difficult to control; she is the left-wing guard of Angel civilization, and has participated in many wars, large and small, so she should belong to a hard-hearted person.

  But people have faith!

  She is practicing the belief of the angelic civilization, and she wants to spread justice and order to the entire known universe, so that life in the known universe can live happily under the justice and order.

  When the entire anime was created, the character of Angel Hiko was created according to a super idol, so the character setting must be finely crafted.

   "Boss, this is Angel Yan. It's still only the first version, and it hasn't been finalized yet."

  Han Songlin didn't know that there are so many twists and turns in animation production. From his point of view, Tianyan is doing pretty well now.

  Heroic, beautiful and moving!

  As for what the Chinese animation version of "Xiong Binglian" will be produced, Han Songlin really doesn't know.

   Anyway, it will definitely be very different from the one produced by Chaoshen Films.

  After all, the Chinese animation version is absolutely original, and there will be no lol characters for reference.

  For example, the male protagonist will not be set to be a dick.

  Diaosi marries a goddess and falls in love with a goddess. No matter what, I feel that this setting is problematic.

  The identity of the male protagonist is set to be an ordinary person, an eighteen-year-old boy who is studying in Hongxing Middle School and is about to take the college entrance examination.

  The male protagonist's parents are employees of Xinghai Group, and the male protagonist has a very happy family.

  The entire identity setting of the male lead is part of the advertisement.

  Just to tell everyone that if you want to marry a goddess, you come to Hongxing Middle School to study.

  People nowadays, I don’t know, can they get to this point?

  The other supporting male characters won't do anything like a gangster; if they really become gangsters, believe it or not, they won't even be able to pass the audit?

  This animation is not meant to be broadcast on the Internet platform, it is going to be broadcast on TV stations, can it be messed up.

  The current animation is not too strict in the review, as long as it is not too much, basically it can pass the review.

  In the future, it will become more and more difficult to do animation, which actually has a lot to do with the parents.

  All kinds of reports, no one can handle it.

  The production company can't handle it, and neither can the review department.

  After all, in Huaguo, the people's affairs are the big ones.

"The story of this anime is a very interesting story. I hope you can create a classic anime. After ten or twenty years, when the children who have watched it grow up, they will chat with each other about this anime. When it comes time, I will still be able to remember the characters and stories in it." Han Songlin was quite satisfied after seeing the entire story frame adapted from the Chinese animation version.

  The love between the hero and Angel Yan, the clash of civilizations, and the fight for beliefs are all very interesting.

   This is the story of protecting and inheriting civilization and fighting for civilization.

   Always let the children know that the entire known universe is speaking Chinese, not English.

  Wang Yuan nodded seriously. As a director, he naturally hopes to make a classic work; no one wants to screw up his own work.

   "We will work hard!"

"come on!"

  Wang Yuan nodded solemnly: "Yes!"

  Han Songlin wandered around the various production project teams of Chinese animation. The project teams are large and small, such as the project team of Xinghai, which has dozens of people.

  It’s like some small project teams, just a few people.

  Of course, if the results are made, then the number of people will expand, ten, twenty, or even hundreds.

  Everything depends on the grades.

  Of course, grades are also related to income, so each project team is quite vigilant.

   After visiting the Chinese animation, Han Songlin left.

  Han Songlin didn't go home either, but went to Xinghai Real Estate's office in Xinghai Pioneer Park.

  The office of Xinghai Real Estate in Xinghai Pioneering Park looks pretty big.

  When Han Songlin and Wen Yue came in, someone rushed to greet them.

   "Hello, sir and ladies, how can I help you?"

  Han Songlin looked up and down at the smiling person in front of him. He was wearing a white shirt and short skirt, which was very common professional attire.

   There is also a work card hanging on it, indicating his identity.

  Wen Yue looked at the little girl in front of her in surprise. Didn't the little girl misunderstand something?

   Misunderstanding or something, it doesn't matter.

  The important thing is that the little girl didn't seem to recognize Han Songlin, which is a bit inappropriate.

   There may be a photo of Han Songlin on the brochure of Xinghai Group, and this should be known to every employee of the group.

  (end of this chapter)

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